
‘Guys, there is some movement in the house.’ Seulgi spoke up.

‘Seulgi, there is always movement in their house.’ Joohyun rolled her eyes, putting a plate on the table.

‘This will get you intrigued.’ That got both girls interest. ‘I’ll connect you to listen.’

‘-and I don’t like you getting close to them.’


Seungwan and Joohyun looked at eachother. Suho and Joy? Were they having a scandal?

‘I thought you didn’t like them? How come suddenly you go to their house for dinners and all?’

Wait.. was he talking about them? About Seungwan and Joohyun.

‘What is wrong with changing my opinion about them, Suho?’

‘There is something smelly about them, Sooyoung!’ Suho raised his voice. ‘I told you!’

Seungwan raised her eyebrow. ‘Smelly?’

‘I think they’re very kind, honestly.’

‘Please, you just want to the brunette.’ Suho exclaimed.

Joohyun blushed and Seungwan coughed loudly. Thank God they couldn’t hear them.

‘Well true, but my sister seems to like them and I owe her that much. She is a good judge of characters.’

A sigh was heard. ‘Fine, okay, I won’t stop you from getting close to them but be careful with no one finding out about that thing.’

‘I know, Suho. After all this is why I play your little girlfriend.’

And then the conversation cut.

‘See, I told you you’re gonna like this one.’ Seulgi clapped her hands.

‘What is that thing they are talking about?’ Joohyun commented.

‘I’m sorry but I knew she had a thing for you!’ Seungwan exclaimed. ‘She totally was not kidding during dinner.’ Joohyun laughed.'I don't like her.' The blonde commented.

‘What do you guys think about the ‘playing your little girlfriend’?’ Seulgi cut in the conversation from the other side.

‘This whole relationship is all an ordeal for something. Something Kim Suho doesn’t want us to know about.’


‘Would you like to grab dinner outside tonight?’ Seungwan had just gotten out of the bathroom, freshly showered. She found Bae Joohyun sat on the couch, a book in her hands. ‘The girl that fell from the sky’ the younger girl read out loud. ‘Nice choice.’

‘Thanks.’ Joohyun smiled, bookmarking her page before closing the book. ‘There isn’t any good restaurant around here though.’

Seungwan smiled. ‘I know but I searched around and the city 20km away from here has. I saw the reviews and it says it’s good.’

Joohyun thought about it for a second before nodding. ‘We can use a break.’

‘Great!’ Seungwan exclaimed. ‘I’ll go get ready then.’

‘Okay, me too.’

Wendy wanted this to be a date so bad. She has thought the whole day about a way to ask her partner out but she is pretty sure she threw the question too casually for Joohyun to catch on the fact she wants it to be a date.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she signed loudly. Another chance ruined.
She has been pep talking herself for days, trying to sound cool while asking her crush slash partner in crime out. Trying cool phrases like ‘Wanna go grab something with me’, some compliments like ‘You look gorgeous tonight’ and some winking. Now she blew up the chance. Supporting herself on her hand, she banged her head on the wall lightly. ‘Good job, Seungwan!’

A slight knock was heard on the door.

‘Seungwan, are you ready?’ Joohyun was heard from the other side.

Pushing herself away from the wall, the blonde  laughed softly. ‘Coming.’

‘Will wait for you downstairs.’

Wendy took a long deep breath hearing the echo  of the footsteps before leaving.  She had a job. A very important job to save someone’s family by finding the culprit but she was getting frustrated because she knew her crush was just going deeper by spending more time with the beautiful woman waiting her downstairs. How could she not, really? It felt like a little home. It felt full, it felt so natural that sometimes she forgot it’s all a cover up.

Going down the stares, Wendy spotted the said beautiful woman looking at her reflection in the mirror. Wendy could still faintly smell her perfume from the time she passed by that same staircase. She is currently fixing her hair and honestly the younger girl isn’t ready fir when she turns our. She knows she will be a mess the second she lays eyes on her and honestly will Joohyun even be surprised? It had happened so many times it’s almost worrying if she doesn’t. She would stutter, she would trip, she’d say absolutely unnecessary things or even talk too fast for her own good. And all that when she saw Irene with nothing but casual clothes. Now imagine this dressed up Bae Joohyun.

The older woman turns around and Wendy freezes at the last step, rendered speechless. Staring at her partner in that beautiful purple flowery dress she has never seen her wear before and staring and admiring is all Wendy can do because the woman left her speechless. It’s been weeks. It has been long enough for Wendy to be accustomed to Bae Joohyun but even after all this time how does one get used to such a view? Bae Joohyun is someone who can enter a room full of models, of celebrities and class beauties and she will still steal the whole attention. And if from no one else, she sure will have Wendy’s attention.

‘You look gorgeous.’

Joohyun smiles softly. ‘I'm not even dressed up.'

The younger girl returns the smile and continues her path. ‘I feel undressed now.’

‘Oh, don’t be silly. I really like the casual look. It’s very much you.’

‘Won’t you be cold like that?’

Joohyun giggled before walking to the front door. ‘I have you to keep me warm after all, wifey!’ And out she was leaving Wendy speechless once again. Taking the car keys in her hands and her jean jacket in the other, she took one last look at the mirror, dotting her blue jeans and white t-shirt good enough before turning off the lights and locking the door after herself.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet. Not awkward in any sense, they were enjoying a soft song playing on the radio while both deep in thoughts.

Wendy was in her own world. She was once again thinking about the girl that was sitting right next to her in the car right now. Truth is, she didn’t know when it happened. After seeing her just now with that beautiful dress the blonde admitted to herself she is way past the crush part. Was it the first day she woke up and there was a freshly made breakfast consisting eggs, bacon and toasts? Or was it when they first watched a movie together? Or was it that time Joohyun took one of her sweaters because she claimed is super soft and wore it? Wendy loved that view of the tiny girl wearing her big, oversized blue sweater saying ‘SMILE’ with yellow letters in front. It took her breath out of her lungs. Maybe it was all these small moments accumulating and making it happen. Making Son Seungwan very much more attracted to her more experienced partner.

‘You know’ Joohyun turned around speaking, making Seungwan snap out of her thoughts. ‘It’s been a while since I’ve been out like that.’

Wendy acknowledged her by turning to see her for a second, keeping her eyes in the road after. ‘Like what?’

‘Like out for a dinner with someone.’

‘Oh. How come?’

It took some time for the girl to reply. ‘After my last relationship I just stopped going out to be honest. It’s like my trust for people disappeared.’

‘Well you work for FBI, doubt around people is tattooed in your blood.’

Joohyun giggled. ‘That is true. But I try to separate work from my personal life. Truth is I tend to go blindly into things outside of work. I try not to over analyze everything or to think if many options.’

Wendy hummed, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. ‘I get what you mean. Once you do you start doubting everything.’

‘Yeah. I start asking myself if they’re with me because I’m me or they want something. Not like I’ve been in many relationships to do so.’

Wendy laughed. ‘Well I’m glad I can accompany you tonight. To be completely honest, I haven’t had a time out with someone in a long time. Working in a place full of women haters I had to work double as hard to prove myself so I had days where I don’t even replied my friends messages. That’s how I kind of drifted from many...’


‘Yeah. Some came banging at my door worried sick that I might have gotten shot or something while one straight up hit me in the face.’

‘What?’ Joohyun exclaimed.

‘Sejeong did not play games, I tell you. She straight up blew me off once I opened the door and then screamed ‘did you know how worried I have been?’ after I didn’t reply to her for days.’

‘Ouch.’ Joohyun made a painful face. ‘But deeserved.’ The blonde laughed, agreeing.

The lights from the city were sparkling in the horizon, the sky painted black long ago. The restaurant Wendy had found was close to the entrance of the city and she smiled.

‘We are almost there.

Entering the city, both gurls noticed it was way more alive that the one they were currently living at. People were walking on the streets, cars, there were open shops and couple of bars with bright lights.

On the second right turn, Wendy spotted the ‘Velvet world’ sign on the right and slowly entered the parking lot on the left.

A car just left and a Wendy immediately parked her Toyota sedan there, turning iff the engine.

‘Let’s enjoy tonight.’


Entering, they can both see why the restaurant was called ‘Velvet world.’ From the painted velvet walls with beautiful sunset pictures hanging to the velvet tablecloth gracing the tables. The contrast were the while chairs and the white napkins neatly folded on the table. It was very homey. Most of the tables were full, some with young couples, some with but group of friends chatting loudly while eating.

‘Good evening ladies, table for two?’ A voice spoke from behind the girls, starling Joohyun.

Wendy turned around and smiled at the young boy, wearing a charming smile on his face. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants and a cute red velvet wasitcoast. He was holding menus in his hand.

‘Hi, yes, it’s just us.’ Wendy replied.

The guy, whose name tag read Dae-Hoo nodded. ‘Follow me.’

A table at the corner of the restaurant was what he pointed at. Wendy immediately scattered to hold the chair for her partner, smiling brightly. The said girl laughed before sitting and thanking her. Wendy walked to the other side of the table and sat herself, Dae-Hoo handled them menus and said the waitress will be back soon for their order. Before he left, he took note of their drinks, water for Wendy and white wine for Joohyun and then he was gone.

‘Kind of feeling guilty you can’t drink with me tonight.’

‘That’s okay. We can always get a bottle and drink at night.’


Wendy laughed opening the menu. ‘So, excluding chicken, what do you crave tonight?’

Joohyun herself opened the menu while a waitress served their drinks and disappeared again after bowing. ‘I think the Samgyeopsal is calling my name.’

‘Hmm, honestly I’ve been craving some Samgyeopsal myself. Would you like to share and maybe some tteokbokki?’

‘I’m okay with that.’ Joohyun nodded and closed the menu. ‘Maybe some rice too.’

‘Okay.’ The girl in front closed her menu too, looking straight at her partner. ‘You really look beautiful tonight.’

Joohyun blushed. ‘I’m not even dressed up or have make up on, Wendy. Don’t silly.’

Coking an eyebrow, the younger responded. ‘Who said you have to do these things in order to look beautiful?’

Joohyun cleared , head seeping on her neck to her ears. ‘So tell me about your past no existent relationship life, since I told you about mine.’

‘You didn’t really say much.’

‘Still.’ Joohyun smiled. ‘I’m curious, since you said you barely even had time for your friends, did you ever even had interest in someone?’

Wendy nodded. ‘Once.’ She replied. ‘I still am.’

That got the other girl’s attention. ‘Still interested?’ A nod. ‘What is your type?’

‘Hmmmm.’ Wendy laughed, leaning back a little. Before she can continue, the same waitress came back to take note of their food. Ordering fast, they fell back into their previous conversation easily.  ‘I don’t know really, I never have been attracted to someone before to know my type really.’

‘I see. So what is that person you like right now like?’

‘It’s a she.’ Wendy commented offhand. ‘She is funny, sometimes. Very tidy person, calm, smart. She is someone I’d love to spend all my time with, you know?’

‘I guess she really got your attention, huh?’ Joohyun tried to sound cheerful, but honestly she was a little sad. ‘What is it that you like about her?’

Wendy needed time to think. She wanted to be direct and say it’s her that she likes but at the same time she saw how excited Joohyun looked to know so maybe she wasn’t interested at all. ‘I like her smile. Her smile after she says something she think it’s funny and then she tries to cover with her hand kind of smile. And when she says something extremely intelligent and thoughtful, she would look up as if she is contemplating if what she said is true. Also, I really like how her right eyebrow always goes up without her realizing it, like it’s a mechanism that works on it’s own.’ Wendy explained. ‘These kind of stuff.’

‘Wow, you do know her! And yoj said you have no time when you clearly have been spending time with that girl to know these things!’ Joohyun laughed.

‘Well it was inevitable.’

Before something else could be said, the food had arrived, silencing the hungry girls.

Once out of the restaurant after very pleasing dinner and a small argument who pays, ending with Wendy winning on rock, paper, scissors, they started walking to the parked car across. The temperature had seemingly went down, making Joohyin shiver a little. Noticing that, Wendy immediately took of her jean jacket, giving it to the girl.

‘Oh no, don’t worry.’ Joohyun exclaimed.

‘Please, I insist.’

Without much more arguing, the older girl took the jackte, wrapping herself with it. Once the car was unlocked, Wendy opened the door for her partner.

‘Thank you.’

Entering the car seconds later, the driver shut the door closed, turning the engine on. ‘Let me put the heater on.’ and seconds later, warm air embraced the side of Joohyun’s shoulder making her sigh in content.

‘Hey, Wendy.’ She spoke once they were out of the parking lot.


‘Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it.’

Wendy smiled before answering. ‘So did I.'


A/N: You guys have no idea how many times I re-wrote this chapter. As I do have all chaoters written, I found this one very unsatisfying so I deleted it and started writing anew but then I didn't like it and deleted all and them again.. until I was satisfied. I wanted it to be a WenRene kind of chapter. More of Wendy. I recommend listening Dan+Shay - Speechless while reading because its thr song that helped me write down the chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it.

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Chapter 8: Wow...of my favorites!
Hoping to hear from you author-nim...
Chapter 8: Damnnn Joohyun. XD and i thought that it was a one sided feelings from Seungwan, didn't expect hers to be more intense. Wonder what is up w Yeri though. Thanks author!
Chapter 8: Okay, this is getting MORE interesting. I love how barely Bae is hanging on her feelings. Like the evil part of me wanted her to fall more for Seungwan. Also, Why do it feels like one of them will get in trouble.
Riscark #4
Chapter 8: I mean Joohyun is a top class agent, there's no way she didn't notice Seungwan's actions towards her.i hope Joohyun would give in to her feelings.

My god, I really don't know who to trust in this story
Chapter 8: Oh! I thought Irene didn't notice Seungwan's moves and everything on her BUT no doubt after all she is the BAE JOOHYUN who can see even little things and her attraction towards Seungwan is really so hard for her to control it. I just hope they will talk about it and really Joohyun it's OK to fall in love with your fake wife.
And innocent looking Yerim is wow! Why she needs that money? Drugs? Or what?
62 streak #6
Chapter 8: and i thought yerim was innocent
62 streak #7
Chapter 8: and i thought yerim was innocent
Soshivelvett #8
Chapter 8: Oh while this is getting interesting
Irene’s attraction towards Wendy and finding out abt yeri,joy and Suho
1707 streak #9
Chapter 8: 5millions that's a lot? Dang are they buying drugs? Yeri, joy, and Suho are some thief's smuggling drugs? Idk
Chapter 8: Dang, i love this chapter soooo much. Irene really couldn't keep it anymore hahaha she really feels things for Wendy uwu