No One
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A/N: Here's an update so guys, I hope you'll not get confused. Most of this chapter is about Seulgi's past, so we will understand how, or where did Seulgi get the hatred, and I'll introduce Seulgi's ex lol.

Italic- Seulgi's past

Bold Italic- Text message

Right-Seulgi's Left- Other's POV on text message.


Seulgi just arrived at her flat after a long tiring day at the office.

Once she opened her flat and threw her keys on her coffee table, she dragged her self to her kitchen and started to boil some water for her ramen, she's not really good at cooking, heck she even tried to find a flat without a kitchen because it will be so useless and maybe she can rent lesser but she can't find any flat like that so she settle with her current flat that Lisa recommended for her. Lisa is also the person who's with her since college, they have a group of friends during college including her ex, yes but Lisa is the only person who she can trust and she's also the one who encourged her to work with thier current company and until they found a new group of friends like Wendy, Amber and Moonbyul, and she's happy with them now, they are considerate and they can rely to each other.

1 new message from Lisa

Hey, Seul are you already home?

                                                            Yes, why?

Oh would you like to come with us tomorrow?


The usual, since its weekend maybe we can relax and have fun, Wendy and the rest already said yes.

Yea, its already weekend tomorrow and its already been two weeks since they started their project its going well tho so far, in no time they can finish it up and yes, its also been two weeks since she became the peer mentor of Irene, from 2hrs of peer mentoring it became 4hrs now, so meaning half of her work time at the office she will spend it with Irene which made her more annoyed not because of her relevant question regarding to work but because of the girl's tactics of making her pissed off by asking some unrelevant questions, non-sense questions or by simply calling her name.

From day 2 of their peer mentoring until earlier.

As usual she's working with their on going project when the time came where Irene will appear next to her and will smile brightly that she even thought to her self how annoying it is or if the girl's not hurting her jaw because how she smiled.

"Hi Seulgi-yah, good afternoon"

"Same to you, Irene" she answered Irene, and take her attention back to her computer, while not noticing how pissed off Irene because of her non energetic answer.

Irene scoffed and sit next to her while watching Seulgi. 

She's really annoyed that Seulgi will not even give her atleast a small attention, she knows that Seulgi has an important project but atleast if Seulgi can be friendlier to her.



"What's the opposite of fireflies?"

Seulgi looked at her confused, "Huh?"

"Waterfalls" she bit her lower lip to stop herself from laughing, because of how annoyed Seulgi looked, until she can't hold it anymore, she laughed, "You should look at your face HAHAHAHAHA".

Seulgi just went back on working, she can't believe how Irene can throw some jokes no where, just to distract her from working. They were silent for a moment until,




Seulgi looked at her non-chantly, "What now?"

Irene stifled a laugh, "Nothing".

Seulgi just rolled her eyes and went back to work and that's how she always end up her day at the office and went back to her apartment exhausted not just because of her work but because of Irene.

She don't really know why she's so affected of Irene's presence but there's something on her that screams danger so she will just ignore the girl.

She get a bowl and took the ramen and sit on her chair to start eating until she recieved another message from Lisa.

So your coming or not? Pleaseee Seulgi just come with us, you know, you also need to get out and have some fun.

She thought that maybe she can go and its not bad to atleast have fun and also to get rid on this girl who's constantly invading her mind these days.

                                         Okay, okay I'll come.

Awesome! Okay Seulgi-yahh see you tom.

She went back on eating and decided to open her Instagram. She's scrolling until she saw the picture of her ex-girlfriend, Tzuyu with her current girlfriend. She looked at it and scoffed.

"Bet you'll not last long, you both are cheaters" 

The current girlfriend of Tzuyu, which is Sana, was her friend before because of Lisa, Lisa has a group of friends through online and Lisa introduce her to them, Tzuyu and Sana don't even know each other that time. But when she and Lisa introduce Tzuyu with their friends that's the time that their relationship screwed up, but even before that, their relationship was not really stable because of misunderstandings and jealousy, in short they created a toxic relationship and ended up like this. 

She remembered during her first day in college, Seulgi is really unfamiliar with her university and to the people around her. She don't have any friends or even a familiar person that she can be with this new environment since her former highschool friends choose different course and university, so that's why she's really shy and silent.

Until during second day everything changed, she's quietly sitting on her usual desk beside the window and just scrolling on her phone, when someone sat beside her and when she glance up she saw a beautiful girl which is one of her blockmates.

"Hi, Seulgi right?"

"Ahmm yes hi...?"


"Oh, Hi Tzuyu"

"Hello Seulgi, you are really silent here, do you have friends?"

"Ahmm no really, I mean, I'm really new here, I mean to the place"

"Oh I see, so where did you study way back highschool?"

"I'm from X highschool"

"Oh that's why..., so you don't have someone to accompany you during lunch?"

"Oh ahmm, yesterday I just met with my brother since he's just working nearby the campus"

Lie, she really just ate lunch by herself, yes her oldest brother Rj, who's working on a company, within the same city of her university, invited her that time but she rejected it. They are not really good to each other, that's what she thought since the day they had a big fight and let's just say that Seulgi hold a grudge towards her brother, its not like she's really ignoring her brother but maybe if they keep a little distance to each other would be better. She just told Tzuyu that lie so she will not pity her.

"Oh okay, so you'll still have lunch with your brother today?, I was supposed to invite you for lunch, I mean we want to, with them" Tzuyu pointed to her group of friends which is also her own blockmates but she can't remember the names.

She wanted to say no but how can she survive on her college years if she'll not socialize and have some friends? So she decided,

"Ah, yea I can go with you, my brother just texted me earlier, that he can't be with me during lunch since he had some errands"

"Great then! So let's go?"

Seulgi gulped, and nod. They stood up and went to their blockmates who are waiting.

The lunch went smoothly, Seulgi is really glad that her blockmates are really talkative, so she never felt awkward or out of place because they always included her, they asked her some questions from time to time, they shared some stories about their highschool life and after that lunch, 

Seulgi was no longer nervous everytime she will enter their room and she found some new group of friends, including Lisa.

And she's really glad that Tzuyu, approached her that time.

Lisa, Baekhyun, Nayeon, Chanyeol, Taehyung, Dahyun, Momo and Jimin including Tzuyu, these are the people that made her comfortable during college days, they will have lunch together, roaming to the near park, arcade and boardwalk before they'll go home, but Lisa, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Seulgi will ride the same bus together but Lisa and Dahyun will arrive first before Tzuyu and Seulgi, who found out that their houses are just few blocks away so they'll walk together.

Until 2nd year of college, Seulgi's really happy with her college life because of her new set of friends which she became so closed to, especially Tzuyu.

Tzuyu who's always with her, they really became so close, closer than her other friends.

She remembered one time, when they walk home together they are talking until Tzuyu hold her h

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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 7: OMG THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I REALLY ENJOYED READING THIS AUTHOR-NIM!(⌒∇⌒) Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story for us to read and I'm hoping to read the next chapter soon^_^ I hope you update soon Author-nim! Be assured that I'll read it first when I get a hold of my cp( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Anyway thanks again I hope to read your other ff too (if ever you'll share another)(^_-)
Chapter 5: lmao good job rene hahaha canct wait for the next chapter ❤️
Chapter 3: Looking forward for more ❤️❤️