No matter what happens

Her own kind of heaven

Chaewon’s hand trembled as she reached for the bell.  

It had been over a week since she was back in Korea, and her friends were finally back.  

The door opened with Jungeun peeking outside. “Chaewon!” She beamed, reaching for her wrist to pull her inside, guiding her to the living room.  

Jiwoo and Sooyoung jumped from the couch and rushed to her, engulfing her in a tight hug.  

Jungeun chuckled. “It’s as if you guys haven’t seen each other in a year.”  

“Shut up and join us.” Jiwoo pulled her in as well, and Chaewon giggled in the middle of the three bodies hugging her.  

Someone cleared their throat. “Can I have a moment as well?”  

“You can join us if you want but we’re not letting go of her that soon,” Sooyoung mumbled.  

“How about we go make some coffee?” Jungeun said, pulling away.  

“Hey, we weren’t done with the hugs.” Jiwoo protested as Jungeun dragged her along with Sooyoung to the kitchen.  

Silence fell in the room, save from the faint giggles and whispers coming from them somewhere in the house. Hyejoo stood, eyes fixed on her. Chaewon eyed her from head to toe, to the same Hyejoo that went after her in the airport, and took a step closer.  

“Hey,” Hyejoo muttered, a smile appearing on her lips.  

Chaewon took another step, bigger this time, enough for her body to meet Hyejoo’s. She squeezed her body, nuzzling in the crook of her neck, as Hyejoo caressed her hair.  

“I missed you,” Chaewon whispered near her ear.  

“Me too, Gowon.”  

Hyejoo rested her hands on Chaewon’s neck and brought their lips together into a tender kiss.  

“How are you?” Chaewon asked, taking a closer look at her face.  

“Happy that you’re here.”  

“I am too, Hyejoo.” Chaewon savored the moment for a few seconds before bringing herself to talk about it. “So, how much longer will you be... staying here?”  

Hyejoo sighed and sat on the couch, Chaewon following and sitting next to her.  

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bring this up so soon, but I’m worried.”  

“It’s okay, we need to figure this out sooner or later. I haven’t gone home yet, and I’m pretty sure my father doesn’t know I’m back. I had Jungeun buy my plane ticket and paid her back in cash so he couldn’t go fuss the credit card extracts. She also guaranteed I could stay here for as long as possible.”  

“I’m so glad.”  

And speaking about them, they were back, Jungeun holding a tray with coffee, cakes, and...  

“Beer?” Chaewon frowned.  

“Yeah, I needed one really bad. Thanks.” Hyejoo opened the can and took a large sip, while the others made themselves comfortable.  

“So,” Hyejoo started, taking a deep breath. “What the do I do now?”  

They shared looks in silence.  

“Well, first, you know what will happen when you go back home because your father made it crystal clear,” Sooyoung said. “You’ll be in danger if you go back.”  

“I know, that’s the problem, but what else am I supposed to do? I want to get a job and live on my own, but how am I gonna do that so soon?”  

“Sorry for bringing this up, but... what about your mom?” Jiwoo bit on her lip. “Is that an option?”  

Chaewon scanned Hyejoo.  

“No.” Hyejoo took another sip of her beer. “Not about to put her in danger too. He will find out if I’m living with her, alright.”  

“So, basically, your father is the problem with everything we come up with. Either we find a way to take care of it, or you’ll be hiding from him the rest of your life,” Jungeun said.  

Hyejoo sighed. “I’m so lost. Everything leads to a dead end.”  

“Well, I could talk to my father and...” Chaewon intervened.  

“No, no, no.” Hyejoo stopped her. “No way you’re going to ask your parents for me to move in, Chaewon. That’s more than insane.”  

“Oh.” Chaewon giggled. “That’s not at all what I meant. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but...”  


Chaewon tapped her feet on the car floor, trying to keep her breathing stabilized.  

“It’s here,” Hyejoo said. “Stop behind that tree, officer Park.”  

As the car slowed down, Chaewon widened her eyes at the mansion she could see outside the window and through the tree branches.  

“Okay, quick recap,” officer Park said, turning back to face them. “I’ll go first, and I’ll stay hidden by that open window over there. You have nothing to worry about, Hyejoo. I’ll be right there ready to intervene as soon as I hear something that I can arrest him for.”  

“You?” Chaewon frowned. “I’m going too, dad.”  

“You’ll stay in the car.”  

Chaewon was ready to argue back when Hyejoo rested a hand on her shoulder. “It’s best if you do.”  

Chaewon sighed and looked away. “But maybe I can help...”  

“You might get hurt in the process, Chaewon. It’s best if you’re not involved.” Her father gave her a reassuring nod and she looked down. “Alright, Hyejoo, I’ll be going. On my signal, you can go.”  

“Thank you so much once again, officer Park.” Hyejoo bowed her head.  

Chaewon’s father nodded and left the car, rushing and squatting as he got near the walls. When he reached his spot, he looked back at the direction of the car and gave his signal.  

“Please stay here, Gowon. I’ll be fine, your dad has my back.” Hyejoo squeezed her hands. “It feels kinda badass that the cops have my back, don’t you think?”  

Chaewon swatted her arm. “What an appropriate time to joke around, Hyejoo. Please, take care.”  

“I will. See you soon.” Hyejoo smiled at Chaewon before stepping outside the car. She observed as Hyejoo walked past the main gate and towards the front door.  

Her heart hammered her chest too hard for Chaewon to bear with it from that distance. It was not like she didn’t trust her father or Hyejoo, but she couldn’t stay and watch, and she was naïve if she thought she could.  

The second Hyejoo stepped inside the house, Chaewon opened the door and sprinted to her father’s side.  

“What are you doing here? I told you to stay in the car!” He whispered-yelled at her.  

Chaewon raised her hand in front of him. She could hear something inside. Her father nodded and approached the window even more.  

She expected voices, not the sharp sound of a slap as the first thing. Chaewon recoiled and gripped on her father’s arm, shutting down her eyes.  

“You think you can just walk into this house after all the you did this semester?” A deafening, deep yell came from the inside. “You’re going to get your sorry back in a plane and work your off even if I have to drag you all the way there.”  

“I’m dropping out,” Hyejoo’s quivering voice answered.  

“Who do you think you are to disgrace our family name like that?” Her father spat, so much anger in his voice. “Do you know what everyone’s been saying about my sorry excuse for a daughter? Huh? Of the failure that she is?”  

“I don’t give a about that, I’m not going to keep being your puppet and do whatever you want me to-”  

Another slap, and Chaewon’s heart clenched so hard she couldn’t breathe. She looked at her father, pleading with her eyes for him to stop it already, but he shook his head.  

“You are going to do whatever I say and what I want you to do. You’re my daughter, you have to, do you understand? Or else-”  

“Or else what?” Hyejoo shouted.  

Hyejoo’s father let out a low grunt. There was a loud thud, followed by a yelp, then another thud, even louder this time.  

Chaewon didn’t need to ask anything else. Her father jumped through the window and she stood up, the sight tearing her apart.  

“Let go of her, now! Hands in the air!” Officer Park had his gun raised.  

Hyejoo’s father turned his head, his eyes focusing on the gun, and let go of Hyejoo’s collar. Her body slid to the ground, her back resting against the wall.  

“Hyejoo!” Chaewon cried, not knowing how she jumped the window, and ran to her side. Her cheek was bruised and a cut leaked blood from her lip, but all Hyejoo could think about was the hatred that showed in her eyes.  

“What is the meaning of this?”  

“You’re under arrest for assault.” Officer Park took a step closer to him.  

Hyejoo’s father scoffed. “For slapping my daughter? What are the cops even doing here? You can’t just break into my house like that, I know my laws.”  

“I can and have to interfere if I happen to witness a crime. Especially when you’re a suspect in this many ongoing investigations.”  

“This is absurd-”  

“Hands in the air, I said!”  

“You don't know who you’re messing with. I can and will take you down.”  

“Let’s see what you have to say from behind bars.”  

He laughed, but all the color seemed to have drained from his face, and before he could even try to run, officer Park threw himself at him, pinning him face down.  

“Who’s that, Hyejoo?” He asked, giving up on fighting back and letting officer Park handcuff him. “Is that the you’ve been ing and spending my money on?”  

Hyejoo jerked from her spot with an enraged growl, her fist in the air, ready to sink it on his face.  

“Hey, hey, stop!” Chaewon’s father stood up, hands in front of him. He shared a look with Chaewon, who was frozen in place. “Dad’s got him. Don’t do anything stupid.”  

“Dad?” Hyejoo’s father laughed, so evil it brought tears to Chaewon’s eyes. “Ah, so you had your plaything ask daddy for help? Pathetic.” He turned to officer Park. “At least we have something in common, having our daughters do something as disgusting as-”  

“That’s enough.” Officer Park pulled him up, grasping on his arm. “I’ll take him to the precinct.”  

Chaewon’s father dragged him outside, sparing them another look.  

The silence dragged for a few seconds, but each seemed like an eternity of punishment.  

“G-Gowon?” She heard Hyejoo ask. She could see through the tears her body approaching, squatting next to her. She could feel her warm hands on her cheeks. “I’m so, so, so sorry. I wanna kill him so bad...” Hyejoo sobbed.  

“It’s fine.” Chaewon sniffed and cleared her eyes. “He’ll pay, Hyejoo.”  

“But he can’t take back what he just said!” Hyejoo punched the floor.  

“Hyejoo!” Chaewon cried, pulling her in. She squeezed her body so hard her muscles failed her. “Forget about it, it doesn’t matter. My parents would know eventually.”  

“Not l-like this!” Hyejoo squeezed her back, her voice failing her as she sobbed again. “This is all my fault, this was a bad idea, we should neve-”  

“No, my father got him, that is all that matter. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Chaewon pulled again. “I should take care of your wounds.”  

“I’m fine.” Hyejoo wiped her eyes, then her lip with the back of her hand. “We should go as well. We’re gonna have to testify.”  

Chaewon nodded, and before Hyejoo could stand up, she held on her face, careful not to touch her bruises. “No matter what happens, I will not leave you.”  

More tears clouded Hyejoo’s eyes.  

Chaewon placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Now let’s go, I want to talk to my dad.”  


A/N: I really can't believe this story is almost ending. We're finally seeing justice being made and I think it's so satisfying ahahaha even though he still have to do more right in the end

If I followed the normal release schedule, the last chapter would be on the last day of the year, but I'll be out, so THE LAST CHAPTER WILL BE OUT IN TWO DAYS, ON DECEMBER 30!!! IT FEELS SURREAL.

Thank you so much for reading so far, and I deeply hope you enjoy the last chapter ♥️

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Chapter 30: Nice story :))
Chapter 21: Or are they..poly (if it is then phew that scared me HAHA)
Chapter 21: GASPS AGN: so Sooyoung was acting weird cos they..broke up? 😰😭
Chapter 12: *gasp*
eunbisandpizza #6
first if all, the cover is pretty HAHA yea lemme start reading
Chapter 30: Man it still feels surreal. This was a really great story. I loved it so much. Thanks again author-nim for this one, and i wish you good luck with your future works!
Chapter 29: >:)
Chapter 28: :)

Sometimes an emoji is more than enough.
Chapter 26: The meme from auther-nim says it all...