Little Distraction

Their Adventures

Felix cutely handed something in his little palm to his Appa.


"What's that, darling?"

"Chocolate... "

"Oh, where did you get that?" Woojin kinds of blink his eyes for a few times as he mentally recalls something about giving his son a pack of chocolate earlier but can't remember doing that.

"Binie." Then he flashed a toothy smile with something stuck in between those cute bunny teeth in the front.

"Oh, my baby...Binie gave this to you? And you didn't like it?" Woojin chuckled as the little nodded his head.

Felix didn't like the chewy kind of chocolate, he barely eaten a quarter part of the treat, he didn't like chocolates in general except if it's an ice cream flavor, it's not his favorite flavor but still likes it nonetheless.

"This is mine now?" Woojin asked the kid who again nodded his head. Woojin chuckled, "come here, let's brush those pretty little teeth of yours, then you can go back playing with Binie. He'll wonder where you are right now."

Woojin guides his son to their bathroom and helps him brush his teeth and to gargle some water to clean his mouth and teeth from the chocolate crumbs.


When Felix was back into his playroom and played with the other kid, Woojin too was back into the living room watching some random show played on the tv and found the chocolate where he just left on the coffee table.

His husband, Chan, came into the living room as well, fresh from shower, and sat beside Woojin.

"Want some?" Woojin offered the chocolate to his husband but instead of getting it from the other's hand, he leaned forward to capture his lips instead. The sudden kiss made Woojin yelp but was muffled by the other's mouth, with that Chan took the opportunity to insert his tongue into Woojin's mouth, flattens it to his husband's teeth and tangles it with Woojin's tongue. Woojiin's hands flew to the older's shoulders as he kissed back and hummed in pleasure, something about Chan kissing him like this awakens something in his gut.

Chan can immediately taste the chocolate on the other's tongue when he it and it's his turn to hum in satisfaction, swallowing his saliva that tastes like chocolate.

"Hmm, sweet!" Chan said as he pulled back, grinning from ear to ear, he just turned his husband on, worked everytime.

Woojin groaned, "do you really have to do that?"

Chan smirked, "you loved it."

Woojin just rolled his eyes, he can't argue to stuff like this, not when Chan already knew him so well. He just shoved the last piece of the treat into Chan's mouth and laid on the couch, making Chan's thighs as his pillow then resumed to watch the show on the tv.

"Where did this come from? I didn't buy this. And it's too chewy, I don't like it." Chan mumbled his words while still chewing the sweets, being too careful not to stuck anything in between his teeth.

Woojin giggled, like father like son, he thought.

"Changbin gave that to your son."

"Ah." Chan understood it immediately, they knew Felix didn't like chocolate, he's a sweet tooth but the kid didn't like food that can easily get stuck in between his teeth.

"Where are they?" Chan asked, his hand is already caressing Woojin's hair.

"Play room."

It's quite afterwards, Chan's soft hummings could be heard as he still continues to ruffle his husband's hair. Woojin really appreciates time like this, just a short time together even if it doesn't include talking.

"Wooj..." Chan softly called. That nickname means something and Woojin could feel his chest rumbling for an inaudible groan.

"Hmm?" But instead he hums, pretending not to know where this possible conversation is going.

"Can we make weird noises now?"

Woojin could feel the smirk on his husband's face even with his closed eyes, he just moved turning on his side and pressed his face to Chan's stomach.

"I hate you." Chan laughed at the muffled reply of his husband, teasing his man always brings joy in him.

"I love you too, Bear." Chan answered, laughing. 

It's quite again but it's just for a few seconds when Chan suddenly chuckles, "what?" Woojin inquired without pulling his face away from Chan's stomach.

"I wonder when will they notice that Changbin is gone." Chan chuckled again.

Woojin was about to reply but was distracted with their doorbell ringing, "there's your answer."

Chan laughs softly, "come on, love, get off. I have to answer the door."

Woojin made no movement, he's even pressing his face more to his husband's tummy, it's warm there and he doesn't want Chan to leave. Chan chuckled at the action and just leaned down to kiss the other's head. When the doorbell's ringing again, there's small pitter patter of feet towards them.

"Door bell ringing, Daddy." There's Felix with Changbin in tow making their way on the couch where Chan and Woojin are lounging.

"I know, baby. But someone just didn't want me to go." Chan playfully said, eyes dart down to his husband.

Felix giggles, then runs to softly pressed his little body onto Woojin's back, "Appa is sleeping?"

There's the doorbell ringing again and really Chan has to carefully lift Woojin's head from his lap and replaced the space under his head with a cushion.

"One second, I'm gonna answer the door first." Then Chan was gone.

Woojin groaned turning to lay on his back, seeing the kids almost hovering over him, he smiled and scooped them in his arms with a little difficulty since he's still lying on the couch.

"Aww babies, you're both so warm, " Felix leaned down to drop a sweet kiss on his Appa's cheek that made Woojin grin.

"Give me more, baby. Appa likes kisses." Woojin said making his voice soft and tiny like a kid too. Felix giggles more at that, the other kid smiles while looking at his playmate. In his little heart he knew that he's so fond of Little Lixie's giggles and soft smiles.

Little Felix started to drop tiny and loud kisses on his Appa's face, after each kiss, Woojin will make a grateful sound using his tiny voice that never fails to make Felix giggle. And if Little Changbin who's just silently looking at Felix beside him has a pink hue on his cheeks, only Woojin notices it.

Then there's another walking feet noises towards the living room then a happy shrieked from Ten.

"Baby! Oh thank God, you're okay."

Little Changbin pouted at his Appa, "I just played with Lixie."

"Right, right. Sorry, baby, were you hungry earlier?" Ten was crouching at his kid's eye level, ruffling the little's hair softly.

"Yes, but you and Dad made weird noises in the washing room and I just got some chocolates on the counter and then played with Lixie." The poor innocent kid said, his Appa's face may look like a tomato now but the little didn't knew what that meant. His Dad was just grinning on the other couch beside Felix's Dad, too smug for someone who got busted (well, not totally) by their own son.

Chan cleared his throat, the topic needed to be discussed when the kids are not around. Seeing that his husband has his arms around the kids, he thought of making snacks himself for everyone.

"Babe, I'll be in the kitchen, I'll make something." Chan stood up and looked at Woojin for a few seconds.

"Yes, please. The kiddos are hungry, aren't you, darlings?" Woojin replied using his baby voice that made the kids giggle a chorus of yes.

"I'll help!" Johnny stood up too and followed Chan into the kitchen after ruffling his still blushing husband's hair. Ten was grateful for all these wonderful beings around him, saved his embarrassment and all that.

"Daddy, we want mango shake! And garlic bread!" Felix hollered at his Dad's back.

"Yes please, Uncle Chan!" Changbin added.

"Coming right up, kids!"


Well, the idea of food can do anything, even if it's a sort of destruction from something-not-suitable-topic for kids.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update