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The whole family's there: Leeteuk. His grandmother. His parents. Shimkoong.

Leeteuk got mad at her, though. For barking too much. She now sits under the table. Near Leeteuk. She's chewing on a ball.

The table is full. Donghae sits next to Leeteuk. Hyukjae is across them. He's beside Leeteuk's grandmother.

Donghae told himself not to be anxious. But he is. Again. Even though Hyukjae's so happy. He's beaming at him across the table.

"Sangchul didn't take his pills again," Grandma Park says. Suddenly. She pushes her food. "I have to call him."

She gets up.


"Mama Saeron," Hyukjae says. His voice's soft. He takes her hand. "He took them before he left to work."

"He did?"

"Yes, I saw him. I can call him to remind him, okay?"

"Thank you, Hyukjae. Please do that." Grandma Park smiles. Sits down. "Oh, where are the dumplings?"

"Oh!" Hyukjae says. Gasps. He covers his mouth cutely. "I ate them all... were they for Papa Sangchul?"

Grandma Park laughs. She looks around the table. "Oh, Hyukjae..." She pulls a little on his ear. "You have to help me make more for him. You know he loves them the most!"

"I will!"

The old woman laughs again. Goes back to her food.

The Park family breathes out.

"How is he so good with her?" Leeteuk mutters to Donghae.

"I told you," Donghae mutters back. "They know each other."

Mr. Park looks at Donghae. From the head of the table. He gives him a smile.

Donghae came expecting questions. Talk. But after hearing Grandma Park... he thinks...

Maybe no one will ask him about Hyukjae. Or how he and Grandma Park know each other. Not now, anyway. Not at the table. Because anything could go wrong. Upset Grandma Park.

Donghae wonders...

What else have the Parks heard about Hyukjae? From Grandma Park? 

Mrs. Park must have told her husband too... about that day his mother got mad at Hyukjae...


The dinner ends in peace. Everyone's chatted lightly. About their day and work.


Later... Grandma Park's back in her room. Mr. Park pulls Donghae aside.

"I want to ask you about Hyukjae..." he says. Appears serious.

"O-Oh, okay..."

"I've not had a chance to speak with him. As you can see, my mother likes to be with him the entire time he visits. I asked him to meet with me a few times so we can talk, but he always declines." Mr. Park shakes his head. He's displeased about it. "So I can only ask you. Donghae, I've been thinking about what you told us. I can't understand... you said his parents knew mine... and that his father gave them a mannequin that looks like himself, and like his son. But that would've been ages ago... before I even met my wife. They would've had to be young... if that mannequin looks like Hyukjae's father. And Hyukjae... he's very young. He wasn't born at that time..."

Have they asked him? About his age? Donghae doesn't even know his age...

"My mother... her mind's not what it was, but I've heard her and Hyukjae talking. I know her well. There's a period she remembers much better. She has trouble with Shimkoong... with you... even with my son! But she always recognizes Hyukjae. She always understands who we're talking about... and that is peculiar."

Donghae nods. Doesn't know what to say. He glances at the kitchen. Leeteuk is watching. Shimkoong's in his arms.

"It... is strange, Mr. Park..." Donghae says.

"It is," Mr. Park agrees. "Because it makes me think... she knew Hyukjae before her health got worse. That would have been before my father passed away. My wife says Hyukjae also talks about my father like he's met him and spent time with him. He cannot have gathered that much about him from my mother herself, even if

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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 24: I keep thinking Saeron must be a very good and kind person. She waited for 30 years for Hyukjae to come back, and she waited alone so that there would be no one to be frightened by him and frighten him back if he ever did come back. It must have been so scary wondering what happened to him after her house
was sold.

I like how you've written her as improving. That's what a military doctor told me about my father when his moods got really erratic -- that at his age, unresolved PTSD was running the show (in his case from what he'd been through in the military), and if there's some way to address that, a whole lot of mental functioning and mood issues suddenly get better. It doesn't magically cure underlying disease, but it makes a truly astonishing difference. And for Saeron, the treatment is knowing Hyukjae is okay and spending time with him.
Chapter 42: After long time finally got time to read again. Im sorry coz i haven't able to read ur updates in time 😊 always remember you're a great author! Love the relationship between them. 💕
745 streak #3
Chapter 1: So glad I saw this story, I absolutely love the first chapter. You did a wonderful job with setting the tone and introducing the plot - which is so original btw. I can’t wait to read the rest of the chapters.😊
Chapter 47: Ini cerita yang sangat bagus, aku merasa hangat dengan interaksi Donghae dan Hyukjae. Terimakasih telah membuat cerita yg indah ini 💙
Chapter 48: Finally finish reading this. I really love this story. Thank you for sharing. And there’s a sequel **criessss. Thank you so much <3
162 streak #6
Chapter 48: What a pleasant update! 🥰
Chapter 48: OMG!!! Authornim, you are a blessing from the heavens. Thank you so much for this sequel ❤️
Chapter 48: Yesssssss ! of course when I saw this update I was so happy. This fic is a little gem, so I'll be sure to check out the link. Thanks
HelenDamnation #9
HelenDamnation #10
Chapter 47: This is my favorite story on this site.