

His friend once asked him if he ever thought about murdering someone and he brushed it off as a nonsense question. Really, who would think about killing people, especially a stranger whom you didn't know? Ridiculous.




Now, if his friend asked him again, he would reply without hesitation that, yes, he did think about murdering people at some point.




"Hey! How long do you plan to stay in there!? Don't you think other people have to use a phone too!?"


Kyuhyun shouted in annoyance as he slammed his fist on the glass door. However, a man standing inside the payphone booth merely raised his brow at him, before turning his attention back to whoever at the other end of the line. Kyuhyun was so furious that he could commit a homicide now. This was his first time coming to Seoul. He got accepted into Seoul College so he came here hoping to surprise his sister, but everything just went downhill. He got lost in a city he had never visited before. His phone battery died and he couldn't contact anyone. His wallet was stolen and he only had some changes with him. He couldn't ask for help because he somehow wandered to non-tourist block, with only houses and no shops in sight. Plus, it was quite late in the night already so no one was out in the street. His only hope was the payphone booth that would help him reach his sister, the same payphone booth that an irritating man was using.


"Are you deaf or what!? You've been in there for twenty minutes already! Get the out and let me use it!"


Kyuhyun banged his fist on the glass door again. The man inside the booth looked at him. Then, slowly but smugly, he inserted another coin in the payphone and smiled sweetly at him. Kyuhyun felt like banging his head at the door but held himself back. The annoying man locked the door so even if Kyuhyun wanted to drag the man out, he couldn't do that. So, he could only stare murderously at the man inside while cursing under his breath. At the same time, Kyuhyun also cursed himself for noticing silly things like how beautiful the man's eyes were, how his reddish lips looked so damn kissable, how his small hand ridiculously contrasted with the quite big headset, how slim he looked in his tight black jeans, or how his tiny tongue often sneaked out to his lips...


"Get out before I lose my patience, damn it!"


Again, Kyuhyun banged his hand on the glass door. But this time, he repeatedly banged it until the man inside the booth couldn't stand the noise. Finally, the man snapped. He slammed the headset on the receiver and stomped out. Kyuhyun almost got hit in his face when the man suddenly pushed the door open. And he cursed himself again for noticing how really cute and really handsome the man was when he took a closer look.


"Excuse me, but we're living in the civilized world now so could you please act like one?"


The man said dryly but Kyuhyun could only focus on his y husky voice.


"I-If you want me to do so then stop hoarding the phone! I need to make a call too!"

"Shut up. No rules indicate that you can't use a payphone longer than whatever minutes. Plus, I'm using my money so I can call as long as I want!"

"But you've been calling for thirty minutes now! How rich are you to talk on a payphone for freaking thirty minutes!"

"How I use my money is none of your business! Now get lost! I have to go back to the call!"

"You seriously aren't done yet!? What the hell! No, I don't care, move! I have to call my sister!"


Kyuhyun stepped into the booth while the man was still inside. He faintly heard a sound of door closing behind but he paid it no attention. He headed to the payphone but the man blocked his way. The booth was quite small so when two adults got in there, they couldn't move around without their bodies not brushing against each other. Kyuhyun gulped when the man's thigh in skiny jeans accidentally brushed against his own.


"What the hell! Get out of here and stop pushing me!" The man complained, trying to push Kyuhyun out of the booth.

"You get out of here then! This is a public payphone so I have every right to use it!" Kyuhyun complained back while standing his ground.

"Jesus! Stand still and stop moving around! Don't you see how little space this place is!?" The man used more force to push Kyuhyun, and he was surprised to find those small hands having so much strength.

"If you know that then leave! I won't move even a muscle!" Kyuhyun shouted trying to get a hold of those cute baby hands.


Because of their little brawl, both of them slowly retreated to the booth door. They kept arguing the entire time while having a cat fight. Kyuhyun tsked in annoyance when he realized that he was at disadvantage despite being taller. Seeing the man's victorious smirk made him even more annoyed.


"So, you're those who barks but not bites, eh? Goodbye and I hope we won't see each other again!"

"Wait, don't push m- Ouch!"



Instead of getting out of the booth, Kyuhyun's back slammed full force against the glass door. He first groaned in pain from the impact. Then, he yelped in pain again when the man lost his footing and fell into his embrace, headbutting his chest in the process. Out of instinct, Kyuhyun firmly hooked his arms around the man's thin waist and caught him. He didn't drop his hands even when the man already regained his footing, too busy admiring how their bodies seemed to fit perfectly together.


"Ouch... My forehead... What the hell happened? Didn't I push you out of the booth?"


The man said mostly to himself. One hand rubbing his forehead, the man placed his hand on the glass door behind Kyuhyun and gave it a push. Nothing happened. The man frowned. He was too preoccupied with the problematic door so he didn't realize that Kyuhyun sneakily hugged him tighter. The man tried to push the door again but to no avail. The glass door wouldn't budge no matter how much force the man used. Slowly, realization finally hit the man.


"The lock is jammed... ! We're trapped in here!"

"Oh, that's bad."


Kyuhyun's voice didn't sound upset at all, which made the man frown. That was when the man realized that some sneaky arms still hooked around his waist. His face turned slightly red and he quickly stepped away, which made Kyuhyun sigh in disappointment.


"You ert!" The man pointed his cute tiny finger at Kyuhyun, "you intentionally lock the door and get us trapped in here, right!?"

"I admit that I like how that sounds, but I swear with my honor that I'm as clueless as you."


To prove his innocence, Kyuhyun turned to the door and tried to shove it open. Again, nothing happened. He checked the lock and found out that it was jammed as the other man said.


"It won't even budge. We might fare better if we get help opening it from the outside."

"Call your sister then. I don't have a cellphone with me and I already run out of changes."

"What? You run out of changes? Didn't you tell me that you'll call your friend back so you tried to shove me out?"

"Well, it's your fault interrupting my call when I was at my last coin. If I can't call my friend then you can't too."


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at the man's childish attitude resulting in them being trapped in here. He shifted his attention to trying to get help. Taking the last change out of his jeans pocket, Kyuhyun was about to insert the coin and call his sister when the man suddenly yelped and jumped at him. Getting caught off guard, he dropped the coin in his hand. Both men watched in horror how the coin bounced off the ground a couple of times, before rolling out of the phone booth through the gap under the door. The coin kept rolling on the road and, eventually, rolled into the drain outside the booth.


"MY LAST COIN!" Kyuhyun screamed. "What have you done!?"

"It's not my fault! I saw something moving in that alley and I was startled!"


Looking at the said alley, both men saw a tiny mouse running out of the alley and disappearing into the night. Kyuhyun raised his eyesbrow at the man who smiled sheepishly at him. Silence soon fell into the tiny phone booth. Both men stared at each other not knowing what to do.






Somewhere far off in the distance, dark clouds began to gather above the sleeping city.




Two men stood awkwardly together in the small payphone booth. Kyuhyun constantly glanced at his temporary buddy facing the same fate, but the man refused to meet his gaze. After staring at that cold and distant back for about ten minutes, Kyuhyun decided to break the wall between them.


"Ahem, seeing that we'll be stuck here for a while, why don't we introduce ourselves?"

"Sorry, but I don't feel like getting to know a man who put me in this situation."

"Hey, can you stop being hostile for a minute? I'm just trying to be civil like how you told me."

"Civil?" The man snickered, "are you sure that you didn't just try to get in my pants?"


Kyuhyun tried to play it off like he was innocent by rising his hands up to show his good intention.


"Alright, my hands were too naughty but I promise it won't happen again. Are we good now?"


The man turned to stare at Kyuhyun fully. Then, he sighed and extended his hand to Kyuhyun.


"Kim Jongwoon, twenty-two, you?"

"Wow! You're older than me. I'm Cho Kyuhyun, I just turned nineteen months ago."


Kyuhyun happily shook the older man's hand and secretly marveled how soft it was. After the introduction was done, Jongwoon immediately turned his back at Kyuhyun again. Kyuhyun didn't want to let such an amazing chance go so he shifted to stand beside the man (with his hands strictly to himself, mind you). He leaned on the wall trying to catch the older man's eyes. Jongwoon scoffed and turned his head to the other side. Kyuhyun didn't give up and changed his position. He beamed happily at the man who glared at him. However, Jongwoon eventually softened down. He shook his head and smiled defeatedly at the younger.


"Alright, you win, what do you want?"

"Nothing. I just want to see your cute smile."


Jongwoon got embarrassed at the younger direct flirting. He had never met someone as bold and shameless as Kyuhyun before so he didn't know what to do. He looked at the floor to avoid the younger's twinkle eyes. Sadly, he couldn't get away because Kyuhyun crouched down to look up at him instead.


"Stop staring at me already!"

"Then hyung has to stop being cute~"

"C-Cute!? What's wrong with you!?"

"I don't know too. Something is wrong with me the moment I first see you, Jongwoon hyung~"


Jongwoon now turned a shade of bright red, which made Kyuhyun smile even wider. They looked nothing like the two men who were arguing not long ago. The awkward atmosphere between them was completely gone. Now, they were smiling at each other instead. Kyuhyun's smile was full of joy while Jongwoon's smile was shy yet delighted. He shook his head at the younger as if he was so done with him, but his almond-shaped eyes were shining with mirth.


"You're so unbelievably sappy. Did you really think that you can win my heart with that silly pick up line?"

"I won't know unless I try, right?"



While both men were laughing at each other, dark clouds slowly getting closer to where they were.






"What are you doing out here so late? Where is your phone? Why did you have to call your friend through a payphone?"

"Well, I just came back from my friend's house but I forgot my phone there. I called him and told him to bring it to my house tomorrow. However, we sort of got caught in the conversation so I kept talking with him until you came."

"Your friend..."

"Eh? Are you being jealous?" Jongwoon smirked, "don't worry, he really is just my friend. Besides, he already has a girlfriend."

"Really? I'm glad to hear that. I still have a chance on you!"


At first, Jongwoon only wanted to tease the younger. He didn't expect Kyuhyun to actually be happy about that. He avoided looking at Kyuhyun's sincere eyes and hurried to change the topic.


"What about you? What are you doing so late and why don't you call your sister with your phone?"

"I actually live out of Seoul but I'll be moving here soon. Noona supposed to take me here next week but I wanted to surprise her. So, I came here alone ahead of our appointed date. However, I got lost and my wallet was stolen. My phone battery died so I can only rely on this payphone. Hyung, don't you feel bad for me? I'm super unlucky!"


Kyuhyun whined and shamelessly seized the chance to hold Jongwoon's hands. Jongwoon rolled his eyes at the younger's obvious attempt to hold his hands but he didn't pull them away. He sincerely felt bad for Kyuhyun. The younger man had faced so many unfortunate events, yet he ran into Jongwoon and his childish attitude. If only he didn't act immature like that, they wouldn't be trapped here in a stupid payphone booth.



But then I wouldn't get to know Kyuhyun too...



Jongwoon was caught off guard by his own thought. His chubby cheeks immediately heated up which didn't get past Kyuhyun's eyes. The younger smirked and spoke up with a teasing tone.


"Hyung, could it be that you were thinking about how we get to know each other thanks to my bad luck and how happy you were for that?"

"H-How did you know!?"

"Easy. Because I was having the same thought."



That's it. I'm so ing done for. There is no way I can recover after that.



Jongwoon shyly cast his eyes down. His heart was beating so loud in his chest that he could clearly hear it. He could only wish that Kyuhyun didn't hear it as he still wanted to save his face. Apparently, his wish didn't reach God's ears because his chin was gently lifted up to meet Kyuhyun's soft but wicked gaze.


"Can I take it that you don't mind us being trapped in here? Because I sure as hell don't mind it."

"I-I don't know..."

"You don't know?" Kyuhyun smirked got wider, "you don't know or you don't want to admit it?"



Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.



"It's raining? What the hell? The sky was so clear not long ago."


Kyuhyun let go of Jongwoon to look out of the glass wall. Raindrops fell from the night sky one after another. Soon, heavy rainfall surrounded the small payphone booth deafening Kyuhyun's voice and Jongwoon's crazily heartbeat. While Kyuhyun was checking to make sure that the roof didn't leak, Jongwoon was thanking God inwardly for listening to his plea. He didn't think his heart could take it if Kyuhyun leaned in any closer.




"Hyung, how long have we been trapped in here?"

"Forty-five minutes."

"No wonder my legs feel like crap."


Kyuhyun groaned and tried his best to stretch his cramped legs in such a small space. Both of them had been standing in the payphone booth for almost one hour. Plus, it was one in the morning now so they were very sleepy and exhausted, especially Kyuhyun who spent his whole evening walking around the city. He yawned tiredly trying to fight off the sleepiness. The weather was too perfect for a nap so it was hard to keep himself awake. Rain still poured heavily outside the booth. Luckily, the payphone booth they were in was on a platform further in the footpath, so they didn't have to worry about water flooding in. Yawning again, Kyuhyun finally gave in to his tired state. He sat on the floor uncaring about dirtying his jeans. The booth was really small so he had to sit cross-legged. At the same time, Jongwoon was being considerate so he stuck himself at the corner, giving more space to the younger. Seeing how uncomfortable the older looked, Kyuhyun called out to him.


"Hyung, you should get some rest too."

"How? It's not like this place having so much choices."


Kyuhyun didn't answer. Instead, he lightly tapped his lap and smiled innocently at the man. Jongwoon who got the meaning in no time immediately turned red. He quickly shook his head and waved his hands around to deny the younger's invitation. It only made Kyuhyun tap his lap more eagerly. After seeing the younger's puppy eyes, Jongwoon finally gave in. He timidly sat down on Kyuhyun's lap and slightly jumped in surprise when a pair of arms hugging around his waist.


"What are you doing!?" Jongwoon frantically tried to shove those ert hands off his waist but to no avail.

"The weather is quite chill thanks to the rain. I'm worried that you might catch a cold so I'm using myself as your personal heater." Kyuhyun said casually and rested his chin on the older man's shoulder.

"Who said that I'm cold?"

"Oh, I see, sorry for misunderstanding you then."


Kyuhyun took his hands off Jongwoon's waist so sudden that Jongwoon felt a bit lost. The younger also stopped leaning on his shoulder and turned his face away. It was almost as if he was... sulking?


"Kyuhyun, are you sulking?"

"Nope, why would I? It's my fault for being touchy with you even though we barely know each other. If anything, you should be the one getting mad at me."


His words might be that, but the way Kyuhyun pouting made Jongwoon can't help but chuckle. Normally, he wouldn't let a stranger do any of this with him. However, something about this brat made him drop his guard down. He felt weird, yes, but not having Kyuhyun's arms around him felt even weirder. He really was a lost cause when it came to Kyuhyun. If Heechul knew that he let a kid younger than him rile him up like this, no doubt his friend would laugh himself to death.


Well, Kyuhyun might be a tad bit too eager, but it's not like I hate those types.


"You know what? I actually think I start to get cold now so-"


He didn't even finish his sentence when two arms quickly came back around his waist. Kyuhyun happily tightened the hug and even nuzzled his nose against the older man's neck.




...Only to pull away when Jongwoon flicked his forehead.


"Not so fast, Cho Kyuhyun,"



Kyuhyun whined but didn't dare to be naughty again. Fearing for his (still throbbing) forehead, Kyuhyun decided to be a good boy and simply rested his chin on Jongwoon's shoulder. Getting comfortable, he yawned and lazily nuzzled his face against that slim shoulder. Even Jongwoon began to yawn too. Leaning on the younger man, Jongwoon closed his eyes and let sleep take him, following closely by Kyuhyun who yawned one last time before falling asleep too.



Two steady breathings harmonized the small payphone booth, along with the sound of raindrops falling on the deserted road. Jongwoon and Kyuhyun slept peacefully on the lonely cold night, relishing in the warmth they shared.




"Boys, what're you doing here cuddling up in a payphone booth?"



A sort of familiar voice woke Jongwoon up. Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he saw a middle-aged man staring at him with a confused expression. When he heard a quiet snore from behind him, he finally got back to his sense and realized what an embarrassing situation he was in. He got up from Kyuhyun's lap in one swift motion. At the same time, he also recalled the middle-aged man as one of his neighbors who lived in the same neighborhood. The man was in a simple black t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and sneakers, a white towel hanging around his neck, hinting that he was probably in the middle of jogging. The man glanced past him to Kyuhyun who was still sleeping soundly. A corner of his lip rose up into a smirk and Jongwoon's whole face immediately turned red, knowing well the meaning behind that smile.


"Oh, am I interrupting something?"

"What? No! Nothing happened between me and this ki-"

"Jongwoon hyung... Where are you? It's cold..."


Kyuhyun chose the worst moment to whine about the loss of his living heater. The younger's inquiry made the man's smirk grow wider while Jongwoon's face turned redder. Deciding that he wouldn't endure this embarrassment alone, Jongwoon mercilessly woke the younger up by not so gently pinching his cheeks. Kyuhyun yelped and immediately woke up. He glared at the older man and was about to complain about such harsh treatment, but Jongwoon pointedly ignored him and wound his face to see the third party. Kyuhyun blinked stupidly trying to register the situation. Seeing the younger making no reaction, Jongwoon impatiently urged him to clear the misunderstanding.


"What're you doing? Hurry up and tell him that nothing happened between us!"

"Ah, yes, nothing happened between us, unless you count that time when Jongwoon hyung cutely cuddled up on my lap and slept on m-"

"What the hell are you saying!? Now you're worsening the misunderstanding!"

"But I was stating the fact..."


Kyuhyun pouted at the older man who unkindly slapped his arm. Though Jongwoon admitted that the younger's kicked puppy face effectively melted his heart, he still slapped the man's arm again (not so harshly this time), all the while the passerby was smiling fondly at the couple.




After some explanation (and more slaps on Kyuhyun's arm), Jongwoon somehow managed to convince his neighbor that nothing happened and they were just trapped in the payphone booth together. The neighbor had an easy time believing in their story because he did have to harshly pull the door a few times before it gave in and opened. Both men couldn't be happier finally getting out of the stupid booth. The first thing they did after being free was stretching their numb bodies. While Jongwoon was rolling his shoulder, Kyuhyun spoke up to the middle-aged man.


"Could I borrow your phone for a sec? I need to call my noona and have her pick me up."

"Sure, here it's."

"Thank you so much!"


Jongwoon paused his body warm-up session. Right, he almost forgot the reason why Kyuhyun ended up here in the first place.


Then, it hit him that he might not see the younger man again.


He hated how his heart sunk low at the notion. Why? Just because he wouldn't meet this annoying ert brat again, why did it make him feel sad? He couldn't possibly...


"Thanks again for the phone, hyung."

"What did your noona say?"

"Apparently, where I'm right now is totally in another corner of the world from where my noona's house is. She said it'll take about two hours driving here and told me to find somewhere warmer and more comfortable to stay and wait for her."

"It's only five in the morning, not many places would be open in this hour."


Before he realized what he was doing, Jongwoon already reached out and tugged Kyuhyun's cuff. When the younger turned to him and raised his brow at him, Jongwoon snapped his hand back so fast it almost strained his wrist. Timidly keeping his hand by his side, he stared at the ground and spoke up quietly.


"...I know a cafe that open twenty-four hours. And I don't mind keeping you company, i-if you'd like that, of course."

"Jongwoon hyung," Kyuhyun couldn't grin any brighter, "if I'd like that? No, I'd love that!"


Jongwoon still refused to look up, but anyone could tell that he was happy from the way his shoulders relaxing. Kyuhyun borrowed the phone from the man again to inform his sister about the meeting place, all the while Jongwoon was waiting quietly. Then, he yelped in surprise when Kyuhyun suddenly grabbed his hand. The younger briefly bid farewell to the kind man who rescued them, before jogging off happily with Jongwoon closely behind him. The man watched in genuine amusement how Jongwoon scolded the younger man about heading down the wrong direction and led him to another direction. Oh, how he couldn't wait for the sun to rise and for the community to wake up, so he could tell them about their angel Kim Jongwoon and his newfound boyfriend.




Arriving at the cafe, Jongwoon bought a coffee for himself and hot milk for Kyuhyun, along with a couple of sandwich to fill their empty stomachs. Since it was very early in the morning, both of them were the only customers in this small but cozy cafe. The owner after serving their orders (with a knowing smirk throwing at Jongwoon but he promptly ignoring it), had proceed to disappear to the inner kitchen, leaving both men alone. While Jongwoon leisurely sipped his coffe with grace, Kyuhyun was busy stuffing his face with sandwiches. It was only after the fourth or the fifth pieces that he stopped. With his stomach full, Kyuhyun decided it was time to feed his curiosity as well.


"Hyung, you said that you're twenty-two, right? Does that mean you just graduate from college?"

"No, I'm in my last year now. Why did you ask?"

"I was thinking if I can share a room with you, you know, so that I don't have to bother my noona?"


While Kyuhyun might say that, Jongwoon could easily see through his obvious lie and saw the true intention hidden behind the younger's hopeful gaze.



Kyuhyun didn't want them to be a stranger, a part of memories that would be forgotten some days. Frankly speaking, Jongwoon completely shared the same sentiment. He couldn't pinpoint the feeling nor could he give it a name, not yet, but he knew with firm certainty that he, too, didn't want them to be a stranger. However...



"Kyuhyun, I'm so, so sorry," Jongwoon said and he hated how the light in Kyuhyun's eye dimmed, "trust me, I'd love to have you as my roommate, but I already promised my senior that I'll let his brother stay with me until he graduates..."

"Oh," Kyuhyun exclaimed, trying to look cheerful but failing completely, "I see, in that case, it can't be helped then. What a shame!"


While Kyuhyun was smiling, Jongwoon could tell that he was forcing himself. Guided by his emotion, Jongwoon held Kyuhyun's hand and squeezed it. His eyes bored into the younger's brown one with such sincerity that Kyuhyun's face slowly got hotter.


"Kyuhyun, even if you aren't my roommate doesn't mean that we won't meet or hang out again. Besides, did you really think I can forget you? With what bull we have been through together?"


Kyuhyun didn't answer but he squeezed the older man's small hand back. Signs of live and hope slowly returned to his eyes. His smile was genuine, content, and joyful.


"In that case, can I have your phone number?"


Jongwoon smiled back. His smile was as happy as that of Kyuhyun's.


"Of course!"




After exchanging their phone numbers and chatting some more, Jongwoon looked at his wristwatch and bolted up in panic, causing Kyuhyun to stand up too.


"Hyung, what happened? Is everything alright?"

"I'm sorry but I have to go. It's seven now and I have a meeting with my professor at eight about my thesis. I have to go home and prepare myself."

"What? You won't stay with me and meet my noona?"

"Unfortunately, I can't do that. But I'll be sure to call you once I'm free. Don't forget to charge your phone."


With that said, Jongwoon walked off. Then, he stopped in his tracks and walked back to the table. He lowered himself and planted his lips on the younger's cheek. Kyuhyun gasped and stared dumbly at the man, but before he got to say anything, Jongwoon had already run out of the cafe with a burning red face. Kyuhyun grinned like an idiot while touching his cheek where the soft lips landed. He stayed like that until his sister arrived and knocked some sense into him.


"Kyu-ah, are you alright? Why did you keep smiling like an idiot?"

"Noona! You just missed the chance to meet your future brother-in-law, my soon-to-be boyfriend!"

"What? Your boyfriend?"

"Yep! My boyfriend Kim Jongwoon hyung!"


Kyuhyun was too busy getting lost in the sweet moments so he didn't notice the way his sister quietly gasping at the uttered name.


"I couldn't wait to introduce him to you and everyone!"

"Oh, yes, I couldn't wait to meet him too."


Again, Kyuhyun failed to notice a smirk on his sister's lips.




2 months later...



"Changbin hyung, your brother is about to arrive here at any moment yet you still won't tell me a thing about him?"

"Why? Jongwoon-ah, were you worried that my little brother would be up to no good?"

"No, hyung, I trust you, but don't you think I deserve to know about my would-be roommate?"

"You'll meet him sooner or later anyway. You know how I like keeping things a surprise, right?"

"I know. And that's what makes me even more nervous..."

"Rest easy. I promise you'll like my brother just fine. If anything, you'll come to like him even more than me!"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Ah, my wife is calling me. See you, Jongwoon. Don't forget to update me regularly about you guys!"



Puzzled, Jongwoon hung up the call with uneasiness at the pit of his stomach. He recognized the tone his senior was using. It was the one he used when he was about to prank Jongwoon, which put him on guard even more about the new roommate. He suddenly regretted letting a man whom he didn't know sharing the room. Nevertheless, he knew he couldn't turn down his senior when he asked for help so Jongwoon could only sigh in defeat. He truly hoped that this little brother of his senior was as good as his senior had claimed. If not, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life that he let this stranger stay with him, even though it could have been Kyuhyun...

Speaking of Kyuhyun, they still kept in contact to this day. Jongwoon wouldn't say that they were in a relationship, it was just, he gave himself and Kyuhyun a chance to see if they would work out or not. After all, they only knew each other for two months and their first impression of each other wasn't good either. Despite that, Jongwoon admitted that his affection for the younger seemed to grow more and more each passing day, and he knew the same could be said for Kyuhyun to him. In fact, he adored Kyuhyun so much that he found himself thinking about breaking the promise he made with his senior. But in the end, he threw the thought away and decided to keep his words. Well, he knew that Kyuhyun got in the same college he went to so they would meet again anyway.






Just as Jongwoon was done resigning to his fate, the doorbell rang. He moved to open the door and readied to welcome his new roommate.


...Only to come face to face with Kyuhyun.


"What? Kyuhyun? Why are you here? Wait, don't tell me that you are..."


Kyuhyun grinned wolfishly. He boldly stepped into the room dragging his luggage behind him. Then, he proceeded to lock the door and smiled smugly at Jongwoon.


"My name is Cho Kyuhyun, Changbin hyung's brother-in-law. I'll be staying with you from now on until I graduate, so I hope you'll take good care of me, Jongwoon hyung."

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Thank you!
Will there be a sequel? Probably yes.
Will the sequel be anytime soon? Probably no.


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Itsanothermoon #1
Chapter 1: dsdgdkhdljhsjgxkhdkyel THIS IS SO CUTE 😭😭
zah1102 #3
Chapter 1: I’m waiting for the sequel, authornim saranghaeee 💙💙💙
392 streak #4
Chapter 1: Sequel~ Sequel~~ Sequel~~~ XDDD
Serenademuzic #5
More Kyusung fics please! Really enjoy your writing ?
392 streak #6
well, in my country, there's no a payphone booth. I mean, there's a payphone, but without walls (?) glass door (?) whatever XD We don't have any privacy when we called someone with it LOL

PS : Gonna read it tomorrow, my son's homeworks are a loooooooot
queenie2975 #7
WONKYU Fanfiction please
PathxX #8
You're an angel to this kyusung-needy land xD Jokes aside, you've written a lot of Kyusung fics already. How did you even do that? Your stories were all creative and fun too. So, whether it's a kyusung fic or other stuff, I hope you never lose your passion for writing <3

PS: I could totally picture the real Jongwoon getting caught up in a conversation even if he's using a payphone xD