New Vendetta

on opposite ends
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The last time Jisoo had shed tears, she was standing in front of her parents' buried bodies. And even then, she had only cried briefly as the grief had suddenly encircled around and squeezed it so tight, she felt like she was choking on it. 


But now the tears flow continuously. Each tear streaks down her cheeks and leaves a glistening trail. Jisoo didn't think she was capable of crying out a river, but the tears didn't stop even when she willed it to.


"Where is all this water coming from?" She asks herself in the dark. The moment she was on the ground level of the Ministry, she chucked herself into the nearest broom closet and bawled her eyes out. It was pathetic, she knows, but her chest felt so heavy and crying everything out seemed to have lightened the burden. Even by just a little. 


Jisoo wipes the snot from her nose like a child and tries her hardest to get a grip. Jinyoung and Seulgi were probably looking for her right now, wondering how her (failed) interrogation had went. She was supposed to meet them right after she was finished with Taehyung, but she guesses she's been in this closet for a while now. Her emotions had gotten the best of her, she was feeling them all at once and it was ripping her apart from the inside out. There were so many things that she couldn't wrap her head around, so many revelations that Taehyung had confessed to her because of her truth serum. 


The Dark Lord had murdered her parents. The Dark Lord cursed Taehyung. The Dark Lord wanted her dead. 


All this time, she been angry and vengeful at the wrong people. Taehyung, the Ministry, herself. She wasted so much time loathing and hating people who were, in the end, not responsible for the biggest tragedy in her life. 


She should have focused all her anger to the Dark Lord.


And she will now that she knows the truth. 


She pushes herself from the floor and furiously wipes the tears away from her eyes. She had a new mission now. 


She was going to kill Voldemort herself. 

Jisoo took a deep breathe before she pushed open the door to Jinyoung's office. She hoped that the little charm she performed on her eyes had visibly lessened the puffiness and redness. 


Seulgi sat in one of the chairs by the fireplace, her eyes trained at Jisoo's stoic expression but saying nothing. 


"Sorry it took so long," Jisoo says when she glances at the two of them. They were waiting for her to talk first. "It was a lot to process. But you already knew, didn't you? You found out about everything." 


There was a beat of silence before Jinyoung nods and clears his throat. Jisoo turns to him and purses her lips. "I see. When will his trial be?" She doesn't want to dwell on the newly acquired confirmation, perhaps mostly out of fear that she'll start bawling again right there and then. 


"We're not sure, they haven't set the date yet." Jinyoung sounds nervous and annoyed at the same time. The Confederation had wanted their hands on Taehyung as soon as possible, and now that he was in the Ministry's custody they were suddenly moving like snails and turtles for the processing of his official court trial. 


Jisoo shares his feelings about the matter. "The longer he stays down there, the more dangerous it is to keep him. He has to be tried soon."  She wants to be rid of him and they need to be rid of him. She assumes Jinyoung had already obtained the information he wanted.


"We know, Jisoo. They're taking care of it. They know how urgent this is better than anyone." Jinyoung assures her. And then his features soften and he looks at her, as if he knows what Jisoo had been through down there with Taehyung. He should know by now, he interrogated him first. But, to her relief, he doesn't prod about it. "Don't worry. While he's here, we'll do our best to keep him here until they've set a date." 


Jisoo nods in understanding. "I - I'm sorry." She's not exactly sure what she's apologizing for, but it felt right to say it at that moment. 


"No need to apologize." Jinyoung cuts her off. He turns his attention to the other woman in the room who had been disturbingly quiet during the whole exchanged between him and Jisoo. "Seulgi, didn't you want to ask Jisoo about something?" 


Seulgi and Jinyoung's eyes meet briefly before she stands from her seat and walks over to Jisoo. The corner of her lips pull up as she gives the other Auror a small, encouraging smile. "We... we have another favor to ask."


Jisoo quirks an eyebrow. In the back of her head, she can hear her ex-partner's taunting voice. "Haven't you asked for enough favors?" Johnny's previous words spring out from her without much thought. The snarky retort almost makes her smile back at Seulgi, but her heart isn't in it. 


Jinyoung lets out a sigh and Seulgi's smile slowly fades as it makes way for a more serious expression. "The choice is entirely up to you this time, Jisoo. It's a favor, yes, but one you can turn away from. We're giving you a choice." She says, as if that would make whatever Seulgi had to offer more enticing. "My team is small yet efficient, but we need another person who's quick on their feet, nimble with their fingers and good with using their head because we are running out of time." 


"Your team? What exactly are you saying, Seulgi?" Jisoo scrunches up her nose then a distant thought tickles her from behind. She remembers being curious over what Seulgi was assigned to while she had been off to catch Taehyung. She was curious about Seulgi's own mission and what it was about. Was she going to learn about it now? Were they finally going to tell her?


"We want you to hunt horcruxes with us." Seulgi says plainly, laying it out bare for Jisoo. She just went right into it. 


Jisoo glances at the Head of the Aurors and sees Jinyoung face-palming himself. He drags his hand down the length of his face and shakes his head at the lack of subtlety on Seulgi's end. "What she means is -"


Seulgi waves him off and Jisoo doesn't know if she should be impressed or scared for the Auror. An act like that is equal to disrespect. But Jinyoung seems used to it, in fact he only glares at Seulgi without another word. "I assume you know what horcruxes are."


Jisoo slowly nods. She doesn't have to rack her mind to conjure an image of the object in question because it's something that has bothered her ever since they were seventh years during that one lesson in Defense Against the Dark

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072223. new update, chapter 29 is up!


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chickenwing_ac #2
Chapter 34: i am beyond shocked at the ending and so i glad i decided to check for any updates tdy 😭
1118 streak #4
Chapter 33: Bona don't leave Jisoo 😭😭😭
Bserius6 #5
Chapter 25: update please 😭😭😭
_petal_ #7
Chapter 32: Ahhhh....not Jungkook as well.
1118 streak #8
Chapter 32: Man I still can't believe Nayeon did that...Oh my I kinda knew it the moment Jungkook said he will go with her to the next horcrux that he will betray/leave her... And I think Hoseok or Jennie will free Tae...
_Vante #9
Chapter 31: I like the way this story is going but maybe that's because I am a er for angst and stuff. Keep up the good work and hoping to see the next chapters as quickly as possible.
1118 streak #10
Chapter 31: That's not fair Tae why only Jisoo have to swear? What about you? So if the dark lord controlled you and ordered you to kill her she won't be able to defend herself?