episode 8

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!



   Another step


January 02, 2021

Aika stretched as she stood out of her bed walking to the door with her phone in hand. Opening the door she jumped seeing Mingxia waking past the door from the bathroom in a black hoodie. The younger blinking at her before continuing back to the living room where Jaelin laid sprawled out on the couch, her blonde hair grown out a bitat this point. Mingxia's laptop and hard drives sat on the coffee table, infront of the blonde. 

"How long have you guys been up?" Aika whispered as Mingxia entered the kitchen putting the tea kettle on. 

"We never went to sleep. We've been working on a song for a pre-release." Jaelin said, Aika nodding as Mingxia brought a tray out of mugs.

"It's the tea oppa gave me." Mingxia said, the girls nodded and grabbed a mug each. 

"How are you spending your free day?" Aika asked, as they settled into the living room.

"I'm gonna go hang out with my best friend I haven't seen him since before the audition." Jaelin said, sipping the tea and giving a thumbs up to Mingxia. 

"Thats great." Aika smiled at the other before looking to Mingxia whom was focused on her laptop screen. "Myungsa?"

"Oh. I'm gonna paint and shop with my brother and one of our friends." Mingxia answered, closing her laptop slowly. "What about you unnie?"

"I'm gonna hang out with some friends too. It's gonna be nice to see them again. Make sure you take a new mask. Manager Moon oppa bought some more." Aika pointed to the cabinet by the door the two nodding.


Hyejin rolled out of bed with a yawn walking out of the room straight to the bathroom. Mingxia waved by the the two in the living room as she headed out, Yayin putting her hair up as she left the shared room, greeting the two in the living room.

"Where's xia?" Yayin asked, looking for the other chinese member. The other two smiling at her before Aika responded.

"She's meeting up with her brother." The screen cutting to said member walking holding the camera as she looked both ways crossing the street.

"This is our first free day in a while so, we're all trying to make the most of it." She paused as she waited for the crossing signal to change, checking her appearance in the camera. "I'm hanging out with my brother and then we are grabbing some food later with a friend." Crossing the street she waved as she spotted someone holding the camera closer to her. "I thought it was just Hao oppa." She muttered as she greeted someone. "Are you guys okay to appear on camera?"

"Our manager said it should be fine since our company is a part of yours." A slightly deeper voice said. 

"Okay." she said holding the camera out further and turning around so the two were shown. 



"Where did you get this?" The8 asked, pinching Mingxia's jacket as they all walked together.

"Ah, YinYin gave it to me for my birthday." She said looking up at her brother whom nodded. "I don't know why they insisted on me vlogging. I talk the least." She said the other two nodding in agreement, as they walked into a store, Vernon holding the door open for them.


Jaelin waved to the camera as she walked down the street.

"My bestfriend works at a coffee shop near my old apartment building, so I'm heading there now." She said, squinting against the sun as she rounded a street corner. Opening a door to a cafe she greeted the staff as they took her temperature. 

"Lin!" A voice cheered smiling and waving as she turned the camera to the male behind the counter.

"Wonhyun, it's been too long." Jaelin whined as he typed her order.

"I blame your schedule, is the camera for the vlogs?" He asked, making her drink.

"Hm." She hummed in response, smiling under her mask. "All of my members are doing stuff today, please tell me you get off soon." She said, as he handed her the drink.

"I get off in 20 minutes, there's a shoe store that just opened up down the street. I'll meet you there." Jaelin nodded as Wonhyun waved to the camera, as the blonde left the cafe.

"He knows my soft spots, we've been friends since our first year of high school. He doesn't really understand the whole idol thing but, he supports me like a good friend should. " Jaelin said as she walked drinking her coffee. 



Yebin linked arms with Yayin as the two skipped on the sidewalk. 

"We're going the same way so we decided to go together at least. " Yebin said, The two sharing a look at the building before them, then each other. "Wait why are you here?"

"I should be asking you that, unnie." Yayin said looking at Yebin confused as the older cleared her thoart looking far away.

"I'm meeting my brother at the cafe down the way. " Yayin nodded before seperating from the older and waving bye to her. 

"I'm visiting one of my best friends, she should still be here." Yayin said, entering the building she bowed politlely pulling out an ID card before walking inside. "Welcome to Big Hit." Yayin said twirling around.  "This is only the second time I've been back since the show started, the first was with my group members. Now, it's to visit some of my friends." She paused, a shocked sound leaving her as she bowed in greeting. 

"Are you visiting?" One of the voices asked, Yayin nodding. "Ah, I hope the debut prep is going well." She bowed again and nodded.

"It is. It's our free day so must of us are visiting people. " Yayin clued the other in, she motioned to the camera. "You're welcome to say hi to our veiwers."

Two heads popped into frame.



"Hello!" They both chimed bowing together.  

"I won't keep you guys any longer, next time I see you guys will be on stage." Yayin said waving to them and bowing as the two ran off. 


Hyejin waved at the camera as she leaned on the cafe table sipping from the coffee infront of her. A person sitting beside her in frame, the girl waved as she took her mask off to drink her tea.

"This is my best friend, Cho Yoonjo, she's practically my sister." She said introducing the fellow trainee, whom smiled and bowed her head.

"Speaking of, how are your siblings?"

"They're doing good, Jaehun is in college, they grow up so fast." Hyejin wiped fake tears, as Yoonjo shook her head. "Haesoo is doing good in school, appearantly everyone in her school knows I'm gonna debut soon." Hyejin lowered her voice at the end.

"It's okay to be excited."

"But, after -"

"It's okay, just means I need to work harder to stand on the stage with you guys." Yoonjo said with a smile, pattign Hyejin's shoulder in comfort.

"If ONE Label decides to create another girl group, I'm putting you there." Hyejin said pouting at Yoonjo whom shook her head at her friend.


Aika adjusted her mask as she walked into a resturant getting her temperature checked. She followed the staff back to the room towards the back. She waved excitedly at the group that responded in cheers at her appearance. Laughing as she thanked the staff and sat down in the empty spot, someone taking the camera and setting it at the end of the table so they could all be seen. 



"Isn't Myungsa, hanging out with Myungho?" Seungcheol asked, drinking the water in front of him, Aika nodding as she removed her mask.

"I was shocked when both of you were available to hang out." Aika said drinking the water, Baekho poured for her.

"No way we're gonna deprive of Myungho seeing his sister. That's just cruel." Seungcheol joked, as JR and Baekho nodded in agreeance.

"Wait. Isn't this our first appearance on the show with you?" Baekho asked, pointing to the camera, Aika nodded. "No one tease or make fun of her." Baekho scolded the other two, JR scoffed as Seungcheol shook his head.

"You're the one we should be scolding." Aika joined in, giving her best friend a look, before smiling at the other two, as their food arrived.


Yebin pushed a door open followed by walking down a set of stairs, knocking on a door before entering she was greeted by uncharacteristically loud voices greeting her. She winced by making a face at them. 

"I'm just gonna have the camera face me so don't worry." She said calming the voices before sittign on a couch, checking the background before settign it down on a table. "You already ordered food?" She asked, eyeing the others not shown. She shook her in disappoint. "I haven't eaten anything, buy me food." She whined, a pregnant pause before she sighed. "I guess I'll call mom." She said pulling out her phone, protests soon following as she smiled putting her phone down.


Chaemin sighed as she sat in the vocal practice room surrounded by books and paperwork.

"I have homework and assignments to do before the new year starts. " She sighed again, sinking into her chair.



January 20, 2021

The seven girls walked onto a set resembling a mansion, bowing and greeting the staff as they walked to the center. They looked to each other confused as they adjusted the way they stood. Hyejin looking around as, Chaemin pursed her lips looking at the cameras.

"We have a special episode for the fans and you girls." Their PD said, the girls nodding. "One of you mentioned something you wanted to do, during your free day." They all looked at each other weary.

"Whats one thing you want to do as an idol?" Vernon asked as he sipped on the tea before, Mingxia pondered for a second.

"A GoSe episode. Alot of them seem like fun."

"We brought in some of the creatives behind Going Seventeen. " The girls looked on in shock. Mingxia put her head down, Yayin checking on her. "You will be working with SEVENTEEN in a special episode. One inspired by the 'Don Lie' and mafia games." Jaelin and Yebin protested as Seventeen members walked in, Aika fake crying as Chaemin pouted at the producers.


SEVENTEEN's S.Coups, Hoshi, Woozi, Mingyu, DK, Vernon and Seungkwan


"Say the Name, Seventeen. Hello we are Seventeen." They greeted bowing in greeting to the girls as well, whom returned the gesture. 

"Now, it wouldn't be a Going Seventeen episode without a twist. The votes have to unanimous. If even one person is against it, they survive." Hyunsuk of GoSe said, the two groups nodding. "You'll each go and recieve your role. There is 3 mafia, 1 doctor and 2 detectives. The detectives will only be able to choose one person every night. "


The groups went and sat on the couches and chairs as each member headed into a room further away to recieve their role.




"You can't trust her!"

"What did I do to you?"

"We're never finding the money at this rate."


author's note.  I'm sorry! This chapter has been written for a while, I kept forgetting to edit and go over it! With switching jobs and adjusting there it's been a bit hectic!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'm finishing up the last few for this "show", and prepping chapters for their debut and such!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
14 streak #2
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
14 streak #3
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
14 streak #4
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
14 streak #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
14 streak #8
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
14 streak #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)