Chapter 02: THE ZHANG's MANOR

The Tangled Heart

The horizon unveiled a deep-sky blue tint mixed with pale pink color. To most, this was the best time to venture fathomlessly into the world of dreams. But to Cloud Recess, it was time to rise and shine. Making sure the blanket was folded in place without creases, Sizhui got up from the bed and prepared for the new day just like usual. The only thing added to his routine was packing. Since the Zhang's manor was in Gusu, the journey wouldn’t be a long one so he decided to travel light. He put a few spares robes, talismans, signal flares, several necessities, and lastly, his qin into the pouch-Qiankun-before hanging it to the left side of his belt. Dangling from his right side are the turquoise- mingled-with-white Lan’s jade, and his money pouch.

By the time the dawn broke, he was all set. Howbeit, his mind was not. He knew this wasn’t his maiden battle. He also knew that this wasn’t the first time he was going on a mission without Hanguan-Jun. Still, he couldn’t help but was on tenterhooks.

“Sizhui, are you ready?” Jingyi’s voice reverberated with a knock from the other side of the door.

“Yes, I am.” Sizhui replied. Grabbing Wenhe, he ignored the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach and went out to join his best friend.


The Zhang Family really lived up to its reputation: Massive area, grand buildings design and unique ornaments. The long line outer wall of the manor was built from grey stones with roof tiles on top. At the end of each roof tiles, jade pendants were hanging as the decoration, swaying and dancing with the wind. The Zhang Manor’s family sign was carved by the best carpenter in Gusu using the premium, jet- piece of wood that gave off aroma even from the distance. Each letters was made from pure gold and was affixed to the black wood.

“Wow.” Jingyi stared in awe, his mouth left open. “How opulent!”

Sizhui nudged his friend on the elbow and gave him a stern look. “Jingyi, behave yourself. Manner is of most important when it comes to noble house.”

Jingyi closed his mouth and resumed his posture. Yet his eyes couldn’t stop admiring what they were seeing. Actually, Jingyi wasn't the only one awestruck by this, the Lan disciples behind him were as well. No one could blame them. Being born and raised in Cloud Recess that valued only austere simplicity, one could not help but felt allured to the extravagant sight before them.

Adjusting his robes and hair accordingly, Sizhui turned around and addressed the group. “Everyone, look like we have arrived. Let’s not keep Master Zhang waiting.” The voice of the group leader, though soft and low-voiced, one could detect austerity in it. Everyone switched back to the serious Lan’s mode. The group of six proceeded to the door with Sizhui and Jingyi taking the lead.

As graceful as always, Sizhui bowed and addressed the doormen “Gentlemen, we are from Lan Sect. We came here as per requested by a letter sent to us yesterday by a person of this household. ”

One of the doorman returned the gesture and replied, “We have been told, young cultivator. Please wait here for a moment while I go to inform the head butler.”

“Much appreciated, thank you.” Said Sizhui.

In the blink of an eye, a man with salt-and-pepper hair and beard came to greet them and brought them inside. Jingyi and the others were even more absorbed by the interior beauty of the manor.

Due to an emergency report, Mr. Zhang had to leave since early morning to deal with the problem. He sent his utmost apology through the head butler. Sizhui reassured that it was nothing to be apologized of and that he hoped whatever was the problem would be settled safely and soundly. After conveying his master’s words, the man said no more. The proceeded with silence.

With such a big mansion, the distance from the entrance to guestrooms was taking quite a bit of time. Suzhui concentrated on his surroundings to see if there were any hints. To his surprise, nothing seemed to be out of ordinary.

Strange. Why can’t I detect a resentful energy here? Sizhui thought to himself.
Usually, when a vengeful spirit decided on the target, the air would be filled with malice even when the spirit didn't materialize. He was deep in thought but manage to keep his walking paces normally.

Suddenly, Sizhui’s feet came to a halt without any warning, making the Lan disciples behind him almost bumped into his back. With his right hand on the left side of his chest and his shoulders slightly arced forward, Suzhui lowered his head struggling for breath.  

“Sizhui, are you okay?” The first Lan disciple behind him asked.

“He looks like he’s in pain.” Another Lan disciple said to the first one.

The commotion made Jingyi snapped out of whatever was stealing his mind. He was a few steps ahead of Sizhui so he turned back and ran to him. “Sizhui? Hey, what happened?”

Sizhui could feel the pain dissipated just as fast as it came. His heart was acting strange. A minute ago it was so excruciating that he almost forgot to breathe, and now it was gone as if it weren’t even there in the first place. Straightening his body back to his normal posture, he looked to Jingyi to give him a reply. However, his words were lost when his gaze fixated at what behind Jingyi’s back.

The fountain.

The head butler just came to realize that no one was walking behind him anymore so he stopped and turned to ask “Is everything alright? We haven’t arrive yet young men.”

Jingyi clicked his tongue in annoyance before opening his mouth to say something but he was cut off.

“We apologize for the halt.” Sizhui bowed apologetically. “But sir, may I ask you a question?”

The head butler nodded.

“Is this perhaps the one mentioned in the letter?” Sizhui pointed to the big fountain.

The man looked towards the pointed direction. “Yes it is. It is just a nice, normal fountain during the day. Nothing peculiar. But when the night falls, it will be a different story.” The man sighed and squinted up to the sky “It is nearly dark. Let’s get you all settled.”

Jingyi looked at Sizhui worriedly but Sizhui patted his best friend’s shoulder in assurance. “Let’s go, Jingyi.” He said with his usual smile.

When everyone resumes walking, after several steps, Sizhui’s discreetly looked back to the fountain through the corner of his eyes. Many questions were formed in his head yet he had to be patience.

The Lan Disciples followed the head butler to the guestrooms unaware of a pair of wondering eyes targeting their backs this whole time.

The water in the fountain stirred, creating multiple ripples despite the quietude with not even the wind was blowing.

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