

Yuna and Yewon were currently sat around the living room and watching shows on the television, deciding to laze around for that day. Yewon requested it knowing that Yuna would think that they will be going out for that weekend. After everything that had happened in their world, she just wanted the shapeshifter to rest for today, knowing that it was what she needed.


It’s been days since the fight and everyone had gone through a lot. They were thankful enough that the fight stayed outside their realm and so damages to the regions were minimal at most.


But their losses were great.


At the moment, Yewon was cuddled against Yuna’s frame, enjoying the warmth the shapeshifter provided as the cold was beginning to set in, signifying the winter that was soon to come in the following days. Her back rested against her front, Yuna’s arms wrapped around her from behind securely and Yewon playing with her fingers subconsciously.






Yewon momentarily raised her head to look at the woman before training her gaze back to the television, “What exactly happened to Yerin-unnie that day?”


The shapeshifter seemed to hesitate, making Yewon regret her words almost immediately. As she was about to retract her question though, she felt Yuna’s hands squeeze hers before responding.


“Right, I haven’t told you about that…” Yuna mumbled, letting out a sigh and snuggled closer, “From what I understood from Sojung, Yerin already had the curse since birth. The witch Grimina witnessed her birth by chance and discovered Yerin’s abilities. Wanting to have that power for herself, she knew that she couldn’t wield it so she wanted to take control of the one who possessed it, and that is Yerin, so she readied to place the curse.”


“With her mother being there?”


“Yerin’s mother was a clean soul that the witch needed for the ritual.” Yuna replied sadly, “Grimina managed to overpower Yerin’s mother with the element of surprise, and was already in the midst of draining her life force for the curse to take effect, but Yerin’s mother managed to retaliate, chanting the ancient spell and used the remaining of her life force to place the protection seal on Yerin just in time.”


“So Yerin-unnie was only half cursed?”


"Right. The curse was supposed to give complete control to the caster, but with Yerin’s mother’s intervention, their souls were not bound completely, like how the soul binding curse should work.


If Grimina was successful in casting it, Yerin would never be able to fight against her at all. The curse allowed their souls to be bound, meaning Grimina would know where Yerin was, what she did. She would know everything about Yerin and what she was doing and Grimina would have found out any weakness and used that against her to make sure Yerin does what she wants her to do.


“However, because it was not completed, Grimina was not able to discover Yerin's secrets.” Yuna said, “Sojung explained to me that if Grimina had succeeded cursing Yerin and killing her mother, she would disguise herself as Ayla so that it wouldn’t look weird why she was always with her and slowly take over the realm using Yerin.”


“So she planned to infiltrate your realm from the very start?” Yewon asked.


“Pretty much.” Yuna nodded, “She also explained to me how the ritual went. Uh… if I remember correctly, the witch is supposed to state her connection to the one she’s casting the curse on. So Grimina decided to call herself Yerin’s ‘mother’ since Ayla is not her real name. It wouldn’t take effect if she used that identity.”


Yewon had a look of realization as Yuna said this, “So that explains why the witch kept on talking about the specifics.”


“Witch?” Yuna stared.


“Oh, a witch came to visit Yerin-unnie when she was here.” Yewon explained, “They seemed like friends so I didn’t think much of it. Yerin-unnie knows how to choose her friends though.”


Yuna raised a brow at the look of admiration the younger was showing, “What do you mean?”


“She is really pretty.”


Yuna frowned slightly.


“But of course you’re beautiful Yuna.”


That calmed her down immediately.


“Anyway, did Sojung-ssi explain more?”


“Oh, right, she did.” she answered, "The spell was supposed to go:


‘Do what I will, Do what I say, lest thy life be taken away.

In my hands thy life is mine, this moment till the end of time.

By the power granted unto me, let this curse be placed unto thee.

From this day forth thy soul is bound, chained to me, thy soul aground.’"


“But Grimina wasn’t able to complete the spell?”


“Yerin’s mother managed to chant faster and place the protection seal before Grimina could say the last line.” Yuna replied, “Sojung said the last line seals the deal, but without it, complete control wasn’t possible.”


“Thank goodness…”


“You can say that again.” the shapeshifter smiled at how relieved she sounded, “Grimina then just settled with the partial bind, but she couldn’t gain complete control over Yerin so she planned the attack, thinking that she’ll be able to overpower all of us.”


Yewon turned slightly in Yuna’s arms so she could face the shapeshifter, Yuna loosening her hold on her slightly so that she could do it easily. Foreheads touching, they shared a tender moment just gazing into the eyes of the other.


“I’m just glad you’re safe.”


“Mmm…” Yuna hummed, “By the way, tomorrow’s the day. Do you want to go?”


“Can I?”


“Sojung says you can.”


“I’ll go.” Yewon mumbled closing her eyes, “I want to pay my respects to them too.”



“Sojung what is taking you so long?” Eunha whined in front of the door to Sojung’s room in her home, “They’re going to start in a few minutes!”


“I’m here already aren’t I?” Eunha swiveled around, surprised to see the mage already standing behind her, arms folded across her chest as she looked sternly down at her. Eunha just glared back.


“Ugh… please don’t make that face.” Sojung grumbled.


“What face?”


“That ‘I’m trying to be angry at you’ face. It doesn’t work. You’re too cute for that.”


“Then stop making that face too!”


Sojung’s brows furrowed, “What face?”


“That, ‘I really adore Eunha’ kind of face.”


“S-stop tapping into my emotions!” Sojung glared, before quickly calming herself down and leaned forward towards Eunha’s face so quickly, the fairy could only squeak at the sudden close proximity of their faces, “And besides, are you sure you don’t want me making that face anymore? You seem to enjoy it.”


Eunha pouted, “I hate you.”


Sojung just grinned, knowing she had won, “I adore you lots, Eunha~”




Sojung chuckles in slight fondness as she reached over and held the fairy’s hand in hers, “Let’s go.”


Forgetting the teasing she experienced just a second ago, she looked up at Sojung and smiled, “Let’s.”


A huge crowd was already gathered in the square, people of every region could be seen, shapeshifters and fairies were having joyful conversations on one corner, the mages and elves were mingling about. The day was a special occasion to remember those that they had lost during the fight with Grimina, at the same time a celebration for having overcome the ordeal and a new beginning to show the unity of all the regions.


“Yewon!!!” Eunha squealed happily to see the human amongst the crowd alongside Yuna as soon as the two had made their way to the square. Changing to her fairy form, she flew off in a sonic boom and practically collided with the human, her arms already spread out in a hug to greet her, “You came!”


“Yuna invited me, and I’ve always wanted to see your home.” Yewon remarked, chuckling when the fairy moved up to her face and began rubbing their cheeks together happily.


“It’s nice to see you, Yewon.” Sojung greeted, pinching a portion of Eunha’s clothing with her fingers and gently pulled her away from the human.


Eunha flailed about, arms reaching forward with a whine, “Nooo~ Yewon, she’s taking me away~ noooo~ Sojung! Let me hug my favorite human more!”


“She’s the only human you know, Eunha.”


“I also know Gfriend! They're the best humans ever. Speaking of which, we should watch more shows when I come visit, Yewon!”


Said human just laughed jovially at her fairy friend’s enthusiasm, “My television’s always ready when you are. I also bought a lightstick for you so we can cheer them on together.”


Eunha’s eyes sparkled at Yewon’s words. The three could see how she literally brightened up to the point it was almost like they were looking at a light bulb floating around.


“Alright Eunha, let’s calm down.” Sojung mused, placing the overexcited light bulb on her shoulder, “Still, I’m glad you could join us for today Yewon.”


“I’m glad you allowed me to come here Sojung-ssi, this place is beautiful.”


“Wait until you see the flower fields.” a voice interrupted their conversation, “As far as I know, they provide the best view in the entire realm.”


Turning to the source of the voice, Yewon beamed to see the elven army leader walking towards them with a small smile on her face.




“Hey.” she greeted with a small wave, “I’m glad to see you here Yewon.”


“I’m happy to be here.” she replied, approaching the woman, “You look good today.”


“Really?” Sinb chuckled, looking down at the elven royal garb that she had donned on for that day. Her top was of navy blue in color reaching until past her waist, intricate grapevine designs of gold weaving around the sleeve’s edges also along the collar area, the design weaving towards the chest that was being held together by golden buttons. A silver sash was wrapped cleanly around her waist. This was coupled with a pair of black satin pants. She wore navy blue boots on hee feet comprised of the same golden grapevine design, completing the look.


“The least I could do is look good for her one more time.” Sinb remarked, thanking them as they complimented her look.


The crowd soon started to buzz in excitement, garnering their attention and also signifying that they were about to start.


“Oops, I have to go.” Sinb waved to the group and quickly marched off.


“Sinb’s in charge of the guard today.” Yuna explained Yewon’s mental question, “So she’s dressed up appropriately for the occasion.”


They didn’t have to wait long as a line of Anthoussai and Dryads emerged from the forest. The elven army flanking their sides as their escorts while they marched up to the pavilion in the center of the square.


Leading the procession was Yerin with Sinb as her . The leader of the nymphs had donned on a simple white sleeveless dress with flowers of every kind embroidered along her skirt, only sandals protected her feet, but despite the simplicity her overall appearance showed, her entire being radiated the authority she was known to possess.


She ascended the pavilion steps where the oracle awaited her. Alongside the oracle was her aide holding a red cushion where a golden laurel wreath was placed.


It was Yerin’s coronation ceremony as the new Queen of the Nymphai region.


That day when Sinb fired the arrow, it had expectedly phased straight through Yerin and hit Grimina, thus ending her life and the conflict altogether. With her demise, the remaining enemies were easier to deal with and thus ended the fight. A few days after, due to Grimina's death, the throne became vacant and everyone had unanimously agreed for Yerin to take her place.


Everyone grew silent as they watched Yerin stand before the oracle, receiving her blessings before Yerin got to her knees with her head bowed as the oracle placed the laurel wreath atop her head.


The crowd then erupted into cheers as Yerin rose, now the newly crowned Queen of the nymphs. Flower petals erupted into the sky and descended onto everyone like confetti, courtesy of the anthousai, leaving everyone amazed at the spectacle.


Yerin smiled, waving to the children who were waving at her and also to the council who were being a noisy bunch and cheering her on while Yuna was in her pup form, running around and chasing every single petal that fluttered to the ground. Her gaze then swept over to the people present, silently thanking them for the warm welcome before her eyes finally landing on the elf currently standing on the steps of the pavilion, looking back at her with a proud gaze that made her chest well up with a certain happiness that she noticed only Sinb gave her. She returned the elf’s gaze with the same amount of adoration, earning a grin that Yerin had grown to love over time.


“Congratulations.” Sinb whispered as Yerin approached her side.


“Sinb… thank you.”


Said elf just chuckled, “You don’t need to thank me for anything, Yerin. I’ll be happy to do anything for you. You already know that.”


“I know.” she replied, confirming her words, “But it doesn’t stop me from being grateful.”


“As long as I’m by your side, then that’s more than enough.” Sinb hummed a bit.


“Which is why I want to ask you…” Yerin turned briefly to the oracle’s aide who nodded and produced another laurel wreath in her hands, Sinb surprised when she began to approach the two of them, “Sinb, won’t you stay by my side and rule with me?”


Sinb blinked, “…Huh?”


Yerin chuckled in slight amusement, already expecting that reaction from the elf, she then repeated, “Stay by my side and rule with me.”


She never expected the elf’s response after she asked one more time.


“Er… Yerin, I’m grateful for the offer and all but, I don’t think I’m cut out for ruling over anyone.” she replied, looking unsure, “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to and I know you’re offering because you think I’m a capable leader too. But can’t I just stay by your side as I am?”


Yerin paused to think over Sinb’s words.


“I’d gladly accept the crown if there’s no other way for me to be with you.” Sinb quickly added when she noticed the nymph’s silence.


Sinb thinks Yerin may have misunderstood her words and took it as a rejection.


“I just… I don’t know, why do we need the titles when we can just be together like what we’ve usually been doing?” Sinb swallowed, scared at Yerin’s lack of reaction, “Yerin…?”


Yerin let out an exasperated sigh, her eyes glaring at the sky in annoyance. Sinb started fidgeting in place nervously, thinking that she may have hit a nerve.


Usually when Yerin’s mad, she ignores everyone and she most definitely do not want to be ignored by Yerin.


Opening once more in an attempt to ammend her statement, she was cut off when Yerin huffed.


“You make sense.” Yerin’s brows furrowed, “In the very first place, the nymphs did not have a queen. That was merely a position made by Grimina, and even then I have been the one doing the duties that she should have done.”


Sinb could only stare as she took the laurel off her head and placed it back in the aide’s hands.


“The laurel is heavy too, I would not want such inconvenience on my head.” Yerin grumbled silently, “There’s no need for that.” she told the aide who just nodded dumbly after the display Yerin just did. Even the crowd was dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events.


“I have always been the leader of my region, queen or no queen, I will continue to fulfill my duties to my utmost capabilities.” Yerin spoke to the crowd, “It doesn’t take a title for a person to assume responsibility. To my people, if you allow me, and if you see fit that I am capable of leading you, then I will gratefully accept the task.”


After a few seconds of stunned silence, the whole crowd erupted into cheers once more, the petals increasing as the crowd roared and celebrated. The council just shook their heads at the display.


“Yerin was never one for titles anyway.” Sojung mused as Yewon listened, “She’s a leader but she likes being with her people more than be above them on a pedestal. Having a title would just create that separation.”


They continued to watch as Yerin conversed with Sinb for a bit before seeing the elf leave her side and make her way towards where they stood.


“Sojung!” she called, hurrying over.


Said mage just raised a brow in curiosity, waiting until the elf was close enough before speaking, “What is it?”


“Can I ask for a favor?”


“It depends. I’m not making you another love potion. We all know how that turned out.” Sojung stared.


Sinb shuddered, remembering how she was chased all over by the other nymphs and Yerin raining down hell on her after the stunt.


“No, no, just a small transformation, if that’s okay.” Sinb then held up the two laurel wreaths that were showed by the oracle just a moment ago, “Can you do it?”


Sojung just shared a look with the other council members and Yewon who were just as confused as she was.



“Hey Yerin!”


The nymph looked up to see Sinb perched on a tree branch once more, not wrapped by vines this time as she made a careful descent and jogged over to her side.


“You left me in the midst of the ceremony.” Yerin mumbled.


“Oh, uhm…”


“I expect your reasoning to be valid.”


Sinb laughed nervously, “I asked Sojung for a favor– it’s not a love potion, I swear!” she quickly added seeing Yerin glare, “I just thought it would be a waste if we didn’t use the laurels earlier and you said they were a bit too heavy to wear…”


Yerin waited patiently as Sinb produced something from behind her, surprise etched on her features when she saw what Sinb was showing her, “You made them into rings?”


“Sojung helped me out.” Sinb replied sheepishly, “It won’t be heavy carrying them this way at least?”


Yerin breathed out a laugh, her gaze not leaving the rings as she spoke, “And how did you get my ring size?”


“I’ve been holding your hand the entire time.”


Yerin raised a brow.


“And Sojung enchanted them so they’ll adjust to a comfortable fit.” Sinb admitted, before offering out a hand, “So…?”


The nymph just smiled, holding out her hand for the elf to take. Gently, Sinb picked up one of the rings and slipped it onto her finger. As she said, the ring automatically adjusted, wrapping around her finger comfortably while Sinb put on the other and held it up for the nymph to see.


The elven leader hummed in satisfaction, “Looks good.”


“Beautiful.” Yerin agreed, her gaze not on the ring but on the elf who noticed the look and felt her cheeks heat up at the rare showing of affection Yerin was giving her.


“Though I can tell that there is more to Sojung's enchantment than what you’ve just told me.” Yerin said.


Sinb just shrugged, knowing that Yerin would have noticed the additional spell even if she didn’t say anything so she opted to answer honestly.


“Well, we managed to emerge victorious together.” Sinb replied, “I wanted to be reminded of that and I want to continue having more victories by your side, so the rings are a sort of binding, that your battles are also my own and if you ever need me, this ring will tell me. You told me to fight alongside you, right? So that’s what I plan to do from now on.”


Yerin just smiled at her words, approaching closer so that she could hold the elf’s hands in hers, her thumb tracing the outline of the laurel ring on her finger fondly, “Then I hope you also know that you can turn to me whenever you need it. This is our fight together after all. It wouldn’t be right to let you shoulder both burdens alone.”


“Hm… I only made it go one way, maybe we can ask Sojung to enchant it again.”


“Good.” Yerin nodded, satisfied, secretly enjoying the fond look Sinb was giving her.


“Are you heading home now?"


"Not yet, I... have a place to visit before I head home." Yerin smiled when Sinb tilted her head curiously, "Where I was born."


"Where you were born? But isn't that...?"


"The place where my mother died, yes." Yerin answered, looking past the meadows, "And it may hold bad memories, but I want to visit the place. I want to pay her a visit. I want to go there and view her, not as the mother I've grown to know, but as the mother I never knew...


All this time I thought that she never cared for me, that I was nothing more than a tool for her, but all of it, all of the truths that I have known this whole time were lies."


Sinb noticed how Yerin's hold on her hand tightened, and opted to stay silent as she waited for the nymph to continue.


"All these years, I have never thanked her for what she's done for me." Yerin mumbled, "That she actually valued me so much even when I was a child worth nothing. That she loved me to the point she wanted me to live and to survive. I have never thanked her, not even once, and I regret that it took me this long before I could. If only I knew sooner, I--" she let out a sigh, "But it's too late, isn't it?"


Yerin paused, Sinb understanding her silence as her having difficulty to continue with her words.


"I'm sure she understands." Sinb assured her, "Grimina was just too cunning for us to notice. And Yerin, it's not too late."


The elf gently placed a hand on Yerin's chest where the seal lay, "She's right here. Watching you, guiding you, protecting you until now. It's never too late, because she's always been with you all this time and I'm sure there's no better happiness for her than to see you where you are now, alive and well. No, I'm sure she was happy that you survived that day.


"So~" Sinb grinned, cupping the nymph's face in her palms, "Let's go together and go thank her together. I also am grateful to her you know?"




"That you're alive now, or else I would never have met you. And besides, your mother would want to meet her future daughter-in-law soon." 


Yerin just stared at the elf in slight disbelief before breathing out a laugh, "Your smooth words know no bounds do they?"


Sinb just laughed, feeling accomplished at having cheered Yerin up even just a bit.


"Let's go?" Sinb removed her palms and held out a hand for Yerin to hold, "I’ll you.”


“Sinb… once more, this is nymph territory and they don’t take lightly to–”


“Trespassers, sure sure, but you’ll get me out this time right?”


Sinb looked up at her hopefully.


“I’m not sure…” Yerin playfully separated from her and began her trek through the meadows.


“Yerin? Please don’t tell me those vines are gonna attack me as soon as I step foot there.” Sinb called after her as Yerin moved further and further away while she stood slightly helpless at the border.


Yerin paused in her tracks, turning to the elf with a smile and a small chuckle, “Hurry it up Sinb.”


With a grin, Sinb hurried forward and grasped Yerin’s hand in hers upon reaching her, hands intertwining as they continued the trek.


This fight has reached an end, but they knew it wouldn’t be the last. However, they know that those battles would no longer be fought alone. The laurels they carry remind them of that and they wish in the near future, that in every dilemma they face they will emerge victorious, together.




​​​​​​And so Laurels has come to an end. Thank you to everyone who subscribed, read and commented. I appreciate you taking your time to do so very much. The upvotes too, I'm happy that you enjoyed it enough for this story to receive those votes ^^


Thank you~~ 😊😊❤️

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mandabuddy #1
Chapter 9: sinb is grumpy yet extremely protective, yerin is kindhearted and reliable, sojung is THAT leader everyone trust and lean on, eunha is an energetic fairy who's just genuine abt her feelings (I love her sm ;.;), yuna is the unpredictable and always do some funny things (xd) while yewon being thoughtful and a sweet listener... I love how you make each of their characters come so vividly that makes the whole story very interesting to read!

Thank you for writing this! It will be one of the fic I'd love to go back to for sure <3
mandabuddy #2
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The stuff yuna was doing while SinB's on phone got me rolling🤣
Chapter 9: Finally reached the end once more. This fic is really one of the reason why I grown to love stories written with this kind of settings. Thank you author.
Chapter 6: "They can't take me away from you because I have always been yours" - Yerin to SinB damn. I love this chapter so much. Seeing how they took a step forward to finally let out what they really feel for each other. How they support each other with the danger that's lurking around them. How they tried to be there for each other despite the distance between them.
Chapter 5: Just realized that Yerin and SinB somehow exchange personality here. Like SinB is more vocal and showy about her feelings than Yerin.
I miss this story so I'm going to reread this again. :D
Chapter 9: This story is so touching and felt so heart warming :) Fantastic!
Chapter 9: I really love this!!!! It's so beautiful!!! The emotions between Yerin and SinB feelings to each other really touched my heart... Thank you so much for making this one author-ssi!!! T^T
This made me want to read Soojung and Eunha story as well since Yuna and Yewon also had their own story uwu.

But really, thank you so much for making this fic! Good luck on your next fic and fighting!!!!
Chapter 9: I never expect that Sinb can be such a romantic person to Yerin. ^•^
Thank you for the happy ending! All of them live happily together and stay stronger with each other. Hope to see you soon in your new story ^^
_NightDrive #10
Chapter 9: Such a cuteee ending XD Thank u for this beautiful story!

Soo there's been yumji n sinrin story..... will there be wonha too XD just asking :D