Picnics and Partners

Of Felines and 95s

Multiple clicks of the mouse and frantic taps on the keyboard indicated that Sungjae was playing Overwatch yet again in his bedroom. He let out a breath of content as he was declared the winner of the match. Sungjae had never felt so proud.

He turned to his mobile phone and unlocked it, going to his messages and replying to his friends.

Then he saw it. 

One Notification from Jung Wheein

Sungjae rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things and clicked into the chat. It showed that she was still online. "Hey", she said.

"Dude, it's 4am, what are you doing being awake at this timing??!!?!!" Sungjae swiftly typed.

"I could ask you the same thing haha, anyway I couldn't sleep because I drank coffee just now, Americano even." Wheein replied within the minute.

Seeing the word Americano reminded Sungjae of the time she tried to hide herself in the cafe when she was with him, and he giggled softly to himself.

A thought suddenly struck him, and he typed it out and sent it over to her immediately.

"By the way, Eunkwang, Minhyuk and Changsub hyung are on vacation this weekend so we were thinking about going for a picnic, if you guys don't mind, would you like to join us?"

By this point the caffeine was slowly losing its effect on Wheein and she had drifted off to sleep, leaving Sungjae on read. 

Sungjae on the other hand, was getting tired himself and shut off his computer, heading to the bathroom before going to bed too.

When Wheein awoke the next afternoon, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and checked her phone. Somehow, her heart stared thumping a little faster than usual. Wheein thought it might have been just the caffeine having an after effect type thing. 

She felt ecstatic as she typed into the mamamoo group chat, their groups finally had the chance to meet each other as friends.

"Hey, are you guys free this weekend? Preferably on Saturday" 

"Yeah I am, what's up?" Hwasa replied

"I've got album prep in the morning but I should be free from 12pm onwards" Moonbyul added

"I'm free! You wanna go somewhere Wheein-ah?" Solar asked

"Yeah well, Sungjae told me that his hyungs are taking a vacation and they are planning on having a picnic, they invited us along too! Just wanted to ask if you guys were free to attend." Wheein expected the members to turn her down since they were pretty shy amongst strangers.

"Woah we haven't talked to them in such a long time, sure! I'd love to meet them again!" Hwasa said.

"Lol Minhyuk oppa just asked me the same thing but yep I'm coming too!" Moonbyul chimed in.

"kkkk Changsub just asked me as well so yes I'm coming!" Solar wrote.

"Yes! Group outing leggo!" Wheein excitedly typed into her keyboard.

The ring of his notifications jolted Sungjae awake. Checking the clock beside him, he sat up into a stretch and grabbed his phone off the corner of his table. He smiled when he slid the window down and saw the messenger. "WE'RE ALL GOOD TO GO I'M SO EXCITED!" 

Saturday morning

Sungjae woke with his heart fluttering at the exciting day that was about to happen. It wasn't grand but he had been planning what he would call the perfect picnic. He had created a group chat for the eleven of them with the title "beagle-dol gathering" which seemed oddly fitting for all of them and sent them the location the day before.

Sungjae tapped in the numbers he was fairly familiar with and put the phone to his ear. Less then 30 seconds into the call, it was received on the other end. "hello?" A deep voice asked. "I hope you didn't just wake up, Hyunsik hyung. You're gonna be late again." Sungjae chided his older member

"Aw come on they're not that uptight,"

"but we can't let girls wait too long, hyung."

"Ah they're old friends, plus I bet Hyejin is still sleeping too, she was chatting with me last night till pretty late." 

Their conversation never seemed to stop but Sungjae realised the time and told Hyunsik to continue later so they hung up and went to change.

The clock hit 12 as Sungjae walked towards the rendezvous point. Wheein and the rest of the mamamoo girls were waiting with the picnic set-up already done near the foot of a large tree that casted a shadow on the beach.

"I can't believe this, none of them are here yet?" Sungjae asked Hwasa as he walked towards their direction.

"Oh Minhyuk and Changsub oppa already reached, they went to look for the toilet" Hwasa told him "come and sit, we have alot of space." 

Sungjae bowed to Moonbyul and Solar and waved at Wheein, taking the spot next to her. All the girls were wearing sleeveless sports clothes except for Moonbyul, who wore a tight sleeved top and comfortable sports bottoms. 

He opened his mouth in an attempt to talk to Wheein but was silenced by Changsub pouncing on him, his full weight almost crushing Sungjae into the picnic mat. Sungjae couldn't help but laugh and push Changsub off and start chasing him towards the beach. He had missed his hyung and the way they used to bully each other. They were truly the Tom and Jerry of the group.

"Eunkwang should be here soon, he can reign in these two I hope," Minhyuk said as he shook his head and took Sungjae's place next to Wheein. "How have you guys been by the way? I heard your new album, it sounded amazing as usual!"

"It was busy as heck that time, our second full album. But we enjoyed it! We've been wondering what kind of concept to do the next time," Solar mused.

"Maybe we should be like oppa and do ballads for our next comeback!" Moonbyul said. 

"Sounds amazing, can we finally do that collab now?" Eunkwang said as he came up behind them. "Sorry I happened to overhear the conversation hahaha" 

"Wow you came out of nowhere," Hwasa laughed as she said "we probably should talk about that collab soon huh?"

"Of course- what are they doing?" Eunkwang questioned as he motioned to Sungjae and Changsub running across the beach.

Eunkwang turned to see Peniel and Ilhoon approaching with umbrellas and large bags of food and drinks and totally forgot what he wanted to say.

"Ah I'm so hungry I could pass out thanks Peniel ah, Ilhoon ah!" Eunkwang shouted with glee.

Minhyuk called out to Sungjae and Changsub in an attempt to reign them in but failed. As he did it, mamamoo watched and laughed, but also tried to help Minhyuk call them back.

As everyone settled in and got ready to dig into the food sprawled out in front of them, filled with instant noodles and rice cakes, kimbaps and fresh fruit and cake, they realised that a member of their beagle group was still missing. Hyunsik poked his head out from behind a tree and did his signature eye smile and apologized just about a million times for being late yet again. They had a whole afternoon in front of them, they were going to have so much fun~


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Hey everyone! This is my first fic ever, I hope you all like it! I personally think Wheein and Sungjae would make a very cute ship and thus the fic because I never found a fic for these two. Do let me know if you guys like this pairing too!


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Cygnus96 #1
Chapter 2: I am still waiting for an update. It is the first story I read about them.
baekstarsoo #2
Chapter 2: OMG AN UPDATE!!!!