Little Chick

Their Adventures

Woojin takes a deep breathe in and out in a steady manner, he is a little tired since he just done making and recording grades but when he looks at his son on the floor in front of their tv, he smiles right away. Little Felix was not really watching the show, he's playing on his own with his different stuff toys around him.

"Baby? Lixie, come here for a second, darling." Woojin tiredly spoke up, calling for his son. Felix perked at his Appa calling him.

Felix hugged his short arms around the big gray wolf stuff toy and ran towards his Appa who is sitting on the couch with still his eyeglasses on. Little Felix may not yet fully understand adult world but just looking at his Appa's face he knew Woojin is tired.

"Appa, you tired?" Felix cutely struggled with his words a little as his voice was also muffled with the big stuff toy in his arms. Woojin instead of answering first took noticed that his baby boy's hair is becoming longer. His fringe is almost touching the bridge of his little nose and is completely covering his eyes. They have to visit a hair salon soon it seems. 

He immediately wrapped his arms around his baby's body, plus the stuff wolf, all in his lap. He cupped one of his hands to Felix's face to make him look at him.

"I am, baby. Just a little tired, but I'm okay now because I have a very cute angel in my arms." Woojin teased, kissing his son's cheek which made the little giggle. He swiped his fringe out of his baby's face and can't help but drops little kisses on his entire face this time.

The little giggles he created made Woojin grin so wide, he has forgotten what made him tired earlier, seemed like the stress he just felt earlier faded away. Ah, the magic that his sunshine brought to this house could heal diseases. He planted another kiss on little Lix's cheek, nosing it a little, his breath was fanning to the little's skin and he once again giggled.

"You're so cute, baby. What did you have here?" Woojin wrapped his arms around the tiny waist of his son, he also poke the wolf in between them.

"This is Daddy."

Woojin laughed in amusement, "oh you think so? Well, Daddy kind of resembles a wolf because he's so brave and strong, so I can't agree more to that." Felix misses his Daddy, well his Appa misses his husband too.

"Yes, Daddy!" Felix squeals cutely and bounces in his lap that also made his fringe bounce down back to the front of his eyes. Woojin chuckles as he swipes the hair again out of his baby's face and found a stray loam band on the coffee table. He tied some of the hair high on top of Felix's head including his fringe.

Felix got curious on something strong that grip on his hair and he touched it, he looked at his Appa in confusion.

"Your hair, baby, got a little longer. We have to tell Dad about this so we can visit to a hair salon and have a nice haircut."

"haircut?" Felix said cutely, looking at his Appa in confusion again. Cutie.

"Ah why are you so cute? We just have to cut your hair for just a little inches off so that it'll not block your pretty eyes, darling."


When Chan came home, the first thing he saw is his son with a cute ponytail hair on top of his head, smiling so excitedly as he extends his arms for his Dad to carry him.

"Oh look who's this cutie?" Chan's entire being was feeling warm, he has his sunshine in his arms, enough to brighten his tiresome day.

"Daddy, look! Appa made this!" Felix's hands came flying over his head, touching the little ponytail there sticking up on top of his head.

"Appa did that? How cute. Where's my kiss though?" Chanp touched the ponytail softly before tapping his own cheek, demanding a kiss from his sunshine.

Felix giggled as he gave a loud and wet smack on his Dad's cheek and in return his Dad gave him two prolong kisses on both of his chubby cheeks.

Woojin was looking at his boys, a warm smile on his lips, clicking his tongue to get their attention, "where's mine? I deserve some kisses too."

Chan averted his eyes to his husband, he frowned at the look on his husband, he looked tired, his eye bags were extra large and dark these days. But before he could say anything about it, Woojin was pecking his lips softly already.

"I am fine, just a little sleepy, but nothing I can't manage about." Woojin whispered.

Chan was not convinced at all, he's not blind, he knew it when Woojin was tired. He knew that his husband was sleeping late these days and had woken up early just to finish recording grades and checking some projects. He's not a university teacher himself but he's still aware how tiresome that job was. He gave his husband a certain look that said 'let's talk later.'

Chan hummed, thinking about driving his husband to the university tonight, he didn't like him looking so tired while driving on his own to the university, "I'm driving you to work tonight."

Felix perked up at the announcement, he rarely experienced this because Woojin can drive his own car to work, it's always been their routine, so when Chan is at home already, he can look after their son while he can drive himself to work. Woojin too looked at his husband in surprise, not that it's that very surprising, he just looks tired but he can still manage, he didn't want to bother Chan for it, he knew Chan was tired too.

Of course Woojin was stubborn and Chan knew that already, always insisting that's he's fine even though he looked like a dead man. Hell, he'll drive to work even if he's sick. But Woojin also knew that his husband was only worried about him and it was shown on the glare that he's been receiving from Chan already. They were distracted by Felix's shriek in excitement.

Chan chuckled, "hear that babe? We're going to drive you to work and get you later after your class." Chan's tone is final, Woojin just sighed but a small smile was shown on the corner of his mouth.

"Fine, fine! You two really- tsk." Woojin pouted, feeling his heart swelling from the love his boys have shown to him.

They have a quick shower and a quick dinner together, "uh- by the way, Felix needs a haircut, his fringe had totally covered his eyes."

Chan hummed, looking down at his son who was happily sitting on his lap, "let's go to my friend's hair salon soon then, I kinda thinking of dyeing my hair orange too."

Woojin rose an eyebrow in interest, Chan chuckled, "what's with that reaction?"

"Nothing. I was just surprised you suddenly wanted to dye your hair."

"It's a sudden interest too, I can always dye it back to black if orange will look bad on me."

"Oh I'm sure you'll look good with it even if your head will look like a big orange fruit." Chan can see a smirk on his husband's face.


The couple with their little excited son in between them were standing just outside one of Chan's friend's hair salon. Once the bell hanging just above the door rings, signalling for a costumer (or in Chan's situation, costumers), a cherry colored hair man whipped his head immediately smiled as he recognized who's  in the entrance and he  stood up to greet them.

"Ah Bang Chan hyung!" 

"Hey, Hwanwoong!"

Woojin threw a smile to the owner too, before letting their son go from their grip so he can sit on one of the chairs there then Hwanwoong will attend him. But the little gasped loudly as he got startled by the sound of the hair clipper when it was suddenly switched on by someone else's there with him, probably the co-owner. Chan gave him the background of the owner as they were also a married couple like them.

Little Felix ran back to where his parents had sat at, they were chuckling at the reaction of the little. Hwanwoong too can't contain his laugh.

"Aw sorry about that little Lix." He turned to his husband, "babe, please warn the poor kid!"

Youngjo just chuckled, he was always teasing little kids like this and it's really fun everytime, "sorry, my bad. Hey, Chan!" Then grinned at his friend. He walked towards the couple and ruffle little Lix's hair quickly.

Chan too just laughed, the guy is his friend and was his senior back in college, "hey hyung." They hugged quickly and aggressively tapped their backs. Their husbands looked at them fondly. It's already a long time since they last saw each other.

Hwanwoong then proceed to get the hair clipper from his husband's hand and crouched down on the younger's level, "it's okay, bub. It's not gonna hurt you, I promise."

Chan and Woojin coaxed their son to go sit back on the stool as Hwanwoong's statement made him relax. Woojin wipes off the tears of his face and hugs him for a second.

"It's okay, baby. Go on, Dad and I will just be here waiting for you hmm?" He then kissed Felix's nose, he scrunched his nose cutely.

"But the s-scary thing won't go off." Felix's voice was soft and his parents chuckled at the cute display.

"It's okay, love. They were expert at this stuff, they won't let that thing hurt you, right uncle Youngjo?" Chan coaxed his son more, side eyeing his friend on the side who also has a fond smile on his lips.

"Come, Lixie, I will take care of you and I promise this thing will not hurt you, hmm?"

Felix was not still convinced but he was starting to take a little steps forward back to the stool in front of the big mirror. Woojin smiled at his kid, ah his baby was becoming so brave, he felt so proud of him already. 

"That's it, darling, very good. Daddy and I will be here, okay?" Woojin said as Felix had completely sat on the stool with Youngjo on his side preparing all the things needed. Little Felix just showed them his sunshiny smile as he nodded his head to Woojin. Chan then gave a little instructions to Youngjo about his son's hair. 


After a few minutes, the salon's younger owner came back to where they sat on the couch on the corner with a little round coffee table in front of them, "well, how about you two?" Hwanwoong smiled at the couple.

"I'm fine. Chan here wanted to dye his hair." Woojin simply said.

"Yep, make it tangerine please."

Hwanwoong chuckled, "what a weird choice but okay." 




Back to their place, Changbin saw Felix and immediately appreciate the new look of his friend. He abandoned his bicycle right after he saw his little friend got out of his family's car.

"Oh. You looked like a cute little chick." Changbin mumbled in awe while looking at his pretty friend also amazed. Felix now has shorter hair that perfectly framed his cute little chubby face.

"Chick?" Felix once heard that word, he tilted his head cutely to remember when he had heard it. His eyes slightly widen as he released a tiny gasp, he remembered his Appa once told him he looked like that yellow stuff chick he has on his bed. 

"Yes, a cute chick." The littles then giggles as if they were gone to their own world.



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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update