episode 10

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!



   Another step

August 01, 2021

The girls all tapped thier fingers nervously on the table as they waited for the PR team, the girls looking at the cameras. Their looks having changed in rapid succesion, from hair color, style and to their general appearance as well. 


June 04, 2021

Hyejin waved at the camera as she got her makeup touched up while looking past the artist as Chaemin took solo photos behind her. Mingxia took a nap in a chair in the dressing while Yebin and Jaelin ate their lunch, Yayin was getting her hair touched up as Aika took photos of Chaemin while the photographer took the youngest's photos. 

"We are shooting our teasers today, we have three sets, I think." Hyejin fillled the camera by her, in on what was happening. "We've shot two music videos and we have one more to film this month and then its final touches on our album." Hyejin said before thanking the makeup artist as she walked away, to work on Aika's makeup.

"Hyejin shi!" The production assitant called as Chaemin bowed and left the set, smiling and waving to the camera as she carefully escaped the set. 

June 20, 2021

Yebin yawned as the dancers behind them finished warming up, Chaemin dancing along to the playback as Aika had the top of her jacket down cooling off a bit before they would start again. Mingxia stood as the makeup artist touched her up, Yayin gave the camera a 'v-sign' as Hyejin smiled beside her and waved. Jaelin sitting on the ground infront of them. 

they are filming music video #3 now, enjoy this dance teaser.



July 07,2021

Mingxia lowered her mask and smiled at the camera in the recording room where it sat on the corner of the desk. She sighed before her attention was absorded into the computer infront of her.

"Ming ming~" Jaelin sang as she entered the studio, carrying a smoothie with her bag hanging off one shoulder. "What is it today?" She asked sitting int he chair beside the younger.

"Hyejin unnie's song." Mingxia answered, giving Jaelin the sheet that Hyejin had marked up prior for the members, in case she wasn't able to make it to the session. Luckily she was able to, she walked in typing away on her phone Jaelin getting up and heading inside to warm up. "Are you excited?"

"A little bit." Hyejin said as Mingxia slid her the button that connected to the other room. "Okay, a little excited and extremely nervous."

"You'll be fine." Mingxia said, sipping on her iced tea as she pulled her hat lower.


August 01, 2021

"The abum is finished. Congrats on your hard work, ladies." The PR rep said, the girls smiling and nodding in thanks. "Ready for a full listen? Plus the mv is done." The girls nodded excitedly. 

Not for the publics ears yet....

"We are planning for your debut to be October 30. We will be releasing teaser photos when this episode airs. Your debut is scheduled for the same day the show comes out as it will be the last episode and your debut showcase as well. It'll start 30 minutes before your showcase starts, playing more behind the scenes of your debut, never before seen interveiw moments, recording studio footage and anything else the fans might be interested in. We also will have the same idols whom helped select you guys will be there to see how far you've come." She looked at all of their faces seeing the anxiety beginning to take over.

"You girls are ready for this. You'll perform the three new singles and a few songs off the album as well. And be able to introduce yourselves as the talented girls we know you are."


August 04, 2021

The girls breathed heavily as they struck their ending pose, Hyejin and Aika falling to the ground after the song started again. Jaelin, Chaemin and Yebin, groaned loudly as Mingxia and Yayin bent over at the waist catching their breath. 

"I was scared when the journey first started." Jaelin's voiceover playing as Jaelin watched their playback. "It's hard to leave everyone and everything you know to be where you've dreamed, I get emotional thinking about Myungsa, Yayin and Aika unnie leaving another country to be here with us." A shot of Mingxia going over a part of choreography with Jaelin and Aika. 

"I remeber my name being called and being completely lost on what this would be become." Yayin's voiceover playing as Yayin drank her water smiling as Chaemin spoke to her. "I didn't know what it felt like to want something as badly as everyone of us do. We have members that were turned down for groups multiple times and even missing another chance to debut early this year and chose to stay." A clip of Yayin laughing as Hyejin and and Yebin went back and forth.

"These girls will always be a big part of my journey and life. I can see why members of temporary groups have such a hard time after they disband." Aika's voice over played as she watched Mingxia listening to Chaemin talk. "We haven't even debuted and all I'm thinking of is how its gonna be when this over. It's kind of sad." Aika laughed at herself as a clip of her looking at Yebin with wide eyes played.

"When I auditioned, I remember being so nervous that I wasn't going to get along with the girls in the group. Just based off the interactions between the performances. I never would've guessed I'd be here debuting girls whom are similar to me in many ways." Yebin's voice over played as she sat on the floor sipping her water, watching the other members. "Not to mention they are better than I could've imagined, not matter how much I felt insecure and uncomfortable in the beginning. It went away, slowly." A clip of Yebin hugging Chaemin played.

"My family were worried when I was offered to debut this young, my sisters knew how it was to feel the public pressure at such a young age. I'm glad I'm doing it with who I am." Chaemin's voiceover played as she sat beside Hyejin nodding in the recording studio. "This past year was nerve wracking, multiple points I thought about backing out, saying I haven't even trained as long as half of the others. They kept assuring me that I was here because I am good enough, hearing them talk about their trainee lifes was also eye opening to here they didn't want me to experience the feelings they did at all." A clip of Aika patting Chaemin's head in passing played.

"When we sat down to discuss our profiles, I didn't what to put for position besides vocal. They took a vote one night and decided to make me the leader." Hyejin's voiceover played as she handed out their water bottles during rehearsal. "I don't know how to be a leader, after talking to some of my seniors they told you never know, you just hope you're doing your best. Others said, if your members are happy, respectful and doing their job, you're doing good. I don't even know where I fall on the spectrum." A clip of Hyejin putting Yayin's hair in a braid played.


August 10, 2021

Mingxia waved to the camera as she walked in a building with her mask on, she bowed as other idols passed her. The group bowing to her as well, as she walked into the recording studio at another company bulding, sitting down she took out her laptop as the door opened, she bowed deeply as a girl greeted her kindly.

"Ah, is it okay if a record in here?" She asked, as the girl sat beside her, nodding.

"I'll introduce myself. Hello, everyone I'm (G)-IDLE leader, Soyeon." She said waving to the camera before looking at Mingxia fully. "Wah. you and Yuqi do look alike. I thought Jaelin unnie was lying." Mingxia thanked her, before beginning to talk about the song she wanted her to listen to.


August 15, 2021

"This is our first time at RBW." Jaelin said to her camera as the group entered the building following Mingxia as she greeted staff members. Once the girls got settled in a practice room, they stretched and played music in the background. Mingxia stood by the computer setting up her laptop to it, A knock on the door scaring them, a head stuck in and a smile in the eyes caused the group to stand quickly. 


Hwasa hugging Mingxia, patting her head, as Solar cooed. The members looked at the interaction shocked.

"Myungsa has been one of the longest trainees here, we watched her grow up." Solar clued the members in, as Hwasa let the younger go. "When we heard you would be here we wanted to stop by, and oversee a performance since neither of us are gonna be at the showcase."

"You want to see one of the new songs?"Hyejin asked, smiling behind her mask. The two nodded, taking a seat on the floor in front of the miror. Mingxia went to start the countdown as the girls got in position.


September 30, 2021

The girls each were adjusting their earpieces as they stood on the large stage prepared for them. Hyejin nodded as Manager Moon spoke to her about the  schedule for the day, as the others were doing mic checks witht heir headsets. Jaelin and Chaemin waved to the camera as Yebin danced between them, Yain and Aika were doing vocal warm ups. 

The group got in position for the first song.

The girls all sat on the stage eating their lunch as they breaked for rehearsals.

"We're working hard, to make our debut as perfect as it can be." Jaelin said, Aika nodding next to her. 

"It's hard but we are trying our best." Aika chimed in, smiling at the camera.






hannah (hyejin)


lin (jaelin)






xia (mingxia)




"Let's welcome, TRANCE!"

"Hello we are Trance!"

"Thank you For watching, please continue to support us on our journey!"

author's note.  I hope everyone enjoyed this (long) chapter!! Anyways, stay safe everyone!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
14 streak #2
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
14 streak #3
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
14 streak #4
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
14 streak #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
14 streak #8
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
14 streak #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)