Chapter 4

Third Time's The Charm
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Chapter 4.


The chapel was much bigger than Hyukjae had thought it’d be. Considering the large number of guests he figured it made sense thought.

Everyone milling around were dressed in pretty dresses and stunning suits, all ready to impress. Loud voices filled the room, making it difficult to hear what anyone actually tried to say.

Hyukjae and Donghae had found an empty bench near the front of the building’s left side, the bride’s family’s side. Sora and Beom Seok sat next to them, the four of them chatting while they waited for the ceremony to begin.

Their parents were standing close by, talking to Hei Ran’s parents. There was no doubt that the older couples were thrilled about what was in store for the day. A day they had all been waiting for, for many years.

Most parents want to see their children getting married and starting a family. And by the looks of it, Hyukjae’s wasn’t an exception.

He felt a hand rest on top of his wrist, gaining his attention. The blond dancer turned his head away from where his folks stood, instead locking eyes with his friend’s. The younger had a questioning expression. Slightly raised eyebrows as if silently asking what was on the taller’s mind at the moment.

“They look so happy. I guess all parents wants to experience their kids weddings.”

Donghae hummed, “Of course they do. All they want is for their child to find someone special, right?”


“Wasn’t that what mom said yesterday?” With time the hand had traveled further down, by the end of the question, their hands had interlaced. The younger gave him a faint grin.

Squeezing their hands tighter, the older male leaned closer. He nodded his head, showing the other that he was correct.

“Maybe the next wedding we’ll attend will be yours.” The expression on his sister’s face told the brother exactly what she was thinking. Beom Seok adorned a knowing grin on his face, probably understanding what his girlfriend was getting at.

“You’re the older one, shouldn’t you seal the deal first?”

“Oh please,” Sora said, a fond smile on her lips. “That doesn’t mean anything. Plus, the two of you have been together for years now. It’s about time that you officially get off the market.”

Hyukjae fell silent. She said too much. By the feel of the younger’s piercing eyes on him he figured that the other had several questions. When he glanced towards the oldest male amongst them, he read the confusion on his face as well.

“How long have you been in a relationship precisely?”

Neither of the two males in question opened their mouths. The oldest of the pair knew that he had to say something quickly before anyone else did. Either revealing what wasn’t there or what had been. And Hyukjae feared the reaction both of the two alternatives would earn.

But before he managed to say anything the only female participating in the conversation answered. “Since they first met.” She giggled at the widened eyes of the duo, shaking her head seconds later. “No, but for much longer than most people know. I think mom told dad and me about it back when you two were still trainees.”

Sora turned her head, looking at the idols.

“Damn, that’s a really long time.” Beom Seok mumbled.

“But we broke up.” Hyukjae added. He felt how Donghae’s frame stiffened before the latter began to pull his hand away from their embrace. Not wanting to lose the feeling of the shorter man’s presence, he tightened his grip.

He turned towards the singer, directing all of his attention solely to the shortest male. “But thankfully we realized that it was a mistake and got back together again after we joined Super Junior for real.”

There was something unreadable in the younger’s orbs. Something that Hyukjae desperately wanted to understand- so he could do something about it. If he had to guess, the dark-haired dancer looked hurt. Making Hyukjae’s heart ache painfully in his own chest.

“Yes. Because they realized that they were being stupid. Do you think that it stopped them from doing it again though?!” His sister shook her head, a frown now having blossomed on her pretty face.

“What? You two haven’t been a thing since you made up again?”

“No.” This time it was the youngest of the bunch voicing out his answer.

A stiff silence surrounded them, and the blond realized that the older couple expected them to explain how they became a couple one final time. The story leading up to that exact moment. The problem at hand was that that was the end of it. Him and Donghae had dated and been in a romantic relationship twice over the decade of knowing one another. No more than that.

Them breaking up all the way back in 2009 was the final. Nothing had happened between the two since then, much to Hyukjae’s dismay. But here they were, pretending to be involved once again. As to not hurt the older male’s parents and sister.

Clearing his throat the rapper rasped out, “Now we’re here and that’s the important thing.” The uncomfortableness easily spotted in his voice.

No one said anything, all they did was nod in agreement before changing topic.


While they sat in silence the guests around them began to take their seats, indicating that it was about time. Mr. and Mrs. Lee had also taken their place next to the other four. If they noticed anything off between them all, neither of them uttered a word.


The wedding was beautiful. Both the bride and the groom looked stunning, their smiles radiating and matching, as if no one and nothing else mattered more than each other. Which was probably the case after all.

Hyukjae kept sending glances towards Donghae, often unable to redirect his eyes for a couple of beats, until he feared that someone would notice. Like the man in question himself.

When the couple standing before the crowd said their vows, the rapper felt how the hand still tightly held in his began to lax, a slight tremble present.

He looked down at their interlocked fingers before letting his dark orbs travel upwards towards the other’s face. At the sight of tears rolling down Donghae’s tanned cheeks, Hyukjae gasped faintly. Seeing his friend crying had always broken his heart, the reason as to why changing as the years went by.

He cupped the shorter dancer’s hand with both of his, earning the attention of Donghae. Holding their eyes locked, he brought their hands higher, until they reached the elder’s face and Hyukjae pressed his plump lips against his friend’s knuckles.

With his free hand, he wiped away the tears after releasing his double-hand hold of the younger.

Both of them were too emotional when it came to things like this even if Hyukjae often tried to deny it if accused. Though most knew how he truly was. How easily his eyes shed tears of his own and how strongly his heart felt.

The small smile that Donghae gave him proved that they were still okay. Even with everything that had been said minutes before the ceremony. He just hoped that it would stay that way for as long as they were in Busan.

Maybe even afterwards if he was lucky.


Half an hour later the pair were officially wed, pictures had been taken left and right and everyone was heading back to the hotel venue, where the dinner and later the party would take place.

None of the elder adults could- nor would- stop going on and on about how beautiful everything had been. From how the building had been decorated till the gorgeous way the bridal couple had been dressed.


All of the people invited mingled in the wait for the weekend’s protagonists to arrive. While talking to some of his uncles and aunts (at least Hyukjae thought they were, or they’d happen to be people not even related to him) he saw the two ladies his mother had yelled at the night before about being ignorant.

Now knowing what they had meant with everything they’d said to the duo before, he wanted to show them just how little he cared about their opinion. So, smugly he took a step closer to Donghae, letting his hand rest at the small of the younger’s back. Donghae himself melted into his action smoothly.

Being an actor had its perks.

The shorter man turned his head in his direction, making their faces much closer than before. They were close enough that if either of them leaned in a centimeter, their lips would touch.

And how lovely wouldn’t that be?

Hyukjae would do close to anything to be allowed to do just that. But the risks were too high if the move would backfire that he didn’t dare do it. A fleeting thrill in exchange for a lifetime worth of friendship. No one was insane enough to do that.

Like the evening before, the DJ arrived when the dinner had been eaten and taken away. The tables were pushed to the sides, re-creating a dancefloor.

The dinner had been just as amazing, if not even better than the one served the prior evening. They had indeed hired the absolute elite chefs they could possibly find. If the other members knew about this they would without a doubt be jealous to the core about not being invited. Their members fancied food too much some could say.

Donghae had gone over to the bar this time, telling the older that he would buy them something to drink (with Hyukjae’s money of course). The blond idol stood by one of the tables, chatting with one of his cousins on his mother’s side.

The two talked about their adult lives, both reminiscing back to their younger years. His cousin told him that him and his girlfriend talked about moving in together, even thinking about tying the knot soon.

He was glad for his sake. The year younger male had had some difficult times before but now it seemed as if he’d found his footing. Hyukjae guessed it could be all thanks to the girlfriend.

“Isn’t it difficult to be in a relationship when an idol?” his cousin asked.

“Yes, that’s why most of the time it doesn’t work out.” Hyukjae followed Donghae with his eyes as the younger was making his way towards the table. He then thought of some of his friends and acquaintances in the industry that had been with the person they love for years. “And sometime, they really do work out.”

“That must feel great, to know that you’re one of those lucky individuals that gets to be with the one you love. You and Donghae-sshi are even in the same group.”

If the other only knew how far off he was. That the only part true was that he got to work together with Donghae. Together with the one that he loves.

Before he got to say anything the faintly blue-haired singer reached them, a smile on his thin lips. “Here you go Hyukkie. The bartender said that its really tasty but doesn’t have too much alcohol in it.”

The younger dancer handed over a high glass filled with a peach colored beverage, ice cubes and an orange slice on top. Thanking the other, he took a tiny sip, letting the cool liquid run down his throat. Honestly it tasted really good, fruity, just like he enjoyed food and drinks.

While sipping on their cocktails, the three men talked. After a couple of minutes the youngest male’s girlfriend joined them. Hyukjae held his glass in his left hand, preferring to have his right one free to rest on his fake-boyfriend’s arm as they stood by the table.

Twenty minutes later the music came to a stop. In the microphone the best man and bride’s maid of honor held a small speech, thanking everyone attending on the bridal couple’s behalf. They took turns cracking jokes about the newlyweds, earning laughter’s from all of the guests.

When they had finished their small speech, the DJ regained the microphone. She cleared before announcing that it was time for the wedding dance. The couples’ first time as husband and wife.

All of the people present applauded, grinning from ear to ear as the couple made their way onto the center of the dancefloor. The lights turned off, and a spotlight hit the spinning disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Casting silver sparkles around the grand room.

As a soft melodic song began to play, Hyukjae’s cousin and her now husband embraced one another, turning slowly along with the music. The blond rapper figured that this was their song.

For lack of a better word, they looked dazzling.

When he dragged his focus away from the bridal couple he noticed that more people had joined in on the dance. He saw his parents in one corner and Sora together with Beom Seok in another. They all seemed extremely happy.

In front of him his younger cousin got up, telling the two older males that him and the female next to him were also going to dance.

The pair shuffled away quickly, leaving the duo standing next to each other, looking at the dancefloor.

He should ask Donghae if he wanted to dance as well. But before he had the time to do so, a familiar high-pitched scream caught his attention.

Standing in the middle of the floor was the bride, waving her arms unashamedly, beaconing her little cousin and what looked to be the male’s significant other to dance with her and her husband.

Nodding, a light pink hue covering his cheeks, Hyukjae grabbed a hold of Donghae’s wrist, pulling the slightly shorter artist with him. Their drinks left behind on the table.

Reaching the floor, the blond let his righthand rest on the younger’s broad shoulder, the fingers of his left-hand intertwining with the opposite ones of the singer’s. They stepped close to one another, moving it time with the beat of the tune playing.

The specs of silver drowned Donghae, dancing all over

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Idaharith #1
Wish u to continue this fic.. I love it
Mahelf111 #2
Chapter 5: I really like this story, it's extremely well written.... Thank you, dear author, for this one 💙💙💙
Ida12098 #3
Chapter 5: Hope u don't forget about this story, I love to read more of it
Ida12098 #4
Chapter 5: Waiting for the sunshine, how will they reacted... ?
963 streak #5
Chapter 5: Their love for each other overwhelms them. It was beautiful
What happens once they return to Seoul?
Thank you so much for the update.
1580 streak #6
Chapter 5: Wow! Is that the first time he's said he loves him? Or just the first time since they last broke up? It's clear how inextricably connected they are, their lives and their hearts. If they can just hide their relationship from management, why didn't/don't they? It makes no sense to reconnect like this, and confess only to separate again when they return to Seoul.
loyal_fan #7
Chapter 5: Awwwww....i hope dey wld consider getting back together n mayb take anthr stel fwd together as well...its so sweet how in da end, Eunhae will always go back to each other n love each other so sincerely n passionately. Thank u for da update!
1580 streak #8
Something I don't really understand. If the reason they're not in a relationship anymore is because they (or at least Donghae) didn't want to risk being exposed in public and to protect their careers, then why are they making out at an event with a lot of people around, who no doubt are taking pictures and videos? It's not like every guest there is as trustworthy, discreet, and accepting as Hyukjae's family. It's not really necessary to "act" (pft) like that, when most "accepted" (hetero) couples don't even show that level of pda in SK.

Again, if they're just trying to keep Hyukjae's mother happy, all they had to do was continue as they were as friends, since she assumed they were a couple then, and not deny her assumptions. Seems crazy, like Hyukjae, I'm surprised Donghae didn't just freak out and push him away the moment he tried to kiss him, rather than really going for it! Because wow did he go for it! I can't understand why. Unless, he doesn't care anymore about them being exposed, which seems kinda wild since they aren't even "really" officially back together. Or maybe the bartender was lying when they said there wasn't much alcohol in those drinks, lol! Wouldn't someone leak this stuff? Like, say, that woman who was obviously into Donghae?
1455 streak #9
Chapter 4: Ooww so these two had dated back then, not just once but twice.. and why did they break up? Buuuuut this event here seemed to prove that these two ate not completely over each other ... there seems to be feelings buried deep down inside them. can’t wait what will happen when they get back to Seoul .. Thanks for the update authornim!!!! :)