
Falling All In You

The following days were busy days for the girls, especially for Chaeyoung, as she's been studying extra hard for next week's exams. Even Blackpink who owns the school is also serious about the upcoming midterms, so they all get busy as the exam week is approaching.


Nevertheless, Jennie and Chaeyoung still managed to meet every now and then. They would eat lunch together, and Jennie would send Chaeyoung home after class while they talk about everyday's happenings. 


The bantering is still there, of course. The brunette likes teasing the girl about her chipmunk cheeks, but then it'll shift to her dumpling cheeks, and they would end up poking each other's cheeks until one of them surrenders. These crackheads.


Students still stare at them whenever they're together, but Chaeyoung's slowly getting used to it. She just finds it cute whenever Jennie would shoot deadly glares at them, and they will immediately look away. If only they knew how Jennie Kim is actually a softie and a baby.


A knock was heard from the door of Blackpink's private lecture room, and Jensoo, who were lazily scanning their notes while waiting for the professor, turn towards the door simultaneously. The door carefully opens, and a head peeked through the gap.


Jennie's smile immediately made its way to her lips upon seeing her favorite person. Chaeyoung grins and enters the room holding a bento box.


"Hey", the brunette stood up and welcomes the girl.


"Hey to you, too. Your class isn't starting yet?", the blonde asks.


"The prof's late. We might have to scold him later", Jisoo was the one who answered, and poses a peace sign.


Chaeyoung just chuckles before turning back to Jennie, "Anyway, I just dropped by to give you this. You can share it with Jisoo and Lisa."


Jennie reaches for the bento box, and grins upon seeing its content, "Can I not share it with them, though?"


"Hey, are those dumplings? Jennie Kim you greedy midget, give me some!", Jisoo jumps from her seat and tackles the brunette.


Chaeyoung could only crack a smile at the two girls. She couldn't believe just months ago, these girls don't eat anything that their personal chefs didn't make. And now, their fighting over a dumpling.


"Yah yah, those dumplings are enough for the three of you", she swats them, "Jen, share it to them."


Jennie pouts, "Alright, I'll give them one dumpling each."


"Wow, Jennie Kim. I can't believe I still call you my bestfriend", Jisoo playfully crosses her arms.


Jennie chuckles, "Alright. Two dumplings, then."


"I'm disowning you."


Laughter filled the room, before Chaeyoung spoke again, “Where’s Lisa, by the way?”


“She’s at the dance studio. But she’ll be here soon”, Jennie replied.


Chaeyoung nodded. Right. Lisa dances. The first time she encounters the girl, she was dancing at her studio.


“I’ll be going to my class now. Study well, you two”, she steps back, “And Jen, share the dumplings, okay?”


Jennie nodded with a pout, “Thank you for this. I’ll see you later.”


Chaeyoung smiles and waves goodbye, before leaving the room.


“Whipped culture”, Jisoo teases before settling back on her seat.


Jennie places the bento box over her desk,  and sat back on her seat as well, “She makes me happy.”


Jisoo felt it when Jennie said that. She has never seen her this happy and lively before. And with the way the brunette was smiling over a dumpling, she knew her bestfriend’s really serious about Chaeyoung.


“So, are you guys finally official?”, Jisoo suddenly asks.


Jennie turns to her a little lost, “You mean...?”


“I mean, like, officially girlfriends, y’know?”


Jennie stared at nothingness at the realization.


“My my, don’t tell me you haven’t asked her to be your girlfriend yet?”, Jisoo was tapping her foot.


“I...thought we already are? I mean...we already confessed to each other and all”, the brunette replied unsurely.


“But don’t you know anything about labels? Girls need guarantee, my friend.”


“So we’re still not official?”


“Not until you ask her to be your girlfriend.”


Jennie’s face went troubled at that, “But what if...she doesn’t want us to be official?”


Jisoo gave her a look, “Are you kidding me now? Can’t you see how Rosie looks at you? It’s like she’s looking at the stars.”


“That’s how I look at her, too.”


“You’re both whipped for each other. I’m sure she’d say yes to you in a heartbeat.”


Jennie ponders for a moment. She suddenly felt nervous upon realizing that Chaeyoung’s still not officially hers, and the thought that the girl might not want to make them official scares her. But she gotta do it. For the love of god, she gotta make Chaeyoung hers.


“I’ll ask her. I’ll just find right timing”, Jennie said to Jisoo, “Then I’ll ask her to officially be my girlfriend.”




Evening came, and Chaeyoung’s finally on her bed after a long tiring day at school. She just changed into her pajamas, and was about to text Jennie, when her phone rang. She answered the video call, and Joy’s and Wendy’s voices immediately come through.


“Park Chaeyoung, you have a lot to tell us! Like, a looot!”, Joy squealed in excitement.


Chaeyoung texted them days ago about her and Jennie, about how they confessed and all, but it was a short conversation as they’re all busy with school.


“I already told youuu”, she chuckles.


“Yeah, but not in full details. We want to hear every single detail, Park Chaeyoung”, Wendy exclaimed.


“Yah, why are you both calling me in my full name now?”


“Because you are one lucky woman, and the world needs to know your name”, Joy answered cheekily.


Chaeyoung shakes her head while cackling, “What else do you want to know, then, my super ecstatic friends?”


“How did it happen? Did you just tell her you like her too? Or did she tell you again that she likes you, and then you told her that you like her too?”, Joy was hyper.


“Well, I kind of opened the topic, then she confirmed that she really likes me, and then I...I kissed her cheek.”


Her two bestfriends were both squealing by the phone right now.


“And then, yeah, I told her I like her too”, Chaeyoung continued, and shyly bites on her bottom lip.


“Aww. I admit I was unsure about this before, but I’m really happy for you now, Chaeng”, Wendy softly said.


“Oh my god, I can’t believe this is finally happening”, Joy exclaimed again, “I remember I was just Jennie Kim’s fan. But now, I’m the bestfriend of her girlfriend.”


That word caught Chaeyoung off guard. Jennie and her haven’t talked about their label ever since the confession. But they’re acting like a couple now, aren’t they?


“I...well”, she trails off.


Joy gave her a look, understanding her bestfriend’s reaction, “Wait, don’t tell me you’re not official yet?”


“I’m...not sure?”, she bites on her lip again, “I mean, we both know that we like each other, and we’re acting like a couple now.”


“But not yet official?”, Wendy asks this time.


Chaeyoung ponders, before shaking her head.


“Dude, you gotta secure your girl, y’know?”, Joy said.


“I— what?”


“I mean, you gotta have a label. For the love of god, you are dating The Jennie Kim. And many girls would die to be in your position right now. So you gotta secure her, y’know.”


“Not that we’re saying that Jennie would ever look at other girls. But labels are very important.”


Chaeyoung ponders again, before nodding in understanding. Maybe she really needs to talk to Jennie about them. She needs to know if Jennie’s willing to give their relationship a name.


“I’ll talk to her about it. I’ll just find right timing”, she told them.


“Nevertheless, we’re happy for you, Chaeng. Don’t forget us on your wedding”, Joy cracks a joke.


Chaeyoung shakes her head while smiling. She’s just happy and thankful to have these crackheads around.


Their call ended after a few minutes, and Chaeyoung was really about to text Jennie, when her phone rang again. She answered the facetime, and Jennie’s grinning face greeted her.


“Hello, beautiful”, the brunette started.


“Hello, beautiful-er”, she replies.


“There’s no such word, Chaeng!”, Jennie chuckles.


“I made that word. It’s only in my vocabulary”, she leans comfortably against her bed while holding her phone, “I was just about to text you.”


“Yeah, I was wondering what’s taking you so long to text, so I called you.”


“Missed me already?”


Jennie grins toothily, “I just thought you might want to see my beautiful face before going to bed.”


Chaeyoung mimics the girl’s expression, “I thought about it, too. But now that I did, I think I might have nightmares later.”


The brunette pouts playfully, and she cackles at that.


“You’re so cute, do you know that?”


“I have a badass image, Chaeng.”


“Oh where? I’m only seeing a cute little bean here.”


Jennie pouts again.


“See! Cute little bean.”


They exchanged teases until Jennie fell asleep on her phone again. Chaeyoung could only smile. Badass image aside, Jennie will always be a baby to her.

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Hello there! I just made this story Crowdfunded. So I’m hoping for your support, and please expect special updates from me from now on. Thank you! ❤️


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Chapter 11: I'm loving the character development!
Chapter 11: The difference between Chapter 2 Jennie and Chapter 11 Jennie is astounding omgggg
Chapter 10: This story has been amazing so far btw :-))
Chapter 10: Oh?? I wonder what happened with Jennie
Chapter 9: So they're slowly warming up to each other !!
Chapter 8: ahdfajksdhf i hope chaeyoung doesn't fall for jennie's scheme, but if she did... omg
Chapter 7: i wasn't expecting jisoo to recommend that idea and definitely not for jennie to go along with it!
Chapter 7: oh my god.... this is going to be so interesting!!
Chapter 6: LOL and I love Chaeyoung at the end 😂
Chapter 6: Ah glad to see Lisa in the story!!