
Falling All In You

Exams week flew by pretty fast, and they're down to the final day. One more afternoon exam for Chaeyoung, and she could finally relax and celebrate to make up for the weeks of hard work. She deserves a break after all the stress.


By the way, Chaeyoung tried to ask Jennie about what the girl was supposed to tell her after her exams the other day, but the brunette kept answering, 'I'll tell you after all the exams'. She even tried using her ultimate aegyo, but to no avail. So she's been really looking forward to the final exam day so she could ask Jennie what that was about.


"I have one last exam in 10 minutes. Are you done with yours?", Chaeyoung asked Jennie while they walk hand in hand through the corridor.


"Hm. We just finished our last exam, actually", the brunette replied, "And I would want to celebrate, but I have a photoshoot with Chanel in an hour."


Chaeyoung tips her head to look at the other girl, and saw her pouting, "Yah, what's with the face?"


"I'm going to miss you."


The tall blonde chuckles and smacks Jennie's shoulder playfully, "You're acting as if we won't see each other anymore, you clingy dumpling."


"But we agreed to celebrate together after the exams", the brunette was still pouting.


"We can do that after your photoshoot, then?"


They stopped walking when they reached Chaeyoung's lecture room, and faced each other.


"I'll go to your house after my shoot. Wait for me, okay?", Jennie squeezes her hand.


"But you might be tired by then. How about tomorrow?"


"I need to ask you something later. That can't wait for tomorrow."


"If it can't wait, then why don't you ask me now?", Chaeyoung's getting really curious.


Jennie bit on her bottom lip, and thought to herself, 'Because I wouldn't want another bummer. Stupid school bell.'


"Because your exam is starting. And you need to get inside your room now", was what Jennie voiced out.


Chaeyoung just nodded and offers a sweet smile, "I'll see you later, then?"


"I'll see you later, beautiful. Goodluck on your last exam", Jennie reciprocates the gesture, and slowly lets go of the other girl's hand.


"Take care, and have fun with the shoot, okay?"


Chaeyoung cautiously looks around the hallway, before she shyly leans in and steals a quick kiss on Jennie's cheek, making the latter blush. She then dashed inside her lecture room, leaving a grinning/blushing dumpling.


And Jennie thought she could definitely get used to it.




"Last two minutes!"


Chaeyoung heard her professor announced, and she gave her exam paper one last review. She finished answering ten minutes ago, and was just spending the remaining time reviewing her answers.


She tips her head to the twins' direction, and saw their satisfied look. They must've done well, too.


"Time's up! Please pass your papers."


They obliged, and minutes later, their final exam for this term is over. They can finally breathe until the results are out. Chaeyoung thinks she at least did well, so she can relax for now.


"Hey, Chaeng", the twins approached her while fixing her things, "We're going out to celebrate. Are you up?"


"Oh, actually...", she bit on her bottom lip, "I'm meeting Jennie later, so..."


The twins just nodded knowingly, "We see. Love life first before friends, huh."


Chaeyoung laughs and playfully swats them, "Yah, I'll make it up to you guys next time, I promise!"


"We're kidding", Yin chuckles, "Anyway, we'll be going now. Enjoy your date with Jennie."


The two guys tossed her a teasing wink before leaving, and she could only shake her head in amusement.


Chaeyoung stepped out of the lecture room after fixing her things, and heads straight to the parking area. It's still pretty early, and she thought she could still help prepare dinner while she waits for Jennie.


She was jiggling her scooter keys in her hand, when a black van suddenly stopped infront of her. The first thing that came into her mind was Jennie. 'Did the girl send her bodyguards to pick her up?'


But when the van door opened, and five men who looked nothing like Jennie's bodyguards stepped out, Chaeyoung felt frightened. She immediately steps back and was about to run, but the men were quick to hold her arms, and carried her towards the black van.


"I— who are you?! Let go of me!!", she yelled while trying to break out from their hold, but to no avail. The men were strong.


They successfully got her inside the van, and immediately sped away.


Chaeyoung has never felt so scared in her life when she realized she's being kidnapped...for real.




Seulgi's last exam ended, and she literally flew out of her lecture room to find Chaeyoung. She wasn't able to talk to her the other day because of the stupid school bell, and Chaeyoung must've forgotten to text her, so she needs to find her now.


Not later, not tomorrow. She needs to talk to her now. According to what she heard and read, the plan will take place today after the exams. So she needs to save Chaeyoung from whatever that little devil is planning. She just hopes she's still not late.


Seulgi was wandering through the hallways when she finally saw the girl. Chaeyoung was walking towards the parking area, and Seulgi was about to run and call her, when a black van suddenly appeared.


Seulgi tensed and halted on her tracks when five men forcefully carried Chaeyoung inside the van, and left without a trace. She knew exactly the person behind this.


She cursed under her breath. Damn. She's only minutes late. If only she had found her sooner. Damn.


Seulgi was still cursing as she runs aimlessly through the corridors. She needs to ask for help. It doesn't matter who. She just needs to help Chaeyoung.


She turns on the left curve, and didn't notice someone approaching, so she ended up bumping into the person. She was about to curse again, but froze when she saw who she just bumped into.


Seulgi swears she was scared of this girl. But at that moment, it was like seeing this person gives light to her hope. Her worry for Chaeyoung was greater than her fear, so without thinking much, she begs the girl and said, "Help."




Chaeyoung felt her head spinning as she carefully opens her eyes. She didn't even realize she passed out. All she remembers is one out of those five men earlier covered her nose with a hanky, then everything went blank.


'. That was it', she mutters under her breath. They made her inhale whatever that was on the hanky so she'll pass out.


She adjusted her sight, and scans her surroundings. She was in some kind of an abandoned warehouse, and at least ten men in black suit were creepily watching over her.


Chaeyoung tried to get up, but that was when she realized both of her hands and her feet were tightly tied up against the chair she was seated on.


'', she cursed under her breath again. She has no idea what the hell is going on, but she's sure as hell that this is not just another prank. This seems serious. And she's starting to get really scared.


"W-What do you want from me?!", she asked, her voice quivering a little.


The men didn't answer and just kept their composure, like they didn't hear her at all.


"I said what the hell do you want from me?! Who are you?!", she mindlessly snapped.


Just then, a shadow emerged from the corner of the structure, and footsteps can be heard. The place was quite dark so Chaeyoung had to squint her eyes to see the person who was slowly approaching her from the dark.


"Well, hello there, Roseanne. It was nice meeting you...again."


The person appeared with a sinister smile. Her eyes were throwing daggers at Chaeyoung, and her look was screaming danger.


Chaeyoung had to blink a few times to check if she's seeing it right, "You??"


It was Irene Bae.


"Me? What me, Roseanne?", Irene's lips curl into a sly smirk, and steps even closer to her.


"W-what...why...why are you—", Chaeyoung's starting to feel frightened.


"You wanted to talk to me, right? You were the first one to approach me."


"I just wanted to clear things out with you. Whatever happened at the camp", Chaeyoung replied, "But why...are you doing this? I can't understand."


"I already told you, didn't I?", Irene bends over a little so she could be at level with sitting Chaeyoung, "Because you're a flirt. And I hate flirts so much. Especially when the one you're flirting with...is the love of my life."


Chaeyoung creases her forehead at the girl's reply. To say she was confused was an understatement. She was in lost.


"I— what?? What flirting? Who am I flirting with? What do you mean??", she voiced out all her questions.


"Playing innocent now, are we?", the short girl clicks her tongue, "Who else are you flirting with? Of course, it's Jennie Kim."


Chaeyoung just got even more confused at the mention of the name, "And what does Jennie have to do with this?"


Irene sighed in an irritated manner, before standing up straight, "Look, Roseanne. I thought you're smart. But I guess I was wrong."


Chaeyoung purses her lips to contain her emotion. She's not liking where this conversation is going. Especially when she's tied up, vulnerable and all like this. But she kept mum and let the other girl talk.


"You see...ever since I first stepped in Crossford and saw Jennie Kim, I knew she's the one for me", Irene started her story, "She's so beautiful, and cool, and everything you'll ever look for a girl. She has it all."


Chaeyoung was seriously weirded out by how the girl was describing Jennie. But she lets her continue.


"Since then, I had tried all my best to be noticed by her. I would approach her and give her expensive gifts, food, everything. But none of them were accepted. She wouldn't even spare a glance at me", Irene's expression was now getting dark.


Chaeyoung closes her eyes for a while as she digests everything the girl was telling. It's starting to make sense now, and she's starting to understand why she ended up in this situation.


"But you!", Irene turned back to her and pointed at her accusingly, "You did nothing, Roseanne. You're just a pathetic piece of . You did nothing, but she still chose you!"


Chaeyoung opens her eyes and looks back at the fuming girl, "So you're one of her fan girls."


"I am not like any other fan girls! I would do everything for Jennie, and I won't stop following her until she can finally notice me!"


The tall blonde shakes her head in sympathy, "You're insane."


"Call me everything you want, but right now, I have the upper hand", Irene cracks into that sickeningly smile again, "And I thought that maybe, if I delete you out of the picture, I can finally make Jennie notice me."


"Stop doing this to yourself, Irene—"


Whatever Chaeyoung has to say was cut off when Irene slapped her square in the face. It was hard. And for a moment, Chaeyoung couldn't feel her cheek.


"Don't you dare say my name with that filthy mouth of yours!"


Then after that, the short girl starts attacking her with more slaps. Chaeyoung was trying to dodge them but she couldn't do anything with her hands tied up. Irene just stopped when Chaeyoung couldn't feel her whole face anymore. She her lips and knew it was bleeding when she tasted iron.


"You're in insane!!", Chaeyoung snapped and tries wriggling out of the ropes, but to no avail, "Let go of me!!"


Irene just laughed like a wholeass evil, and forcefully lifted Chaeyoung's chin to face her, "I'm not that bad, Roseanne. I just want to teach you a lesson so you'd voluntarily leave Jennie's life alone."


Chaeyoung's stare was now dangerous, and she's nowhere calm, "No matter what you do, Jennie will never like a monster like you."


With that, Irene's sinister look was back again, and she kicks the chair Chaeyoung was seated on with force, knocking Chaeyoung back.


"You know what I hate more than flirts?", Irene turns on her back and gestures to one of her men, "I hate people who don't obey my words."


The short girl came back holding a pale full of cold ice water. Chaeyoung knew it was for her, and the fact that winter is approaching was not helping at all.


"Now", Irene stoops down to face her, "Tell me you're going to leave Jennie alone, and I'll let you go."


Chaeyoung just shakes her head.


With that, Irene pours the excruciatingly cold ice water on Chaeyoung, making her shiver.


“I’m giving you another chance, Roseanne”, Irene takes another pale, “Leave Jennie alone.”


The tall blonde shakes her head again, making Irene pour another pale full of cold water all over her.


“Why are you so tough, Roseanne?!”, the short girl was tightly gripping the empty pale on her hand, “I’ll give you one last chance. I swear this is the last! Tell me you’re going to leave Jennie alone!”


Chaeyoung lifts up her head and glares straight into the other girl’s eyes. Her whole body is shivering from the cold, and she’s starting to feel numb, but she wouldn’t give her the victory she’s asking.


No, Irene doesn’t deserve it.


“I told you”, she spoke with her quivering voice, “No matter what you do to me...I will never leave Jennie.”


That was the boiling point for Irene. She was losing her mind, and all she could think about was deleting Chaeyoung out of their lives. So, without thinking anymore, she lifted the heavy pale in the air, and aimed it at the blonde.


Chaeyoung was too tired to dodge and put up a fight. She couldn’t feel her whole body anymore, and she felt like passing out any minute now. So she just closed her eyes and let her tears fall as she waits for the object to hit her body.


‘Jennie’, she whispers in her mind. 


Jennie always saves her, and how she wished the girl was here to save her now. But she’s not.


So, Chaeyoung just waited for the hit.


She waited.


But nothing happened.


Suddenly, there was a loud crash from a short distance, and she opened her eyes to see the now wrecked gate of the warehouse. Countless men rushed inside, and they started knocking down Irene’s men one by one.


Her vision was a blur, but she knew they came in to rescue. Finally, she’ll be saved.


Chaeyoung was starting to thank all the saints she knows, when she saw someone running to her. She looks up at the person who saved her, and she had to blink twice to check if she’s seeing it right.


The person runs to her and embraces her tight, and Chaeyoung couldn’t hold back her tears from falling when the person said, “You’re safe now.”


She’s safe. She’s safe now. And it’s all because of her.



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Hello there! I just made this story Crowdfunded. So I’m hoping for your support, and please expect special updates from me from now on. Thank you! ❤️


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Chapter 11: I'm loving the character development!
Chapter 11: The difference between Chapter 2 Jennie and Chapter 11 Jennie is astounding omgggg
Chapter 10: This story has been amazing so far btw :-))
Chapter 10: Oh?? I wonder what happened with Jennie
Chapter 9: So they're slowly warming up to each other !!
Chapter 8: ahdfajksdhf i hope chaeyoung doesn't fall for jennie's scheme, but if she did... omg
Chapter 7: i wasn't expecting jisoo to recommend that idea and definitely not for jennie to go along with it!
Chapter 7: oh my god.... this is going to be so interesting!!
Chapter 6: LOL and I love Chaeyoung at the end 😂
Chapter 6: Ah glad to see Lisa in the story!!