Chapter 3


Sojung felt mildy disturbed by the words the Queen had spoken and felt inclined to investigate what it could mean.


They soon arrived in the council meeting room, Eunha still trying to calm a raging Sinb down who was vehemently trying to convince them that the Queen had something to do with Yerin’s disappearance.


In all actuality, Sojung believed that too, but she believed the oracle’s words more so even though the Queen may be involved, it did not mean that Yerin was there. Heading back to the Great Tree would be a waste of time and effort.


“Sojung, we have to get back there and ask that woman where she took Yerin!” Sinb immediately turned to her as soon as she made her presence known.


“Unfortunately, I don’t think Yerin is there any longer. Questioning Queen Ayla of Yerin’s whereabouts is futile. She will never give us an answer, nor do I think we'll find any clues of her whereabouts there.”


“What do you mean?”


Sojung felt relieved that Sinb seems to be listening to her and not letting her emotions get ahead of her logic, “I meant the oracle.”


“Oh right! The oracle said that Yerin’s no longer with her kind!” Eunha exclaimed, having a sudden look of realization, “So that means she’s not with the nymphs anymore?”


“Which means she cannot be in the Great Tree.” Sojung nodded, a small smile on her face as she pat the fairy’s head fondly, "Or any part of the forest and meadows and flower fields where the other nymphs reside.


“There’s a reason why the oracle demands such a huge price for an answer to one question and that is because she not only answers it, but she also sees what the answer will be if she was asked the same question in the near future.”


“So she predicts the future?” Sinb summarized, the mage nodding in reply.


“Yerin’s not amongst the nymphs anymore and she won’t be for the next days.” Sojung told them, marching over to her chair in the room, “So let’s focus our search elsewhere. Sinb, direct your search to the other regions here. I will have to ask the academy to put up some spells for a wider search and Eunha–”


The fairy was by her side immediately, looking up at her with a salute. The mage couldn’t help but chuckle at that.


“Eunha, you go and inform Yuna about what's happening.”


“Oh! I get to play with Yewon again today?”


“Don’t take too long.” Sojung reminded her, but it probably fell on deaf ears as she could see Eunha was getting excited to see her human friend once more.


Who was she kidding though. Eunha’s probably more eager to taste that food she's grown fond of since their visit to the human realm. What was the name again?


Shaking her head, she let Eunha go while Sinb went off to do the task given to her.


First things first, she needed to contact the leaders of the other realms. With regards to the witches of the north though, she was sure that they won’t cooperate so she’ll have to do a wide sweep of the area herself.


Sojung will have to ask the other mages to help her out.


Then there’s that one other important thing.


The reason behind Yerin’s disappearance.



“So Yerin-ssi’s been missing since yesterday?”


Eunha nodded as she munched on a burger while sitting on the couch in the living room. Eunha had arrived not even a minute later after receiving her orders from Sojung. Her arrival had surprised the couple, and she felt a bit bad since she seemed to have interrupted a moment between the two, but time was of the essence and she had to fulfill her duties.


“I’ll go ahead first and tell the shapeshifters about this then.” Yuna told Yewon who nodded, leaving her and the fairy alone.


“Sorry I just barged in like this.” Eunha told the human in an apologetic tone, “And you even bought me burgers.”


“It’s okay, I’m glad that you visited. If there’s any way I can help, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m worried for Yerin-ssi too. I hope she’s okay.”


“Yerin’s a strong woman even if she looks like she’ll drop at the slightest shove. I’m sure she can handle herself, but I’d prefer that we’re sure she’s safe and sound.” Eunha replied, “It’s just that everything's so sudden and it alarmed everyone since it’s something Yerin usually doesn’t do.”


“I understand. It’s just normal that you’ll go through lengths to search for a friend.”


“She’s really a lot more than that, especially for Sinb.”


“Oh right, how’s Sinb-ssi doing?”


Though the nymph and elf rarely visited the human realm due to duties, whenever they did, they were always together which made it easy for Yewon to assume that there was something going on between the two. Yuna merely told her that their feelings were mutual but nothing more than that because of circumstances.


She didn’t exactly know what those circumstances were, but it must be big for it to keep the two of them at a set distance. Nevertheless, she found the two of them cute everytime they were together and hope they can overcome the remaining distance in the future.


“She’s taking this as well as she could, I suppose.” Eunha frowned, feeling concerned for her friend, “I’ll have to get back once Yuna returns. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer.”


Yewon smiled as she took a seat beside Eunha, “It’s alright unnie. I’m glad that you took the time to visit. After all it’s rare that I have a break from school like this and I rarely get to see all of you with how I’m so busy. Every second matters a lot.”


“Awww, I missed you too Yewonnie~” Eunha practically glomped at the younger woman, rubbing her cheeks against hers, “I hope Yuna’s been behaving well.”


“She has her moments.” Yewon answered, grabbing the remote off the table and turning the TV on, “While you’re here, would you like to watch anything?”


“What’s that?” Eunha pointed at the screen where it showed people performing.


“Oh, that’s a music program.”


When Yuna had returned from the other realm, she found the two dancing and singing along to some songs Yewon was playing on the speakers. As if on cue, the song was already at its last chorus and she watched fondly as they jumped around, singing with their beautiful voices and doing funny poses at the end that caused her to let out a laugh.


This made her presence known and both figures turned to her, both with smiles on their faces.


“This is unfair, you’re having fun without me.” Yuna pouted.


Eunha just stuck her tongue out at her before turning to Yewon, “Looks like that’s my cue to leave. I’ll make sure to come back Yewon!”


“It’s a shame you can’t stay longer.” Yuna said, walking over to the two, “But I guess Sojung asked you to do something?”


“Yeah. I have to report back to her and I still have to tell the fairies to keep an eye out.”


“Oh right, Sojung’s heading to the north isn’t she?” Yuna hummed.


Eunha bobbed her head up and down in response while Yewon looked over to Yuna in slight confusion.


“Ah, I haven’t explained that yet.” the shapeshifter said upon seeing Yewon’s inquiring gaze, “Whenever Sojung is out, Yerin acts as the substitute leader of the council, but since Yerin isn’t present, Eunha takes her place.”


“So I have to go now. Sojung’s leaving soon and I can’t let her wait. Don’t miss me too much~” Eunha waved.


“Come visit again!”


“I will and we’ll sing more songs when I do.”


Yewon gave her the okay sign after her statement and they watched as she glowed bright, transporting herself back to their realm.


Sojung had just finished giving the other mages instructions when Eunha teleported in, the bright light appearing out of nowhere a clear sign of her arrival. The mage faced the fading glow, seeing Eunha a bit chipper compared to when she left for the human realm. It wasn’t really a surprise for her given how much fun Eunha has whenever she heads over to the human world. It’s a place for exploring so Eunha’s making the most of it.


She’s a fairy after all. Fairies love being carefree more than anything.


The glow soon died, allowing her to see the fairy more clearly.


“Stan Gfriend!” Eunha cheered.


“…What did they teach you in the human world this time?”



Back in the human realm, Yuna and Yewon were busy getting ready to head to the park as per usual whenever Yewon had a break. For that day, they settled for a picnic and Yewon was packing the food they will bring while Yuna busied herself over the other stuff.


“Are you sure you’re not needed there?” Yewon asked, slightly worried. In the few times she’s met Yerin, she’s already grown fond of the nymph despite her seemingly uncaring personality. Yerin tended to her garden at the back of her home everytime she visited and would share stories to her about her realm and also Yuna, which she enjoyed listening to. In return, Yewon would explain to her anything she didn’t understand and it would always be a fun exchange and bonding time for the both of them.


“Are you worried about Yerin?” Yuna asked instead, approaching the younger woman’s side.


“Yeah…” Yewon put down the container she was holding and stared at the shapeshifter, “I mean, aren’t you considering the possibility that she was taken?”


“We’re considering it, but that happening is near to impossible.” Yuna shook her head, “Yerin’s a very capable fighter. If there was some outsider that came in to take her, Sojung would have sensed it immediately. Sojung, Yerin, and Sinb are the most capable fighters in our realm and it would be a bad idea to cross them.”


“What do you think then?”


“I heard her mother just returned, so I think it has something to do with that.” Yuna remarked.


“Her mother?” Yewon asked again, surprised by this bit of news. Come to think of it, besides Yuna, she’s never heard of stories of the others’ parents.


“The self-proclaimed Queen of the Nymphs.” Yuna sighed.


“But I thought Yerin was their leader?”


“In everyone’s eyes, she is. Everyone chose her, her mother merely took that title for herself just because Yerin’s powerful.” the shapeshifter grumbled, scrunching her nose slightly as she said, “And her reputation is as tainted as her personality. I hate being around that woman.”


“Does she smell bad?”


Yuna let out a laugh at the younger’s choice of words, unable to keep herself from bringing Yewon into a hug which she reciprocated although slightly confused at the action.


She knew Yewon was referring to her ability to determine the nature of a creature based on their scents. Yuna would have worded it differently, instead saying that the Queen’s scent made her uncomfortable, but hearing Yewon ask if she smelled bad just screamed innocence that Yuna found adorable.


“I guess you can say that.” Yuna mumbled, planting a soft kiss on the human’s forehead, Yewon’s eyes closing in reaction with a smile lighting up on her face as she did so.


“Yerin will be okay.” Yuna assured her, “Sojung would be worried otherwise if she felt she wasn’t. She’s not panicking yet, at least.”


“Does Sojung-ssi sense all of you?”


Yuna nodded, "She’s not the council leader for no reason. After what happened to me, she cast a spell on us so she can know if we’re in trouble or if we’re still alive. If she’s not worried, there’s no reason for us to, we trust her that much.


“Sojung can look a little cold hearted most times but that’s only for image. She’s a big softie on the inside. Don’t tell her I said that.” she quickly added with a small grin, “Now let’s finish preparing. I wouldn’t want to head there and find the sun already setting.”


Yewon pushed Yuna away playfully, “Excitable pup.”


Yuna shifted to her pup form, standing on her hind legs and pawing the younger’s legs with her tail wagging eagerly. Yewon just breathed out a laugh before scooping the pup into her arms.


“Alright, we’re going.”



Sinb let out another sigh as she received another report from an elf stating that their search has been fruitless. The day was close to ending, the sun was setting in the horizon and she will have to call back the elves currently out, give how dangerous it could get when darkness sets in.


She heard from Eunha that the mages have failed to locate the nymph. That alone was enough proof for her that Yerin was not in this realm any longer. They will have to wait for messages from the other realms and for Sojung’s return to see if they’ve had any luck.


Sinb buried her face in her hands, “Yerin, where are you…?”


“She’s not with the witches at least.” a magic circle appeared out of nowhere, revealing Sojung wrapped in her cloak, her hood covering her face but it was obvious it was her with her blonde hair giving her away.


“Are you sure?”


“I spent a lot of time trying to make it past their traps and barriers, the least I could do was make sure my trip there wasn’t in vain.” the mage replied, shrugging off her cloak and making her way to her seat.




“It’s fine.” Sojung replied, staring softly at the elf, “We’ll find her.”


“But why would she just be gone and disappear like that?”


“I’ve been thinking about that as well.” she replied, letting out a deep sigh, “I can say for certain that she’s not in any danger. My spell isn’t warning me anything, but she won’t let me locate her.”


“Yerin can do that?”


“No, I’ve put a spell on all of you to keep track of where you are except Yerin.” Sojung answered, “She isn’t the type to go off without saying anything so I did not bother pushing it. I should have.”


“We didn’t expect anything like this so it isn’t your fault.” Sinb shook her head.


“Exactly, it’s unexpected so something must have happened for result to this.”


“The Queen?” Sinb asked, voicing out her suspicions.


“The Queen.” Sojung nodded, “Of course she won’t give us any answers, but I’m more than positive that she’s somehow involved in this.”


“We can just question her!” Sinb insisted, “We have every right to, especially if our suspicions are within reason. And I’m sure all other regions wouldn’t object.”


“It’s not that easy.”


“Then explain to me what’s stopping you from taking action against her.”


Sojung fell silent, and for the first time, Sinb saw her hesitate. For the mage Sojung to do so, it meant that it was a bigger problem than she initially thought.


“Sojung, what’s going on?”


“I’m not very sure myself but I have my suspicions.” she answered, “Just… you can’t trust anyone Sinb, remember that.”



The sun has set, darkness was settling in and Yuna bounded up the steps of their home and shifted to her human form while excitedly beckoning Yewon over.


“Yuna, I don’t have the same energy capacity as you do.” Yewon complained, her body slightly slumped as if trying to show the woman how tired she was after their picnic. No one could blame her for being that way after all, Yuna went ahead and ran around, with Yewon making sure that she didn’t go anywhere too far and get lost on the way back.


College has taken its toll on her and she wanted nothing else than to rest under the covers of her bed, but she also wanted to spend more time with Yuna, given the shapeshifter has been very understanding and wouldn’t bother her when she was studying.


Yuna placed her hands on her hips, “I told you I’ll just carry you.”


Yewon just hummed, stepping forward to unlock the door, “A bit too late for that.” she stuck her tongue out at the shapeshifter and was about to step in the house when Yuna suddenly blocked her way in, her back facing her with an arm extended as if telling her to stay back.




“Someone’s here.” Yuna sniffed a bit, “This scent…”


She watched her rush forward, heading straight towards the garden at the back with Yewon hot on her heels slightly alarmed with how the woman was acting. Yewon couldn’t think of any reason besides the thought that someone had gotten inside their home somehow, but the front door was locked and she made sure it was like that when they left.


She soon found the shapeshifter at the garden, standing still and staring blankly at something before her. When Yewon finally reached her side, she soon understood what made her act that way.


“What…What’s going on…?”


i wonder... 🤔

Thank you very much for the subs and upvotes Buddies 😊😊

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mandabuddy #1
Chapter 9: sinb is grumpy yet extremely protective, yerin is kindhearted and reliable, sojung is THAT leader everyone trust and lean on, eunha is an energetic fairy who's just genuine abt her feelings (I love her sm ;.;), yuna is the unpredictable and always do some funny things (xd) while yewon being thoughtful and a sweet listener... I love how you make each of their characters come so vividly that makes the whole story very interesting to read!

Thank you for writing this! It will be one of the fic I'd love to go back to for sure <3
mandabuddy #2
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The stuff yuna was doing while SinB's on phone got me rolling🤣
Chapter 9: Finally reached the end once more. This fic is really one of the reason why I grown to love stories written with this kind of settings. Thank you author.
Chapter 6: "They can't take me away from you because I have always been yours" - Yerin to SinB damn. I love this chapter so much. Seeing how they took a step forward to finally let out what they really feel for each other. How they support each other with the danger that's lurking around them. How they tried to be there for each other despite the distance between them.
Chapter 5: Just realized that Yerin and SinB somehow exchange personality here. Like SinB is more vocal and showy about her feelings than Yerin.
I miss this story so I'm going to reread this again. :D
Chapter 9: This story is so touching and felt so heart warming :) Fantastic!
Chapter 9: I really love this!!!! It's so beautiful!!! The emotions between Yerin and SinB feelings to each other really touched my heart... Thank you so much for making this one author-ssi!!! T^T
This made me want to read Soojung and Eunha story as well since Yuna and Yewon also had their own story uwu.

But really, thank you so much for making this fic! Good luck on your next fic and fighting!!!!
Chapter 9: I never expect that Sinb can be such a romantic person to Yerin. ^•^
Thank you for the happy ending! All of them live happily together and stay stronger with each other. Hope to see you soon in your new story ^^
_NightDrive #10
Chapter 9: Such a cuteee ending XD Thank u for this beautiful story!

Soo there's been yumji n sinrin story..... will there be wonha too XD just asking :D