Stop smiling, it's annoying

When the Sun shines

Yong had a hard time sleeping that night. The scene in the parking lot continues to replay in her head. She can’t keep the girl’s face out of her mind. She can clearly see her whenever she closes her eyes, her menacing, cold stare. She stared at the ceiling; various thoughts come like how she can’t fathom why she has a deep feeling of curiosity towards her. It almost feels like there’s an invisible force that draws her in. And now she is thinking about her. Yongsun closes her eyes and she sees her again but this time she didn’t open them. She continued to watch her in her mind until she fell into a deep slumber.


Moon Byul was the main topic that morning. Yong at some point tries to divert the topic about anything else but it always goes back to her. She doesn’t like how they talk about her. How they say she’s troubled, she’s violent, she’s vicious it makes Yong a little sad.

“Hey.” A girl from her class catches her attention. “I can fill out the registration form now.”

Finally.Yong smiled at her as she gave her the form. ”Can you also tell your friends about this? They may also want to join.”

“Of course! I’ll tell them you are leading the volunteer team. They’ll join right away.” The girl smiled at her. “No one can ever say no to you.”

Yong giggled. “Thank you.”

The girl waved at her as she walked away.

“So how many are you leading already?” Hyejin asked out of nowhere startling Yong.

“You appeared like a ghost there.” Yong said. “I already have a total of 15 people.” Yong smiled proudly.

She just started handing out the registration form this morning and a lot have already volunteered. She hopes a lot more people would want to join as the word about the activity spreads.

Last year she also joined the volunteering but as a member. It was tiring but it made her happy. The smile of those kids never ceases to melt her heart. Despite their unfortunate situation they manage to be positive enough to look forward to their future. And Yong wanted to be someone to help along their way even in the smallest way.

“Hmmm.. Impressive Miss Kim Yongsun.” Hyejin smiled at her. “Anyway, Mr. Kim asked you to his office. He said he needs to ask you something.”

“Okay. Can you hand out some of these for me please?” Yong asked her acting cute.

Hyejin rolled her eyes at her but deep down she just melted at her cute chubby cheeks. “Fine.”

Yong smiled triumphantly at her. “Thank you Hyejinie.” She waved at her as she walked towards the entrance of the school building.


Yongsun knocked at Mr. Kim’s door before she entered. Mr Kim looked up and greeted her with a smile.

“Good morning Mr. Kim.” Yongsun greeted.

“Good Morning Yongsun. Please a have a seat.” Mr Kim motioned the chair in front of his desk.

Yongsun obeyed and took a seat. “Sir you called for me?”

“Yes.” Mr Kim adjusted himself in his seat. “You are the one organizing the volunteering, right?”

“Yes sir.” Yongsun answered with a nod.

“I want to ask you to register someone as a volunteer.” Mr Kim started. “Then evaluate her based on her attendance and behaviour.”

Yongsun was a little bit confused. “But why would I need to evaluate her?”

“Because this volunteering activity is a punishment for their bad behaviour.” Mr Kim leaned on his desk. “I know you are a very trusting and positive person Yongsun, so I want to ask your help and guidance to make this person better.”

“Sure. I’ll be more than willing to help.” Yongsun was a little bit curious who could be the person Mr Kim was referring to. But whoever she is, she would help. She felt most happy when she was able to help other people. “Who is she?”

“She’s Moon—“ Mr Kim was interrupted by someone roughly opening the door. The person didn’t even bother to knock.

“Ms Moon nice to see you here.” Mr Kim greeted her. He is somehow used to her rude attitude.

“You told me to be here.” Byul said frowning.

Yongsun was a little bit shocked to see her. Despite her frowning face she is undeniably attractive. Her silver hair highlights her dark brown eyes. She is wearing a black shirt, and black tattered jeans. Her hand was in her pocket and she looks absolutely cool. Yongsun can’t help but to stare at her. Byul seemed to sense someone’s gaze and turned meeting Yongsun’s eyes. Yongsun instantly froze in her spot. She can feel her heartbeat speeding as Byul focused her attention and gaze to her. She looks confused for a second but then stared in her eyes as if she’s trying to look for something there. Her presence is so strong. The room is silent and it adds to the growing tension there. It suffocates Yongsun but she can’t take her eyes off of Byul. It is like a deep endless black hole and it is her in.

Mr Kim cleared his throat breaking the tension. “Byul this is Ms Kim Yongsun. She organizes and leads the volunteering activity. She’ll be the one to assess and evaluate you. She’ll inform you all the things you need to know about the activity.” He motioned in Yongsun’s direction. “Yongsun, this is Moon Byul. Please guide her in the activity.”

“Hi.” Yongsun after finding her composure stood up and lightly smile at her. She offered her right hand to Byul for a handshake.

Byul just look at her hand.

Yongsun bit her lower lip out of agitation. Byul seem to pull her hands of her pocket and it give Yongsun hope but got disappointed when it stayed there. She withdraws her hand and held it. She is a little bit embarrassed and she felt awkward. She looked at Mr Kim and he is looking at her seemingly saying ‘It’s okay’. That gives her a little comfort and encouragement.

“Okay. Now I’ll let you guys do these on your own terms. You just have to coordinate with each other.” Mr Kim looked at them both. Yongsun nodded at him.

Byul rolled her eyes and sigh. “Yeah.”

Mr Kim had his satisfied smile. “Good. Now you can go to your classes.”

Byul was the first to storm out of the room and Yongsun followed. Byul turned right which is the exact same way as Yongsun’s.

Should I talk to her? Yongsun is contemplating. She might get rejected again. Well there’s no harm, I think she won’t harm.

Byul walks fast so Yongsun took faster step to match her. “What is your first class for today?”

Byul didn’t answer her. She just stared ahead and continued walking. Yong is getting frustrated and a little sad because of how Byul is treating her. She is not used to people being so harsh on her. She bit her lip thinking what she could possibly do to get into her. She took a glance at her and tried to read her but her neutral expression makes it hard for Yongsun to read her mood.

“Quit staring.” Byul said still not looking at her. Some students are glancing at them wondering why are they are walking beside each other.

“How do you know I am looking at you when you’re not even looking at me?” Yongsun asked a little bit embarrassed of being caught.

“I can feel it.” She continued walking in fast pace and Yongsun is having a hard time to catch up.

Without much thinking, Yongsun stepped in front of Byul halting her step. “Okay. You know we have to communicate in order for us to accomplish this, right?”

Byul is starting to get irritated. This is the very first time someone tries to actually talk to her so casually. And she doesn’t like it. Isn’t she afraid of me? Or maybe she doesn’t know me?

Some students passing are glancing at them in the hallways. They are practically standing in the middle and most students are confused as to why is their Kim Yongsun is talking to that Moon Byul.

Byul sighed attempting to cool herself. “Don’t you know me? Haven’t you heard what I did yesterday?”

Yongsun was taken aback by Byul’s sudden question. Her eyebrows knitted looking agape at her. Byul smirked at that thinking the girl must have realized who she is and would quit bothering her. She could also do a little empty threat to make her pass the evaluation without actually participating in the volunteering. These thoughts made her smirked wider. She looked at Yongsun to say her little threat but she stopped when she saw her smiling at her so widely. Her smirked dropped out of her face and was replaced by confusion.

Why the ing hell is she smiling at me like that?

It’s annoying. Her smile is annoying. Her fluffy cheek is annoying. Her little chin dimples are also annoying. Everything about her smile is so annoying.

“Stop smiling.” Byul demanded at her.

Yongsun was confused. “Why?”

“Because it’s annoying.” Byul said glaring at her.

Yong pouted and rolled her eyes at her.

Byul’s jaw dropped out of disbelief. How this girl has the audacity to talk and interact to her so casually.

She knows who I am. Based on her expression earlier, she knows who I am. Byul noted in her head.

They were just introduced minutes ago and she is acting as if they are good colleagues.

“I am the one to evaluate you so be good to me.” Yongsun said to her while pointing her index finger.

Byul’s jaw clenched because of annoyance. “Yeah? Well you better know not to talk to me like that or else –“

“Or else what?” Yongsun crossed her arms in front of her chest to look intimidating but ended up looking like a bratty little girl for Byul. “Are you going to punch me?” Yongsun asked with raised eyebrows.

Byul, for the very first time in all of the arguments she ever had, doesn’t know how to answer.

The ? Well maybe I could take this as an opportunity to threaten her.

“Yes.” Byul said glaring at her.

“Really?” Yongsun with her still raised eyebrows. Yongsun doesn’t understand but she doesn’t feel the threat despite seeing what happened at the parking lot. “I think you are really capable of doing that as I saw you did yesterday.. Okay do it.” Yongsun took one step closer to Byul.

Byul stood frozen for a second not knowing how to react. She stepped back with mixture of shock and confusion on her expression. This woman is talking to her so normal and casual. She is not afraid of her and brave enough to answer her like that. She is annoyed by the fact that she is not feeling the same amount of annoyance she had with other people compared to her. It’s irritating that she is pretty. There is something about her that disrupts her usual self.

When she saw her eyes earlier it’s full of light and she was like a moth being caught with it and she felt so stupid. She also felt so stupid for considering accepting that handshake. She only met her and she is already messing her like this. She does not like. She hates it.

Byul turned to Yongsun when she heard her giggle.

I don’t like that sound! It’s also annoying!

“What’s funny?” Byul asked annoyed again.

“You.” Yongsun said smiling. “Your facial expressions.”

Byul frowned at that. “Ms Kim,” Byul took a step closer to Yongsun “I am not here for your entertainment. And I told you to stop smiling.”

The bell ringed signalling that the first class is about to begin. Byul turned to go.

“Byul the meeting will be Friday after class at the vacant classroom east of the parking lot. Be there.” Yongsun said as she watches Byul walked away.

Yongsun can’t help but to smile at how her encounter with Byul went. She was like a whole different person from what she saw yesterday. Even with her rude behaviour it is obvious that she was caught off guard at Yongsun’s approach to her. She seem so unsure and defensive. And it makes Yongsun curious about her more than before.


Byul parked her motorcycle at the garage of their house. She just got back from Hani’s house. She’s still not back yet and they still don’t have a clue where could she be. They haven’t heard anything from her. It is a typical stunt that Hani pulls but they can’t help but worry. And now that she beat one of the gang members, she just knew that she added fuel to the fiery rage of their leader adding to their urge for revenge.

She entered their house and she saw her father standing near the center table in their living room. He is holding a glass of brandy.

She continued to walk towards the stairs when she heard him talk.

“You really don’t want to listen to me.”

Byul stopped walking but she didn’t answer him. She put her hands in her pocket.

“I told you to stay out of trouble and not even a month after you pulled that stunt again!” Her father’s voice rises with every word he says.

Byul remained silent. She doesn’t want to talk to him.

“You don’t even have any regard of the consequences of your actions!” Her father shouted at her. “Your school called me informing me of what you did. They told me that the parents of the boy are complaining about you and that they are considering suspending you. Thank Mr Kim convince them otherwise.” Her father ran his hand over his hair out of anger and frustration. “The boy’s family is considering filing a lawsuit but I manage to convince them to settle.”

She heard her father harshly put the glass of brandy at the center table. “This is going to be my final warning to you Byul. STAY OUT OF TROUBLE.” He emphasized each word.

Silence followed. Byul waited for more.

She titled her head to look at her father. “Are you done?”

That response infuriated her father more. “No! I am not done! These things will never be done until YOU’RE done with your ridiculous stunts!” Her father shouted his face getting red. She can’t tell if it was because of the liquor he’s been drinking or because of anger. Or maybe both.

She turned to leave when her father spoke again.

“Is this what you really wanted to be? If your mom could see what you’ve become she’ll be very disappointed.”

She turned around to face her father. “How would you know? How can you know what would she feel now that she’s dead when you didn’t even care when she’s alive?”

Her father’s face became hard. “You don’t know what you are talking about.” He said in a clipped tone.

Byul snorted. “Maybe. But I do know that she died because of you.”

Her father took a deep breath. “You could blame me all you want. You can hate me as much as you can. But you’ll always be stuck Moon Byul if you’re not going to move on.”

Byul’s eyes grew sharp. “Move on?” Her voice rises. “How the can I move on when every night I close my eyes I can see that scene replaying over and over!? When every day I see you and got reminded of the sadness you’ve caused her. How can I move on when I always hear her voice every ing night in my dreams?!” Her voice cracked and her eyes watered but she tried so hard to keep her tears. She doesn’t want to cry in front of her father.

She clenches her jaw in attempt to calm her emotions. She took several steps forward until she’s face to face with him.

“You may have moved on from that, as I see that it’s not affecting you that much anymore. But we are not the same,” Byul fight back a sob, “because as long as you are breathing, I can never move on. I can never accept the fact that my mom died because of a weak and a coward excuse of a man like you!” The tears that Byul tried so hard to keep finally flowed. It dropped one by one until it falls like a rain in her cheeks. “I will always blame you. I will always blame you for the missed chance of me growing up with my mom, of spending time with her, of confiding to her.” She took a deep breath. “You killed her… And I hate you from the very core of my being.” She said full of disgust, looking straight in to the eyes of her father although hers were clouded with tears.

She hates how her father had seemingly moved on. She hates how he never cared about them. She hardly could remember a time she spent with him when she was a kid. He never cared about their family, about her mom, about her since then till now. He didn’t even ask her what happened in those times she was caught on trouble. He never asks anything about her.

She turned her back and made her way to the stairs up to her bedroom. She didn’t take a second glance. She didn’t turn to look at him that she didn’t see the look in his eyes. He took his glass from the center table and refilled it and continued to drink.

Byul sat in her bed and ran her palms over her face to her hair. Her eyes went to the framed picture of her mom at the bedside table. Her mom’s smile at that picture somehow calmed her. She wiped her tears as she took the picture and adjusted herself to sit in the middle of the bed, her back resting at the headboard.

She tried to reminisce those times that she spent with her. But she was so young she hardly could remember. She traced her mom’s feature and thought of how beautiful she was. She always admired her smile. Her eyes are so lively it has its own light. It reminded her of the girl earlier. That bright aura, those eyes full of life.

Kim Yongsun. The girl with an annoying smile.

She closed her eyes and she can vividly see the image of her mom smiling at her. And as she slowly drifts to unconsciousness, the image turned to a smiling Kim Yongsun with her annoying chubby cheeks and little chin dimples.

“So annoying….…” She barely whispered it out. She’s the last person in her mind before she totally fell asleep.

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Fachii #1
Happy new year author 🫶🏽
lovemammoo #2
Chapter 11: Update please😭
Chapter 11: This is so sweet… Singing through phone calls 🥹
greenjade21 #4
Chapter 11: Wow! Like your story very much! Glad I saw this. 'will definitely wait for an update! Thanks authorssi!
Chapter 11: que maravillosa historia no puedo esperar por más
Fachii #6
Chapter 11: Goshhh I love it so much. Thank you for update, can't wait for more omg 😭😭😭
slimeman #7
Chapter 11: their interactions make my heart melt 🥰 thank you for updating!
_moongalaxy #8
Chapter 11: omg😭🙈💜
the level of fluff in here is too high😂🙈💜
ohoooo, looks like byul got some allies to help her now🤩
Bylkng #9
Chapter 11: 🥺🫶🏼
Chapter 11: Thx for still updating this story... love it!