Chapter Two

But I Will Still Love You
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“So, you gotta tell me all about it.” 

“About what?” Jongwoon frowns, taking a seat next to his friend. It was Saturday morning, and they agreed to do some studying together over the weekend. However, it seemed like Ryeowook was more interested in discussing some other things…..

“Well, you know, the whole ‘I’m in Cho Kyuhyun’s dorm’ thing yesterday?” the smaller said, leaning in close with a cheeky grin. 

The raven gives the other an expressionless stare. Ryeowook is a good friend; great at listening and giving advice. But sometimes he could get quite nosey, eager for some gossip.

“I told you already,” he sighs. “I went to get coffee during lunch, we accidentally ran into each other and my coffee went all over him.” 

Ryeowook blinks once, seemingly not satisfied with the information given.
“Ok, but did you like…..fall and embarrass yourself? I know how clumsy you get. I need details Jongwoon, I live for the juicy details!”

“Yes I did fall, No I did not embarrass myself in front of him,” he responds, before quickly adding “.....I think.”

Ryeowook stares at him expectantly with wide eyes, gesturing at the air to emphasize his need for more of the story.
“I said details, Jongwoon!”

“Fine.” the raven huffs as he set down the textbook he had in hand, accepting the fact that they probably won’t be studying for the next hour. “Well, I ran into him and I guess I got startled and tripped or something, but he caught me before I fell, which was how my coffee spilt all over him. That’s the story, the end.”

“Jongwoon, I swear to god I will strangle you. Friend or not, you can’t just tell me you went to Cho Kyuhyun’s dorm room, and not give me Every. Single. Detail!” Ryeowook shouts, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

Jongwoon let out a quiet whine, a small pout starting to form on his lips.
“You’re kind of a bully….” he grumbles before continuing his story begrudgingly. “His uniform was dirty so I offered to help him clean it as an apology. In order to do that, he needed to change out of it first, so we headed back to his dorm to have him change.”

“And that’s it?” Ryeowook frowns. “There's no uh….explicit details I should know about?”

“Well, I saw him shirtless.”

Ryeowook gasps loudly, one hand reaching up to grasp his heart dramatically as if Jongwoon had just spilled the most scandalous secret of the century.
“And you saw him shirtless.” he echoes, eyes still wide in shock. 

“Yeah, and then he asked for my number so that I can contact him when his shirt is cleaned.”

“And you gave him your number!” the smaller echoes again.

Jongwoon clicks his tongue in slight irritation. “Stop repeating what I’m saying. It wasn’t that big of a deal anyway. Talking about it, I should probably tell him his shirt is cleaned.” he says, finding an opportunity to get out of storytelling.

He chooses to ignore Ryeowook’s whining, the other obviously not satisfied with the ending of the story, and pulls out his phone.

He stops abruptly however, as sudden realization hits him.
“.” the raven breathes. 

“What’s up?” the smaller asks, leaning over to try and see the other’s screen, only to see he hadn’t even unlocked the device yet.

“I gave him my number. I didn’t actually get his number. I can’t text him….” Jongwoon sighs at his stupidity, slumping forward in defeat.

“Ooo, you fell for his trap, huh?”

“How is it a trap?” the raven frowns, pushing his phone off to the side. Hopefully he’ll run into Kyuhyun on campus Monday and return his shirt, because there was no way he can notify the other now. He can go to the other’s dorm room, yes. But Jongwoon doesn’t like showing up to places uninvited. 

Ryeowook clicks his tongue in disapproval. “Silly boy. He purposely did that in order to establish dominance and control over your relationship with him. So he’ll call you when he’s ready for a booty call, basically.”

Jongwoon throws the other a look of utter disbelief and astonishment.
“I really think you’re reading into this too much. I have no ‘relationship’ or whatever with him, and Kyuhyun’s nice. He was genuinely concerned about my wellbeing yesterday, alright?”

“Look here, Jongwoon. I’m telling you this because you’re a good friend.” Ryeowook starts, “Cho Kyuhyun is a, how should I say this…...a playboy. A pleasure seeker, a heartbreaker, a womanizer, a ladie’s man, a fu—”

“—alright I get it!” Jongwoon interrupts quickly. “What’s your point here? His life choices have nothing to do with me.”

“Well,” the smaller says with a small shrug. “You’ll deny it, but I think you may be attracted to him a little.”

“......No I don’t,” the raven mutters, but he hates how he can feel a light blush start to creep its way up his neck. 

“Cho Kyuhyun is notorious not just for his looks, intellect, wealth, and status, but his one-night stands too, Jongwoon. He has a different girl or boy almost every week, and he’s always going around breaking hearts.You should see his locker on valentines day!”

“.....oh,” Jongwoon murmurs, trying to hide the obvious disappointment in his tone.
He should’ve known better though, really. Of course someone like Kyuhyun would be the womanizer type. Jongwoon had literally just witnessed a bunch of girls trying to flirt with him yesterday in the short distance from the cafe to the dormitory. 

“It’s alright,” Ryeowook says, trying to comfort the other a little. “You deserve someone better anyway.”

“Look, I wasn’t that attracted to him. I just thought we could be friends or something,” the raven sighs. “He really seemed like a nice guy though.”

“That’s how they are when you first meet them.” the smaller says with a light shrug. “But within a week, they’ll be a stereotypical boy—”

The chime of Jongwoon’s phone cuts him off however, drawing both of their attention to it. Jongwoon reaches for it boredly, but Ryeowook snatches it out of his grasp quickly.

“Hey!” the raven scowls, “Why’d you do that?”

Ryeowook shakes his head at the other again.
“You shouldn’t reply to him so quickly. It’ll make you look desperate!”

“Stop that! It’s probably just my brother, Ryeowook!” Jongwoon huffs, lightly elbowing the other and grabbing his phone back. “Oh.” he murmurs when he sees that he got a message from an unknown number.

“Told ya,” Ryeowook says proudly. “Open it, tell me what he said.”

“You’re very nosy today, aren’t you?” the raven sighs, turning so the other couldn’t see his phone before unlocking it to read the message, sliding a couple seats down just in case. “Go study or something.” he shouts back at the other. 

Kyuhyun: Hey Jongwoon, this is Kyuhyun. Hope you’re having a good morning :) Are you free today or tomorrow? 

Jongwoon: Good morning Kyuhyun, I’m studying with some friends right now, but I’ll be free in the afternoon. What’s up?

Kyuhyun: I’d like to buy you that coffee I had promised you ;)

“He’s asking you out on a date!” Ryeowook gasps, causing the raven to jump in surprise, not realizing the other had snuck up behind him. 

“No,” Jongwoon says quickly. “He just wants to buy me a coffee since mine spilt all over him.”

“Fine, whatever you say,” the smaller says, totally unconvinced.

Jongwoon turns away from him again, hiding his screen as he texted back a quick reply.

Jongwoon: I was kidding about the coffee, don’t worry about it. 

Kyuhyun: I’d like to see you still, if that’s alright?

Jongwoon: Sure, your shirt is ready anyways. When and where?

Kyuhyun: The cafe, at 12pm. See you~

“Hey, I’m gonna go back to my room now. I should probably return Kyuhyun’s shirt as soon as possible, so I’m meeting with him in about an hour.” Jongwoon says, standing up as he reaches for his textbooks. 

“Whaaaaat? And leave me all alone here? I thought you were gonna study with me….” Ryeowook whines, giving the other a puppy face. 

Jongwoon laughs lightly, not at all sympathetic for the other.
“Donghae and Eunhyuk will be here soon, you won’t be alone. Anyway, it was going to be more of me teaching you, than us studying individually.”

“Ugh, you traitor.” the smaller huffs. “Remember what I said though, Jongwoon. Don’t fraternize with him too much, I’m sure he’s up to no good.”

And as he leaves, Ryeowook’s warning lingers in the back of his mind.





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Chapter 3 coming up soon~ Stay tuned!


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 3: I'm enjoying's an interesting story so far. What caused the angst between Kyuhyun and Siwon I wonder? and why doesn't Jongwoon remember Kyu in Middle School? Please return and update authornim, I'm really looking forward to reading more.
vpurple #2
Chapter 3: ahh i suddenly remembered this story and decided to re-read and it was even better than the first time!! so sad you haven't updated, really hope you revisit this fic again!!! thank you so much for writing!! <3 <3
Chapter 3: New reader here!
I hope you will come back and continue this story. No matter how long you will take. For me this story is so interesting and honestly i'm curious about Kyuhyun past.
OneLastDae #4
Chapter 3: Aw, I’m sad to hear that you’re losing interest. If you don’t enjoy it anymore, then I’d say write what you want to write and maybe come back in the future. I really like this story so I’ll be waiting, and fantasy used to be my favorite genre so I might check out that if it’s kyusung. Have a nice day and stay safe! ???
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 2: Hope finals go/went well!
<3<3<3 The scene with Kyu giving Jongwoon his scarf and Kyu brushing his bangs <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: ÕMG~ i love this!!! more~~~~
Alyblankspace_281507 #7
Chapter 3: I am squealing rn OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA
Will they go out then? I am also curious what happened back then ㅠㅠ
Jongwoon is so soft here U W U
Goodluck on your finals! Fighting!
PathxX #8
Chapter 3: I'm starting to fall for this story <3. I really like wook in chapter 2, that was so fun xD. The last scene from chapter 3 tho, it feels like it was from a shoujo manga, and I like it!!

I want to read more, but take care of yourself. Goodluck with your finals! o(≧▽≦)o
Chapter 3: I'm reading! ^^ Even though I'm not into top!Kyu (which is the vibe I am getting from your story) and really dislike YeWon (Sorry haha), I will take my time to read sometimes <3 There is not enough KyuSung/YeKyu going on on AFF, and I hate it and miss reading about them so much T-T. It's really good to see people like you who are keeping it going! So feel very proud and don't be demotivated - we need writers like you to keep them alive :)

And I really miss writing too, so honestly I am using your fanfics to give me some inspiration and maybe to help me cross the obstacle that's keeping me from writing anything atm. I'm really bad at committing and finishing stuff too haha. And I haven't written in so many years, I am not good at it any more :( So I'm a bit scared too. But who knows, reading your and other KyuSung stories might help me get back into it :)

So what I am trying to say is, don't give up. Enjoy the writing process, and be proud of what you are doing!
394 streak #10
Chapter 3: Siwon in Kyusung stories and Kyuhyun in Yewon stories XDDD~ I love both of these pairing, so, not complaining~ <3

fantasy story??? A new or are you gonna make another chapter of tainted (because I love that story so so so much!) or another stories that you have here?