
Days, I could only look back
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The sunlight peaks through the slight opening of the curtain to Yongsun's window, fully covering herself with the comforter, she's wide awake anyway, her body fails to adjust at this moment. She is a morning person however today is different, there is a longing feeling or worry, she thought she's just sleepy. Before her alarm went off, Yongsun was able to pull herself up from the bed to finally open her curtain, the sun streams into her window that beams right to her face, it didn't bother her. Her second alarm just went off, indicating that it is already six fifteen in the morning.

It is almost by the end of season, winter is approaching in the next few months but the humid as the wind blew reminds the woman that it is still indeed summer. She took in some fresh breath of air before preparing for their schedule.


Mamamoo is preparing for this year's comeback with full album, they have just celebrated their 10th anniversary, the girls have mutually decided together with their company to go on hiatus for a while after this comeback. The release will be on November and they started the production on the mid of this year. Wheein and Hyejin could finally go to their dream getaway to Switzerland, Byul can have her quality time with her family, as per Yongsun herself, until now she is not sure what to make of out of this hiatus.

She arrived at the company a little earlier than the rest of the girls, settled inside the studio as she skimmed through the paper. The three arrived before the clock hits eight o'clock, a groggy Wheein ambled her way in, situating herself beside their leader, the maknae walks in a little more uplifted compared to her bestfriend and then there's Byul who is practically hopping her way to her group mates with four cup of coffees in her hand.


"Unnie, you're so perky and it's annoying" Wheein whines before leaning her head to Hyejin's shoulder, the latter carefully took the coffee from her unnie.

"Yah, Wheein-ah I bought this coffee for you, be nice" she cackled, she sits beside Yongsun, offering her coffee. The older woman frowned at her, which brings satisfaction for Byul, smiling triumphantly she offers the other cup.

"I bought you a tea, pabo" Yongsun pouts before snatching the offered cup of tea. The rapper convinced her that the drink is not that cold anymore, deciding to take a sip from it, which only caused Yongsun's tongue to be slightly scald from her drink. Byul threw a fit of giggles.

"Aish" she hits Byul's shoulder numerous time before scowling, and one could tell that, the rapper relished from annoying her bestfriend. The latter glared at her obnoxiously, she could not decipher what is on Byul's mind at this moment, with a straight face, she keenly observe her leader.

"Yah, unnie, did you cut your bangs? Have you been reading the comment section on your youtube? And listened to their request?" Byul broke her silence, while stifling a laughter between her words, lightly touching Yongsun's hair that falls to her face. Spatting the younger's hand away as she shook her head, annoyance is evident Yongsun's face, you could tell that it is too early for Moonbyul to play around but in their case, behave Moonbyul is not Byul.

"Hyejin, look at Yongsun unnie's hair" she begins to guffawed as soon as Hyejin paid attention at her, she kept wiggling their leader's bangs and Yongsun could only whine.

"Woah, you did it so bad unnie" she goes on with her another mischievous remark, pretending to observe it closely. Surely Yongsun did her hair a bit, but not for her youtube. She felt cute after cutting some of it, and now she has changed her mind, of course Byul is only messing around, but she knows that there is an underlying truth in it. Because if Byul appreciates it on a full scale, she would have complimented her secretly first before teasing her about it, that's what she does.

Byul likes to compliment Yongsun a lot, since they were trainees and sometimes it's behind those mocking comments, most of the time, when they are alone together or the rapper would lean closer or snuggle up to her just to tell her that she looks stunning that day or her hair is neat or her clothes complements everything, that is how Byul is.

Staff arrives and soon enough they went on to their business. The girls are done recording half of the album, they are expected to begin their rehearsals for their title track on the second week, next month and they can't be wasting anymore time. They might be busy but the three of the group kept on teasing Yongsun and Byul leading it, the leader kept on hitting Byul on her stomach, she would often cling to the elder after taking those hits, hugging her waist.


During lunch Byul was too giddy for Yongsun's liking, she has a weird smile plastered to her face and she is all jaunty. It is actually contagious since she seems to pass it on to Wheein. While eating, Yongsun could not let the moment pass since the rapper is smiling from ear to ear as she munched on her tteokbokki.

"Yah, Byulyi, why are you so happy about?" she paused before putting her own tteokbokki inside , while Wheein stares at them, Hyejin quietly continues to savor their lunch. They decided to eat out today. Byul looked at the younger girl, before putting an exhausted expression, she sighed.

"Wheein-ah you're so nosy" she joked. Wheein snarls, gaining a chuckle from her unnies. The restaurant is peaceful today, maybe because it's weekdays. Byul turned to Yongsun, smiling widely, that her nose muscles are stretching too much, Yongsun could sense the genuine happiness radiating through the other woman's body. The latter leans closely and Yongsun does the same. 

"I'll visit your place later" Byul murmured, Yongsun slowly turned her head to face her bestfriend, disappointment is written all over her face, her eyebrows furrowed.

"You could've at least spared my time and shouldn't have bothered telling me that"

"Aigoo, look at this unnie" Byul started, she looked back and forth from their leader to the two maknae.

"Mad when I visit her place unannounced, mad when I announce it beforehand" releasing a deep sigh, Byul feigns a confusion. Wheein chuckles at her unnies.

"Should we come too? Hyejin-ah, let's visit Yongsun unnie's place too" the two rapper huffed, sharing the same thought, both not liking the idea.

"I'm not going anywhere with you Wheein-ah, I want to sleep" Hyejin complains, she then went back to eating. The smaller girl pouts, giving her bestfriend light punches to her shoulder.

"Our Wheeinie wants to play with her unnie, yah Wheein, maybe tomorrow" Byul tried to appease the smaller girl, still pulling the adorable pout that her group members find it hard to resist.


After calling it a day by ten in the evening they all went to seperate ways, Yongsun and Byul walks to the older girl's car, the night is young if you would ask them, considering the sleepless nights they have spent together under the same roof, eating, talking, writing a song, letting the other person know about their emotion, bawling their eyes out, even those silent nights everytime they got into a fight, or just plain movie night for the both of them. And Yongsun can't help but wonder what of those things could this be about.


The sultry breeze of summer night was not able to contain the rowdy streets of Seoul, Yongsun observed, as she drive their way to her apartment. Byul kept bothering her to change the seats of her car, of course she would not stop telling Yongsun to change it, until she really does.

Yongsun was pulling into her parking space when Byul suddenly blurted something that she never thought would even be a topic for the both of them.


"I will ask her to marry me" Byul delivered those words in the most jovial way possible, Yongsun's grip tighten at the steering wheel, her nails almost digging deep on her palm, she releases a deep quiet sigh, Byul is waiting for her response and she would bet her whole career that she is the first person that Byul went to, to talk about this. She talking about her, of course she's talking about her.

"Unnie, I will ask Jin ah unnie to marry-" Byul repeats herself, unbuckling her seatbelt to face Yongsun, only for the older woman to cut her sentence. She nods her head seeming like with a pattern. 

The two has been dating for two years now, they have seen going out a few times publicly, but it's all platonic in the eyes of the netizen, even for dispatch, why wouldn't it be, they were not trying to hide that they are seeing each other and you would think that it's just a beautiful friendship that bloomed during one of the Drama Award shows that Jin ah attended where Mamamoo was invited to perform to. 

They were lowkey about their relationship but the subtle implications were there, especially when the older woman post a story to her instagram account or when Byul would casually post a comment under her posts, not flirty or the typical greasy Moonbyul the fans know of, just a simple compliment to the photography or the content of the photo, moomoos might have gotten the idea but of course, Byul could not simply pop the news out of the blue, she has a plan, she says. 

She could still remember that day when Byul came to her, blabbering how stunning Im Jin ah was, few days after the two are having a good talk, the next thing she sees is an ecstatic Byul came barging to her apartment yelling. 



Yongsun just finished shooting for her latest video for her YouTube, when she hears the sound of her doorlock, it could be anyone except that the only person who knows her password is Byul. She continued to sort her things, she checks the time on her phone, it says six fifteen, clearly it means she will be having her dinner with her member. Few seconds after, she could hear Byul yelling, she's all over the place. 


​​​​​​"Yaaah, unnie, unnie!" she ran to Yongsun's bedroom, she kept calling her until she reached her bedroom. She poked Yong who is busy packing her things. Byul sat in a japanese style when the older woman made her way to her cabinet ready to put her camera back. 

​​​​​​"Jin ah unnie kissed me" 

Yongsun stopped dead in her tracks, dumbfounded at the news she just heard, the camera she's holding almost slip off of her grasp. She heard the rapper sighed and a light squeak of the bed, assuming that she has now lied down. Yongsun took her time fixing the camera. 

Byulyi let out a loud contented sigh. 

"So I asked unnie, why did she do that then she told me that she thought that I might wanna date her caus she's been thinking about it" this time Yongsun was able to turn around to face her bestfriend, who is now a squealing mess, she sat again trying to regain her composure.  

The younger woman took the pillow beside her to cover her face as she screamed to muffle her voice.


It's a no surprise for Yongsun that Byul is now dating a woman, they haven't officially talked about her ual preference but she would always points out that love is universal and you can't pick who would you love and that Byul is open for the idea of dating, regardless of the gender. 

What surprises her is who she is dating, Im Jin ah? Yongsun is now concerned for Byul's well being and career what if netizens speaks badly about the two of them considering they are both celebrity. 

Byul must

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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 1: Danggg this is heartbreaking. I felt bad for yong at first, but after hearing from byul’s side she definitely deserve to move on and embrace that happiness. Its nobody’s fault, they really love each other but i guess they just don’t meant for each other... 😔 beautiful story author nim!
Chapter 1: Aw- :<
Chapter 1: Yong wasted those chances, somehow she deserves it for not standing up for Byul. thanks authornim for this amazing story <3
Chapter 1: Hard hitting but Byul deserves it. As much as I feel sad for Yong, she clearly had many chances…
Wooshtheroosh #5
Chapter 1: ._. That was great and I can't really feel bad for Yong because well, she knew but didn't do anything. It's just sad. Great work author-nim!!
Chapter 1: yes i have a huge crush on Im Jin ah, a.k.a Nana of After School hahahah