Chapter 12: Truth Untold

Turn Back The Time

BAE Laboratory

Irene fiddles with her engagement ring as she ponders on where her fiancée is. Wendy had been gone for a month, no news, no calls or text. Irene begins to suspect that Wendy ran away with some else, but then she thinks of all the thing that Wendy had done for her. Irene massage her head and continues with her paperwork.

Lia walks into the office with a cup of tea and put it on Irene’s desk. She sees the frowns on her boss’s face “You’re worried about Wendy again?”

“It’s been a month Lia…and our wedding is next month…what if she ran away with someone else?”

Lia crossed her arms “I don’t think she would run away with someone else. Her friends are doing their best to track her down, I believe she will come back soon…so please don’t worry.”

Irene sighs and she takes a sip of the tea “I wish I can be as positive as you are Lia…by the way, where is Ryujin? I hardly seen her come into the office lately.”

“She’s busy with her new research, and you know how Ryujin likes to be alone when she wanted to focus on something right?” Lia lied.

Irene sighs and she flips through the files of T-ARA project again. “They said the serum is done, maybe I will go and take a look at the serum later on and run some test.” Said Irene as she waves the files at Lia.

Lia gulps, she is afraid of what her boss might see in the lab. Back when Arrow team break into their lab and steal some sample and documents, Lia was in charge of checking the stolen items and she kept her silent when she saw the police report that came out. All of the components that she reported to the police is altered, and hence she knows the police is corrupted. She knows Robin is innocent, but she doesn’t understand why her boss doesn’t see the corruption that happened around her. Lia is hoping that she is able at least help the Arrow team to at least present some solid evidence to bring down the illegal project.

“I’ll go get the paperwork ready then we can go check on the project after lunch.” Said Lia as she excuses herself.

Irene nods at her assistant and she turn her focus back to her paperwork. Her eyes averted to her phone, hoping that it will rings and Wendy’s number pops up. She sighs after 10 minutes of silence, and she continues to do her report.


Arrow HQ

Ryujin excitedly enters the meeting room, though she looks dishevelled and her eyes bag look like she hasn’t sleep for a whole year. “Jisoo unnie! Seulgi unnie!” Ryujin calls for the duo.

Seulgi and Jisoo were discussing something over at the meeting table, both look serious and exhausted. They have been busy saving the city “I’ve asked Rosé to get all of the available data on all the surveillance camera in town and we’ve been analyse all of it, there’s no sign of Wendy anywhere…and yes we already checked the record for outbound and inbound flights, no, Wendy didn’t fly out this country. We have no idea where she went!” said Jisoo to Seulgi as they analyse the map on the table, wondering where did Wendy went.

“Hey! You both!” Ryujin waves her hand in front of the duo when they both ignored her.

“Yes Ryujin?”

“Can you get me Youi? I’ve completed the lab for me to test her power out.” Said Ryujin.

“You completed what?” Seulgi frowns at Ryujin.

“Come with me.” said Ryujin with a big sigh.



Youi and Yeri watch over the city from the sky scrapper. They can view the whole city from up there. Yeri was listening to the police radio frequency, hoping to find some news on crime. Lately the crime in K-City is getting out of hand, people are losing their trust on Robin, and the other Arrow squad. Seulgi specifically asked the girls to lay low, and only react to heavy crime like killing, kidnapping and robbery, those small crimes like stealing and such just disregard it.

“It seems like there is no major crime happening today…” said Yeri but when she turns to her sister she sees that Youi is seating at the edge of the sky scrapper. Yeri joins her despite that she is a little scared of the height “You’re still worry about mom right?”

“Unnie…what if…what if T-ARA had mom? My guts are telling me that she is held captive…”

Yeri is trying her best to not look down, she gulps down her fear and leans closer to Youi “Our mom is a hero, she’s Robin, I believe she knows what to do and I know she is safe out there…we only need to keep praying, I know she will return one day.” Said Yeri to her little sister.

Yeri earpieces rings and she taps it to answer the call “Yes?” Yeri answers.

“Come back to the HQ, you and Youi.” Said Seulgi through the earpiece.

“Roger that.” And Yeri double tap on her earpiece to end the call, she slowly gets up from the edge and held out her hand to Youi “Come on Youi, Seulgi needs us back at the HQ.”

Youi gets up with the help of her sister and she brushes off the dust on her pants. She turns back to look at the sunset one last time before she takes her weapon and follows Yeri from behind.


BAE Laboratory

Irene and Lia are walking toward the lab that T-ARA are doing their research. Irene taps her excess card on the scanner to opens up the lab door. Irene takes a deep breath as this is her first time ever to join in the research. Once the door is fully opened, Irene walks in with Lia beside her, they were greeted by 2 scientists that were already in there.

“Hello, my name is…”

“Dr. Irene Bae! We know, you are the owner of this lab, we’re really thankful that Bae laboratory allow us to use your lab facility to do this research! I’m Dr. Jinsoul, and this is my partner Dr. Kimlip~”

“Nice to meet you, uh, this is my assistant, Dr. Julia Choi…” Irene introduces Lia to the two doctors.

“Hello, you can just call me Lia, drop the doctor title…”

“Nice to meet you Lia, we’re excited that you’ve decided to come and join us, Kimlip, can you get me the report on the finished serum?”

“Coming right up!”

Irene looks around and she was surprised to see a lot of test tube contained around. “Ummm, why is there a lot of sample around?” Irene asks.

“Oh, that’s because we are going to test the serum on embryo and watches as it grows. And those are going to be used to fertilize egg that we are going to retrieve from an egg donor, once the egg is fertilized, we will insert the serum into the embryo before we transfer it to the uterus of the surrogate mother.” Jinsoul explained.

“Isn’t that illegal?” Lia raises the question and Irene looks at Lia with a raised eyebrow.

“I mean, how do you know if the serum work? What if it doesn’t work and what will become of the baby?” Lia asks some more. Lia had seen the sample of the supposed serum and she doubts that the embryo can survive is they use it on them.

“Well it’s not wrong if we tested it on inmate right? The government had given us the green light to use those on a death row inmate as the surrogate mother for these test tube babies.” said Kimlip.

Lia was enraged with the doctor answer because her answers make it sounds like life is only a toy for them “You have answer my question doctor, what is going to happen to the baby, if the serum failed?”

“Well we haven’t actually tested out the serum so we wouldn’t know yet.”

Irene was surprised of what she heard, she takes the reports from Kimlip and flips through it, it was totally different from the one that was given to her initially before the start of the research in her lab.

“What is this?”

“That’s the report of the finished serum, we’ve given it to our leader to be approved by the top management and then we can test it on those embryo.” Said Kimlip.

“This is wrong! In our contract it clearly said that the research is only to create a serum that will genetically engineered human DNA, which will be injected to new born baby after the serum is well tested, and it doesn’t mention about testing it on unborn baby!” said Irene.

Jinsoul and Kimlip look at each other and then to Irene again “But Dr. Irene, your father signed the agreement.”

Jinsoul hands Irene the contract agreement and yes indeed, Irene’s father signed the contract and upon seeing the date, Irene don’t remember or attending the meeting for the agreement signing ceremony. Irene’s father is still the company chairman and he can make the decision for their subsidiary company, but Irene is enraging that her father didn’t consult her regarding the issue.

Irene storms out from the lab and leaving Lia behind “Why is she so mad? Her father authorizes this research.” said Kimlip while shrugging at Jinsoul.

“How are you guys don’t feel guilty over this? What you guys are doing is inhumane!” Lia told them.

“We are only doing our job Dr. Lia. By the way, our boss already found a perfect test subject and it seems like the serum is working on adult, it should work on those unborn baby.”

Lia gasps in disbelieve “You used the clinical untested serum on a person?! You should get it tested first before you test it on human!”

“Our boss said she got the permission from the top management.”

“How the hell can your management allow it to be tested?!!”

“Because the test subject is a criminal.” Said Kimlip with a shrug.

“Yeah, the most wanted…but if the serum work wouldn’t that be beneficial to the criminal? I heard boss said she always tried to be the vigilante but seems like the people hated her after she raided our lab.”

“Jinsoul!” Kimlip hushes Jinsoul for exposing the secret.

“Oops…” said Jinsoul.

Lia was in shock when she heard what the doctors told her. She was speechless to answer the duo so she turns around leave the lab to follow her boss.

 Jinsoul and Kimlip turns to each other after Lia left and they immediately report to their boss. “Boss, Dr. Irene already know about our research and we spoiled to her assistant that we have Robin under our captive.” Said Jinsoul.

“Good…if she wants to save her fiancée, she will need to help us perfected the serum. Good job.”

“Now that we have done what you asked us to do, can you please let go of our friends.”

“Don’t worry, I’m a woman of my words, I will release them, after Irene perfected the serum.”

“Hey! You said you will release them once we did what you’ve said and we’ve just did what you’ve said!” Jinsoul shouts into the phone.

“Dr. Jinsoul, arguing with me only will cause more harm to your friends, do you want me to inject the serum into them too?” Eunjung threatened the doctors.

Kimlip is shaking her head, asking Jinsoul to agree with whatever Eunjung request is, Jinsoul takes a deep breath and sigh “Fine…but after she perfected the serum…you will let our friends go.”

“I will.”


Irene slams the report on her desk and calls her father to clarify the issue. She sees Lia running to her office but she puts her hand up to halt Lia from talking to her while she was on phone.


“Dad! What’s the meaning of this?!”

“What Joohyun ah?”

“You signed a different contract with T-ARA without my knowledge?!”

“Chill Joohyun, yes I did sign it without your knowledge, but I was gonna tell you once you take over the research.”

“Dad! Did you read the terms and condition and nature of the research?!” Irene yells in frustration.

“Joohyun, I might be old but I’m not stupid, yes I know the research involved genetic modification and human testing for the serum, but I have already talked to the President, and he agreed to do the experiment on human. Imagine this Joohyun, us the BAE abled to perfected the serum, we’re not only able to create super soldier but also, cure all the illness in the world because the serum supposed to work as a shield for our immune system! We can control the world with that serum, Joohyun ah!”

“Dad!! They are going to conduct the experiment on unborn babies why did you agree to their terms?!!!”

“Joohyun listen! If this project work, and if you successfully help them to complete the formula, we are going to be the strongest company in the world Joohyun, and imagine if we patent the formula, the world is going to bow down to us!”

Irene couldn’t believe in what her father just said, money had taken over her father’s mind. She knows that her father value money more than anything, that’s the reason why her mother divorced him, but to the extent of sacrificing innocent life, Irene is mortified by her father’s decision.

“Joohyun…you have to finish what we started…”

“What if the experiment failed?” Joohyun questioned her father one last time.

You don’t have to worry about that, the government got our back.”

Irene hangs up the call without even bid her father goodbye. Irene slumps onto her chair, devastated by the news. Now she knows why Robin broke into the lab, she knows about the illegal things that T-ARA had been doing in their lab. Irene feels like a criminal now that she knows everything.


“What have I done Lia? What have I done? I let them used me…”

“Boss…they got Wendy…”

Irene abruptly look up to Lia at the mention of Wendy’s name. “What?”

“It will be easier if you come with me now.” Said Lia.

“To where?”

“It will explains all…so please Irene. Wendy is in danger, and I know they are the only people who can save her…”


Arrow HQ

“What is this place?” Yeri asked when she entered the modified lab.

“It’s a testing ground for Youi.”

“Huh?” Youi and Yeri turns to Ryujin at the same time.

“I call it speed force field, so Youi, take off your suit and put on this…” Ryujin hands Youi an elastic suit “It will help me to analyse your body while you’re running around in that speed force field.”


“Yes now, why? Would you rather to do it tomorrow?” Jisoo rolled her eyes at Youi’s question.

“I mean…shouldn’t we wait for Wendy?” Youi asked.

“Kid, if we wait for Wendy, then we don’t have to do anything…so get in that suit and start running.” Said Seulgi. Wendy’s missing is starting to take its toll on Seulgi. The poor woman is tired, hardly had enough sleep because she believes that her friend is still somewhere out there.

“Geez, Seulgi, what is up with you being so moody lately?” Yeri commented.

“Ah…I’m sorry…I’m just…tired.”

Youi takes the suit without any complaints and goes to the changing room to get change. Ryujin and Yeri crossed their arms and glare at Seulgi. “I know that with Wendy is missing, you’re in charge of everything, but that doesn’t mean that you can be harsh on Youi. Wendy is that Kid’s mom, and you think she wouldn’t feel the burden like you do?” said Ryujin.

“I agree with Ryujin.” Said Youi.

“I know I’m wrong, I’ll apologize to Youi later…” said Seulgi.

Yeri goes behind Seulgi and pushes her to the nearest chair and pushes her down “I think the only thing you can do now is to sit here and relax. I know you are worry about Wendy…we are too, but if you’re acting like this, it’s not going to bring Wendy back.” Said Yeri.

Seulgi sighs and she nods to come to an understanding with what Yeri had said. Youi comes out from the changing room with the elastic suit that Ryujin gave her, but Yeri couldn’t help but to laugh at Youi.

“Dang! You look like Bruce Lee with that yellow suit!!” Yeri laughs.

“Why did you made it yellow Ryujin-ssi?”

“Because you are the yellow arrow~” said Ryujin with a wink.

“Now, Youi, please steps into the room and start running~”

Youi enter the speed force field, it was cold it there, she couldn’t stop shivering.

“Whenever you’re ready.” Said Ryujin through the intercom.

Youi takes a deep breath and she tries to remember what happened the night she saved her mother. The adrenaline from that night fuel up her muscle, she can feel her legs muscle expands and its getting warm. Youi opens her eyes and exhale for one last time before she starts sprinting for a few laps. Youi is certain that she is running, but when she looks around, she can see everything move in a very slow motion, she can see the surprised look on Yeri and Seulgi’s faces how their face from normal turning to a frown and then how their eyes went from squinting to bulging. Youi stops running and she looks around her, but everything went back to normal speed.

“She just ran 100 laps in less than 10 seconds! Per lap is equal to 500m, which mean she just ran 50km in 10 seconds…that is…amazing…”

Yeri and Seulgi are more surprised at the fact that they just see Youi becomes a yellow flash right in front of their eyes.

“That’s it!! Yeri! I think I knew how the future me finished her time machine!! She must have used the speed force to create a friction between times…if she can harvest enough speed, she can open the gap between two different timelines, and that’s how time travel works!! OMG I am a genius!! I know what I need to complete my time machine now Yeri!!” Ryujin said out excitedly but Seulgi takes her back to reality.

“You can work on your time machine later, now our main objective is to stop whatever T-ARA are doing…focus on that please.”

“Ah yes, you’re right…but it still baffled me though, the source of Youi power should be hereditary, I’ve run countless test on her DNA and the result is still the same, I found the same components that are found in the sample that you guys took from the lab where T-ARA do their research, but it was more advance. It blends well with her DNA, I tried to uses my DNA and splice it with the R-17 serum, and the serum instantly killed my DNA, but then when I introduce Youi’s DNA to the R-17, Youi’s DNA combined itself with the serum…and the only way to explain it is…”

Yeri cuts Ryujin off before Ryujin could finish explaining “The reason why you find the same components as that sample that we stole from lab is because…Ryujin is the perfect soldier…”

“What?” Seulgi and Ryujin were perplexed by what Yeri suddenly said. Youi steps out from the room, she locks eyes with her sister and she gives the permission for her sister to tell the whole story.

“Before Wendy went missing, she told us everything…please sit down and listen to everything that I have to say.” Said Yeri.


Eunjung’s Secret Lab

Eunjung stands behind the glass wall observing her people injecting more of the serum into Wendy. Eunjung had tested the serum on number of inmates that she obtained from bribing the prison guards, but most of the inmate died a week after, only Wendy survived. She asked her scientist to draw Wendy’s blood and run some test on them and they confirmed that Wendy DNA accepted the serum.

Eunjung watches as Wendy screams in agony when they injected the new serum that they draft our after matching it with her DNA. Due to the effect of the serum, Wendy had become pale like a dead body and her hair had turned platinum blonde.

Jiyeon enters the room and she watches in horror to the things that her sister in law had done to Wendy. “Eunjung unnie, that is enough, you are killing her.” Jiyeon begs.

“Well that is my plan initially…you know how much those upper echelon scumbags want to watch this woman die? She stole from them and gave it to the poor, the rich would rather want to see Robin dies right?” said Eunjung.

“The serum won’t bring Hyomin unnie back from the dead!” Jiyeon yells at Eunjung and Eunjung’s eyes turn bloodshot at Jiyeon’s remark.

“Hyomin is still alive!!” Eunjung denies.

“It’s been 2 years now unnie! How long more do you want to torture Hyomin unnie? Why can’t you just let her go peacefully?!”

Eunjung takes out her gun and aims it at Jiyeon’s head “Said that one more time and I won’t hesitate to pull this trigger.”

Wendy has stop screaming and it alerted Eunjung, she presses the intercom button and questions her staffs what just happened.

“Boss! She is getting weak!”

“She cannot die now! We are still far from perfecting the serum!! I want you do whatever it takes to ensure her safety! If she dies, Irene Bae won’t help us to perfect the serum!!”

“What…what should we do boss?” stammers one of the staff.

“Bring her out and ask our doctors to check on her!!”

“Roger that boss!!” said one of the staff and they unstrapped Wendy from the examine chair.

Jiyeon silently watches the staff carry Wendy to the stretcher and wheel her out, she can see the rage in her sister in law’s face. “We’re not done talking, we will continue after I check on Robin’s condition.” Said Eunjung to Jiyeon before she left the room.

Jiyeon was left alone in that cold room, she punches the wall in frustration because she had failed her sister. She cries out loud until one of her colleague came to check on her “You good?”

“No! I’m not good Chorong! I wanted to kill Eunjung so much now. She isn’t human anymore!!”

Chorong takes out her gun and hand it to Eunjung “Well go and kill her…” she said. Jiyeon swats away the gun and she seated herself on the floor “I can’t kill her and you know that.”

“Yeah, because she is your sister in law?” said Chorong calmly as she joins Jiyeon on the floor. “Fate play a cruel game on you eh Jiyeon.”

“……” Jiyeon keeps herself silent.

“You’re still blaming yourself for what happened to your sister?”

“If…If I didn’t leave the house that night…unnie won’t be in the state that she is in now.” Said Jiyeon.


“Can you tell me what exactly happened that night?”

Jiyeon wipes away her tears and start to tells Chorong what actually happened to her sister, Park Hyomin.

Flashback (2 years ago)

“Jiyeon-ah! Welcome home!”

“Aah~” Jiyeon replied her sister and she ignored her after that and went straight to her room.

“Jiyeon-ah! Eunjung is coming back for dinner later! Make sure that you come down to join us okay?!” Hyomin shouts from downstairs.

“Aah~!” Jiyeon replies and she closes her door. She slumps on her bed and stares into the ceiling. Her sister Hyomin just got married to Eunjung three months ago and she is happy for her sister, but she can’t hide her anger to know that out of so many people, her sister chose Eunjung. Jiyeon had crush on Eunjung ever since she was just a kid, she knows that her sister and Eunjung were best friend since their childhood era.

When Hyoming called to announced her engagement to Eunjung a year ago, Jiyeon was heartbroken, but she hides her feeling from her sister. She doesn’t want her sister to get worry. So Jiyeon decided to join the army in order to get far away from her sister and Eunjung, as a way for her to try and forget about her feelings. She got 3 days for her off days, so she decided to come back and check on her sister.

She gets up from her bed and unpack her backpack, taking out her toiletries and she goes to freshen herself up. The moment she was about the get into the bathroom, she heard a car just parked outside of the house, and her heart races.


“Honey~ I’m home!” Eunjung greets the household when she enters the house. She takes off her shoes and puts her bag on top of the shoes cabinet. Hyomin greets her wife and helps her to take off her jacket “Welcome home~” she greeted.

Eunjung kisses her wife on the lips and then she noticed the extra pair of shoes on the shoes rack “Oh, we have a guest?”

“Oh! It’s Jiyeon, she said she is off duty for 3 days and decided to stay with us.”

“Oh! That’s just great! I missed her, I can’t believe how much she had grown.”

“Why don’t you go and get take a shower, dinner is almost ready, and we can do some catch up with her later.” Said Hyomin as she helps her wife to loosen her shirt.

“Mmm~~ What are you cooking?”

“Your favourite~ now go take a shower~~ You’re smelly~~”

Eunjung pouts when her wife said that she smelt. She had been working for 20 hours without no rest and sleep. As a doctor, she had to prioritize her patient’s more than her own life or her family. When she takes her doctor oath, she already given her time and life to save her patients. She is grateful that she can find a wife like Hyomin, who understands her and never questions her about her work.

“I’ll see you in a bit~” said Eunjung before she goes up to their room to take a shower.

On her way up to her room, she encounters Jiyeon. She was surprised at how tall Jiyeon had grown now. “Jiyeon!”

“Eunjung unnie…”

“Wow! Look at how much you’ve grown…I haven’t seen you for a year…it’s sad that you couldn’t attend our wedding, but I’m happy to see you now.”

Jiyeon tries her best to keep her smiling face “I’m happy to see you again unnie…you go and freshen yourself up, I’ll go help Hyomin unnie.”

“Oh right! Sure you go help your sister. We got a lot to catch up, we’ll talk later~”


The in laws exchange bows and Jiyeon goes to her sister to help her set up the dining table. Hyomin couldn’t stop but to nag Jiyeon for couldn’t make it to her wedding, and she couldn’t stop compliments at Jiyeon growth either.

“I remember when you were just a kid, you like to stick to Eunjung so much…” Hyomin reminisce the past.

“Yeah…” Jiyeon replied.

“How was life in the army Jiyeon ah? Did you eat enough? You look a bit too skinny for an army.”

“It was hard unnie, especially the drill and the training, every day I feel like want to give up and forfeit, but then it would waste all of my effort and energy from the beginning.” Sigh Jiyeon.

Hyomin pats her sister on the shoulder to compliments her on her hard work “You’re doing great.”

“Thanks unnie. I’ll help you carry those plates unnie!”

Jiyeon puts down the plate on the dining table and arrange the cutlery too. Hyomin bring out the dishes and put them on the table, Jiyeon is already salivating seeing all of the food that her sister cook.

“Omo~ it’s sweet and sour pork rib!” Jiyeon said excitedly and as she was about to grab a chopstick and pick up a piece but Hyomin stops her “No~ wait for Eunjung and we can eat together.”

Jiyeon pouted and Hyomin got soft at her sister cute pout so pick up one piece and feed it to her sister. “Mmm!! I missed this taste!!”

Eunjung comes to join them “It smells so good in here!” Eunjung commented.

The trio sit down for dinner and Hyomin likes to watch how her wife and sister enjoy the food that she makes. Eunjung wraps the grilled meat on a lettuce leaf and feed it to Hyomin “Hyomin ah say ah~”

Hyomin opens up to allow Eunjung to put the meat wraps in “How was it?” Eunjung asked.

“It’s wrap with love so it is delicious~” said Hyomin.

Jiyeon was disgusted at their lovey moments, she still feels jealous even after she kept herself occupied with her deployment and army training. Eunjung wraps one for Jiyeon too but Jiyeon refuses. Hyomin said that it’s impolite to reject food from an older person so Jiyeon reluctantly eat the meat wraps.

They chat about how Jiyeon life in the army, and Jiyeon talked about her experience then she asked about Hyomin’s work progress. Hyomin is a writer, a bestselling author in the genre of thriller, Hyomin got most of her inspiration from Eunjung and learned a lot of medical terms from her wife too.

“The draft is done, but I still feel like there’s something missing from the story.” Said Hyomin with a sigh.

“Don’t worry about it honey, you are Park Hyomin, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.” Said Eunjung.


Eunjung pager suddenly beeps and Eunjung checks on it “Ah, there’s an emergency at the hospital, I need to go.”

“But…you just haven’t been at home for over a week…” Hyomin pouted. She missed her wife, she hasn’t seen her over a week because Eunjung had always been on call for duty so she decided to just stay at the hospital. Today is the day she is finally able to spend time with Eunjung but then again, Eunjung’s work is more important than some family time. Hyomin understand Eunjung’s field of work require Eunjung’s commitment, but she can’t help but to feel lonely sometimes.

“Jiyeon is here with you right? I promise I will be back once I’ve check on this patient…” said Eunjung and she kisses Hyomin on the forehead before hurriedly gets her backpack and leave the house.

Hyomin sighs and she continues to eat her dinner without her wife beside her. Jiyeon noticed her sister’s mood so she tries to lighten up the atmosphere. “Unnie, do you want to get something to drink?”

Hyomin shakes her head “No~ I cut off my alcohol intake.” Said Hyomin.

“Eh? But you love to drink!”

“I did, but that was before. Eunjung and me are trying to have baby via IVF, so I want to keep my body healthy~”

The revelation shocked Jiyeon beyond words. She is happy for her sister but at the same time couldn’t help but to feel angry due to jealousy. Jiyeon takes her plate and put it on the sink “I’m full, I’m going out to buy so soju to drink.” Said Jiyeon.

“Do you need me to go with you?” Hyomin asked.

“No, I’ll go alone, beside, you said you don’t drink so it’s pointless to come with me.” answered Jiyeon bitterly.

“Jiyeon-ah, are you mad?”

“No, I’ll be back soon…see you unnie.”

Hyomin watches her sister goes out from the house, she sighs because she knows Jiyeon is definitely in a bad mood, maybe it’s because of something that she had said. Hyomin looks at the food that is still a lot on the table, she sighs again, she thought she’s going to have a lovely happy family dinner tonight, but it seems like her plan failed. Hyomin gets up and put away the food into the refrigerator.


Jiyeon came back after she bought some soju and snacks at the nearest convenient store, she drops her grocery bag when she saw a lot of police cars and ambulance swarm around her sister’s house. “Unnie!”

Jiyeon dashes to the house, but she sees that the police just put on the restriction tape all around the house, Jiyeon tries to get in but one of the officer stops her.

“Sir, my sister is in there! Please let me in!”

“Sorry miss, no one is allowed to go in!”

Jiyeon takes out her military identity card and show it to the officer, the police officer salute Jiyeon and he lets her in. Jiyeon runs into the house and to her horror, she watches the paramedics trying to revive Hyomin. There are bloods everywhere, on the wall, on the floor and on the furniture.


“Stay back miss! Who lets her in?!” one of the officer stops Jiyeon.

“Corporal Park Jiyeon, and this is my house, I demand to know what happened to my sister?”

The officer gives Jiyeon his salutation and then proceed to explains what happened “Housebreaking attempt, there’s a sign of struggle between the victim and the criminals, victim is badly injured, our paramedics team is trying to stabilize her before takes her to the hospital.”

Jiyeon falls on her knees as she watches the paramedics struggling to stops the bleeding from her sister’s head and abdomen. If she didn’t leave the house earlier, this wouldn’t happen.

End of flashback

“My sister head was severely beaten and she had been in coma since then…the doctor said that my sister is consider brain dead, she is just an empty vessel lying at the hospital bed. I tried to persuade Eunjung unnie to let unnie go, but she refused, she kept on saying that if her research is successful, she can resuscitate Hyomin unnie from the coma. That is why this experiment isn’t going to work. She is going to kill countless innocent people…I can’t let Eunjung unnie continues this research, Chorong ah.”

Chorong pats Jiyeon on the back as she doesn’t know how to comfort her colleagues. Despite they have only been colleagues for a year, Chorong and Jiyeon click with each other fast and they become fast friend. “So what do you want us to do now?” Chorong asked.

“What?” Jiyeon looks up to Chorong.

“Let’s save that lady.”

“Are you insane Chorong? Eunjung is going to kill us if she knows we let Robin escape.”

“I would rather die than letting hundreds of innocent people die just because your sister in law wanted to resurrect her wife.” Said Chorong, she stares at Jiyeon and she knows Jiyeon is doubting herself. “Jiyeon ah, you know I was against the idea when they first announced the project, and you share the same thought with me. I am an army and my job is to save people and not killing people…even if you don’t want to help me, I’m still going to help that lady escape.” Said Chorong as she gets herself up.

Jiyeon wipes away her tears and she gets up “I’ll do it…what is your plan?”


Chorong enters the room where they kept Wendy strapped after they subdue her and stabilize her. Chorong is one of the T-ARA commander and she has higher ranking than Jiyeon because Chorong was elite soldier and she was chosen at the initial stage of T-ARA project, Jiyeon joined T-ARA after Eunjung got in.

How is her condition?” Chorong asked while flipping through Wendy’s chart.

“She has calm down and her body is slowly absorbing the serum in.” said one of the doctors present.

“I see…well, there’s an order from top management that I need to transport the subject to our HQ. Please unstrap her.”

The doctors and scientists look at each other then back to Chorong. “But we didn’t receive any command from Ms Eunjung regarding this matter?”

“So you’re going to tell me that I am lying? I am Park Chorong, the commander or T-ARA special unit division. How dare you doubt me?”

“No! We are not doubting you Commander Park…We will do as you wish.” Said one of the doctor and he instruct one of the scientist to go and unstrap Wendy from the bed. Chorong bows at the doctor as a way to say her thanks.

The scientist finish unstrapping Wendy and they put on the strap jacket on Wendy to avoid her from attacking them. Chorong signals for her team to come and a group of 6 people enter the room, Jiyeon was one of them.

“We will take it from here.” Said Chorong and she dismisses the doctors from the room. Once all of the doctors and the scientists are all out, Chorong asked one of her team members to lock the door “Hayoung-ah, lock the door.”

Chorong examine Wendy’s condition before she decided to smuggle Wendy out of the facility. She needs to be careful because the facility is equipped with the latest and most advance security systems.

“What are we gonna do next?” Jiyeon asked.

“Eunji, Naeun…”

“Yes boss!”

“Go out and guard the door. And Bomi did you bring what I asked you to?”

“Yes boss!” Bomi hands a plastic bag to Chorong and Chorong asked Jiyeon and Namjoo to change Wendy’s clothes while she uses the computer to hack into the security systems. As she was hacking the systems, she saw Eunjung walking toward the room and she met with the doctors that she just dismissed.

“! Eunjung is coming! Everyone, we’ll just have to ramp it from her onwards.”


“I am declaring a war on T-ARA, once we get out of this building, T-ARA will put a bounty on our heads, if you’re scared, you stay, those who are coming with me, may god bless us. This is a resistance coup d’état now…” Said Chorong.

All of the squad members sighs and they take out their guns “You’re our leader Chorong, we will follow you till our death.” Said all of the squad members.

Jiyeon pulls Chorong to the side “You didn’t actually think this through didn’t you?! You’re going to jeopardize your squad lives!”

“It’s now or never Jiyeon! We’ve already gone this far!!”

Jiyeon wanted to punch Chorong so much now but she decided to score it with her after they get Wendy out of the building. Jiyeon takes out her gun and nods at Chorong. Chorong smiles and she instructs Eunji to carry Wendy while the others shield her. Eunji whined at first but Chorong punch some sense into her mind stating that Eunji is the strongest member, so she will be able to carry Wendy without any problem.

The squad gets out from room and they were pursuing by armed agents of T-ARA. Eunjung was with them and Eunjung saw Jiyeon is with the resistance group. “PARK JIYEON!” she shouts.

Jiyeon decided to stay and buy the group some times. Chorong stops and look back at Jiyeon “Yah pabo what are you doing?!”

“I’ve done a lot of terrible things Chorong-ah, go and take Robin the safety, I will take it from here. Go!”

“As if I’m going to leave you!” Said Chorong, she was preparing to stay behind and buy more time for her team to get Wendy out of the building but she was stopped by Bomi and Namjoo “Chorong, you are our leader, so go, we will stay with Jiyeon.”

“Chorong ah!!” Eunji calls for Chorong.

“Don’t die here, only I am allow to kill your stupid asses.” Said Chorong to Bomi and Namjoo as she leaves them to fend of the incoming agent. Chorong, Eunji, Naeun and Hayoung continue to run toward the exit with Wendy on Eunji’s back. They reached the exit but the exit was guarded.

“Hey Chorong unnie, you know we all admire you right? Here take this person and run while I distract the guards.” Said Eunji.

“There’s a car outside unnie…we will buy you some time…” said Hayoung.

“And leave you guys here?!”

“Unnie! If we let them finish the serum, more will die…we are willing to be the sacrifices, because we know you will vengeance our death right unnie?” said Naeun to the commander.

“Go now unnie!!” said Eunji.

Chorong picks Wendy up and carries her over her shoulder, Eunji, Naeun, and Hayoung charge toward the guards and open a way for Chorong to escape. Chorong runs with all her might to escape, but she was shot on the leg by one of the guards. Chorong takes out her gun and fires at the guard then she shoots all those that are blocking her way. Chorong managed to get out from the building, she goes to the scanner and punch in red code into the systems and it initiate a lockdown on the building. Chorong leans against the steel door as she cries for her comrades who sacrifice themselves in there.

Wendy slowly opens her eyes and she tries to move her lips when she sees Chorong. Chorong rushes to Wendy’s side and check on her.

“Hey! I’m gonna get you outta here okay? Can you walk?”

Wendy is still weak, she still feels nausea, even her vision is blurry, she couldn’t keep her focus. The only thing that she could see is the name tag ‘Park’. The agent drags her out and she was loaded into the trunk of a car, then darkness is all Wendy sees.

Chorong starts the car and she grips on the steering tightly. She knows once the building system had initiate a self-lockdown, she only got 5 minutes to get out of there before it goes totally locked down. Chorong sees the main gate slowly closing up, she steps on the accelerator and drives away. She doesn’t know where she should go, but the main objective is for her to get away as far as she can.


“JIYEON!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!” Eunjung yells as she punches the almost unconscious Jiyeon. Jiyeon grins with bloods all over “I did what I have to do.” she said.

Eunjung gives Jiyeon a hard punch on the face and she sends Jiyeon stumbling on the ground fainted. The other agents drag the other 5 of the organisation betrayers.

“What should we do with them boss? Should we kill them?”

Eunjung takes out her handkerchief and wipes the blood that’s on her knuckle she stares down at the 6 betrayers “No…don’t kill them…our subject had escape, and she was our only hope. We need to start from scratch, test the serum on them.” Said Eunjung.

“Yes boss…but what about commander Chorong and the escaped subject?”

“We will deal with them later, for now, double the security, no one is allowed to enter this premises and no one is allowed to go out, all agents must stay in here until the research is done. The only person who can enter and exit this place is me and only me alone. Got it?”

“Yes boss!”


Arrow HQ

“So, the conclusion is, the future Wendy had this all plan out because she wanted to save her timeline…and by doing so, she decided to send the two of you back with the last speed force that future me harvested… Future Wendy sent you two back to the past not for you to stop the war that you’ve been saying but to stop Wendy from giving Youi up to the orphanage?”

“That’s what she told us.” Said Yeri.

“But if future Wendy wanted to stop the past Wendy from giving Youi up, shouldn’t she chose the date when Youi was born?” Seulgi questions.

“We have to stop the making of the Serum as well…” Youi explains “Mom used the perfected serum on me, so they had to give me up for my own safety and for the safety of the world. So the main objective now is for us to stop the serum research, destroyed every evidence, so mom won’t have to perfected it and use it on me.”

Seulgi crossed her arms and lean on the pole “I don’t understand…why would Irene uses te serum on you? Her own child?”

“I…don’t know…”

Ryujin jumps up from her seat when she sees Lia and Irene enter the lab “Unnie?! Lia?!!”

Seulgi got alerted and she steps in front of the siblings to protect them just in case Irene loses her cool. “Lia what are you doing?! Why did you bring Irene here?” Seulgi asked the doctor.

“Lia? Ryujin? What is this place?” Irene questioned.

“Unnie…I…can explain.” Stammered the scientist.

“Seulgi unnie I am sorry that I breached the agreement, but please listen…T-ARA, they got Wendy…and they tested the serum on her.” said Lia.

“WHAT?!” everyone shouts in unison.

Irene pulls Lia by the shoulder “What do you mean Lia?!”

“Irene unnie, when you left the lab earlier, Dr. Kimlip and Dr. Jinsoul said T-ARA had captured Robin and they are testing the unauthorized serum on her.”

“Wait…what Robin?”

“Wendy is Robin, Irene-ssi…”

Irene laughs because she thoughts they are pranking her, but after she sees that no one laughs and everyone had serious look on their face she asks again “No it can’t be right?”

“She is Robin…the night you were kidnap, it wasn’t Robin who kidnapped you, it was T-ARA. We wanted to tell you the truth but Wendy told us not to.” Youi explains.

“But why?” Irene asks again but this time she is in the verge of crying.

“Because she said you hate Robin!”

“We will explain later, now we gotta go and save Wendy from T-ARA!!” said Youi as she grabs her Robin suit and dashes through the door. The moment Youi opens the door, she collided with Joy who is trying to enter the lab.

“I’m sorry Youi!” Joy apologizes and she helps the latter to get up. “Guys!!” Joy yells at the other but then she gasps when she sees Irene in the lab with them “Why I she here?!”

“We got no time to explain to you, we know where is Wendy, so we need to go there save her.” said Youi.

“That’s what I’m going to tell you guys! Wendy is safe! I just got a called from an anonymous, she said she got Robin rescued from the T-ARA secret lab, and she is trying to reach out to Robin’s HQ and I asked her to drop Wendy back at the Son Consolidated, so we need to go there now!”

Youi looks over to Yeri and Seulgi, the duo nod and they take their stuff with them and say “Come on let’s go, we have damsel in distress to be safe!” said Seulgi. Yeri stops on her track and she looks back to Irene “Irene, come with us…I know you’re probably angry now at us and at Wendy, but we need to go and check on her.”

Irene didn’t say a word and she follows Yeri to exit the building. Lia and Ryujin look at each other, Ryujin sigh at Lia, but she didn’t say anything, she just taps Lia on the arm to tell her to follow them while she cleans up the mess before go there.


Son Consolidated

Chorong reached the main door of the building, it was night time and no one is seemed to be working at this hour. She gets out of the car and limps to the back to open up the trunk. She wraps Wendy’s arm around her shoulder and pulls her out of the trunk. The pain on her leg causes her to fall on the ground and Wendy’s body pinned on top of her. She pushes Wendy’s body away and lay down for a bit before she sits up and tries to drag Wendy up to the front door of the building. Chorong leans Wendy against the glass door and she decided to sits beside her. Chorong pants like crazy, the pain and the fatigue is taking toll on her body. She checks on Wendy and find that she is still breathing and she was relieved. Chorong leans again the walls and check on her wound. She sees that she had lost a lot of blood, she really need to stops moving and stops the bleeding. Chorong takes off her coat and tear the sleeve of her shirt and turn it into a bandage to stop the bleeding.

A car highlight blinded Chorong for a moment. Chorong gets her gun ready as she prepares for any ambush from the T-ARA organization. She aims at the direction of the car as she sees a figures coming out from the car “Hey were you the one who called me earlier?”

“You’re Robin’s comrade?” Chorong asks.


“I need prove!” said Chorong and at that exact moment, an arrow landed a few inches from her head. “Very well…” said Chorong, she tries to sound calm but she actually almost peed herself.

Youi and Yeri runs toward Chorong and they had their arrows ready just in case it’s a trap and Chorong tried to do any harm to them. Youi caught the glimpse of Wendy beside Chorong, she puts away her bow and arrow “Mom!”

“Mom?” Chorong raised her eyebrows, Youi turns to take a clear look on the agent that had help her mother escape and she gasps “Park Chorong…”

“You know me?”

“Wendy!!” Seulgi and Joy run toward them and they were surprised to see Wendy’s state. Seulgi aims her gun at Chorong and she asks “What you guys did to her?! Why is she in such state?!”

Irene, Lia and Ryujin reached the scene as well. Irene runs to the crowds and she almost fainted when she saw Wendy’s lying on the floor, her appearance changed so much. Her brunette hair had turn platinum blonde and she looks so pale like a dead person. Irene pushes Joy and Seulgi to get to Wendy’s side. She tries to slap on Wendy to wake Wendy up but Wendy didn’t respond to it. She checks Wendy’s pulse, there was a pulse but it’s very weak. Irene turns to Chorong and grabs her by the collar “What did you do to her?!”

Chorong puts her hands up and says “It’s better if you check on her first Dr. Irene…before we left the lab, she had a bad reaction to the serum…though they managed to stabilize her, but I think you really should check on her again…she’s getting weaker.”

“Who are you?” Yeri asked while pointing Chorong with her arrow.

“Park Chorong, Commander of T-ARA special unit, I…my whole squad died back there because we wanted to save Robin…you can kill me later if you don’t believe me, but for now, she is your priority.”

Hearing the name Chorong, Yeri puts down her arrow and then she looks at Youi. She can see the longing look in Youi’s eyes. Yeri told Seulgi that they can trust Chorong for now, when Seulgi tried to protest Yeri told her that she knows that woman. Seulgi put down her gun and she opens the company main door and carries Wendy on her back.

“Get Wendy to the examine room!” said Irene.

Ryujin was unmoved from the main entrance because she was thinking. Lia urges her girlfriend to follow the teams to the examine room but Ryujin told Lia to go without her, she will follow sooner. Ryujin crouches so that she can see Chorong face to face “You…how many time did they test the serum on Wendy?” Ryujin asked.

“4 times…they inject the serum one time per week, and from the report that I’ve seen, Wendy is the only test subject that survive…her body able to absorb the serum…but as you can see…the serum has taken toll on her body.” Chorong explained.

“Why did you help her?”

“If the serum is completed, do you know what is the consequences? People are going to die…war will happen…I was a soldier once, and my job is to protect my people…and not watching them get killed. I’ve been planning to destroy T-ARA from the inside, but it looks like I failed.”

Ryujin decided she had listen enough and she offers to help the agent to get up. She wraps Chorong arm around her shoulder and she help Chorong to get inside. She brings Chorong to the examine room and clear off an area at the corner and put Chorong down. “I’ll get back to you.” She said.

Ryujin goes to Joy and asked if Joy can help her to clean Chorong’s wound. Joy was hesitant at first but then she agreed to help Chorong, since Chorong had save Wendy’s life. Ryujin then goes to her sister side and they examine Wendy’s condition together.

“Her pulses are weak but her body temperature is normal.” Said Lia “She will be okay. We just need to monitor her for the time being...” Lia adds.

“Unnie, we need to run a test on Wendy’s unnie blood.” Said Ryujin.

Irene just stares at Ryujin. She was too shock to actually answer Ryujin’s opinion “Unnie!” Ryujin tries to get Irene’s attention.

Youi and Yeri pat Irene on the shoulder to wake her up from her daze “Irene…Wendy needs you.” They said.

Irene finally snaps out of her shock and she looks at Wendy who’s lying motionless on the examine bed she turns to Ryujin and Lia. Ryujin once again say “Unnie…we need to run a test on Wendy’s blood. The serums are not meant to be used on human yet and you know it too right?”

“Yes…take…take her blood…ugh I need to use the lab facility to run the test.”

“We have a lab here that you can use.” Said Seulgi.

Lia takes a syringe and she draw the blood from Wendy and she was surprised to see the blood that she draws out is blue in colour. “Ryujin…”

Ryujin remembers that how the serum killed her DNA, and the way her own blood turns blue too “Not good! We need to find subdue the serum in her blood or else she is going to die!” said Ryujin.

“How are we going to do that?!” Irene got panicked when Ryujin said that Wendy is going to die.

Seulgi goes to Chorong and she shoots her on the shoulder “What is the antidote!!”

Irene and the rest were surprised but the sudden gun shot and they all look at Seulgi’s direction.

Chorong cries in pain and she gritted her teeth for the pain is overwhelming “There are no antidotes!” said Chorong in pain.

Joy confiscate the gun from Seulgi’s hand and toss it away “Please control your anger!!” said Joy.

Youi was silent the whole time because she tries to think of a way to save her mother, then she remembers her own blood “Ryujin, my blood!”


“You said you the serum accept my DNA when you introduce my blood to it.” Said Youi.

“Yes…blood transfusion…it might work! Yes, Youi! You are a genius! Lia! Unnie, get ready to do a blood transfusion.”

“We still need to check for their blood compatibility!” Irene objects the idea of doing a blood transfusion without checking the compatibility first.

“You don’t have to worry about that…You did a DNA test between them before didn’t you, you should know better that their blood is more than compatible…” said Ryujin.

Youi takes off her suit and her shirt, she uses the extra tube to ties her upper arm to make her vein visible. She lays down on the extra bed next to Wendy, she stares at Wendy’s face “Mom…please… don’t die…” she prays in her heart.

Lia and Ryujin conduct the blood transfusion between the two, while Irene silently watches them do it beside. Irene was scare, she was scare of losing Wendy and everything happened too fast, from knowing the truth about Robin’s identity and to finding Wendy in such condition. Yeri goes to Irene side and she gently squeeze Irene’s hand to give her support.

Joy moves Chorong to a better place to treat her wounds. She apologized for what Seulgi had done, Chorong forgave Seulgi because if she was in Seulgi’s shoes, she probably did something worse than what Seulgi had done.


An hour had passed and the blood transfusion is a success, the effect of the serum had stop and Wendy’s blood turn red again. Ryujin asked Youi to just rest because she had lost a lot of bloods and her body will be weak. Youi fall asleep immediately after Ryujin and the others left the room. Seulgi and Yeri decided to go check on Chorong and they want to interrogate her. Joy went out to buy dinner for everyone. Lia and Ryujin had taken Wendy’s blood sample and goes to the other lab to examine them.

Irene stays beside Wendy, she holds her hand and pray for her fiancée’s safety. She can’t stop blames herself for what had happened. Her aimless hatred toward Robin and blind trust toward T-ARA had causes all of these events to happen. She tells herself she needs to fix what she had done. She wipes away her tears and she kisses Wendy’s hand “Why didn’t you tell me? I might be angry at first but I can try to understand you.” Said Irene softly and she kisses Wendy’s hand again. “I will fix this Wendy…it was all my fault from the beginning.” Said Irene. Irene reaches for Wendy now platinum blonde hair and she Wendy’s hair “Please wake up…Robin…”

Ryujin taps her sister on the shoulder and it startled her “Unnie, sorry that I startled you…but I need you at the lab…for a moment, I need to explain to you the whole thing.” Said Ryujin.

Irene wipes away her tears and she follows Ryujin to the lab. When Irene entered the lab, everyone was there, include the injured T-ARA agent. Joy hands Irene a box of fried noodle take away that she bought, Irene politely refuses saying that she isn’t hungry.

Seulgi invites Irene to sit down and Irene did. “I don’t know where to start Irene…” said Seulgi and Seulgi look over to Yeri “Perhaps, Yeri should be the one to break it down to you.”

Yeri pointed at herself and everyone had their eyes on her. She feels the pressure but she clears and faces Irene. “Irene…Youi is…” Yeri pauses.


“Irene, you see…Youi and I…we’re…” Yeri pauses again and she turns to Seulgi “Aah! I can’t do this Seulgi…I can’t tell her the truth!” said Yeri as she tries to hide her beet red face. Ryujin takes over and she sit right in front of her sister. She hands Irene a DNA report and it stated there the match is 100%, then Irene notices the name on the report ‘IRENE BAE & SON YOUI DNA COMPATIBILITY TEST’ “What the meaning of this Ryujin? How…how is her DNA matches with mine?”

“Unnie I know you are more of a statistic person and you wouldn’t believe until you see prove, so here’s the prove. Youi, is yours and Wendy’s daughter from the future.”



To be continued…

Preview for next chapter:

“I just want to keep you safe! That’s all!” said Wendy.

“Keeping me safe my ! You were almost die!”

“Well I am breathing now am I?”

“Yes you are, but I’m about to kill you! Why did you put our daughters’ life in danger?!!”

“Oour…our…Our daughters?” Wendy stutters.

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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious