like two shores meeting

The Best MarkJin Stories (In My Opinion)

Because three months was all it took for Jinyoung's entire world to be turned around. For him to fall head over heels for a pipedream. A hallucination which will slip out of his hands like grains of sand, because that's what Mark was.




You can find this story on AO3.

Author: foxbyeol


Story Status: Complete

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If you can think of other stories you would like for me to read that is MarkJin then please inbox me or leave them in the comments below. THANK YOU AHGASES!


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Wow. This list is pretty extensive. I've read 90% of them, maybe more, sometimes I forget what I've read until I'm halfway through it LOL. Your list of favorite authors is the same as mine. I don't see Dear Superman-guy on this list. If you've not read it, I wholeheartedly recommend it. It is one of my all-time favorites. Here is the link:
syalalajaebumie #2
Chapter 11: I cant find laura jade story 😭😭
jan2kay #3
You should check this one out...and also the sequel from this story
Thank you for making this, I found many new good stories that I haven't read
I'm not sure if you already read this.. It's by sonicboom too and this is my all-time fav

<a href="">;<;/a>
Mejian14 #6
Chapter 1: Thank you! I can’t get enough of Markjin stories ❤️❤️ Please continue to update with more stories!
Mejian14 #7
Chapter 1: Thank you! I can’t get enough of Markjin stories ❤️❤️ Please continue to update with more stories!