
poisoned love
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“She’s not yours.”

“Don’t you dare touch her!”

“I swear to God, I’ll put a bullet to your head if you lay a finger on her.”

Chris ignored every threat Hyunjin spat at him, knowing that he would get what he wanted in the end.

Hyunjin was watching helplessly the smirking face of his leader, aware that his best friend wouldn’t be able to escape Chris’ obsession with her. He knew she was just a game for his boss and friend -although he was starting to question the last part- and it would destroy him if something happened to the special girl he thought of as a little sister.

Chris thought otherwise, she wasn’t a game. He was determined to maker her his, no matter what. In his ed up mind, the beautiful girl was the person he needed the most and he was willing to kill anyone that got in his way, including Hyunjin.

The mafia boss was tired of waiting for the right moment, he wanted to grab her and take her to his room, but she was always surrounded by a SKZ member, protecting her, watching over her.

He was about to explode and he wasn’t going to hold back when he had her.

Things would get ugly in the SKZ mansion, that’s for sure.

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