Chapter 5: Their First Meeting

Turn Back The Time

Bae & Co Ltd

“Why is there a sudden black out?”

“The research lab used too much energy…it drained out the whole city’s electricity.” Said Lia to her boss.

“Is it Ryujin again?” Irene sighs.

Lia only shrugs, but she knows it is Ryujin’s fault. Lately her girlfriend is working on a top secret research that she refused to tell anyone, even her own sister. Irene and Ryujin are half-sister, Irene’s mother divorced with her father and she remarried to her current husband and had Ryujin.

“I’m going to go check on her.” said Irene.


Research Lab

“Dead! I’m dead!!” Ryujin blamed herself as she pace back and forth.


Ryujin jumps when she heard her sister’s voice “Un…unnie…”

“What did you do this time?”


“A time machine? Really Ryujin? You know those thing is just a fiction?” Lia questioned her girlfriend when she noticed the research file on top of Ryujin’s other paper work.

Irene crossed her arms and raised an eye brow at her younger sister “Care to explain yourself?”

“Imagine the power our company hold if I can get the time machine to work!” Ryujin said excitedly but Irene shushed her.

“I’m tired of cleaning after your mess Jinnie, so please…scrap this idea off. We’ll look at it again when we have enough resources okay?”

Ryujin pouted when her sister wanted her to stop in her research, she was so sure that she almost succeeded. The only thing that she needs right now is source of power that is powerful enough to fuel her machine.

“Unnie, I know my experiment is almost a success, I just need a few more try to prove that time traveling is possible.” Ryujin begged her sister.

“Ryujinie…I don’t want to hear ‘almost’, unless you’re 100% sure. Come on lets go, we have a meeting with Son Consolidated at 4pm. I need you to be there too.”

Ryujin sighs when Irene brushed her off, she turns to Lia but Lia only smiles at her, there is no way for Lia to defy her boss and Ryujin know that. Ryujin takes her files and close the lab lights as she follows her sister and girlfriend to exit the lab.

“I don’t understand your obsession with time traveling Ryujin.” Said Irene.

“Think about it unnie, if we can travel back in time, we can stop lots of bad things from happen!”

“But it will mess up the timeline.” Lia interrupts.

“Well that’s that, but I still think it’s going to be beneficial.”

“Whatever stage you’re in, just scrap it off, the world is not ready for it.” Said Irene.

“…Yes unnie.” Ryujin reluctantly agreed with her sister.


Son Consolidated Secret Lab

“You’re saying, the two of you are from the year 2018?” Jisoo questioned the duo.

“Yes…” Yeri and Youi answered in unison.

“Hmm, but how did you get that suit?” Wendy questioned Youi as she hands her a cold press for her bruises. Youi takes it and thanked Wendy. She gently put it on her left rib, she winced at the sting pain.

Youi turned to Seulgi then back to Wendy “I found it, the two of us, we explored the Red Lab and since Robin is my idol, I decided to wear it.” Youi lied.

Yeri abruptly turns to her younger sister when she heard the lie that Youi told. Youi shoots Yeri a knowledgeable look and she hopes Yeri catch up to what she is trying to do. The best thing to do now is for them to not mess with the past, Youi is afraid that their present in the past will alter the future.

“Yeah…we…found it…and my sister is a big fan of Robin so she wears it…wait…you guys know Robin?” Yeri pretended to not knowing who Robin is.

“I am Robin.” Wendy replied without hesitation.

“Wendy! I thought you’re going to keep is as secret?!” Seulgi gasped when her friend just exposed herself.

“Do you think we need to kill them now that you know it’s you?” Lisa asked.

“Kill us?!” Yeri got panicked when she heard what Lisa said.

“Lisa, we don’t kill innocent people, but we have to keep them in our custody. If the two of you are really from the future, we need to lock you in. We don’t want you to go around and do something that might change the future. If she wears that suit, that mean in the future, there is no more Robin, am I right?”

Youi was so eager to tell her mother the truth but she is afraid of what will happen if Wendy knew what happened. Then something come to her mind, if she warns Wendy about her death, maybe she can prevent it from happening and she can have the life that she always wanted.

“You died.” Youi replied.

Yeri gasped and she quickly cover Youi’s mouth. “She doesn’t know what she is saying! We don’t know what happened to Robin!” said Yeri.

Wendy was intrigued by what Youi had said, she steps down the stairs to meet with them. As she got closer to Youi, there’s an unknown feeling surge in her heart. It feels like she knows this person, but she never seen her before.

“Tell me what happened to me in the future?”

“Wendy, I don’ think that’s a good idea to know what happened to future you.” Seulgi tried to warned her best friend.

“I know, but this girl she told me I that I died in the future, I want to know how I die…and I guess, you didn’t just found this suit right?”

Youi gulps in guilt, she told herself that it was bad to mess around with the timeline. Youi turns to Yeri for help but Yeri just shake her head.

“If you don’t want to tell me it’s okay.” Said Wendy with a smile.

Wendy was so close, she was just an arm reach away, Yeri is trying her best to hold herself back from running to her mother’s arms. Youi saw the tears in Yeri’s eyes, she takes a deep breath and stares right into Wendy’s eyes.

“My name is Son Youi, I’m your daughter from the future…and this is Yeri, she’s also your daughter.”




“You’ve been quiet…anything happened? Is it Wendy unnie again?” Ryujin asked her sister.

“I don’t know what is she thinking, I’ve given her the most obvious hint but it seems like she just doesn’t get it. And with our wedding coming up, I just want her to be more involved in planning it you know.” Irene complained.

Irene and Wendy first met during a gala organized by Irene’s father. Coincidentally, their fathers are friends so Mr. Bae thought about expending their business by merging together so he asked Irene to date Wendy, in which Mr. Son agreed. The Son family owned all of the weaponry and technology production companies, hence their power in the government is solid. While the Bae owned the biggest research lab in the country and they are the number one pharmaceutical supplier with over thousands of drug patented under their company name. Together the Son and Bae can monopolize the capital of the country.

Irene wasn’t up to the plan initially. She was against the idea of sacrificing her own happiness for her family to expand their brand. That was until she met with Wendy, the sole heir to the Son companies. Wendy was so charming that Irene fell for her immediately, but it seems like the latter didn’t feel the same way toward her. It was one sided love story. Sometimes Wendy treated her sweetly, sometimes Wendy would just ignore her. Wendy is giving her a mix signal, Irene hates it. Irene tried her best to make Wendy realized her love, but it didn’t work. However, their parents agreed to have an arrange marriage between the two of them. Irene was happy but Wendy was indifferent to the idea of them getting married.

Their wedding is going to be held in a few months, but Irene is getting tired of planning everything alone. She isn’t the type that like to plan something, she is more to result oriented person and not action type. Wendy’s indifferent is also the reason why Irene is getting agitated.

“Maybe you should just tell her that you love her.” said Ryujin.

“What? No!” Irene replied her sister with a frown and a slight smack on her sister’s thigh.

“Try it unnie~”

“Why don’t you go and express your love to Lia first before you come and try to preach me about love Ryujin.”

“Hey, I ever told Lia unnie that I love her!”


“Seriously unnie, how hard is it to admit to someone that you love her?” Ryujin questioned.

“I think it becomes harder when you are not sure about how the other person feels about you…that is why Irene unnie decided to not said it out loud, until she is sure that Wendy feels the same way too.” Lia replied to defend her boss.

“Hmmm…okay fine, I’m not going to question unnie anymore, even my girlfriend back her up.” Ryujin pouted and crossed her arms.

Irene only grins at her sister’s antic, she then turns her gaze outside. She can see the tall building of the Son’s company and her heart race even faster. She tried to calm herself and when Ryujin notices her sister is acting weird, Ryujin hands her a cold drink.

“You’re so obvious.”

“Stop teasing her, Ryujin-ah!”


Son Consolidated Secret Lab

“What?! No this is insane!!” Seulgi denied the facts that she just learned. She falls on the chair behind her when she heard the truth from Youi and Yeri’s mouth.

“They are your daughters?! Who is the father then?” Jisoo questions while pointing at Yeri and Youi.

Yeri pulls Youi to the corner while leaving the other people to digest what they just reveal to them “I thought you wanted to maintain the timeline? You revealed our identity, and what makes you think it won’t jeopardize our future? What if after this, Wendy didn’t decide to adopt me and then she learned about your truth and decided not to create you?!”

“I didn’t think that through…” Youi replied with a straight face.


The siblings jumped when Wendy suddenly stand behind them, Yeri clears and replied Wendy “Just disregard what Youi just told you.”

“How can I disregard it when you told me that you are my daughters?” Wendy said with a huge grin on her face. Wendy turns to her friend and signal Seulgi.

Seulgi nods and she drags the other out with her “Come on guys, Wendy needs sometimes alone with her daughters.”

“Wait no, I want to ask them what happened to me in the future too!” Lisa whined.

“Nope, we can’t know because it will jeopardize the future!”

“Awww, Seulgi you’re no fun.”

“Let’s go people! Let’s not ruin this family reunion!” Seulgi yells at the others and they reluctantly obey her and leave the lab.

Once Wendy is sure that everyone left the lab, she turns to her daughters and claps her hand.

“Yves!” she called.


Wendy was shocked to heard two voices replied her back “Yves?” she asked again.

“Wait you’ve created Yves already?”

“She’s still in developing mode…I haven’t completed her yet…”

“Wendy I’ve missed you.” Replied the Yves from the future.

“Wow…this is absurb…” Wendy said to herself.

“Who is the other Yves?” said the Yves from the current timeline.

“Yikes…ugh…Yves…you’re dismiss…” said Wendy.

“How…how did you manage to bring Yves from the future?”

Youi shows Wendy the watch “Yves told me you developed this watch for whoever that is worth to wear it in the future.” Said Youi.

“Can I…can I see it?”


“Yes Yves? I thought I told you that you are dismissed?”

“Your fiancée is here.” Yves said.


“You have a meeting with her at 4pm…have you forgotten?” Yves scoffed at her creator.

Wendy takes a look at her watch and she curses “Ready my formal attire Yves!”

“Roger that.”

Wendy turns to the siblings and said “We will continue our conversation later, umm, why don’t you two follow me. Yves, fabricate some formal wear for the two of them too.”


“You have a fiancée?” Yeri asked.

“Yes, it was set by my father…”

“Who is he?” Yeri asked again.

“Definitely not your father.” Wendy replied “Because my fiancée is a she.”

Yeri and Youi exchange gazes “Irene.” They both said in unison.

“Hmm? You know her in the future too?”

“She’s our mom.” Yeri and Youi said in unison.

Wendy stops on her track and then slowly turn to the duo “Wait what? I don’t understand…you said I was your mother…then Irene is your mother too?”

“Actually I was…” before Youi could finish her sentence Yeri cuts her off “You two got married and adopted us.”


“You’re not thinking about not adopting us right?” Yeri asked again.

“What? Why would I do that? There’s must be a reason why I adopted you two right? I’m more surprised at the fact that Irene and I were married.” Wendy winks at Yeri and she puts on the attire that Yves had prepared for her.

“It’s just weird how Youi look so much like me.” said Wendy while looking at Youi.

“Yeah it’s weird.” Youi replied trying to suppress her feeling inside. She wanted to run up to Wendy and hug her, she wanted to tell her how much she wanted to be with her parents. She wanted to tell Wendy how much she yearns for her parents’ love, and now she gets to meet both of her parents, she wanted to tell them how much she wishes they never leave her. But she knows by doing so, she might alter the timeline, which she almost did when she revealed to Wendy their identity.

The three of them done with changing their clothes and they exit the lab. Youi was surprised at how good they all look in black suits. She somehow feels a little nervous to meet with Irene, but she knows Yeri is more nervous. Yeri spend 5 years of her life with their parents, although the memories were a litte vague but she had their love for that 5 years, while Youi doesn’t remember anything about her parents. She always wanted to meet her parents and learn about them and seems like God answered her prayer by transported her to the past. However, she needs to be careful, or else, one little mistake can erase her existence in the future.

The three of them reached Wendy’s office, Yeri missed the place, she used to play with Wendy in this office and she remembered how she always broke the things in her mother’s office. The memories cause Yeri to chuckles a bit and Youi elbowed her.

The trio were greeted by Wendy’s secretary, the secretary questioned Wendy about the siblings. Wendy just told her that they are her new assistant that she recruited for her new research.

“By the way, where is her?”

“She’s waiting for you at the meeting room.”

“Alright…” Wendy straightened her coat and then turn to the duo “Do you want to come in with me or you want to wait for me in my office?”

“We’ll go with you.” Said both in unison, despite the fact that the two of them are so different from each other but they always think about the same thing.

“Okay, but promise me that you two won’t spoil anything to her. All this time traveling thing might sound absurd and she will probably think you two lied.” Wendy warned them.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Okay let’s go.”

Wendy leads the way to the meeting room, and from the transparent glass Youi can see three already waiting inside. Youi catch a glimpse of Irene and her heart stops, the woman who gave birth to her is there, sitting there, laughing and chatting with her companies. The world suddenly turns slow motion, everything move slowly, and Youi had her eyes fixed on Irene.

Her mother is beautiful and she is more beautiful than the photos that Youi saw. Youi who was too busy looking at her mother bumped to the glass door that Yeri opened.

“Youi you okay?!” Yeri asked as she attend to her younger sister.

The others who saw Youi’s clumsy act try their best not to laugh at her.

“Youi you okay?” Wendy comes to her.

“Yeah…just…I’m fine.” She said.

“Where did you put your eyes.” Yeri scolded her.

Youi grins sheepishly and she rubs her forehead, her eyes met with Irene’s eyes. Irene flashes a smile at her while looking concern. Wendy help Youi to get up and they slowly walk toward Irene and co.

“Hi Joohyun, sorry I was late, I got a little busy with my new interns.”

“It’s okay, I understand how you always put your work before me.”

Wendy can sense that Irene is pissed at her by her sarcasm, she wished that Irene isn’t acting this way especially in front of their children from the future. Wendy is doubting too if she really married Irene in the future, because she doesn’t even know why she agreed to get engaged to the girl in the first place. Wendy’s life only revolves around her work and her mission to save the city and serve justice, never once the thought of having a family ever occur in her mind. Wendy sighs and she puts her hands in her pockets while smacking her lips.

“Shall we go for diner after this meeting?” she asked her fiancée.

“I don’t know Wendy, what if you’ll be busy again?” said Irene with her arms crossed.

Youi and Yeri just stood there awkwardly, they never knew that their mothers were this awkward with each other and they can feel the hostility from both of them.

“I won’t…I promise…”


“Okay, so now let’s talk business.”

“Actually I’m here to talk about our wedding.” Said Irene.

“Oh…okay. I thought I told you to take care of it?”

“This is why I am here to meet you. Can you at least show that you are interested in our wedding? I’ve been planning it all by myself and every time I ask for your opinion, you didn’t even show any interest in it.” Irene lashes out.

Wendy was silent, she knows she likes Irene but love is a strong word. She had far more important thing to be worried about instead of her wedding. She wanted a simple wedding with a few friends and family members to attend but Irene wants it grant because the two heiress of K-City is getting married. It’s worth the news, but Wendy hated the fame.

“Irene, I told you that I am not interested in having a grant wedding, and since you wanted a grant wedding, why don’t you just plan it according to your preference?” Wendy replied.

“At least shows that you wanted to get married to me…” there was a crack in Irene’s voice and Wendy instantly feels guilty.

Yeri and Youi were worried at the side, what if their parents decided to break up now? It will jeopardize their existence in the future, well more like Youi’s existence. Wendy notices the worried look in her daughters’ eyes, so she decided to comply to Irene’s request.

“Okay, we will go to the bridal boutique tomorrow okay? Then we will pick up our wedding dress together.”

“Yeah, I know you will say that…” Irene pauses and rewind back what Wendy had said “You will come with me to the boutique?”


“Wow, this is the first that you agreed to come with me.”

“I got better reason why I agreed.” Replied Wendy with a grins and she winks at Youi and Yeri.

Irene catches her fiancée winked at someone else and she got jealous. She turns her focus at the duo, somehow her heart feels funny when she looks at Youi.

“That girl, doesn’t she looks a lot like Wendy?” she asked herself in her thought.

“By the way, Irene, I would like you to meet with my new interns. This is Yeri and Youi. Girls, please to meet the CEO of the Bae company. And the blue haired is Irene’s sister, Ryujin, and the black haired is Irene’s PA, Lia.”


“Irene, let’s discuss this over at diner okay? Right now I gotta show the girls around the office.”

“Can I wait in your office?”

Wendy thinks for a while and she agrees to let Irene wait for her at her office. Irene smiles and makes her way to Wendy’s office. Ryujin however stands there while looking at Youi and Yeri intensely.

“You’re creeping me out.” Said Yeri.

“You two…”

“Ryujin ah~” Irene calls for her younger sister.

“Ah, coming!” Ryujin replied and she bows to Wendy before leaving the meeting room.

“Come on girls, I have something to show you two.” Wendy gestured to Yeri and Youi to follows her.

“I got a question.” Yeri said.

“Yep, shoot.”

“Do you love Irene?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“I don’t know, for what I know, in my timeline, you love Irene so much, that it’s too cringe to watch some time.”

“…Love is a strong word Yeri, I do like her, but love, I am not sure. We will speak about this later on, for now there is something more important than my love live with your mother.”


Lia was busy writing down a few notes in her planner, Irene browsing through Wendy’s bookshelf. Ryujin was in her thinking mode, she suddenly burst out nonsense and asked her sister if she can go back to her lab, she forgotten something.

“Okay…do you need our driver to drive you there?”

“No it’s okay. I can take the cab.”

Before Irene could respond, Ryujin already dashes out from the office. She tracks back the path that Wendy went to. She managed to catch up with them and she saw Wendy enter a secret lair. She follows close by and sneak in before the door closes.


“What is this place?” Youi asked.


“Yves at your service.”

“Yves…open the closet.”

The closet open and reveal numbers of Robin’s suits. Wendy picks a purple one for Yeri and a yellow one for Youi.

“Actually to tell you the truth, I have been anticipated your arrival.” Said Wendy, with her hands behind her.

“What?” both sisters look at their mother with their eyes so wide.

“When I found out Irene’s sister, Ryujin was tweaking around with the idea of time traveling, I stole her research paper and made a copy to analyse her formula and I managed to find a loophole where I can transport person from the future to the current timeline, and I alter her algorithms so I can bring the two of you to the current time.”

“AHA!! I know it!!” Yelled Ryujin as she suddenly jumps out from the corner.

“I know you followed us Ryujin.” Wendy said calmly.

“These two are from the future??” Ryujin questioned with her eyes open widely “My formula worked, and my machine work!!” Ryujin pumped her fist in the air.

“It work but it seems like they are going to stuck here forever unless we can harness enough power to power up your machine.” Said Wendy.

“I know, it takes a lot of energy to run that machine, and I’m still working on a formula that can produce endless energy.” Said Ryujin.

“I’m sorry to interrupt the two of you, but Wendy, what do you mean by you anticipated our arrival?” Yeri chipped in.

“Well I did anticipate someone from the future to be transported back here, but I didn’t expect it would be my daughters.” Said Wendy.

“Wait they are your daughters?”

“Yes…with Irene.” Wendy replied the girl.

Ryujin gasped and she keeps turning her head to Wendy and the duo “Unbelievable that your relationship with my unnie will worked out!”

“I want you to keep this as secret Ryujin, your sister can’t know their identity. And it’s better if we keep their identity a secret, we don’t want to create a different timeline.”

“It can get worse if we let anything from the future slipped out from them. We definitely don’t want a time paradox and causes multiple universe to appear.” Ryujin agreed with her future sister in law.

Youi and Yeri just stood their listening to the genius duo discussing about time traveling.

“How can you be so sure that you won’t change the timeline now that you know our identity?” Youi asked out of the blue and interrupted the duo scientist.

Wendy smiles and she pats Youi on the head “Because I already know I’m going to die in the near future, so I am prepared for that to happen.”

Youi hated the smile on Wendy’s face when she talked about death, it as if she has accepted her fate and it’s so depressing to watch.


“Unnie what are you talking about?” Ryujin asks worriedly.

“Someone managed to time travel and came to me, I can’t reveal her identity though, but she told me what will happened in the future and told me that I need to prepare for the timeline after my death. So I mess up with Ryujin’s algorithms, so I can get someone from the future and train them in order to replace my place as the Robin. And like I said, I didn’t expect it to be my own daughters.”

Youi and Yeri exchanges glances because something seems odd, did the future change already now that they are in the past? Yeri gently tug on Youi’s shirt and Youi respond, Yeri gesture for them to go to the corner to speak. Youi nods and they excuses themselves, Wendy let them go to the corner to discuss.


“This seems odd…” Yeri said.

“Someone from the future already been here before us…it does seem odd, there is no connection at all…if that person came here before us, why won’t she just bring some people from the future to train as the next Robin.” Youi said out her own doubt.

“Yes, I agree with you…”

“What are we gonna do unnie?” Youi asked and she apologized when she realized she slipped out by calling Yeri as her unnie.

“We just go with the flow…I know we shouldn’t mess with the past, but since we’re already here, I want to know what really happened.”

“Yeri, we’re in 1994, you only exist in 1996 and I’m in 2000…it still a long way…”

“I know…but if that Ryujin girl can bring us hre, means we can tweak the machine and somehow send us to the time that they went for the war.”

“I don’t know about that Yeri…”

“Youi…don’t you want to know what happened to your parents? They are your biological parents Youi…don’t you want to know?” Yeri tries to persuade the younger girl.

“I…it’s good for me to able to see them and…”



“Let’s change the future.”

“What do you mean unnie? Are you crazy?! A second ago you asked me to keep silent, and now you said want to change the future?”

“I want to change this K-City…if…if we can change the corrupted city…maybe…our parents will still be alive…and Seulgi won’t die trying to protect us a few hours ago.”

Youi went quiet after Yeri mentioned Seulgi. If it wasn’t for Seulgi, the two of them probably had died. Youi then looks down on her own hand and then back to Yeri “Let’s do it.” Said Youi with determination in her eyes.

“Let’s fix the future.” Youi said again. Yeri smiles and she hugs Youi tightly, which causes the girl to yelps. Yeri let go and she sees how Youi sweat profusely even though it’s super cold in the room.

“Youi.” Yeri said her sister name and she touches Youi’s forehead “Oh my God your body is hot!” Yeri then noticed that Youi keep holding on to her left rib. Yeri pulls Youi’s hand away and pull up her shirt.

“Hey!” Youi yelled at Yeri for assaulting her “What are you doing you ert?!”

Wendy hears all the ruckus and she goes to them “What happened?”

Yeri gasped when she saw the gruesome wound on Youi’s torso “Youi! Did you get this from the creature attack earlier?!”

Youi pushes Yeri away and quickly pull down her shirt “It’s nothing, it should heal soon.” Youi tried to brushes Yeri away.

Wendy grabs Youi by the wrist and then pull up her shirt again, Wendy eyes gets wider when she saw the wound too “What happened before you two came here?”

“We were attacked…and Seulgi died when she tried to protect us…the next thing we know, we’re in the past.”

“Seulgi…died too?” Wendy was lost at words and she almost stumbles down.

“One of the experiment by the Bae company research went wrong, the government misuse the research files and their experiment went wrong, those unfortunate soldiers became like mutants, and they attacked us when we were exploring the Red Lab.”

“Bae company?”

“Yes Wendy…Irene’s company.”

“What…what kind of experiment are your sister doing currently Ryujin?” Wendy turns to Ryujin.

“It’s classified. I can’t tell you.” Ryujin replied as she tried to avoid making eye contact with Wendy.

Wendy turns to her daughters, Yeri realized that they had done worse thought they were supposed to keep quiet about the future.

“Genetic modification.”

“What? That’s illegal!!”

“With the false hope. The government lied about the contract that they have signed with your sister’s company. The project initially supposed to be a genetic modification on new born baby to make them less vulnerable to illnesses.”

“What are you saying Youi? How did you know this information?” Yeri asked.

“It’s not important right now…I just…” Youi black out before she could finish her words. She falls flat on the floor. She still can hear though Yeri and Wendy calls for her, their voice echoes in her ear but she unable to move or respond.

“Youi!!” Yeri tries to shakes her sister up.

“Ryujin!” Wendy calls for the girl.


“Go to my office and tell your sister there is an emergency!”

“Should…should I call her in?”

“No…she doesn’t know that I am Robin, I don’t want her to know. I will carry Youi back to my office. Just go fast!”

“Alright!” Ryujin dashes out.

Wendy picks Youi up and piggy back her, and she can feel that Youi’s body is burning hot. She runs toward her office with Youi on her back.


“Unnie!!” Ryujin yells for her sister.

“Ryujinie? I thought you had gone back to your lab?”

“I lied…unnie we…” Ryujin stops a while to catch her breath and then she continues “We need your expertise in the medical world…”

“What happened?”

“Joohyun ah!” Wendy enters the room with Youi on her back.

“Wendy what’s wrong?”

“Please help her…”

“What happened?”


To be continued….


Preview for next chapter:

“Her DNA…it has weird pattern to it…it’s like it was genetically modified.” Said Irene as she is astonished by Youi’s DNA “I never seen anything like this before Wendy…who is she?”

“She’s from the future.” Said Ryujin and instantly Wendy feels like she wanted to shoot the girl with her arrow, and Ryujin is lucky that Wendy didn’t have her arrow and bow with her now.

“From the future? Wendy? Care to explain?”

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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious