Chapter 14: The Blue Flash

Turn Back The Time

The room was cold and empty and the silence is deafening. Chorong stares at the ceiling, thinking about the fate of her friends. She tried to access T-ARA security system again but failed, Eunjung must have changed the security. She tossed and turned, trying to get to a comfortable position but she could not. She was alert by a sudden knock on the door.

Chorong gets up and leans her back on the bed headboard. Youi peeks her head in to check on Chorong and Chorong stares at her weirdly “You’re the kid that volunteer to save Robin earlier? What…do you want from me?”

Youi asked for permission to come in and Chorong allows her, but she was weirded at why Youi need to ask for her permission.

“I just want to check on you.” said Youi.

Chorong raised her eyebrows at Youi said “Check on me? Shouldn’t you be conscious of me? I can sense that your friends still haven’t trust me 100%, I can feel that they are being hostile toward me.”

Youi sat down on the vacant chair next to Chorong’s bed and stares at Chorong with a yearning look in her eyes. Youi was angry when Chorong left without saying goodbyes, and now she gets to see Chorong again. She wanted to jumps onto her and hug her but at the same time she wanted to punch her for leaving her too.

“I just want say thank you…for what you did.”

“Don’t thanks me. Though I managed to save Robin, but 6 of my comrades died trying to help me to get Robin out of that place.” Said Chorong.

“Don’t you…feel angry at what Eunjung did to your friends?” Youi questioned.

Chorong was silent for a while then she sighs heavily “Even if I’m angry at her, it won’t bring back my dead comrades, even though your friends said that there’s a chance for them to be still alive, but I doubt it. If you ask me if I wanted to revenge, yes I want. I want her to suffer the way my comrades suffer. I know by doing so there is no difference between me and Eunjung but I will do whatever it takes to let Eunjung suffer the way she let my comrade suffers so she will know how they felt.”

Youi was not expecting that Chorong knew her parents. That must be the reason why Chorong was so protective over her during her years in the orphanage. Wendy must have asked Chorong to look after her. Youi used to be so curious on how the hell an orphanage caretaker can be so good in martial arts and now he question is answered.

“Do I know you?” Chorong asked with her eye squinted “I don’t know why but you look like you seem to know me.” Said Chorong.

“Ah no…but…you look like someone I know. Rest well…we will help you to avenge your comrades’ death, I promise. T-ARA had done so many bad things to my friends and family. I am not going to forgive them for that.” Said Youi as she taps Chorong on the shoulder and walks away from the bed.

“Excuse me, may I know your name?”

Youi pauses and she turns back, with a wide grins she says out her name “Son Youi.”

“Youi, what a weird name. Thanks for your encouraging words.”

Youi nods her head and she leaves Chorong to rest and goes back to her own room. Joy was waiting for her in the room.

“Did you assault her?” Joy asked.

“What? No! Why would I want to assault someone who just saved my mother?” Youi denied Joy’s accusation,

“Chill, I was just joking, because Seulgi shot her earlier, so I was afraid that you will do the same thing she did.”

“What’s up with you people and shooting slash injuring people? Geez…”

Joy shrugs and she grins “I told them that they need to go to anger management program, but they refuses, especially your mother, Wendy. She may seems like she is calm and reserved but when she loses her , she turns to the hulk…”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah~ there was one time, we were having a picnic and Seulgi pranked her with a bug, she flipped the table and almost break Seulgi’s arm.”

“Eh?” Youi doubted.

“Yeah, but I do see a lot of Wendy in you.”

“Well duh, I was the replicate of Wendy and Irene’s DNA, of course I look like them.” Youi scoffed and she gets back to her bed.

“I know it’s hard to learn the truth about your parentage…but trust me, they love you just as much.”

“I hope so…” said Youi. “Anyway, where’s Yeri? I haven’t seen her around.”

“Ah, she was having a discussion with Seulgi. I think they went out to grab supper.”


“Go to sleep Youi…tomorrow is going to be super hectic.”


Wendy’s House

Irene and Wendy lays on Wendy’s bed both staring at the ceiling as they could not stop thinking about the future. Irene could not believe that she would use her own daughter to create the cure for the serum.

“What if I try to make the cure and injected it in you?” Irene suddenly asked.

“No…if Youi didn’t transfuse her blood into me, we still can find a cure, but now, her blood is in me, and based on the analysis report that I got from Yves, it seems like the virus in the serum fuses with Youi’s blood and technically I am cured of the side effect of the serum. I just don’t know what the serum will do to me, in terms of my ability.”

Irene gets up and stares down at Wendy “Let me run a test on you Wendy. Please. I…I created all this mess, so let me help you and Youi…” Said Irene.

Wendy pulls Irene back to the bed and hugs her “Let’s sleep…we will talk about this tomorrow.”



“Promise me, you will never hide anything from me anymore. Promise me.”

Wendy nods to show that she agreed with Irene’s terms, she did not want to keep Irene away from any of her plans anymore, since now that Irene had known about everything. Wendy suddenly things about something and she opens up to voice out her suggestion.

“You know what? Let’s hurried our wedding. Let’s not wait until March to get married.” Said Wendy.

“Are you sure? But you are not well right now…we can postpone it until you’re feeling a little better.”

Wendy sighs and pulls Irene closer into her body “I don’t want to keep waiting…we don’t know what the future will hold now that we both know what will happened and we both decided to change the future together to save our daughters. So let’s not wait. Let’s go meet my parents, and we’ll talk to them to push forward our wedding.”

“Wendy, Wendy listen…I will go with whatever that you’re planning, but I don’t want you to rush it and regret it later.”

“Why would I regret about marrying you?” Wendy replied. It takes Irene a few second to understand what Wendy said and she goes bright red.

“Oh. Okay….”

Wendy kisses Irene on the forehead and she pulls her even closer, letting Irene to listen to her beating heart. Irene had a hard time to fall asleep but Wendy’s heartbeat is like a lullaby to her ears, and soon she found herself drifted into the dreamland.


The adoptive mother and daughter combo went to the nearest fast food chain and ordered a set of beef burger. They sat down near the window to get view of the night street and start eating their burger. The burger was too big for Yeri and she messed up her face when she tried to take a bite of it.

Seulgi takes a tissue and help Yeri to wipes the corner of but Yeri resisted.

“I am not a kid anymore Seulgi stop treating me like one!”

“So how was our relationship in the future? You told me that Joy and I adopted you after Wendy and Irene went missing. Did we have our own children aside from you?”

Yeri stops eating her burger after heard Seulgi’s question, there was sadness in her eyes “Both of you can’t have kids…Joy…she was badly injured from lower half of her body, so she can’t have child…then you…you were infertile…”


“I’m sorry to tell you about that.”

“No…no it’s fine…it was my fault for asking…” Said Seulgi and Yeri could sense the bitterness in her tone.



“I never told the future you this but I want you to know that I have always grateful that you and Joy took me in when I got no one else. Both of you love me like your own, and yet I wasn’t being appreciative. I was a spoilt brat, but you tolerate with my attitude. I wished I can turn tell that to future you before you died…”

Seulgi was silent for a moment, then she smiles and she holds Yeri’s hand “You’re still blaming yourself for my death?”

With a tiny voice, Yeri replied, “Yes…”

Seulgi smiles and she pats Yeri on the head “You said we treated you like our own child, then don’t blame yourself for what happened because no parents would want to see their child get hurt. So live your life to the fullest.”

Seulgi repeated what Joy had told Yeri but in a more soft tone compared to Joy. Yeri could not help to keep on smiling. She continues to eat her burger and she startled when Seulgi try to feed her the fries.

Yeri shyly take a bite and they giggled. Yeri remembered how Joy and Seulgi always pampered her so much when she was younger and when she reached her adolescence years, she grow distant from them. Yeri wished that she can turn back the time and fixed her mistake, then it hits her, she is in the past now, and she does not know when she can go back to her timeline but if she gets to meet with her younger self, she can change the future, certainly. She wanted to tell her younger self to appreciate her adoptive parents more.

“Earth to Yeri?” Seulgi calls out to Yeri when she noticed that Yeri is daydreaming.


“You okay?”

“Yeah…I’m okay…actually…I was happy to see Wendy and Irene, but since I only spend like 5 years of my life with them, I don’t really know what they really like…and when I reunited with them here, I felt distant from them. The way they look at Youi is different from the way they look at me. I…” Yeri pauses for a while to catch her breath “Even when mom was pregnant with Youi, they shifted their attention to Youi…and I was mostly left alone. Well there were aunt Ryujin and Lia but it’s not the same as the love you need from your parents. I’ve always wanted a sibling, but when they deserted me for Youi, I don’t want a sibling anymore. I hated Youi, then momrene got taken away together with Youi…and momwen spent most of her times at her lab, neglecting me. You and Joy were the one who keep me entertained. So to be honest, I feel closer to you and Joy instead of Irene and Wendy. Is it bad for me to feel this way?”

“Hmm…it’s not wrong for you to feel jealous of Youi for getting more attention from you parents, but hating Youi for that reason is wrong. You now know why they pay much attention on Youi. So you should shake off that thought from your mind.”

Yeri smiles because what Seulgi just told her was exactly as what the future Seulgi always told her, she can hate on her parents for not giving her the attention she wanted but do not hate her sister for being born to this world. Yeri takes a sip of her coke and stares out of the window “Thank you Seulgi…for being a great mother.”


“I no longer harbor any hate feelings toward Youi, and I promise myself that I will be true to my feelings.”

Seulgi smiles when she listened to Yeri’s answer “If the future me could see you now, I believe that she will be proud of you.”

The duo continues to eat in silence but both were content that they get to have a deep conversation about their feeling and Yeri felt validated over her feeling of guilt.


Youi wakes up earlier and she is feeling more energize compared to last night. She sees that Yeri is besides her, sleeping with her head rested on Youi’s bed and her steady breath makes Youi smiles a little. Somehow she felt like Yeri had accepted her as her sister, she just wished that Yeri could show her a little more affection because Youi never know what it feels like to have older siblings.

Light footsteps slowly approaching her room, Youi noticed that her hearing is a little sensitive lately, she wonders if it was because of the sudden power that she gotten lately. Ryujin opens the door and she looks tired. “Oh, you’re awake.” Said Ryujin when she noticed that Youi is already sitting up on her bed.

Ryujin put down her coffee by the table near the bed and she sprawl on the couch. “I am damn tired.” Said Ryujin.

“Are you okay?”

“I was up all night, analyzing Wendy and your blood sample.” Said Ryujin with a yawn.

“And the result?”

“The result is…you…zzzz…” Ryujin doze off before she could finishes her words.

Youi was amused at how fast Ryujin can fall asleep but she gets it, Ryujin had been working hard to decode her DNA and she is grateful that Ryujin is willing to help her to understand her power better. Youi gets up from her bed and she takes her blanket with her to cover up Ryujin, who sprawling on the couch. Youi did a little stretch before she goes to the bathroom to freshen up.

She washes her face and when she looks in the mirror, she noticed her eyes color had change. She rubs her eyes to make sure that it was just an illusion, but it was not, her iris had changed it color from light brown to grey color.

“What is going on?” she questioned herself. She uses her shirt to wipes her face and she rushes out to wake Yeri up.

“Unnie! Unnie!”

“What…what is it?” Yeri groggily wakes up to Youi’s call.

“Unnie, my eyes, what color are they?”

“It’s grey…” said Yeri and she tries to go back to sleep but she stops “Wait? They’re grey?! Why are they grey?!”

Youi shushes Yeri because she is afraid that she will wake Ryujin up “I don’t know why they are grey!”

“Let’s go find moms!” said Yeri.

“Looking like this?!”

Yeri gasps suddenly and Youi looks at her weirdly “Youi…your hair…”

“My hair what?”

“They are changing colour!”

“What?!” Youi goes to the bathroom to check her hair and it indeed changing it colour from ash brown to gradient blonde colour with slight darker on the roots.

“What is happening?” Youi panicked.

“Calm down Youi! Let’s go find Wendy and Irene, they must have the explanation for what happened.”

Youi taps on her watch to activate Yves. “Yves at your service Ms Youi~”

“Yves, where are our parents?” Youi asked.

“They are at Wendy’s house.” Yves replied.

“Okay. You’re dismissed. Come on unnie let’s go.” Youi tugged on Yeri.

“Hey, aren’t we going to tell the others that we are going?”

“We can call them later.”

Youi ignores her sister reasoning, drag her out from the building, and halt for a taxi. “Youi.”

“What?!” Youi turns to Yeri aggressively and Yeri got scared of Youi. Youi realized her action was getting aggressive, she was not sure she got agitated for a moment. She takes a deep breath and apologize to Yeri.

“I’m sorry unnie…I can’t control my emotion.”

“There is something wrong with you Youi, and we need to find out why.”


Wendy woke up to the smell of something burning, when she saw that Irene is not beside her, she got panic. She gets up from her bed to find Irene and the same thing that happened to Youi while trying to save her, happened to Wendy. Everything was in slow motion, and Wendy can even see the bird flapping its wings slowly. Her heart was beating fast and she can feels the muscle in her leg burning.

The second thing she knows is she was at the kitchen, watching Irene screaming in slow motion at the burning toast. Wendy turns off the stove and everything back to normal. Irene was perplexed to see Wendy there.

“What…When did you…how?” Irene did not even see Wendy come down from the stairs and she did not even see Wendy approaching her. The only thing she noticed was a gush of wind that suddenly passes her and then Wendy appear in front of her.

Blue colour current flows from Wendy’s legs to her hands before it disappear. “I…this…”


Wendy and Irene turns to the voice direction and they see their daughters standing at the entrance as they tried to catch their breath. “We heard some screaming…and…” Yeri stops to catch her breath and then she continues again “We smelt something burning.” Said Yeri.

Wendy saw Youi and the drastic change in her image, she tries to uses her speed force to run to Youi and it surprises Youi. “You…have power? Hh…how?”

“I…I don’t know…this…this isn’t the work of the serum…am I right Irene?” Wendy turns to Irene with the scary look on her face, she was fascinate by her power but at the same time, she is scare.

“No…the serum aren’t supposed to give you that power…Wendy, what did T-ARA did to you actually?” Irene asked after she saw how Wendy gets to Youi in less than a blink of an eye.

“We should ask Park Chorong! She was there she should know what T-ARA actually did to you!”


“Yeah, she’s the one who saved you from T-ARA secret lair…”

Wendy’s head start to throb when Yeri mentioned Chorong’s name. The throbbing gets more aggressive as she tries to suppress the memory from T-ARA secret lab. Her current memories mixed with the memories she get from future her.

“Wendy?!” Irene rushes to Wendy’s side when Wendy suddenly falls to the ground holding to her head.

“Hey! I’m gonna get you outta here okay? Can you walk?”

Wendy is still weak, she still feels nausea, even her vision is blurry, and she could not keep her focus. The only thing that she could see is the nametag ‘Park Ji Yeon’

The memories stops playing and Wendy regain her conscious. “It was Park Ji Yeon that save me, not Park Chorong….” Said Wendy in horrified tone.

Wendy goes to the couch and sit down while trying to digest what happened.

“Mo…I mean Wendy…” Youi calls for Wendy but Yeri taps Youi on her shoulder “Youi, Irene knows…”

“Knows what?”

“Irene knows that you are her daughter.” Replied Yeri.

Youi turns to Irene with her eyes open wide “You…so…you know?”

Irene looks at Youi softly, it was so full of motherly love “Yes, Youi…I know.”

When Irene said out her name, it sound differently this time, it was more gentle and warm. Youi scoffs in disbelieve “Wow, this is awkward.”

Yeri stares back and forth at Youi and Irene who has been staring at each other awkwardly. Yeri clears to get everyone’s attention “Now is not the time for us to have a family reunion, we need to figure out what is wrong with Youi and Wendy too! Look at them! Their hair changed! Their eye colour changed!”

Irene kneels in front of Wendy and tries to make the distraught Wendy to look at her “Wendy, Wendy look at me please.” Wendy did not heard what Irene said so Irene cups Wendy’s face and tilt her head up so she can look at Wendy eye to eye.

“Wendy. We need to find a way to sort this thing out. Wendy I need you to be strong for me and our daughters.”

“Let’s runaway…all of us…the four of us, let’s go to somewhere else and forget about this event! I…I need to get away from here.” Said Wendy.

Yeri, Youi and Irene look at each other and then to Wendy “Wendy.”

“Please!” Wendy begged.

Irene turns to her kids and she nods at them to signal them to keep quiet for a moment and let she does the talking to Wendy. Yeri and Youi get the message and, the sibling scoot to make a space for Irene on the couch.

Irene got her arm around Wendy’s shoulder as she tries to calm the latter down “Wendy-ah…how about we go for a short vacation? Let’s go to some place to relax, and once you’ve calm down we can run a test on you and Youi okay?”

Wendy nods slowly while rocking her body back and forth. She was confuse by her own memories. Did she altered something? Did she remembers it wrongly? She is certain that Park Jiyeon was the one who rescued her based on her future memories, but they told her Park Chorong was the one who rescued her. Wendy thinks it is better is she just rested for a few days and she will gets down to it to find out what really happened.

Irene rubs Wendy on the back to calms her down. Yeri noticed that the kitchen was a mess so she gestures to Youi for them to prepare breakfast for all of them since they have not eaten anything yet.

“We’re going to cook something for breakfast, Irene…can you…”

“Call me mom…” Irene cuts Youi’s sentence before she could finishes it “Youi, Yeri…please…call me mom”

Yeri and Youi stare at each other and they try their best to say it aloud “Mom.”

Irene smiles sweetly at them, but the siblings were shy so they quickly left for the kitchen and starts preparing some food. Deep down, Youi and Yeri were happy that they get to call Irene mom after trying so hard to keep the secret away from her.

Irene’s attention shifted from watching her daughters blushing so hard in the kitchen to her fiancée. “Is there any place that you want to go to Wendy?”

“I want to go back to my parents’ house.”

“Okay, then I will tell your secretary and Seulgi that you will be absent from work until you are well. I will go with you.”

“No, you need to work…your work is important.”

“Nothing is more important than you…” Said Irene.

“But…T-ARA…they are going to hunt you now…”

“I will deal with T-ARA after I make sure that you are okay. Okay?”

“Now that I think about it…I shouldn’t drag you into this mess, I shouldn’t drag our daughters into this mess…”

Irene cups Wendy’s face and makes Wendy turns to her “Wendy, I am going to be your wife, and a wife should stood beside her spouse and support her in every step that she takes.”

Wendy slowly calm down and she smiles at Irene “I’m glad that we’re together.”

“How about we go and try on our wedding dress today? We have all the time, we can pick out our dress today and then, we can go to my parents’ house and discuss about the wedding with them? Since mom had always wanted a grand wedding for us.” Said Wendy while rolling her eyes.

“I like that idea, but what about the kids?”

The couple was disrupt by their kids who arguing at the kitchen. “I see your daughters need you in the kitchen Wendy.” Said Irene.

“Our daughters need us.” Replied Wendy. The two smiles at each other and they then decided to go and help.

“I told you! Tomatoes is a fruit!”

“No, it’s a vegie, because if it’s a fruit then why do you use it to cook?” Youi retaliate.


Arrow HQ

Seulgi decided to move Chorong to the Arrow HQ to avoid any unnecessary attraction from the authorities to Wendy’s company.

“Oh wow, I can’t believe that Wendy Son, the director of the Son Weaponry is the Robin!” said Chorong.

“I thought you realize that when you’re at her company?”

“I couldn’t see it properly, it was night time.” Replied Chorong.

“You look happy for someone who got shot twice and losing her comrades.” Commented Joy.

“Do you prefer me to mob around then?” Replied Chorong.

Seulgi was too tired to stops the two from bantering and she sets up the computer for Chorong to try to get into T-ARA’s system again. “This computer were developed by Rosé and it can hack into any system that you want, but I don’t know how to operate this computer. Where the hell is Rosé?!”

“I’m here!!” Rosé came out from under the table, and she was follow by Jisoo.

Seulgi and Joy look at them confusedly, but Chorong had a huge grin on her face as she says “Did you two had down there?”

“What?! No!” Rosé denies it.

Seulgi’s phone rings and she sees that it was Wendy. She ignores her gang and goes to a corner to answer the call “Wendy.”

“Seul…please take over my job for me, for a couple of days…I need to get rest after what happened can you do it for me?”

“Get as much rest as you can Wendy. We need the healthy Wendy back on action, so when you get back, make sure you come back healthy and organized. I don’t want a distraught leader.”

“I will…thanks for everything. See you soon.”

“See ya…”

Joy comes to Seulgi when she noticed that the older woman was at the corner talking on the phone. “Who was that?” she asked.

“It’s Wendy…but its looks like we gotta do her work while she’s resting.”


Bridal Boutique

Wendy decided to go with suit instead of wedding dress because she did not like the feeling of restricted by the huge gown and exposing her chest. Wendy checks herself in the mirror and she was satisfy with her looks. Despite that she had not come to term with her hair changed colour, she somehow likes her new looks. She turns to Youi who was sitting by the waiting area and busy flipping through the magazine.

“Youi, how do I look?”

Youi looks up and she has to admit it, her mother does look good. Wendy looks so handsome in her maroon colour tuxedo, but Youi wished her mother would wear a wedding dress, if she opts for the dress, she will look beautiful in it.

“You look dashing, but why don’t you want to go for the dress mom? You’ll look beautiful with the wedding dress.”

“Pants are more flexible and comfortable.”

“But…Irene…” Youi pauses and she looks down “How should I…I call Irene.” She asked out shyly.

Wendy was surprised that Youi asked that question, she smiles and she joins Youi on the couch and she puts her hand on Youi’s shoulder. “How about mommy? Or mama?”

“I’m too old for that…” Youi whines.

Wendy smiles and she holds Youi’s hand “But to us, our kids will never be too old for us. It doesn’t matter how you call her, she is still your mother, she’s the one who gave birth to you and she will love you unconditionally.” Said Wendy to her daughter.

“It just weird for me to suddenly be calling her mom, and I called you mom too…it will be confusing.”

“How about you call me momdy and you call her momrene?”

“That is just too obnoxious.” Said Youi.

“Well then? How would you want to call us?”

“Yeri didn’t have problem to call you and Irene because she grows up with you two, while me…”

“You know what Youi, just take your time. It really doesn’t matter what you call us.”

“I called you mom, it won’t be fair to Irene if I don’t call her mother…”

“How about omma?”


“Yep~ we are Korean right? So just call her omma~”

“Omma, huh…sounds good…” Youi agreed.

Wendy rubs Youi’s back and smile at her. She just wish that she could change Youi’s future so that she can have a normal family life. Wendy looks at her watch because Irene and Yeri took so long to try on the wedding dress. She asks if Youi can go check on Irene and Yeri. Youi agreed and she left the changing room to the other changing room to check on her mother and sister.


“No Yeri, I don’t like that design! It makes me look fat!” Irene rejected the dresses that Yeri picked up.

“But mom, this is what you wear in your wedding photo in the future!” said Yeri as she gets frustrated trying to help Irene to choose her wedding dress.

“Clearly the future me doesn’t have a good taste in her wedding dress!” Irene fired back and put down the dress that Yeri hand to her.

“Well that future you who chose this dress are you 2 months from now~” said Yeri.

“Wendy wanted to push forward our wedding Yeri-ah…do you think it will affect the future?” Irene asked.

Yeri crossed her legs and she rested her chin on her knuckles and stares blankly at the half- Irene. “With me and Youi being here we already affected the future timeline. I guess it’s going to be messy.” Said Yeri.

Irene joins Yeri on the couch and she touches Yeri’s cheek “Yerimie…I am sorry for what my future-self did to you. I just want you to know, I love both you and Youi equally. There’s nothing more important than both of you to me.”

“Why are you suddenly saying this?”

“Wendy let me see the future…I… saw what happened.” Irene was contemplate whether to tell Yeri about what is really going to happen in the future. The war with T-ARA was just the tip of the iceberg because the real war is between the two sisters. The image of Yeri and Youi fighting flashes in Irene’s memory once again and she closes her eyes to shake it away. Irene knew it is not Ryujin’s time machine glitch. The reason why the two sisters stranded in the past is future Wendy plan all along.

“Mom…what happened?”

“Ah no…just…a sudden guilt for neglecting you and Youi…”

“You don’t have to feel guilty for me mom…because I got a lot of people that love me surround me…you should show more of your love to Youi. She grows up without you or Wendy…”

Irene feels proud of Yeri for the moment, the Yeri that she knows from her future memory always throw tantrum whenever she could not spend time with her. “I am so proud of you.” She said to Yeri.

“Unnie…” Youi walks in to her mother and sister hugging. She was a little jealous that Yeri and Irene were so close but she cannot get close to her mother without feeling awkward. She knows Irene is her biological mom and the one who gave birth to her, but she has not really spend her time like how she spend time with Wendy.

“Youi! What are you doing here? Where’s Wendy, did you two finish trying on the tuxedo?”

“Yep…and mom is wondering what took you two so long.” Said Youi.

“Well you should just ask mom, she rejected all of the dresses that I chose for her.”

Yeri thinks that this is a good moment for the mother daughter to bonds so she finds excuses to leave “I’ll go check on Wendy, why don’t you help mom to choose her dress Youi?”

“Ah but unnie…”

“See you two later!” and with that Yeri left Youi with Irene in the room.

Youi fidgeted in front of Irene. Irene notices that her daughter seems to be afraid and shy around her. She pats the empty space on the couch and asks Youi to join her.


“Omma…” Youi nods at Irene.

Irene blinks for a moment when Youi calls her omma “Omma?”

“Ugh…I don’t want to confuse you and Wendy by calling you both mom…so…can I call you omma?”

Irene smiles gently at Youi and she hugs her daughter. The hugs feel special for both of them. It feels like the missing pieces found its way to fit together. A mother’s love and a daughter longing. Youi could not help but to cry.

“Youi, why are you crying?”

Youi wipes away her tears and the snot that coming out from her nose with the hem of her shirt. “I just…I’ve always dream about this moment…meeting you. I was devastated when I learned that you were dead in the future. I never really gets to know who my parents are, and now…I met Yeri, my sister, and I met Wendy, my mother, and I met you…the mother who gave birth to me…”

Irene cries after she heard how Youi felt about meeting her. She hugs Youi even tighter “My angel…my lovely Youi…you are my world and my life. I would do anything to make sure you are safe…the future is too harsh for you Youi. Omma promise that omma will make the future a better place for you and your sister.”

Irene pushes Youi back to look at her properly, she has her eyes but her other feature resembles Wendy a lot. Irene cracked into laughter and Youi was confused. “It’s nothing Youi, it’s just that, when you were born into this world, I swear that you look like me, but who knows now that I’ve seen you grown, and you look exactly like Wendy. I carried you for nine months in my womb but you end up looking like Wendy…”

“I wish I can look like you.” Said Youi.


“It’s not that mom is not beautiful or what, but you are on another level. You look like an angel omma…and anywhere you go, you make people turn their head…”

Irene pinches Youi’s nose and Youi yelps, “It doesn’t matter who you look like, because in your blood, there’s part of me and there’s part of Wendy. You are our impeccable creation.

Youi is glad that she and her mother is no longer awkward with each other anymore. Irene continues to pampering her by hugging her and touching her faces, checking on her faces. “Youi, I promise I will fix the future…we will have a better life.” Said Irene.

“Omma…even if we can’t change the future, I am glad that I get to meet you.” Said Youi and the mother daughter hugs again.

“You seriously need to choose your dress omma, because mom is getting frustrated waiting for you.”

“Ah right, why don’t you choose for me?”


After the almost feel like eternity to try on the wedding dress, Irene decided to go with a simple wedding dress that Youi picked up for her. Wendy made the advance payment for the dress and the tuxedo, she even purchase dresses for Youi and Yeri to wear on their wedding day.

The family exited the bridal boutique and went to grab lunch before they go back to Wendy’s house. Once they reached the house Wendy asked the girls to pack up their stuff, though there is not much to pack for the two of them.

“Where are we going?” Yeri asked.

“To your grandparent’s house.” Wendy replied.

“We’re going to meet pop and ma?!” Yeri said excitedly, she remembered when she was younger her parents always bring her to meets with her grandparents and they used to babysit her when her parents need to go traveling for their work.

“Yes Yeri, we will go meet your pop and ma.”

Wendy notices the lost look in Youi’s eyes, so she puts her hand on Youi’s shoulder “You’re going to love them too, Youi…”

Yeri holds Youi’s arm and tells her “Pop and Ma is the world chilliest grandparents! You’re gonna love them!”

Irene tries to catch Wendy when the latter goes back to the house to get her baggage. “Wendy, Wendy! Are you seriously going to tell your parents about Yeri and Youi?”


“Okay…give me the key, I will drive.”

“I can drive.”

“Nope, you’re still not well so I will drive.” Said Irene.

Wendy reluctant hands Irene the car key. Wendy knows that Irene doubts her decision but Wendy assure Irene that everything will be fine. She knows her parents is the accepting type and they are open-minded so it might shocked them at first but they will learn to accept it.


It takes them 5 hours of long distance drive to reach Wendy parents’ villa. Irene press the intercom to alert villa’s security guard about their arrival. The guard open the gates from them and ask Irene to drive forward until she reaches the villa. She reaches her destination and she pulls on the car handbrake. She gently wakes Wendy up before she turns back and gently wakes Yeri and Youi.

Yeri looks outside and she gasps excitedly “OMG we are here!”

Wendy hops out from the car and goes to the trunk to take out their baggage. Irene and Youi helps Wendy while Yeri goes around the villa and busy taking pictures with her phone. She was lucky that her phone still have some juice left.

“Yeri, come over here.”

Yeri runs toward her family members and she tilts up her phone asking everyone to look at the screen and say ‘Kimchi’. Wendy and Irene were surprise by the photo captured by the phone.

“How did it do that?”

“Wait…you…oh yeah…the touch screen phone is still not yet developed during this time.” Said Yeri when she realized why her parents were so fascinated that the phone able to take their photo perfectly.

“This is a smartphone, Mom, everyone in the future have it!”

“A smartphone huh?”

A lightbulb lights up in Yeri’s mind maybe if she can ask her mother to analyse the phone and invented the smartphone first than the other company like Samsung or apple, maybe she can be a billionaire in the future. Yeri stops daydreaming when Youi nudge her “Don’t think about it unnie, I can see your greediness in your evil grin.” Said Youi.

Yeri pouts at her and lightly smack her on the fore arm to which Youi exaggerate her reaction. Wendy stops them from bickering “Stop it you two.”

“Unnie started it!” said Youi.

“Ey! It was you who started it!”

Irene could not help but to smile at the situation. She was happy to see that both her children had grown up to be fine young women. The memories that she saw of the future terrified her, the image of Youi and Yeri try to kill each other keep on replaying on her mind. She shakes her head to clear the image of her head.

The main door opened Wendy’s father greeted them with a huge grin on his face but he pauses on his step to hug his daughter when he saw her hair colour had change.

“You look different Wendy.”

“Yeah, I changed my hair colour…we’re anticipating our wedding.” Wendy lied to her father. She and Irene decided to stop by at her parents’ house after they done fitting on to their wedding dress. They tagged Youi and Yeri together because Irene thinks it is a good idea to let them bond with their grandparents while they can.

“Irene~~” Wendy’s mother greets her daughter in law.

“Hey mom~”

“I hope my idiot daughter didn’t give you headache.” Said Wendy’s mom.

“Mom!!” Wendy whined.

“Oh! Who are these two?”

Wendy and Irene look at each other and then they both smile “They are your granddaughters.”

Wendy’s father look at her confusedly then he turns to his wife before he turn to his daughter and daughter in law again “Our granddaughters?”

“It’s a long story dad, can we go inside first? I will tell you the whole story…there’s a secret that I need you to know.” Said Wendy.

Wendy’s father Mr. Son asked the butler to help Wendy with the baggage. He could not stop staring at Youi for some reason. Mrs. Son leads her wife and her grandchildren in and show them around. Wendy asked if she can talk to her father privately, and Mr. Son leads his daughter to his study room.

“Something tells me that this drastic change of yours isn’t because of your wedding.” Said Mr. Son.

“It isn’t…but I don’t want mom to worry about me so I had to lie.”

“So what is it?” Mr. Son asked.

“Dad…do you still remember that when I was younger, I was dead for 10 minutes?”

“I do remember that horrified moment…”

When Wendy was 10, she likes to play in her father lab. One day, she played in her father new invention, an electromagnet pod that her father was developing for the military, the door to the pod malfunction and Wendy was trap inside. She was electrocute when Mr. Son accidentally turn on the machine, not knowing that she was in there. She was rush to the hospital, and doctor declare she was dead for 10 minutes. Mr. Son refused to accept the fact that his daughter is dead and he begged the doctor to try to resurrect her daughter repeatedly, and they managed to resurrect her.

“I know you forbid me from ever entering that place again, but this time, please allow me to go in there dad.”


“Let’s go to the garden.” Said Wendy and she drags her father to follow her. Mr. Son was perplex at his daughter behaviour but he said nothing.

The father daughter reached the garden and before Mr. Son can ask Wendy anything, Wendy display her power to her father. Mr. Son falls back on his bum in disbelieve “What…how?”

“Those two that I introduce to you as your granddaughter, they are from the future…20 years from now, and they come to warn us about the danger of the future. The girl who looked like me, she is your biological granddaughter, the fruit of Irene’s gene and mine…she has the same power like me that. It is important for me to go to that place again. Dad…to tell you the truth…I am…Robin.”

“I know.”

“You know? But…”

“All of the weapons Robin used, the arrow, it’s all made by Son Weaponry, and you think I wouldn’t know?”

“You’re not mad?”

“About what?”

“That I am Robin? I go against the government though our company are supposed to be pro-government company.”

Mr. Son sits by the garden’s bench and he gestures to Wendy to join him “Seungwan ah…I know you are special the moment you were born. Beside, you’ve been funding Robin’s operation with the company money, I maybe retired from oversee the company but I am not blind Seungwan.”

“…I know…”

“You do what you do best. If you believe in what you are doing is right, then do it. I am not going to stop you.” Said Mr. Son. Wendy is grateful that her father is the understanding type.

“But are they really from the future?” Mr. Son asked.

“Yes dad…a lot of things happened. The T-ARA organization kidnapped me, run some test on me, injected me with something, at first I thought the serum is the source of my power but the serum only enhance human ability and won’t give human power. So there must be some other source for my power.”

“The electromagnetic pod.”

“Yes…I think that has to be it.”

“Even if the pod gave you the power, why didn’t it manifest sooner? Why now?”

“I don’t know dad, but I know it has to something to do with whatever T-ARA did to me…I…”

Mr. Son senses that his daughter is in distress so he hugs her “Seungwan, you came here not because of the pod right? You are running from something.”

“…I…I’m scared dad…there’s something in me that is waiting to be release and I am afraid that I cannot control it. I’ve seen the future…my future-self left me her memories and I’ve seen it…the future is dark and it’s…I’m scared that what I did have changed the future dad…”

Mr. Son sigh and he tightened his wraps around his daughter’s shoulder “It’s not wrong to feel scare…if you are scare then you need to find way to fight it. Now you said that my grandchildren came from the future, maybe there is a reason why they are here. If there is anyone who can change your future. It’s gotta be you.”


“This is Wendy when she was 3, look at her cute little cheek.” Said Mrs. Son as she show her granddaughters their mother’s baby photo.

“Ma…you’re not weird by the ideas that we’re your granddaughter from the future?” Yeri asked.

“Well, a mother instinct is never wrong. I can see a bit of Irene and Wendy in you two. Especially you, Youi. You look exactly like Wendy! So I believe, beside my daughter won’t lie about something like this.” Said Mrs. Son.

Yeri runs up to her grandma and hug her “Oh Ma, I missed you so much….” Said Yeri.

Mrs. Son was surprises at the hug but she happily accept it. Mrs. Son look at Youi who stands there trying not to look awkward, Mrs. Son held out her hand to invite Youi into a group hug. Youi reluctantly goes to them and let Mrs. Son pulls her into a group hug. Irene soon joins them and the four woman hug each other lovingly. Youi had never feel so loved in her life ever than today.

They were interrupt by Wendy and Mr. Son. “Honey~ is the dinner ready?” Mr. Son asked his wife.

“I haven’t started to cook yet! I’ll cook now! You guys must have been hungry!”

“I’ll help Ma!” Yeri offered to help.

“I’ll help too…” said Irene but Youi and Yeri stops her because they remembered of the event this morning where Irene almost burnt the house while trying to make a simple toast. Wendy asked if Irene wanted to come with her, when she saw the pout on Irene’s face. Wendy asked Youi to come along too.

“Yeri do you want to join us?” Wendy asked her eldest daughter but Yeri politely rejected. Yeri was thinking that she had her times with her parents. She wanted Youi to spend more time with Irene and Wendy so she decided she should just stay with her grandmother and help to cook dinner.

“Unnie, you sure?” Youi pulls Yeri to the side and whisper to ask her.

“Yeah, you go spend more time with our moms.”


Wendy took the keys to her father’s secret lab and brought her fiancée and daughter there. The lab located at the at the back of the villa, hidden in the trees so Wendy makes sure she brought along torch light in case it gets dark when they want to go back. Wendy pushes open the rusty gate to the little abin where the lab was build. Her father abandoned the lab after the incident and prohibited anyone to enter it ever again. After persuading her father to let her to visit the place, Mr. Son agreed as long as Wendy would not do anything stupid again,

“What is this place?”

“It was my dad old lab. He used to do a lot of experiment with his invention in here. I need to show you two something.”

Irene looks around and she does not like it there, and the place smell like iron and everything is so rusty. She clings to Youi and Youi assures her that everything is going to be okay.

“Irene…you saw me running to you this morning right? And you did you saw the blue flash?”

“I did…” Irene replied.

Wendy turns to Youi “And Youi had Yellow flash…”

“Irene…I think this pod is where I get my power from! I have a theory, you see when I was young I died for 10 minutes before the doctor manage to resurrect me. I don’t know why the power only manifest now, but…I think it has something to do with the serum enhancing ability. Maybe that’s the trigger…” Wendy explained.

“But what is this thing?” Irene asked.

Wendy brushes off the dust of the pod and she tries to turn it on.


Yeri cries because of the onion, her grandmother decided to cook bulgogi for them. It was her specialty and Yeri loved them when she used to come to her.

“So tell me Yeri…was Wendy a good mother to you?”

“She is. She’s a great mother, it’s only that she always put her work before me. I was hurt by that but then I met the past her, I understand why. She was a great person…” Replied Yeri.

“As a mother I am worried that Wendy couldn’t have a normal life. I’ve always wanted to have a grandchild, I know she is still young now, but I had her when I was 16 you know. The only thing that I regret for having her that young is, I was too inexperience and I don’t know how to take care of a baby, then I have to balance my time with my household and then my studies…I just hope that Wendy won’t be the mother that I was. It seems like she became just like me huh…”

“Ma…you don’t have to blame yourself for that. Wendy had a reason why she had to neglect me, and I understand it now. You should be proud of her.”

Mrs. Son takes some tissue and wipes away Yeri’s tears “I will always be proud of my baby girl, and now looking at you, I am prouder that she managed to raise such a nice young lady like you.”

Yeri giggles with her grandmother but then they were shook by a sudden loud boom and an earthquake. Yeri protected her grandmother by covering her head. Mr. Son came into the kitchen to check on his wife and grandchild “Are you two okay?” he asked.

“Pop! What was that?”

“It came from the lab!” He panicked and he rushes out to check on the lab.

The whole lab collapse, Mr. Son watches it in horror he screams Wendy’s name and runs toward the little cabin. Yeri was horrified when she heard her grandfather screamed her mother’s name. Yeri follows her grandfather toward the cabin and they flew back by a sudden impact that is coming from the cabin. Mr. Son managed to catch Yeri from being slam into one of the tree.

Wendy emerges from the rumbles, her body emitted blue flash and she carried unconscious Irene in her arms. A sudden gush of winds hit Mr. Son and Yeri, and Mr. Son protected Yeri from the wind. A yellow flash appear and it was Youi. Both Youi and Wendy eyes were glowing, Wendy in blue and Youi in yellow. Their lights slowly dimming and they gone back to their normal.

Wendy put Irene down and she tries to wake her up. Youi rushes to her mothers side to check on Irene’s condition. Mr. Son runs to his daughter and he asks her what happened.

“I tried to turn on the machine…then I don’t know why, my body and Youi’s body start to absorb its energy…the next thing we know the machine exploded…Dad, please call the doctor! Irene is unconscious!”


To be Continue…

Next Chapter Preview:

“Yeri! Yeri I’m sorry you had to know it this way! But we love you no matter what!” Irene begged her daughter to stay after she found out the secret about her birth.

“Yeri, listen…she requested for us to raise you and we promised your biological mother that we won’t tell anyone about your identity. We have to keep you safe." Wendy tries to explain the situation to her daughter.

Yeri was hurt after she knows about her secret. Yeri would not be this hurt if Irene and Wendy had been honest about her origin. The fact that Yeri learnt about her identity from someone else and not from her parents is what hurt her the most.

Yeri stares at Youi who is lying motionless on the bed. She angrily turns to her parents “Show me the future that you mentioned…show me the future that you said you try to stop!”

“Yeri…we can’t show you what happened because we don't want you to see the horrible things that...”

“You can’t?! After everything that happened?! You lie to me, and for my whole life I thought I was nobody, and then you’re going to let Youi die?!” Yeri angrily cuts Irene off.

“No one is dying Yeri! I will safe her and you!” Wendy snapped and she raises her voice at Yeri and it made Yeri sad.

“No one is dying if you're trying hard enough Wendy…” stammers Yeri as she tries to hold in her tears.



I am so sorry that it take so long, though I promised I would frequently update! Lately I’ve been in a slump, depression hit hard lately. Ahaha, but I’m okay now! I got my feelings and negativity pushed aside. Please continue to support this story~ hope you guys enjoy it! Next chapter is going to be a time skipped and Yeri’s real parents will be reveal. The question now is did Wendy do the right things or did she do the wrong things? Is the future change for better or for the worse?


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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious