episode 5

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!

   Another step


NOVEMBER 11, 2019

Aika and Yayin sat in the recording studio, as Jaelin and Mingxia sat at the desk working on the lyrics of a few of the songs. Mingxia print off the latest updated version, passing it over to the other two so they could read it over. 

Hyejin and Yebin were currently at the store, grabbing groceries as Chaemin was at school like the good student they wanted her to be. Yebin double checked her phone as they walked down an aisle.

"Myungsa said, Yayin's birthday is on the 17." Yebin called out, Hyejin nodding as she grabbed veggies.

"We should grab a calender while were here, and everyone can write their birthdays on it." Hyejin said, putting some scallions in the cart. "Should we do a little party for her?" 

"Thats a good idea. I don't know where she stands on surprises." Yebin said, pursing her lips in thought.


Mingxia nodded as Aika sang alongside the guide that was in Mandarin, Jaelin nodding as well as she read over the lyrics beside Yayin.

"Let's listen back." Mingxia said holding the button before her, Aika nodding.

Mingxia checked her phone seeing a text from Yebin about a surprise party, quickly locking it and turning it over as Yayin stood behind her.


November 17, 2019

Yayin danced slightly infront of the camera Chaemin held as the two stood in the elevator on the way up to their dorm. Chaemin bouncing with her, 

"I have no idea why we have so much energy still. We just finished our workout and physical at the doctors." Chaemin filled the camera in, as Yayin nodded behind her.

The two exited the elevator going to the their door, Yayin putting the code in.

An hour earlier.

"Chae says they just got to the doctors office!" Jaelin called out in the dorm, from her bed where she laid. Yebin on the floor before her, finishing wrapping the small gift they got for Yayin. Mingxia whom was in the ktichen with Hyejin shared a worried look with the older as Aika was startled out of her focused cleaning of the living room. The five soon in high gear setting up decorations, and pulling out the cake as Manager Son texted them to let them know they were back to the dorm building. Turnign the lights off quickly and lighting the candles as Yayin put in the passcode. 

"Uh, where's everyone?" Yayin muttered stepping inside looking around Aika smiling as they turned the corner, Mingxia turning on the lights as the girls began singing Happy Birthday in Mandarin. Yayin smiled brightly at them as Chaemin joined them in singing.

JUNE 2020

Your birthday was the first that was celebrated together how'd it feel?

"Uh," Yayin smiled at the memory. "I realised how lucky I was not for being selected but, for these girsl to be selected as well. I wasn't expecting anything but, I was relaly happy and felt loved." Yayin chuckled as Jaelin steppped in frame and hugged her and atted the younger's head.


November 21, 2019

"I have the finalised version of -bleep-." Mingxia said as she entered the dance studio with her laptop in hand, as the others were stretching, she hooked up her laptop.

"Should we go over the chorus choreo while listening?" Aika asked, the toher churosing in agreement, the oldest smiling at their enthusasim.


June 2020

"People will only see about 20% of our actual total timed filmed. They probably won

t see how driven each and everyone is driven and wanting this more and more." Jaelin said, with a slight sigh. "We all have our little things that kind of don't make sense but, you love it as you get to know the actual person."


November 28, 2019

Hyejin and Aika nodding as the choreographer adjusts their angles, as they each worked on their group parts. Jaelin and Yebin holding back their laughs as Chaemin stold infront of Mingxia to practice their part. Being able see Mingxia's eyes over the younger's head, Chaemin playfully glaring at the older as she turned around. Mingxia giving her a smile. Yayin walking in after her wardrobe fitting for the upcoming performances. 

"Lets do a run through." The choreographer stated, the girls nodding and getting into position.


December 6, 2019

"We need a group cover still, right?" Yebin asked, as she spun in the chair beside Mingxia in the recording studio. Chaemin was in school, Aika and Jaelin were making a grocery run while, Yayin and Hyejin were in vocal training. Mingxia hummed in response, Yebin scooted closer to look at what Mingxia was working on. Yebin in a pair of pastel joggers and a black long sleeved crop top, her hair in a high ponytail. Mingxia in a black bucket hat, a black short sleeved crop top and black cargo pants with green detailing. 

Manager Moon knocking on the door and entering, with papers in their hands.

"You girls want to fill this out real quick." They said handing them the papers the two nodded.

"Hyejin unnie and Yinnie are with Mrs. Seo." Yebin filled them in with a smile, their manager closed the door. "What if we did another boy group?" 

"Who?" Mingxia asked, grabbing a pen from the holder to fill out the paper they were given.

"An OG. Someone everyone knows." Yebin said turning tot he camera on the desk to show what they were filling out. "I guess this for our official profiles when we debut." 


Aika, in dark denim jeans and matching jean jacket with a black and white thin striped shirt under it, and Jaelin, wearing a thicker black coat and a long sleeved grey fitted shirt and black ripped skinny jeans, wiggled infront of the camera as Manager Son paid for their food. The two bowed politlely as they turned to leave heading back to the van. 


Hyejin, in an oversized pink sweater and light denim jeans, her hair in loose braids; nodded along with the trainer as she spoke. Yayin, wearing an off white kardigan and a white shirt tucked into looser fitting black jeans. The two smiled in greeting to Manager Moon whom handed them the papers, before closing the door again. The two turning their attention back to the lyric sheet and their trainer.


December 14, 2019

Hyejin stood in teh recording studio, wearing a colorful fitted long sleeve shirt with a white kardigan thrown over it and ripped light toned denim skinny jeans. She put her hands on her hips as she waited for Mingxia's direction, grabbing her tea on the chair beside her taking a sip. 

"At the end raise your tone a bit." Mingxia said, in full producer mode, Hyejin sighing before responding. Adjusting her stance as Mingxia started the part again, Jaelin sitting on the couch behind Mingxia whom was listening intently. Mingxia in a baseball cap with pink stitching, a black tee and black skinny jeans. Jaelin's hair half-up, wearing a white sweater with black jeans. 


Chaemin screamed as Aika and her stretched together, Aika sitting on the younger's back.

"UNNIE!!" Chaemin yelled asking for mercy, Aika standing up, Chaemin falling back onto her back. Aika chuckling, as Chaemin pouted. Aika in an oversized white long sleeved shirt with black track pants with a wide white stripe on the side with her hair in a high bun. Chaemin in black shorts and a pastel tie dye shirt, her hair in  low pig tails. Yayin and Yebin stretching as well while laughing at the two. Yayin in an oversized grey sweater with black leggings and her hair up in space buns. Yebin wearing grey joggers and a matching grey crop top tank top with a black windbreaker over it.

"The cover is finished recording wise, right?" Aika asked, as they all sat on the floor waiting for the other 3 to finish up.

"I believe so. Mingming wanted to do finishing touches on -bleep-" Yebin stated, having been spending more time beside the younger girl over the last week. 

"Ah, thats the second one right?" Chaemin asked, laying on her stomach, Aika throwing a jacket over the youngest's legs. 

"Yep, she sadi something about the unit songs being produced by a different producer to try out other styles." Yebin stated, leaning against Yayin. 

"Oh fun!" Aika said, leaning forward as their choreographer walked in, Mingxia, Jaelin and Hyejin following after. Mingxia setting her laptop up with the sound system.


December 23, 2019

The seven sat in the conference room they sat a few months ago, Mingxia on her laptop making final submissions for her classes as the others chatted around her. Their managers walked in, Manager Son tapping Mingxia's shoulder, the younger saving and closing her laptop as PR reps walked in, the girls standing and bowing to them as they took their seats. Their trainers following in after, the girls taking their seats again giving the four before them their full attention.

"Let's get straight to business. We have selected the units we want for the showcase at the end of January. We know you girls are hard at work already with the two original songs, your trainers have spoke with us about your ability to adapt to songs and changes very quickly. Some more than others." The PR rep stated, the girls nodding and chuckling a bit at her last statment. 

"We spilt you into two units, under unit 1 we have, Hayashi Aika, Kwon Jaelin, Wei Yayin and Lee Chaemin. Unit 2, Park Hyejin, Min Yebin and Su Myungsa." The vocal trainer read off a paper she held. The girls nodding in understanding.

"Here are the songs we have selected for each unit based off skill and concepts we want to try." The PR rep stated, nodding to the dance trainer whom hit play on the computer.

Stay tuned to see how these projects turn out!


December 25, 2019
The girls laughed as they sat in their living room together having just finished another group practice along with Unit recordings. Hyejin cut the cake on their table, as Mingxia passed out silverware and drinks, Yayin leaned on Jaelin as Aika recalled her first Christmas in Korea. Yebin leaned on the table listening intently, as Chaemin smiled and chuckleld at Aika explaining how she was Nu'EST fan first before joining their company. 

June 2020

Mingxia played with the bracelet she wore, keeping her eyes on the floor.

"I had always felt a bit out of place and lonely even when I was in my company. After meeting these girls, it just feels right and I feel like this is my place now." She said, sighing lightly at the end when she looked at the camera again.  "I never really knew if it was because of the other foreign members or because all of our very different but similar personalities."

December 31, 2019

The girls worked hard in their unit practices, Hyejin's unit were being monitored by the vocal trainer as they worked through the dance with their vocals. Jaelin's unit were working with the dance trainer along with back up dancers. Their eyes all fierce and focused as they ran through the songs, not even noticing the time changing to midnight.

Janruary 1, 2020 Happy New Year!

Chaemin was the first to notice when they took a short break for water.

"Happy New Year!" She yelled int he room, scaring everyone who soon smiled and replied to her. She soon left the room to go see the other three and tell them. "Happy New Year Unnies!" She yelled sticking her head throught the door as the girls were also taking a break, the group jumping before replying and smiling at the youngest.

"Wait! Yinnie and Mingming are now legal adults in Korea!" Hyejin pointed out as the other three jumped Chaemin in the doorway, everyone cheering as the two Chinese members merely smiled. 

"Girls back to rehearsals." The trainers scolded with smiles under their masks, the girls soon returning to their seperate rooms and returning to practice.


Janruary 10, 2020
Aika put on her mask, as Mingxia fixed her hair both using the veiw finder on the camera before heading out. The two linking arms as they headed downstairs to the van where Manager Son was waiting for them. Getting inside they removed their masks, putting their seat belts on.

"South Korea is on a bit of a lockdown, but we are heading to our studio which is fairly sanitised and we get temperature checked as soon as we get there." Aika informed, putting a thumbs up.

"Jae unnie's birthday is soon." Mingxia spoke up from her phone, looking up at their manager then to Aika.

"We should order something for a gift, and make a grocery list." Aika said, trying to think what Jaelin would want as a gift.

"I'll have the food delivered to the dorm." Manager Son spoke up, the two nodding in agreement. 


Janruary 23,2020

The seven got their mic packs set up along with their earpieces.

Their first practice run on a big stage.

Chaemin wearing pink joggers and a white tee, practiced Ending Fiary poses with Jaelin, wearing black high waisted leggings and a black cropped tee with a black jacket, jokingly as Yayin, wearing a oversized white sweater tucked into light wasjhed denim ripped jeans her hair in low pigtails, and Hyejin, wearing white track pants with a light blue side stripe and a matching crop top her hair in a low ponytail,  warmed up. Mingxia, wearing a neon yellow bucket hat along with a black tee with neon yellow writing and a pair of black cargo pants, tapped her leg nervously. Aika, wearing an oversized pink hoodie with white lettering on it and black leggings her hair laying over her shoulders, was busying herself with helping Yebin connect her earpieces. Yebin wearing a grey crop top and black joggers with a white stripe on the side along with, a black case ball cap. 

The girls broke off to do their unit rehearsala, the camera showing Jaelin's units mouths dropping actually seeing the whole song together. 

"This is gonna be the first time we all see the unit songs all in one go." Aika said to the camera as they got ready for their stage, at the end of their rehearsal the lights turned off for a few seconds.

"Happy Birthday!" The other girls yelled, scaring Jaelin as the lights came back on. Chaemin, Yayin and Hyejin popping confetti while, Mingxia held a cake with two candles in it for the older. Whom smiled as they chorused singing 'Happy Birthday' in Korean into their mics along with the staff singing with them. Once they finished singing, Jaelin blew out the candles, everyone cheering. Yebin hugging Jaelin as the older held the cake carefully. 

"Lets have unnie put it down, I would rather not have us on a compliation video." Hyejin said, the others agreeing moving out of Jaelin's way so the older could put down the cake and they can return to rehearsals.


Janruary 31, 2020

To comply with COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines, instead of an in person audience, executives were shown live footage. Only the trainers and minimal staff were allowed on site, with temperature checks and sanitisation.

"Alright, welcome to the first progress showcase! It'll start with the cover the girls have prepared." The vocal trainer introduced on the stage, the girls adjusting their mics and earpieces one last time before waiting in their positions.

// Dami- Jaelin ; SuA- Chaemin ; Siyeon- Hyejin //

"We spilt the girls up into units, to see dynamics and possibilities." The vocal trainer explained, and then mentioned that it would be a moment while they all got changed.

//sejeong (yellow shirt) - hyejin ; nayoung (pink) - mingxia ; mina (red) - yebin //

The four others dance a bit together while waiting along to the other unit's song. Chaemin and Jaelin mostly as Aika and Yayin warmed up some more.

//le (ponytail) - jaelin ; hyelin (long black hair) - yayin ; hani (red hair) - aika ; junghwa (blonde hair)- chaemin//

The other three sat in the dressing room getting changed and ready for the group performance smiling and moving along to the song. After finishing the four rushed off stage to go get ready as their vocal trainer took the stage again to talk with the executives on their unti performances.

"Both units are well done." One noted, the trainer nodding.

"From a business stand point the second unit would be more profitable, the song is ahead of trend and catchy." another stated.

"I think you are all in for a surprise." The trainer stated, smiling as the girls came to the side of the stage finishing getting their mics set up. "The next two group songs were produced by the RBW trainee, Xu Mingxia. All of them took aid in writing the lyrics, and translating them from Mandarin into Korean. Both the JYP trainee Lee Chaemin and YG Black Label trainee Min Yebin participated in creating the choreography along with our team." The trainer exited the stage wishing the girls luck as they headed onto the stage to get into their positions.

//jiu(long blonde hair)-mingxia ; sua (light brown hair)- chaemin ; siyeon (short to long black hair) - hyejin ; handong (short blonde hair with bangs) - aika ; yoohyeon (long brown hair with bangs) -yayin ; dami (short pink-ish hair)- jaelin ; gahyeon (long black hair) - yebin //

The girls stood at the edge of the stage awaiting the comments from the executives.

"I'm honestly in shock." One said, the girls nervously looking at each other. "I was not expecting the chorus to turn that way. The simplicity of the pre-chorus and bridge is refreshing in comparison to the chorus. Gives a listen time to catch their breath."

"The choreography is done well, and flowed with the song." Another stated, the girls bowing politly.

"I'm not sure if the general public would like this song, being more vocal based. I hope the second song has a bit more too it." Another stated, the girls bowed before leaving the stage to get changed again. Jaelin patting Mingxia's back as they walked.

//jiu(red ponytail)-mingxia ; sua (purple-red hair)- chaemin ; siyeon (long blonde hair) - yayin ; handong (brown ponytail) - aika ; yoohyeon (long blonde/pink hair) -hyejin ; dami (short hair)- jaelin ; gahyeon (long brown hair) - yebin //

The girls bowed together, as they stood at the end of the stage.

"The concept is unique as well as the track itself." One said, the girls bowing again.

"It is very new and not done much. I like it." Another said, Mingxia bit back her smile as the girls bowed again.

"I would like to see them try a different concept next. One that goes with summer, and the refreshing tracks that get released during that time." One said, the girls nodding in understanding.

The vocal trainer and the girls thanked them again beofre heading off the stage, removign their micpacks and earpieces.

"You girls did really well today. The plan is to have another one of these in a few months with new tracks, so rest up today and teh wekkend. On Monday we'll begin the next process." The trainer filled them in the girls bowed and thanked her, before she took her leave. The girls going to change back into the clothes they wore there and headed back to their dorm.




"Sometimes, this feels too much."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Yayin asked, her eyes reflected how hurt she felt.
"I didn't want you to only like me because of my siblings."

"Are you sure?" "No, not really."

"I could honestly die happy now."





author's note.  I hope everyone enjoyed this (long) chapter!! Anyways, stay safe everyone!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
14 streak #2
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
14 streak #3
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
14 streak #4
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
14 streak #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
14 streak #8
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
14 streak #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)