Thank You Seulgi

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Irene's POV

"Ms. Irene shall we use that device now to wipe out everyone memories so you could control them." Hope asked. Hope is my AI robot with a human body. She was Eve before and like everyone else she betrayed me and so I experimented my new invention and it worked on her. Now she just obeys whatever order I have for her and I'm 100% that she's not going to betray me. In this world, everyone got hurt and betrayed because of all the selfishness and darkness of humans. Liars, pretenders, users.. all the people that I love were like that. But Seulgi... Seulgi Kang.. I thought she's different. She was warm, kind, funny, caring and selfless at least that's what I've known. She have never made me feel that I'm a Luthor. She treats me as Irene...and just Irene. She was that person I thought I never needed in my life. I invested a lot in our relationship and trusted her with all my heart. But in the end, like everyone else, she just use me. She made me look like a fool. I protected her so many times not knowing that she's the girl of steel. I wonder if she's making fun of me everytime I tried to save Seulgi Kang and not Supergirl. Gosh, she's such an excellent actress. Now, all I want to do is get revenge at her... to make her suffer.. to make her feel the same pain Ive felt or may be even worse.

"Yes, we can use it now." I replied as I handed her the device. We were initiating everything when Supergirl suddenly appears in front of us. I wondered why it's only her. I was expecting that the DEO officers will come with her.

"Please Irene...please don't do this. Don't let your anger take over your soul. You're a good person."

"Well sorry Supergirl or should I say Seulgi. I won't listen to all your anymore. I'm so done of this world. I'm so done of you..of eveyone. I will save the humankind and they will feel no pain anymore."

"Are you seriously going to rob everyone's capability to love and to be happy?"

"Everyone's going to be happy because there will be no hate and pain anymore. And love? There's no such thing as LOVE Supergirl."

"But I do love you Irene." She said full of conviction. Ughhh her eyes.... I saw sincerity as she looked at me and my heart literally skips a beat.

"The thought of losing you... of you hating me... Now I understand why? Cause... it's because...." 

"I have fallen in love with you Irene. I love you not just as a friend but more than that. I can't bear not to see you...touch you .or be with you.. And when you left me on the fortress that's when I realized why Im so terrified of losing you."

I was so schocked from her sudden revelation. Like her, I'm so terrified of losing her too. I always thought that she's very special to me as well and that's why I was so broken learning that she lied to me over and over again. But to say if I love her, I'm not really sure. And right now all I feel towards her was anger. And who knows she might be pulling a nice stunt again just to distract me. And so I clapped my hand and said.

"Bravo... Bravo Supergirl. You should really get an Oscars. You think after all the lies, I'd still believe you?"

Then she shaked her head and smiled bitterly.

"Just what I've expected. I know that you won't believe me but I just want to let it out and tell you how I really feel cause who knows what might happen later." 

"If you can't forgive me, at least please spare the world Irene. Many people still believes in love and a lot of them are in love."

"Too late Seulgi. Everything is ready now and just a click on this button the rocket will be lauched and it will emmit a special element I created so that when it touches a human they will be under me and my virtual world where everyone will be spared of pain."

"I won't let you do that Irene."

"Ohhhh I forget to tell you that the element is with kryptonite as well so if I were you I will fly far away from earth or I say fly away and live on a different earth or planet."

Then her tears started to fall like waterfalls. my heart hurts seeing her like that, just like when we are in the fortress. But everytime I remembered her betrayal and those times that she made me fool, my anger was consuming my whole system and I just felt like she deserves it...all that tears...all that pain.

"You really hate me that much huh? I'm not going anywhere Irene. This is my

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: reread ❤❤
turtle88 #2
Chapter 1: Thanks for writing this story author~
Love the ending hehe
Chapter 1: "And the smell I'm so used to."

*smells my jo malone blueberry and bay cologne that seulgi loves so much*
Eh? Its already tagged as completed but its only a foreword? Em i missing something? Huhuhu
Hi author-nim! Can you update this story please? I love it already^^