conditions (superhero au)

In everything I see, hear and feel (you are here) [unfinished]

Of all the things Myungsoo had expected, becoming a superhero definitely wasn’t part of his career choices.

Now he was twenty-three and part of the Infinity League, a group of superheroes who were doing their best to take down Python, who had made it their goal to get rid of the league and rule the world. It wasn’t original in the slightest, but Myungsoo had heard of more terrible clichés.

“L to Jaguar. Can you hear me?” He only heard the crackle of static from his walkie-talkie, counting from one to five before Howon responded.

“Jaguar to L. I can hear you, and the perimeter is clear.” It still bothered Myungsoo somewhat, having Howon know of his identity as L. But then again, Howon had had his secrets as well. He had been recruited by Python after the arrest of his father and Sungjong’s capture five years ago, blackmailed into being their hitman until Woohyun had freed Sungjong sometime last year and informed the league of Project Ares – Python’s method of building their own human weapons. Woohyun and Howon had joined the league soon after and were now double-agents in order to gather more intel.

Now here they were, on Howon’s first patrol as part of the league. The rest of the league were still weary of Howon’s loyalties, especially since he had just accepted their claims about Python and switched sides at the drop of a hat. They had never intended to send him out on patrol, but with the league stretched so thin with their members… they had to include Howon, on the condition that he be paired with either Myungsoo or Sungyeol, since they knew his abilities and fighting style the best.

 Myungsoo concentrated on transporting himself to the top of the building, the shadows quickly enveloping him in darkness. It scared him at first, using his power. He had been terrified that he would never come back out after he had gone into the shadows. Hell, he had thought for a while that he was turning into a shadow himself before Sunggyu had found him and recruited him.

He reappeared on the rooftop, pulling his hood even lower. There were no sign of goons yet, not even the rogue villains or snipers Python usually sent to mess with their heads. The streets were deserted, and the chilly night air unsettled Myungsoo.

Mocking laughter could be heard from far away, and it sent chills up Myungsoo’s spine as disappeared again, shadow traveling towards the source until the sound drew nearer and nearer.

A delighted shriek met his ears as soon as he materialized near the alleyway, ducking as someone leapt out at him. “Well look what we have here.”

Her codename is Harpy, Myungsoo recalled as she swiped at him with her talons. Former zoologist who experimented on herself using bird DNA after accepting a research grant from Python. Also very annoying.

“Now, now. L-ah.” Harpy cooed as she flew towards him; dark, feathered wings protruding from the bones of her shoulders. “Let noona see your pretty face.”

What L-ah—Myungsoo concentrated on binding her with his shadows, but she was moving too quickly for him to actually grab a hold of her and he was trying not to let her sink her talons into him.

“!” He swore when one of her talons scratched at his arm, stumbling backwards as she jumped him, trying to scratch at every available surface she could. Damn it, he had been careless—

A shot fired in the air, Harpy screeching in pain before she took off, one wing slightly bent from the gunshot that had pierced it.

“Myu—L!” Howon ran towards him, rifle in hand. Of course Howon had shot her, of course. “What happened to you—“

“I made a mistake.” Myungsoo said flatly as he sat up, wincing once he glanced down at his arm. His left sleeve had been shredded, and Harpy’s talons had left several long, deep scratches. It was nothing Soul couldn’t fix when they got back to headquarters, but it still hurt like a .

“I thought you had been doing this for years.” Howon’s voice was tight, though his fingers against Myungsoo’s skin were gentle. “How could you make such a stupid mistake?”

“I’m fine, thanks. You know, I’m just peachy considering a rabid bird lady tried to scratch my eyes out.” Myungsoo quickly snatched his arm away from Howon, biting back the pain in his arm. Howon exhaled noisily, frowning at Myungsoo’s arm as he rubbed his temples. “I was worried, okay?”

Myungsoo sighed, nodding. It felt weird, knowing that Howon was on his side for once. “I know. Let’s just head back to HQ.”

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