Chapter 16: Memory of The Time Skip

Turn Back The Time

“You mean to tell me, I have the same ability as Wendy and Youi?”

“Correction Ms Yeri…Youi is far more superior in terms of her ability compared to you. That is because of Wendy’s was injected with the original serum which the formula is destroyed by your grandfather and Youi was created with the R-17X already spliced with her parents DNA. Yours were merely just a replicate of the formula that Irene created and not the original formula. You may have the ability to manifest your power but it won’t be as potent as what Youi and Wendy have. I pity your real mother because she couldn’t give her love to you. There was complications with your birth, in order to keep you alive, Hyomin decided to give up her life just so you could live. Eunjung did not know about your existence, and Hyomin is afraid if Eunjung knows, she will do what she can to manipulate and use you.”

Yeri was silent for a while, she looks up to the sky, the raindrop stings her eyes but she ignore the stingy. She takes a step forward to stand in the center of the rooftop, Yves wanted to stop her but Yeri signal to Yves to stay where she is. Yves obeyed Yeri and stayed at the shaded place to take cover from the heavy rain.

Yeri hated the rain so much because she lost her parents in the rain. When Seulgi died from protecting them, it was raining too. Yeri tried to hold in her tears but she failed. She is already wet, people cannot see her tears even if she cries, she thought.

“Yves…” she called for Yves but her voice cracked.


“You said Eunjung did not know about my existence, but you said I was created from Hyomin and Eunjung’s DNA…” Yeri asked.

Yves nods her head, she held out her hand and invite Yeri to take cover with her “Come with me Ms Yeri, I will show you your mother’s memory, so you will know what actually happened.”

“…how can you do that?” Yeri doubted.

“I was programmed to store both Wendy and Irene’s memory in my system. Wendy implant a microchip in both of their brain and all of their memories will be stored in my systems.”

Yeri could not believe in what she just heard “Why would Wendy do such thing?!”

“Ms Yeri…there is a reason why they brought you and Youi to this timeline. The timeline in the future where you came is no longer existed.”

“Wait what?! But how, if the timeline is no longer existed then why am I still here? Why am I still intact?”

“Do come with me Ms Yeri and I will tell you everything.”

“…why are you doing this Yves? Why are you so eager to tell me everything? Even Wendy and Irene refuses to tell me anything!”

Yves only smiles at Yeri “Wendy from the future programmed me so I can guide you and Youi in your quest. Even if the Wendy from this timeline won’t reveal the secrets that she had been keeping that does not mean I will keep it away from you.”

“This whole mess is so confusing!”

“It will all make sense once I’ve explained everything.” Yves repeated.

“Fine…let’s go…”


Irene is resting her head on Youi’s bed while she stares at her daughter. She reaches for Youi’s forehead and gently rub it because Youi had been frowning and Irene tries to loosen her face muscle for her.

“Youi ah…” Irene calls for her daughter “Omma promise you that omma will fix all of the mess that I’ve caused.”

The sound of the door sliding open surprises Irene, she turns and see her wife entering the room. There was a faint smile on her face “Yeri is asleep, I’ve already fed her.” said Wendy before Irene can open to ask.

“How about the older Yeri?”

Wendy sighs and shake her head. She notices the worry expression on her wife’s face, so she cups Irene’s face and gently rubs her thumb on her wife porcelain white cheeks “Don’t worry, she is a grown up, and she knows her way around this town…she will be fine.”

Irene sighs and she rested her head on Wendy’s shoulder but her eyes focused on Youi “What have we done Seungwan-ah…I thought we are going to save the future but we ended up erasing their timeline…”

Wendy was silent, she is frustrated too because everything is a mess now. “Everything will be okay…” said Wendy to her wife to reassure her. Wendy turns her focus from her wife to her daughter. A sudden memory flashes before her eyes.


“You have to kill her!”

“No! She is our daughter!”

“Son Seungwan…she is the devil in a human form…”

“I will not kill Yeri…even if it cost me the timeline that she came from…”

“If you let that baby live, you will regret it!”

“Enough!!” Wendy shouted, “Leave…now.”

End of Flashback

Wendy stares up to the ceiling, taking a deep breath and she pulls Irene closer to her.


Lab Room 7

“Come in Ms Yeri.”

“What is this place?” Yeri look around in awe she never knows this side of the lab even though she used to follow her parents come here when she was younger. She knows the whole building like the back of her hand but she never know the existence of this lab.

“In your timeline, this lab did not exist, so I understand your confusion.” Said Yves.

Yeri gulps before steps foot into the dark room that was only lighted up by a few machine bulbs that blinking in the dark. The moment Yeri stepped into the lab, the whole lab lightened up and Yeri was astonish by it. She saw a leather chair in the middle of the lab that looks like it coming straight out of professor X’s Cerebro from the Xmen’s movie.

“That is the memory recorder…please have a seat and I will upload the memories into your brain, it may hurt you a little bit but, if you want to know what really happened, this is the short cut.” said Yves.

Yeri takes a deep breath and she steps on center of the lab and seated herself on the chair. She slowly pull down the helmet to fit into her head. “Bring it on.”

Yves smiles and she initiate the memory downloading process and upload Irene’s encounter with Eunjung into Yeri’s brain.


Memories of 2 years ago

Irene and Chorong were running for their lives while holding onto three toddlers in their arms. Irene had to inject them with sleeping solution to keep them quiets while they runs for their dear lives.

The two of them runs to a dead end and Irene could not stop panicking, she tries to contact Wendy but there was no connection. Chorong taps Irene on the shoulder and she pointed up to the air vent up on their head.

“We can’t fit in there!” said Irene.

“It’s our only choice!!” Chorong retaliate back.

Irene was about to argue back but she stops when she heard footsteps approaching them “I’ll stay and delay them, you and the kids, go on. I will meet you at the meeting point.”

“Are you crazy? I only have to arms, how can I carry all 3 of them?!”

“Carry one on your back one behind you and hold one with your arms, go go! We don’t have much time!”

“You better don’t die here or Wendy is going to kill me!” warned Chorong before she climbs up the vent. Irene handed the baby that she was holding to Chorong and she gasps when she heard someone told her not to move.

“Dr. Irene Son…”

“Dr. Eunjung…” Irene greets back, but she could not hide the fact that she is terrified and she is scared.

“I believe you have something that belong to us.”

“Dr. Eunjung…they are just baby…how could you do something inhumane to them?” Irene pleads.

“They are not human…”

“They are half human! I’ve seen how many innocent girls’ life you have sacrifice! I am not going to let you harm those babies. You took away their human rights. At least let them live normally!”

Eunjung covers her face and Irene thought she was finally gets on her sense, but Irene’s judgement was wrong. Eunjung laughed manically and snarled at Irene “They are monster, created by us Irene. You participated in the experiment too…we created them!”

“You forced me!!” Irene fired back in tears “I haven’t forgive you for what you did to Wendy! She can never go back to the Wendy that I ever know! No matter how hard it is for me to watch one by one of your experiments die because of pregnancy complication. I endured it because I wanted to find a cure for my wife! Wendy developed PTSD because of what you did to her!”

“We are in the same course!!”

“No we’re not!” Irene denied it “You wanted to be God…”

Eunjung pointed her gun at Irene’s head and said “I lost my wife because of some maniac…my poor Hyomin…if we have superhuman as our police officer or army, then she would probably still be alive! You know what?! The authority never caught the man that killed my wife!”

“You’re lying!! Your wife is still alive isn’t she?!! You only agree to take part in this experiment because you believed that the experiment that the late Dr. Suzy did in the past would help you in reviving your wife!”

“…who told you?”

“Jiyeon…she told me everything that I need to know about you…and Hyomin before you send an order for her execution.”

The memories of Jiyeon dying in her arms flashes before Eunjung’s eyes. A sense of guilt makes Eunjung gained back her empathy for a moment. When Hyomin was declared brain dead, Eunjung had decided to discarded any feelings in her heart, because she knows what the work that she signed up for will makes she do. She is not going to let anyone get in her ways to reach her goal, which is to complete the incomplete research of Dr. Suzy Bae, a renowned scientist that had created a serum that can revive the dead. Eunjung knows that Irene had not known about who is the mastermind behind this whole T-ARA mess. She somehow pitied the woman more than she pitied those girls that she had been experimenting on.

“Follow me…” said Eunjung while keeping the gun at Irene’s forehead.

Irene gulps and she wanted to refuses but she halted her decision when Eunjung takes out a small monitor and show Irene that T-ARA had captured Wendy.

“Follow me, and I will let her go.” said Eunjung again, but this time her tone is more relax and Irene somehow feels like Eunjung is not going to do anything drastic so she agreed and she begins to walk in front of Eunjung.

Guided by Eunjung’s direction, Irene stops at a heavy locked vault. Eunjung whispered the password to Irene and she ordered her to open the vault. Irene reaches for the keypad and punch in the password and the big metallic door start to opening slowly.

“What…what is in there?”

Eunjung did not answer Irene’s question, and she urges Irene to get inside and Irene did. It was cold inside, and Irene could not stop shivering. Eunjung takes of her coat and hand it to Irene. Irene refuses the coat and she glares at Eunjung suspiciously.

“We don’t want you to get sick, so wear it. Beside, Robin probably will kill me if she knows I treat you badly.” Said Eunjung. Irene reluctantly takes the coat and she wear. As Irene was wearing the coat, her eyes noticed the big giant tubes in front of her and she gasped when she saw a human was floating inside the tube.

“That’s my wife.” said Eunjung before Irene could react furthermore.

“You’ve been keeping her here?”

“Yes…I could not afford to put her in the cryogenics chamber as it cost a fortune…but T-ARA allowed me to use their facility as long as I agree to aid them in the experiment.”

“But that still does not justify the fact that you genocide the whole prison just to get what you want! All those girls, all of Chorong comrades…even your own sister in law?! Even my wife?!!”

“When you love someone…you would kill for them…” Eunjung answered.

“Your mind is so twisted.”

Eunjung puts up her gun again “You’re a relative of Dr. Suzy, I believe you can help me in completing the formula.”

“I told you my aunt burned all of her research files before she committed suicide!” Said Irene.

Eunjung smirked, because she knows the real story behind Dr. Suzy’s alleged Suicide. “I know something that you don’t know Irene…I will let you know once you’ve completed the serum…I know you can do it, because, the answer all lies in your wife blood.” said Eunjung.

“What are you saying?”

Eunjung ignores Irene and she stares at Hyomin’s beautiful pale face. She is still beautiful even though she is has been considered dead for years. Eunjung touches the glass barrier and the coldness seep through her skin. Eunjung turns to Irene with her gun up.



“Irene…please understand…I…” Eunjung stops and she covers her face with her hand as she tries to control her tears “I know you love your wife so much, and so do I…I love Hyomin more than my own life. She is not dead! I just need to revive her…and you’re the only one who can help me…please….” Eunjung begged Irene and she slowly letting down the gun that she pointed on Irene.

Irene was scared, she is scared beyond words, but what Eunjung said is right, she loves Wendy so much and if she is in Eunjung situation, maybe she will do the same thing for Wendy. She slowly nods her head to tell Eunjung that she is agree to help her if she let Wendy go.

“I will help you…if you promised to let those kids go and for me to use the cure on Wendy…and let me go see my wife!”

Eunjung sealed the agreement with Irene with a handshake. Irene flinches at the coldness of Eunjung’s hand. Eunjung let go of Irene hand and she leads her out from the room. The vault automatically closed behind them and Eunjung leads Irene to the basement where they kept Wendy.

The door to the basement base only open with facial recognition. Irene gulps, as she did not know where Eunjung is leading her. When the door opened and there is a sight of Wendy, tied up and all bruised up. Irene gasps and she runs toward her wife but the T-ARA agents stop her from getting closer to Wendy. Irene look back to Eunjung and with a simple nod from Eunjung the agents let Irene thru. Irene dashes to her wife and check on her. Wendy is all bruised up from head to toe. Irene noticed there was a blinking bracelet on Wendy’s wrist.

“What is this?” she questioned one of the agent.

“It’s a device to suppress Wendy’s power…how do you think we are able to detained her?” Eunjung answered.

“Let her go now…” Irene demanded.

Eunjung shakes her head “I will not let her go until you completed the research that your aunt started.”

Irene lips trembles as she tries to answer Eunjung, but when she heard Wendy’s voice slowly call for her name, she musters her strength. Irene gets up on her feet and she dusts off her knees “If you are going to lock Wendy up…make sure she is comfortable…”

Eunjung shrugs with a smug on her face “That can be arrange. She can no longer uses her flash energy to escape from us now that we put on the device on her.” said Eunjung.

“…no…” Wendy begged.

Irene turns to her wife, and she gently cups Wendy’s face and look into her wife’s eyes “Everything will be okay…” she said, but the crack in her voice tell Wendy otherwise. Irene wipes away her tears and she faces Eunjung.

“Where should I start?”

Eunjung smirks at Irene’s questions. She snaps her fingers and her agents came to her, she whisper something to her agents and they nod at her order. The agents handcuff Irene and leads her away.

“No…” Wendy pleads in her weak state.

“Don’t worry, Robin…I will make sure that she is not hurt…” Eunjung said to Wendy.

Irene glances back at Eunjung and Wendy before the door slowly behind her. The agents then put on a blind fold on her, she struggles to fend off the agent from putting on the blindfold but they forced her to stay still and put it on.

“Why do you need to blindfold me?!”

“The place that we’re taking you is top secret, we cannot disclose it to you.” said one of the agent.


“You…better…don’t…hurt…her…” said Wendy.

“Oh…I can’t believe that you’re this strong Wendy. Even after all those torturing…”

“You…bastard.” Wendy spitted on Eunjung.

Eunjung was pissed when Wendy’s spit tainted her shirt. She punches Wendy on the face and then tore off Wendy’s shirt to clean off the spit “Tch…you’re such a pest. You know what? I don’t really need you. I already got your DNA store in our data, and that’s all that we needed. I can just kill you off, but then if it’s not for Irene, you are already dead.”

“Then why don’t you just…do it?”

“Ohoo…don’t provoke me Miss Son…you are still valuable until Irene finishes the vaccine…”

“You are…a real…demon…”

“My human side had long gone when I lost my wife…and Irene is my only hope to revive her. Just like how Suzy Bae revive you with her serum. I believe, Irene can recreate the same formula for the serum…because she is Suzy’s daughter and it runs in their blood…”

Eunjung drops the information about Suzy being Irene’s mother to Wendy and Wendy’s eyes widened. “What…are you saying?”

“I know a lot about the Bae family that you don’t know Wendy…and they are not nice people…” Eunjung replied with a smirk, then she click her tongue before Wendy could ask furthermore “Please transfer Robin to a more comfortable cell…and give her some food and drink, do not starve her and make sure she is comfortable.” Eunjung said to her agents.

“Yes boss…” the agent salute her as she walks away from Wendy.

“What do you mean Suzy is Irene’s mother?!!” Wendy shouted to get answer and explanation from Eunjung but Eunjung only reply her with a smirk.


Chorong managed to get out from the facility safely. She brought the baby to the Arrow squad that had been waiting for her at their promised meeting point. She hands them to Joy and Jennie.

“Where’s Irene?” Jisoo asked.

“I…Eunjung caught her…”

“What?!” Lisa yelled aloud “You’re supposed to protect her!”

“Enough Lisa…we will find a way to rescue her later, for now we have to get these kids to safety…” said Seulgi.

“But…what…what about Wendy?”

“…She will be safe…she is Wendy, she’ll know what to do…come on let’s go.”

To be continue…

Next chapter preview:

“This is…” Seulgi gasps at what she saw.

“The serum that…Dr. Suzy did…it’s not from this world…” Irene gasps at her founding as she watches the crystal glowing blue light in front of her. She tries to reach for it but she was stop by Seulgi.

“No, we don’t know what will happen if you touches it!” Seulgi warned Irene.

Irene nods and retreat her hand from touching the crystal. She takes out Dr. Suzy’s journal and continues to read it.

A/N: What will happened next? Will Irene learn about her family dark secret? Will Wendy be able to change the dark future? Will Yeri turns evil and join Eunjung’s side? Where does Youi fit into all of this mess? What research did Suzy did? Wendy’s dark secret will also be untold in the next chapter. The next chapter will be focusing on the time skip, what happened during those two years and how Hyomin conceived Yeri.

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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious