Little Celebration

Their Adventures

They set up a bonfire to make them warm and also for the marshmallow. The Seo family is with them around their bonfire. Little Felix just sneezed cutely and scrunched up his button nose which made his parents and Changbin's parents chuckle. Woojin quickly holds his little hand before he can stick a  finger in his nose.

"Bless you, bub. Are you cold?" Chan takes off his scarf and wrapped it around his son's neck.

Little Felix shakes his head but his parents can clearly see how he shivers when a certain cold wind passes by them.

"I'll warm you up, Lixie!" Little Changbin runs towards his friend and spreads his own little arms for an invitation. Felix seems to brighten up by the idea and quickly fits himself in Changbin's arms. They are so cute that made the adults coo, they both wear a cute santa costume minus the beard, what a sight to see two little santas wrap around each other.

"Very good, sweety." Johnny murmurs a praise to his kid.

Woojin then got another scarf for his husband since Chan gave his to Little Felix. The other adults were starting to roast the marshmallows, the kids on their side, still wrapped around each other, just watched their parents excitedly.

A few cute sneezes from Felix later, they finally got to eat their own roasted marshmallows, Ten brought two sticks full of marshmallows with him and gave them to the littles.

"Thank you, uncle Ten!" 

"Thank you, Appa!"

The kids were so adorable that made Ten coo at them, he chuckled at the cute kids in front of him, "you're welcome, babies. Now be careful with the sticks okay?" He reminded them before the kids started to enjoy their treat. 

The clock strikes 12, "Merry Christmas everyone!" Chan announced holding a glass of red wine in his gloved hand, raising it slightly to signal for a toast.

The other adults there—his husband and the Seo couple— raised their own glass of wine in the air, "yeah, Merry Christmas!"

The littles giggled at what they have witnessed, they mimicked the toasing of glass with their own drinks, hot cocoa in their own baby cups. But Changbin made sure to blow the younger's drink enough to make it safe for Felix to drink first. Then they both enjoy their hot cocoa's with some cute giggles once in a while, and if their parents were witnessing their own little world then they didn't say a thing, except for some cooing to how adorable the kids were.



In the morning (it's almost noon actually, since they slept at like 3-ish in the morning already) Felix, in his cute socks with some cute ducks printed on them and that he also got from little Changbin as a gift, made his way into the kitchen and found his parents standing beside the table. Or more like his Dad backs hug his Appa. The little was confused for a moment for he didn't understand why his parents always do that, being wrapped around each other. But nonetheless he grinned and made his way towards his parents.

"Oh, hi there angel, you lost or something?" His Dad asked him teasingly while his chin is on his Appa's shoulder. Woojin too smiled at his son.

"You hungry, baby?"

Felix continues to walk towards them and hugged their legs tight while looking up to them. It was so cute that his parents cooed at him.

"Good morning!" Felix grinned up at them.

"Aigoo, our little sunshine is growing so fast, good morning too bub." Woojin quickly scooped his son up into his arms, he made a quick look at Felix's feet too. 

"And look at that cute little socks, it's so cute on your feet baby." Felix squirmed in his Appa's arms and his Dad, who still has his chin on Woojin's shoulder, chuckles at him. Woojin put them on his son's feet after the constant pout on his lips just after their neighbor took a leave earlier. The kid got many gifts from them and from their neighbor too but the one from Changbin is his favorite. Now seeing his son cutely walking with the socks made him want to praise him forever, he doesn't want him to grow up fast, he wants him to be a baby like this forever.

His thoughts got distracted by his husband's soft chuckles after seeing their son's flushed cheeks. It's always like that when they teased Felix with his playmate. They loved seeing Felix flushed cheeks, made him even more adorable. 

"Alright now, play with Daddy for the meantime. I'll make something for us to eat." Woojin handed his squirming son to Chan, kissing them both on the cheeks. He loves moments like this but he has to let them go first since the food will not cook itself and they're kind of starving.

"Oh! Daddy sing me a Christmas song please!" Woojin heard his son's pleading tone of his voice, it was always like this every Christmas season, both of them had a week long holiday, Chan and him made it a family time bonding. They enjoyed the common thing they have shared, music. Little Felix loves dancing these days, if he's not playing or studying, Woojin often sees him dancing to some funky songs he played. So every 25th of December has them jamming along with music in their living room. The only thing that changed this time of the year is their neighbor, they don't have some people to celebrate with Christmas before. And that made Woojin smile while starting to work on the food, still hearing his boys talking and giggling in their living room.

Just like how they did it every Christmas, they were in their living room with a music player set up and Woojin's guitar on his lap. After their brunch (breakfast and lunch, since yeah they're late in waking up), they go immediately in their living room. A very excited Felix on his Dad's lap waiting for his Appa's time to sing.

Woojin started to strum his guitar and sing the first line of White Christmas. Chan had his son still on his lap swaying to the rhythm of Woojin's guitar and his angelic voice. Woojin sung it so naturally, his fingers were strumming the guitar, while his eyes were on his favorite boys in front of him. After the song, Felix aggressively clapped his hands together, it made his Dad laugh but is also clapping his hands.

"Appa best singer!" Felix yelled in excitement.

Woojin smiled at his baby, "aww thank you, bun."

"How about me, bub?" Chan whined playfully making Woojin rolled his eyes then laughed. "If Appa is the best singer, what about me?" Felix slung his arms around his Dad's neck while thinking of that word he often heard about his Dad's work.

"Daddy best pro— po—pwoducing?" Felix knitted his eyebrows, really trying hard to remember the word and it's still hard for him to utter it. His parents on the other hand were cooing at him with fondness and pride in their eyes.

"Our baby is learning~ Yes baby you're right, Daddy is a producer, he is producing songs as his work." Woojin said teary-eyed, so proud of their son. Chan pecks his son's forehead, too proud to even say it.

Felix giggles, "Daddy best producer!"

"Thank you, darling."


Chan's mini performance has little Felix danced his own cute little ways along with the Feliz Navidad song that his Dad has singing while replacing the word 'Feliz' to Felix's name. The little squeals in excitement as he danced along with it.

Now it's time for the parents to praise their little bun, "aww our baby Lixie is the best dancer!!"

The house is full of laughter as they celebrate Christmas with warmth and so much love.





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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update