Present Day


"Ya! Kim Yerim! You stupid a**! How can you be so stupid? I told you to take the bus instead that old bike!"

"Ya! Don't have to be so noisy in the hospital! At least I'm still alive!"

"Yeah! Or Aunty will be mad at me for not taking care of you well! While actually you're the one who being all stubborn!"

"Shut up! You're giving me a headache!"

"Ya! I'm the one who supposed to say that! Don't you know how worried I am? I was in the middle of a quiz when aunty sent me a massage!"

"Blablablabla...I get it. Now can we go home?"

Seulgi let out a sigh. She was damn worried for Yeri since that girl is under her care after she moved to Seoul for study. While her family live in Busan which is far away from Seoul, so her parent entrust Yeri to Seulgi. After all they are cousin and her parent trust Seulgi very much. So Yeri live with Seulgi and when she found out Yeri fell down from her old bike, she was beyond worried during the quiz. After she finished the quiz, she ran out from the classroom leaving Wendy confused. Then she went to the Seoul National Hospital and that's when she bump into someone while she's running like crazy person. 

The girl that she thought was Jisoo. She have the same doe eyes which Seulgi worship so much. Not to mention her beautiful white pale face which also resemble Jisoo's. She can't take her eyes off from that girl. Her physical appearance look all the same. But the only difference is their lips. Jisoo have this beautiful lips shape like a heart. Seulgi always love that lips and she can't forget their very first kiss at the airport. By that fact, Seulgi was certain the girl infront of her is not Jisoo. It was someone else that resemble her a lot. 

The girl seems suprise that she can't took her eyes off Seulgi. More like checking her out. Even though Seulgi had tried to get her attention by waving her hands infront of her, nothing happened. At first Seulgi found the girl cute but imidietly earased those thought after someone called the girl infront of. That is when Seulgi ran away to the emergency room and found Yeri laying on the hospital bed, sleeping. 

"Come on get up you a**h*le"



"Ya! Your rude a** should get punish! Why should I come to your office? Don't you think it's rude? You should greet me in the lobby!"

"I'm sorry unnie. Let me buy you lunch? I'm so tired due to two surgeries today. After meeting you, I will have another surgery. Please forgive your beautiful dongsaeng?" said Joy while making those puppy eyes which Irene hated so much.

"Aish. Stop making that puppy eyes. I got goosebump all over my body already"


Irene laugh. It's been years since they last met. Irene wasn't there when Joy head back to South Korea several years ago. They met during their university time. There was a drama musical and both of them participated in that drama. Irene as the main character and Joy as the antagonist character. There is a scene where both of them must had physical fight. But Joy knew Irene is older than her and she refused to continue the scene. Until Irene herself approached her and told her it was okay. By that, they really had a fight scene in the stage and get a applause for their outstanding performance on stage. 

After that drama, they become so close despite their different major. They spent time almost everyday. It depends on Joy's schedule since she had a busy schedule during her studies. Being a doctor and wanting to get professor degrees was hard for her yet she managed to finished it with a great result. After Irene graduated, they still managed to stay in touch. Even Joy came to her graduation and gave her a bouqet. It also happened when Joy graduated. Irene went to her graduation and treat her a meal to a fancy restaurant. Not long after Joy graduation, she decided to moved back to Korea.

Irene couldn't her to the airport due to her busy schedule. Apparently she was in France that day and so they called each other through video call. Even after the long distance friendship, they still managed to keep in touch. Since Joy's schedule almost make her wake up at dawn while in America it's evening, they still spare time to call each other. Their friendship grow stronger each year and look at them now. 

"Come on. Let me treat you. The flight must be exhausting. You probably hungry by now"

"Damn hungry"

Joy happily grab Irene's hand and drag her out from the office room. The hospital canteen serves lots of yummy food and Joy wanted Irene to try it. Eventually they bought lot of food starting from bulgogi, kimchi stew, samgyeopsal, and others. How can two skinny girl eat a lot? Who would know?

After Joy pay the bills, they took a sit beside the window with beautiful view outside. For awhile both of them admire the beautiful hospital garden consist of several patients and guardian taking a walk and fresh air. Hospital should be the place people avoid. But not Joy. She love her job. She love to see her patients getting better everyday. She love to see the happy and relieve tears from the guardian. She love to see her patients coming to her office for check up and giving her best results after surgeries. She love to see her patients smile after surgery. She love to see the process of her patients getting better day by day.

And you can see the honesty in Joy's eyes. Both her eyes glows showing sincerity. Irene love to see those glowing eyes. She knew how Joy very dedicated in her job. Irene always feel this positive vibes everytime she's around Joy. That's why she feel comfortable around her. After admiring the view, they continue to eat their lunch with small talk in the middle.

" she still there?"

"Yes. You know, I thought finding her will be hard but it wasn't"

"I know. You told me before" said Irene.

Before Joy's flight back to Korea, Irene left her a favor. To find the only girl in Irene's heart. Jennie. Kim Jennie. Irene asked Joy to find her in Korea. It wasn't hard at all for Joy actually. Jennie was a model. Her pictures for several advertisement were easily seen on the side of the street. Product such as sunglasses, clothes, sports wear, and other products. But it doesn't stayed long. She decided to quit and settle down from the entertainment world. She said she wanted to pursue her dream on becoming a biology professor in a interview. So she pursued her dream and what a coincendence that Jennie was Professor Suho ex student. Professor Suho is Joy's teacher once when she still in medical school in Korea. What more shocking was, Joy met Jennie during her visit to University of Dongguk. She was visiting Professor Suho after taking her professor degree and Jennie was in Professor Suho office. 

They were talking very serious and Joy is not Joy if she's not eavedropping a conversation. Jennie decided to teach here in University of Dongguk. Professor Suho was beyond proud of Jennie also Joy. Looking at both of his student success in life. When Joy told Irene about it, she can't hold herself wanting to see her. But again, Irene was afraid. Afraid of Jennie. That girl clearly didn't want to see her the last time they called. Again, she hold herself for not flying to South Korea. But she's here right now. She didn't know if she can't hold her desire to meet the mandu girl.

"You know, if you want to see her you can. It's not good to hold your desire for wanting to meet her. Even though you get dump or slap or ignore by her, at least you get to see her"

"I don't know, Joy"

"Trust me. I'm here. You don't have to worry"

Irene gulp. Deep down she is scared. She wanted to see Jennie so bad but at the same time she's afraid the mandu girl will give her cold shoulder. She's afraid that the lovely young Jennie will no longer be there anymore. She's afraid she had changed. But Joy's encourangement make her can't hold her desire. And so she finally decided. She will see her. Even with the consequences she will face, she's stronger than before. She's not the old Irene anymore. She can face it. 

"Thanks Joy. I appreciate it"

"No problem. I'll send you the university location and she's always avaible during lunch time"

"Are you her stalker or a neurosurgeon?"

"Great jokes, unnie" 

Both of them laugh together and after that they enjoy several conversation about Irene's life in America also Joys' life in South Korea. Until Irene forget to go home if Joy's fellow didn't remain her about the next surgery Joy will do.


The next day...

"Unnie! Give me the sauce!"

"Ya! Kim Yerim! You lazy motherf*"

"No curssing in the house, unnie!"

Seulgi let out a sigh. After Yeri got home yesterday, she treated her like a slave. Ordering her around, taking advantage of her condition right now. Seulgi knew Yeri can walk but still she's too lazy for that. After all her ankle is still hurt and she need to rest for a week. That means, several fight in the morning will happen everyday. Most of the times in weekdays, Seulgi barely see Yeri since her classes started a little late than school hour. So Yeri always awake first before Seulgi. But once weekend come, fight in the morning is their breakfast. 

Since now, Yeri will spend most of her time a week at home, Seulgi will see her very often. Even Kim Yerim always give her hard times and burden to her, Seulgi still love her. Since Yeri came to Seoul, Seulgi always took care of her even though Yeri is a stubborn girl, Yeri respect Seulgi as a sister. But sometimes Yeri can be playfull to Seulgi. Always teasing her. But again Seulgi is very patient and kind. 

"Get your lazy a** up. Be careful around the house and try to walk! I know it hurts but at least you try!"

"Yes, yes. Now go! Before I kick you out"

"Try if you can!" 

"Ya! Unnie!"

Seulgi ran out from Yeri's room and closed the door behind her. She chuckled before looking at her watch. It's about time Wendy will pick her up. She gets ready before checking her phone only to find several massages from Wendy. Seulgi was right. Wendy had waited for her downstairs and currently sending her curssing massages telling her to come down fast. Seulgi took her belongis and went downstairs only to meet the angry Wendy.


"I know, I know. I'm sorry okay? Yeri fell down from her old bike yesterday. She broke her ankle and I need to take care of her before go. Am I forgiven?" 

"You ran out from the classrom leaving me all confused and then you didn't massage me last night. I was worried! You should have told me"

"I'm sorry"

Wendy just nod and drive her car to the university. On their way to the univeristy, most of the time they stay quiet. Listening to music in the car. Wendy is driving and Seulgi admiring the beautiful sky out side the window car. She wondering how is Jisoo right now. That girl she met in the hospital, she can't seem to forget her since she resemble Jisoo very much. Jisoo never mention about having a sister. Probably doesn't have one. But that girl really bother Seulgi a lot. Even though she had convince herself it was only a coincendence, Seulgi can't seems to forget that girl. 

As a best friend, Wendy know something is bother her best friend. Glancing at her right side, she can read Seulgi face. She's thinking very hard. Something must be bothering her.

"What's wrong, Seulgi?"


"You look like thinking of something"

"Oh...yeah. You know. Yesterday I met this girl. She resemble...Jisoo...a lot"

"Really? Did she ever mention of coming back here?"

"No. But you know what? Probably it's just a coincendence. You know a lot of people are look alike"

"Yeah. Don't overthink too much," said Wendy while grinning.

"Don't smile like that"

"Come on. You like it don't you?"


"Come on!"


And their playfulness goes on until Wendy parked her car in the university parking lot. Today their classes started at nine in the morning. They both are majoring in Biology and apparently attending Professor Suho class. The famous professor in South Korea. They surely in a good hand. Before going to the university, they went to the canteen as usual to buy drinks and then they went to their class. 

On their way to class, they spot some of their lecturer and so they greet them. Wendy and Seulgi is known as two polite student, active, and smart students. They mantain good grades since first year. They are famous for their knowledge, kindness, and friendlyness. Everyone love them. But they never took any advantage to that.

When the time hits nine o'clock, Professor Suho come in to the class and they started their study about human anatomy. Seulgi and Wendy dedicated their time in class being all serious. Listening to Professor Suho and sometimes when they're bored, they would take a rest for awhile by playing game in mobile phone. And then they continue their studies.

"For the next assignment, please read page 108-125 plus give your essay about the topic. I want it on my desk by next week in our first meeting that week"

The student groan in stress. Essay was never an easy task in Professor Suho class. It's hard to get an A or A+. Student called him stingy at giving scores. Even Seulgi and Wendy got B+ so far for a simple essay. By the time Professor Suho end his class, it's already lunch time. Wendy and Seulgi walk out from the classrom and headed out to the canteen. They talk about going out this weekend to work together on the essay. Before Seulgi attention get distracted by someone. 

"Is it okay if I crash to your place this weekend? My family will go out this weekend and it's get too lonely at home. I can come to your place since you need to take care of Yeri too" said Wendy that she didn't realize, Seulgi had stopped walking beside her. 

When she finally realized, she turn around only to see Seulgi paralyze. She freeze on her spot with her eyes lock on something. Wendy follow her gaze only to see two girls talking to each other. One girl is facing her back at Wendy and Seulgi while the other one both Seulgi and Wendy can see her face clearly. Wendy wonder who are they and what is the correlation betwen them and Seulgi.

"Seulgi?" Wendy call her trying to get Seulgi's attention. Eventually it did.


"Who are they?"

"Huh? Oh no one"

"Don't give me..."

"Come on! I'm hungry! Let's go, let's go!"

"But, but, hey!"

Seulgi drag Wendy to the other hallway in order to avoid the two girls she just saw. The world is so small for Seulgi that she thought she won't ever see the girl in the hospital ever again. But today she just saw her...talking to someone. Her face look so serious yet sad at the same time. Seulgi is curious but she try to hold herself. Like seriously? Why is it so important for me to be so curious about that girl? Enough Seulgi! Just forget her! Thought Seulgi.


Under the beautiful blue sky, Irene prayed. She hope she will see her today and everything will go well. But she just put too high expection. That mandu girl probably suprise to see her and Irene wonder what is she thinking of seeing her real life in Korea. It's been years since the last time they talked through phone calls. When Jennie finally ended their relationship and gone like dust. Even after that mandu girl hurt her, Irene still have place for Jennie in her heart. 

Stupid. Yes she is stupid. Sometimes love can blind you. Even the most beautiful thing in the world that makes us human is also the one thing that can hurt us. Love can be beautiful but at the same time it can be too dangerous. It could make you losing yourself. Just like how Irene was. After Jennie ended their relationship, Irene enclose everyone who close to her. Her family, her friends. She doens't want to eat for few weeks. Getting skinnier than ever. She hurt herself. Torture herself by telling her it was all her fault. She cut herself on some part of her body.

She stopped once Jisoo comforted her telling her it hurt to see her big sister hurt herserlf. Crying everynight and didn't eat properly. Jisoo is Irene's weakness. She hate to be weak infront of Jisoo and so just like that she tried to moved on. Getting help to the pychology and eventually getting better day by day.

Now look at her. She's stronger and she's confindence with herself. She trust herself she can handle it. 

Irene walk to the science building and asked the receptionist where is Kim Jennie's office room. When she got the direction, she rush her steps towards the hallway. Her heart beat so fast and she can feel how intense her body is. She try to relax herself but it appears she can't do it. This is not how Irene imagined before. She never imagined to meet Jennie in the hallway that she can't do anything but freeze on her spot. It goes the same with the mandu girl. 

It took about a minute for both of them to stare at each other eyes. Irene and Jennie. Both of them can't seems to hide their face. Neither both of them are suprise. Irene thought she had herself ready to meet Jennie but it appears theory and practical doesn't go the same way. Her plan doesn't go like she planned. 



Time stop for both of them. They look at each other eyes didn't even dare to start a conversation. For Irene, Jennie is still the same. Her appearance is still the same. Small and cute. But she look more mature than before. She look like a lady. Wearing a black blazer with white shirts behind it and black long jeans with high heels. She look amazing like always. 

Just like Irene, Jennie seems to check her out. But this time she's looking at Irene only see if this is real not to really checked her out. Jennie can't seems to get this situation. She look surprise of course but she's wondering what is Irene doing here in her university. Without waiting any longer, Jennie slowly take steps towards Irene. Irene heart still beat fast for the mandu girl only that she didn't know the Jennie she used to love in the past had changed. Her heart didn't beat fast for the older one because someone else has replace Irene in her heart. Someone she love so much long after she ended their relationship. 



Hi everyone! So how was the first three chapter for this story? Kind a boring? I'm sorry. I will make better chapters next time! But if you like this story so far, please give upvotes and subscribe! I'm planning to turn on the subscribers only mode when the story reaches five or six chapters. Is it okay? HAHAHAHA why am I asking to you all? Well it's because my readers are my inspiration, my judges, and also my friends. I need all your opinions in order to become better day by day. 

Please don't hesitated to leave comment, subscribe, and please upvote the story if you like it. Also share it to your friends and I will wait for your comments. You guys can give me advice for me so I can make a better chapter next time or if you guys have any ideas to make my story more interesting, please do tell me. I'll be waiting guys! See you in the next chapter and keep safe!


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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
