Little Tease 2

Their Adventures

"Oh my god.." Woojin had to collect himself. He glared at his husband, it was his fault. He kept teasing and provoking him without knowing the children have heard them.

Felix and Changbin resumed to playing in their living room after Chan had very calmly explained what that damn word means.

"Oh kids, we're sorry you heard that. It was a bad word, okay? I'll have to punish him later." Woojin was in deep thought of how could his husband had explained that so calmly in front of two curious kids. If it was him, he'll surely panic and make the kids more curious. But he didn't miss the way Chan took a glance at him and winked. Ugh always a tease.

"I always heard that word from dad and appa." Changbin commented.

"And you should not copy it, It's an adult thing."

"Okay." Changbin said. "But I can say it when I'm adult?"

Woojin had enough, he didn't want to hear it. He scooped Felix up to brush his teeth and not leaving without glaring at his husband who only winked in return.


It was horrible explaining it to kids but Chan took responsibility to it, or he hoped so. Since the kids were back at playing now after his husband had left for work. He really hopes that there wouldn't be kids running towards him asking weird questions just because they're curious. He shivered at the thought.

He almost drops the bowl he's drying with a cloth when his phone rings. He relaxes his breathing before answering it. It's Chan so he pressed the answer button after safely placing the bowl on the counter top.


"Hey, are you okay? I can hear your thoughts from here." Chan has a teasing voice but deep down he's also worried. He can feel his husband's worry about the incident lately.

Woojin chuckles, "I'm fine, Chan. Though I'm impressed, you knew me too well."

"Well..I knew you since we're five years old."

Woojin smiled at the memory when they first met. Chan was smiling at him, black curly hair was like waving at him and his dimples were showing. He knew he loved Chan at that moment.

"Thinking again huh.." Woojin heard Chan at the other end of the line.

"Sorry..I just--"

"Hey, it's fine. You're good. Stop worrying and over thinking about it, the kids were okay, they're just curious and it's normal. It's bound to happen." Chan is using his serious yet calming voice, it calms him down too.

"How do you know I was thinking about that?"

"I said I heard your thoughts from here." He could imagine his husband's grinning so wide right now.

Woojin scoffed but honestly he felt better, why would he worry so much? Kids are kids, they're curious, that's normal. Chan was right, well his husband is so perfect that he is always right.

"You're thinking again..Sorry I teased you so much that I made you say it."

Woojin laughed this time, "sorry, just a habit. Let's just forget it, okay?" Chan hummed. "Thanks babe, I'm fine. The kids were playing and also fine."

"That's more like it..instead of worrying over it why don't you think about what punishment I'll give you later?"

Woojin is losing it. Here we go again.

"Chan." He used his warning tone now.

"Okay..okay. It was fun teasing you, Wooj. I love you, you know that right?"

Woojin clicked his tongue, "Even if you're such a big tease, yes, I love you too. Now you go continue your work while I'll prepare the kids' lunch."

"Okay, babe. Kiss Felix for me."

"Will do."

Woojin shook his head. He loves Chan, the smile on his lips while staring at his phone like a fool can confirm it.


He saw his son looking at him, confused. Oh god I hope this is not another question. Wait, he didn't say foul words while talking at Chan on the phone, did he?


"Oh. Sorry baby. What is it?" He swallowed hard, why is he nervous?

"I'm thirsty. And Binnie too. Please?" A sight of Felix in front of him is gripping a glass too big for his little hands calms him down. Chan was right, he was just over thinking.

"You're so adorable, baby. You know that right?" Woojin kissed his baby's forehead before getting the glass out his baby's hands.

"Daddy!" Woojin could hear his son shouted from their main door. Chan is home, he was just in the kitchen preparing for dinner.

Soon Chan emerges in the kitchen with Felix in his arms.

"Hey.. you're early."

"I'm hungry." The glint in Chan's eyes tells him that his husband is teasing him again. He puts down Felix on the floor.

Before he could utter an answer, Chan is pecking him on the lips. Felix had his little hands covered his eyes. It always amuses the couple how their son would react when they kissed.

Chan scooped his son again to hug him and attacked tiny kisses all over Felix's face and neck. All little Felix do is giggle. He squirmed too in his Dad's embrace because Chan's kisses tickled him. Woojin just smiled softly at his two boys while continue preparing their food. When Chan is early from work it only means he's hungry and that he wants to eat dinner early too. 

After Woojin had tucked sleeping Felix in his bed, he went to Chan's little room, an office he made for himself where he continues unfinished business from work. And since he was early from work, it meant that he has unfinished work that he has to finish at home.

As he came inside the room, he heard his husband long sighs. It sounded like he's tired.


Chan turned his swivel chair around to look at him and smiled tiredly, "a little." Chan spreads his arms out to his husband.

Woojin hummed and took his husband's invitation to embrace him then Chan pressed his face on Woojin's tummy. Woojin massaged softly Chan's head and caressing his curls at the same time.

"You should sleep first, you can wake up early to finish it." Woojin proposed while continuing to massage Chan's scalp. Chan did not answer just pressing his face more on Woojin's stomach. He knew Chan is considering his proposal, his husband is a night owl which he's worried about, so as much as he can he's always trying hard to get Chan to bed. Hell, he will seduce his husband if that's the only way to get him to bed! But he knew there are other things that his husband consider as weaknesses that he could use just to get him to bed.

"Sounds tempting but I need to finish this, it's due on next week." Chan said tiredly while yawning.

He cupped Chan's face to look at him, "Next week, babe. It means you still have enough time."

Woojin knew Chan, when it comes to producing music he wanted to have the product days before the deadline, that means less sleep time.

"I'll give you a massage." It is one of his husband's weaknesses.

Chan blinked his eyes up to his husband's warm smile, he thought that his husband alone is tempting already.


"Great. Now, come on, change your clothes." Woojin said before pecking Chan's lips.

When they finally are tuck in their bed..
"Babe, I still did not give you your punishment yet." Chan the ever big tease said.

Woojin laughed, not so loud though thinking he might wake his baby up in the other room.

"Chan, I love you but I swear to God, one more tease and--"

"Okay. Okay. Fine, good night, Wooj." Chan said chuckling before kissing his husband's cheeks first then finally the lips.

"Night, babe." Woojin hummed.

Few seconds later, Woojin heard his husband gasped.

"Babe?" He called Chan softly, a little worried.

"I forgot to kiss baby Lix good night."

Woojin sighed in relief silently and smiled, "Sleep, Chan. You can always kiss him tomorrow."

Chan is asleep already, his warm breath fanning Woojin's neck.

"Good night, you big tease." Woojin whispered softly as he kissed Chan's forehead.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update