
Falling All In You

Jennie woke up noticing how dark it is now in her room. She blindly reaches for the bedside lamp and switched it on. She realized she fell asleep through the evening as the clock on her wall displays 9:07 P.M. now.


All she remembers was her eyelids getting heavier as a pair of warm arms embraced her and lulled her to sleep.






She looked around her room and found no presence of the girl. She must've went home since it's already pretty late. She's not sure why she felt a little disappointed at that.


She presses the back of her palm against her neck and forehead. She's not as hot as before. Whatever medicine Chaeyoung gave her, it sure worked.


Jennie was about to reach for the intercom to ring butler Jung, when she notices a small folded paper on her bedside table. She takes and unfolds it. The handwriting was unfamiliar but she definitely knew who wrote it.


"Hey, small teeth.

Sorry I had to leave without informing you. It's getting late and I really have to go home. And you were sleeping like a log, I don't have the heart to disturb your rest. Anyways, get well soon, small teeth.




Jennie's lips mindlessly curl up into a smile after reading the note. She doesn't know but she feels like she's getting used to Chaeyoung calling her names.


She places the paper back on the table when she saw the small notebook that Chaeyoung said Jisoo wanted to give to her.


Notes for an important exam tomorrow huh?


She reaches for the notebook and a smirk appears on her lips as she flips it page by page.


She knew it. Those monkeys.


The notebook was empty.




Chaeyoung switched her lights off and slumped herself on her bed. Staring at the ceiling, she recalls today's events.


She left the Kim's mansion at around 8pm because her mom's texting her already. She feels bad for leaving a sick Jennie alone, but she needed to go home. Plus, when she checked the girl's temperature, it's almost getting normal, so she just lets her sleep, wrote a note then left.


She's initially planning to take a cab, but Jennie's nosy butler insisted to take her home. So she just lets them, they don't look harmful anyway (even if they are, Chaeyoung knows taekwondo from highschool so she can beat their asses up just in case).


She was surprised, though, to see her pink scooter already parked infront of their house. She turned to butler Jung to ask, and he just smiled at her saying Jennie instructed them earlier to send her scooter home since she knew she went there with Lisoo.


Chaeyoung felt something pricked her chest at that. Not in a bad way, though. Jennie's sure done it before, sending her pink scooter home and stuff, but she was just touched that even though the brunette is sick, she still remembers her scooter.


She was sure by now that Jennie's really sincere with her actions.


Chaeyoung was about to close her eyes and call it a day, when her phone suddenly rang. She fished it out from under her pillow and saw an unregistered private number.


Wait- a private number?


She contemplated for a moment before deciding to just answer the call.


"Hello?" she spoke carefully.


"Hey, it's me." the person on the other line replied.


The voice was a little hoarse, probably from sleep, but it's still so distinct that she recognized it immediately.




"I'm surprised you called me by my actual name and not small teeth", she heard the girl chuckle.


She ignored it and asked, "Wait, how did you know my number?"


"Are you really questioning my connections now?"


Damn right. She almost forgot there's nothing Jennie Kim couldn't do.


"Why did you call, though?" she asked again, "And how are you feeling now?"


"A lot better than before. The fever has subsided, I guess", Jennie answered from the other line, "The reason why I called is..."


The brunette paused and Chaeyoung waited. But after a few seconds of silence, Chaeyoung grew impatient and asked, "What is it?"


"Um...I just want to say...thank you." Jennie paused again, but continued after a second, "Y'know...for dropping by."


Chaeyoung could hear the shyness from her voice, and she's surprised Jennie Kim has this side. Maybe we shouldn't really judge people easily.


"You called to say thank you?"




"You could've just texted it, though."


She heard the brunette stifles a yawn, "I don't like typing."


"You lazy small person", she teased, "Anyway, no worries. It's partly my fault that you got sick, so it's just fair to check on you."


"How is it your fault?"


"Because I kinda challenged you to play beer pong?"


Jennie lets out a soft chuckle on the other line, "It's those two monkeys' fault. They really like to gang up on me."


"I really can't believe your alcohol tolerance, though."


"As if you're better than me."


"At least I don't sleep talk when drunk."


The line went silent and Chaeyoung mentally cursed herself while biting her lip. She's not supposed to say that. Dang.


"Did I sleep talk that night?"


She heard some shuffling from the other line and she guesses Jennie sat up from her bed.


"I—what, no?"


"That slip of the tongue is too obvious, Chaeyoung. What did I say that night?"


Chaeyoung smacked her pillow, "Oh, nothing much. You were just...um...you were just looking for your bolster. Yes yes."


"Are you sure?"


"Yep. Super sure", she nods frantically even though the girl cannot see her.


"Alright. If you say so."


There's no way she'll tell Jennie what the girl really said that night.


"Right. Um, anywaaay, shouldn't you be sleeping now? It's late and you're still sick. You should go back to sleep", she tried to end the topic.


"I'm honestly still sleepy. Maybe it's the meds." Jennie stifles another yawn.


"Go sleep now, then. You still have an important exam tomorrow."


Jennie paused again before speaking, "Uh, Chaeyoung?"




"I think you fell for Jisoo's trap again."


Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows at that.


"What do you mean?" she asked the brunette.


"Well, tomorrow is a saturday."


It then hit Chaeyoung. Never in her life has she tipped her head so fast to look at the calendar hanging on her wall.


Today is friday. Tomorrow is saturday.


Damn Jisoo.


"Um...I'll go to sleep now", Jennie spoke again, "Goodnight, Chaeyoung-ah."


Then the line went dead as Chaeyoung was reflecting on why she's falling for Jisoo's trick over again.


"I'll pluck her hair out one by one with my bare hands", was her last thought before she fell asleep that friday night.




It's a sunday afternoon again, and Chaeyoung just finished delivering three dumpling orders from their regulars downtown. The afternoon breeze was especially cool as autumn is already approaching. So Chaeyoung decides to spend the rest of the afternoon strolling around the city, feeling the nostalgia as the autumn wind brushes past her skin.


She reaches the town center, and halts when she passed by one of her favorite stores, the Vinyl Collection. God knows how much she loves listening to them, though she doesn't have much of those at home because they're quite pricey, so she always goes to this store to play some discs for free.


Chaeyoung parks her scooter infront of the store and stepped inside, a soothing jazz music welcomes her ears. Being here really makes her feel cozy and home. 


She scans the shelves like a giddy kid looking at plushies, and picks out some new releases of her liking, when a slim tall girl with radiant smile stepped out of the staff room.


"Chaeyoung? Yah, it's been a while", the girl called out from the counter.


Chaeyoung turns around, and a smile immediately appears on her lips upon seeing the girl, "Hey, Joy!"


Park Sooyoung, or Joy, is the daughter of the owner of Vinyl Collection. She became friends with Chaeyoung when the girl discovered her store, and started dropping by almost every afternoon. Though Chaeyoung never buys and she totally understands it, so Joy lets Chaeyoung play some discs for free because the girl's love for music was actually one of the best things about her.


"Yah, I haven't seen you in ages. I almost thought you got sick of listening to our discs", Joy pouts playfully.


Chaeyoung walks over to the counter and chuckles, "Aww that's impossible. You know I'll never get tired of coming here even though you always kick me out for singing too loudly."


They shared a laugh at that.


"I actually miss your loud . What's been keeping you busy?"


"Well...I just transferred to another university."


"Oh...Crossford, right?"


Chaeyoung was taken aback, "Yeah, how did you know?"


"I heard from Wendy. She visited once and told me everything", the other girl answered.


She just nodded and heaves out a sigh, "Well, yeah, a lot of things happened that got me preoccupied. And I'm still adjusting, so."


"My my, my little Chaeyoung is attending Crossford now. I'm so proud of you", Joy sincerely said with a smile, "So what is it like to study in the most prestigious school in SK?"


"It was pressuring, to be honest. Considering the difference in social status, y'know. But I'm still lucky for having that once in a lifetime opportunity", Chaeyoung chuckled and went to the record player just beside the counter, "Mind if I play some?"


Joy briefly shakes her head, "Go on. I missed hearing your out-of-tune singing anyway."


"I'm not out-of-tuuune!"


They both laughed, and Chaeyoung turns to place a disc on the player. Soon, the store was filled with a calming ballad.


"This one's new", she commented while inspecting the LP cover.


"Hm. We purchased new ones last week. Gotta keep up with the trend", Joy replied while scanning on the counter computer.


Chaeyoung started humming with the music while looking on each cover. It was the only sound present for a couple of minutes, until the wind chimes on the front door rings, indicating that a customer has entered.


"Welcome to Vinyl Collec—"


She heard Joy greeted whoever entered the store but stopped. Curious, she turns around to see who that was, and her eyes fluttered really wide at the sight.


"What are you doing here?" she didn't mean to sound rude, but she was surprised.


"Uh...I was looking for you?" Jennie stood by the door with a cheeky smile, "I went to your house but they told me you're downtown."


"And how did you know I was here?"


"I saw your scooter outside."


Chaeyoung's eyes widened again, "You mean you stroll around the town to find me?"


"Not really. Just passed by this store and randomly saw your scooter", the brunette replied nonchalantly, "Guess it's fate."


"You're crazy."


A knowing cough interrupted them, and they both turned to Joy who was glancing at them back and forth looking like a lost puppy.


"Y-You know her, Chaeng?" the store keeper asked her friend, "I mean, personally?"


"Jennie? Yeah, she also goes to Crossford", Chaeyoung replied like it's a normal thing, "Wait, do you know her, too?"


Joy nodded frantically while pointing at the brunette, "Who wouldn't know Jennie Kim? She's the muse of Chanel. Her face is literally everywhere."


Chaeyoung turned back to the brunette and scoffs upon seeing a proud smug on her face.


"I told you I'm not just Chanel's model. I am their muse", Jennie shrugs before sparing Joy a cheeky smile, the store keeper immediately melted.


"Anywaaay, why were you looking for me, small teeth?" Chaeyoung asked.


"Well, I'm hoping we can hangout?"


"Oh, I'm surprised you're actually asking me and not just dragging me around."


Jennie lets out a healthy laugh, and Chaeyoung couldn't help but to laugh as well.


"So...Can we?"


"Actually...I'm quite busy. And as you can see, I'm with a friend, so", Chaeyoung gestures to Joy's direction.


"Is that so?" the brunette pursed her lips before slowly walking to the counter where Joy is, "Hi, can I borrow Chaeyoung for a while?"


Chaeyoung raised a brow at the action and glances at Joy who was almost hyperventilating.


"I-I um...sure. I m-mean, yeah go on. Have fun you two...heh", the store keeper stuttered with twinkling eyes.


Jennie turned back to the blonde and smirks, "Well, that was easy."


Chaeyoung gave Joy a 'what-the-heck-was-that' look and shakes her head. It's her first time seeing the girl like this.


"We'll be going now, then. Bye, Miss."


And Jennie held Chaeyoung's hand, gently dragging her outside of the store, leaving a very confused and hyperventilating Joy.


"Okay, your majesty, where are you planning to take me again?" Chaeyoung asked once they're outside, hands propped on her waist.


"I don't know, to be honest. I just want to stroll around", the brunette shrugs, "The weather's pretty good today."


"You know the catch, right? We won't be using your car."


Jennie's lips tugs in a very knowing smile, "I know. So I thought, why don't we just..."


The brunette cut her words and approaches Chaeyoung's pink scooter, still wearing that smile, before hopping on it.


"Why don't we just use your scooter?"


Chaeyoung stared dumbly, slightly taken aback. Her scooter? Does this small person even know how to drive that?


"Are you for real now? Do you even know how to drive that?"


"How about you hop in here, and find it out yourself?"


The blonde crosses her arms, "No way! I don't wanna die."


"You're exaggerating, Chaeng. Come on."


"How about I drive, then you go to your car, then we both go home?" she suggested.


Jennie just gave her a look of disbelief, "Come on, just trust me. I won't let you down."


Chaeyoung looks at the girl, then at her scooter hesitantly, wondering if she should trust her with her life.


"So you really know how to drive that?" her question was skeptic.


"Of course, Chaeng. Why on earth would I volunteer to drive if I don't know how?" Jennie was now tapping impatiently on the grip.


Well, Chaeyoung thought the girl has a point. Unless, she's a psycho, that is.


"Alright. But drive carefully, okay?"


She hops on the space behind the brunette and settles uncomfortably, her hands were awkwardly resting on her lap.


"Do you want to fall?" Jennie tips her head to glance at her, "Hold on my waist."


Chaeyoung panicked a little at the suggestion, "What? I- no need. I can manage."


But Jennie was quick to reach for her hands and wrapped them around her waist securely.


"Hold on tight, okay?"


She just nodded as she felt warmth crept up her cheeks. She was practically hugging the girl and she could smell her expensive perfume again. She couldn't let go now as Jennie started the engine and drives.


So Chaeyoung holds on tight, and she guesses she just worried for nothing because the other girl sure knows what she's doing.


"Is this speed alright?" Jennie asked her while tipping her head a little.


"Yeah, that's fine", she replied, "But where exactly are we going?"


"To nowhere. I'm just planning to drain your gas out."


Chaeyoung slaps her waist lightly and the brunette chuckled.


"Just appreciate the city view and enjoy the fresh air."


So they did. They spent minutes just strolling around the city, feeling the gush of air hit their faces, and occasionally engaging in small talks and teasing.


Chaeyoung didn't even notice that she's hugging Jennie's waist a little tighter and more naturally than before. She stared at Jennie's back wondering why the richass girl chooses to go with her instead of mingling with the upper hand. She's crazy, she thought.


Her thoughts were soon dismissed when they abruptly halted somewhere down the road. She looks around and lets out a small gasp at the sight.


They're at the seaside.


"Mind if we go on a walk?" Jennie asked her with a smile.


She nodded and hops off of the scooter, Jennie followed after properly parking the scooter at the side.


"I didn't notice we reached this far", she said as she carefully steps through the white sand.


"Nah, we're not that far. We could actually just walk back home", Jennie teased, earning a glare from the blonde.


The once blue sky was now painted in beautiful orange as the sun starts setting down the horizon, beneath the deep blue sea.


"I don't get why people are so fascinated by the sunset", Jennie commented beside her, looking at the distant horizon, "I mean, it's just the sun setting. What's so special about it?"


Chaeyoung followed the brunette's gaze and answered, "Well, people think it's romantic. You know, watching the sunset with the one you love and stuff."


The blonde paused for a moment, and Jennie stayed silent, waiting.


"But for me, it's a whole lot more", she continued, "Sunset marks the end of the day. Whatever you've been through, whatever you've failed, and whatever you've lost...at the end of the day, it all comes down to that big ball of fire over there."


Jennie turns to look at her, a little confused, "What does that mean?"


Chaeyoung just smiled to her and said, "Sunset will always remind us that no matter how difficult the day went, it will always come to an end. Pain doesn't go on forever. The sun takes every failure, every tear, and every heartbreak as it sets, promising us of a better tomorrow. A beautiful sunrise."


The brunette stared at her for a while, before turning back to the sea, "That was...deep."


"Well, yeah."


"I hope everyone sees the world the way you do."


Chaeyoung glances at the girl and she saw it again. Now, it's visibly shown on her face. Sadness. But what could be causing sadness to the girl? The curiosity that has been itching at the back of her mind came back, and she was reminded of the family portrait.


Would it be too much if she brings it up now?


"Hey, Jennie", failed her before she could even think.


The brunette turns to her and replied a hum.


"Um...not to be nosy or something, but...I saw a portrait on your hallway wall when I went to your house", she carefully said, "And I noticed you're with...Stella Kim?"


Jennie visibly froze at her question, like she was caught up in the moment. And Chaeyoung badly wants to take her words back when the brunette didn't answer and an awkward silence hung in the air.


"Um, sorry I didn't—" she tried explaining but was cut off.


"She's my mom."


Then an excruciating silence engulfed them both. Neither of the two wanted to make a single sound and stayed still.


Chaeyoung knew it. When she saw the portrait, she thought there's no way Jennie and Stella Kim aren't related. And the girl just confirmed it now.


"I'm sorry", was all she could say at the moment.


Chaeyoung was on 9th grade when her music inspiration, the great musician Stella Kim, passed away. They said it was a car accident that took her life. The news shocked many people as the latter was really popular back then.


Even Chaeyoung got her heart broken at the loss of her idol. What more for the woman's child?




"When I first heard you play her song, something familiar snapped in me", Jennie spoke for the first time after what felt like forever, "Like, you remind me so much of her. Very stubborn, but also very driven and passionate. Her love for music was beyond words, that I had to stop doing music, because that word itself reminds me of her."


Chaeyoung stays silent and lets the girl talk. She senses that Jennie needed this more than she thinks.


"I haven't touched any instrument since five years ago. I even forgot I used to love the piano..." the brunette paused and looks at her, "Until I heard you play. So I kind of volunteered to help you with your piece. Because that's the closest that I can get to music again."


Chaeyoung brings a hand to pat the girl's back. She didn't know why she did that. But she felt like Jennie needed it.


"It must be hard for you to do that. So I'm proud of you", she offers a soft smile.


"It was", Jennie replied, "It was hard. But it's been years, Chaeyoung. I should be okay now, right?"


She glances down at her now sandy feet, before looking back up at the horizon, "If there's something that Jessie J's music has taught me, it would be this very line: 'It's okay not to be okay'."


Jennie follows her gaze and listens.


“People tend to put up a wall around them when they’re hurt and pretend like everything’s fine. Thinking that it could save them from pain. It has become their defense mechanism and they think they could live with that”, she sighs, “But people also need to know that for once in their lives, it’s okay not to be okay. It’s okay to be sad. No one’s gonna sue you for that. If you feel like crying, then cry. If you feel tired, then rest.”


Chaeyoung turns to face her again.


“What’s important is that, after you fall, after you cry, and after you curse life for being unfair...you should learn to get up and face the world again. Don’t stay in a place that causes you pain. The world is too beautiful for that.”


They stayed like that for a few seconds, just holding each other’s gazes, before Chaeyoung spoke again.


“More importantly, always know that there are people who care for you and who’ll be there for you no matter what”, she gives her a sincere smile that could light up even the darkest streets of Seoul, “I know we always banter and all. But know that I’m here, Jennie. You don’t have to walk this alone.”


Jennie just stared at her, not saying anything, and Chaeyoung was internally panicking if she had said the right words to the girl. She’s not good at this, but she tried.


Soon, her thoughts flew to the ocean when Jennie stepped into her personal space and wraps her in a hug.


“Thank you”, she heard the girl mumble on her shoulder.


Her voice was so soft that she almost didn’t recognize it. But she wraps her slender arms around the girl and hugs her back, reassuring her that it’s all fine.


They stayed like that for a while before Jennie involuntarily pulled back, and Chaeyoung was surprised to see a smile on the girl’s face.


“I’ve always thought you’re an angel”, the brunette said.


Chaeyoung quirks a brow, but Jennie continued:


“I can’t believe I’m right all along.”


Chaeyoung’s lips slowly tug up in a smile before chuckling. She must admit the girl got her on that one.


“You just had to be smooth, huh.”


“Seriously though, thank you for that.”


“No worries, really.”


Jennie kicks on the sand before walking closer to the shore, “I just need to know something now.”


“What is it?”


The brunette tips her head to her direction, “What did I really say that night when I was drunk?”


Chaeyoung almost choked on nothing, and she felt that familiar warmth on her cheeks again.


“I told you already! You were just looking for your bolster.”


“You think I’ll buy that, Park Chaeyoung?”


“But really!”


Jennie showed a hint of disappointment in her face and shakes her head, “I just told you a little something about me. I think it’s just fair if you tell me the truth, too.”


Dang guilt tripping. Jennie was obviously guilt tripping and we all know how Chaeyoung was too soft for that. 


She cursed under her breath before stuttering out, “I-I’ll only say this once, okay?”


Jennie nodded and waited for her.


“You, um...You said, ‘Park Chaeyoung, why do you have to be so beautiful?’”


Chaeyoung kicks on the sand upon saying that, and Jennie was just smiling at her.


“So I practically told you, you’re beautiful?” the brunette teasingly asked.


“That’s what I’ve heard, okay? I don’t even know why you said that in your sleep.”


“I think I know why.”


Chaeyoung furrows her eyebrows at the girl, “What?”


“I think I know why I told you you’re beautiful.”




Jennie looks at her with soft eyes, and as the sun sets beautifully behind them, Jennie answered:


“Because you really are.”

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Hello there! I just made this story Crowdfunded. So I’m hoping for your support, and please expect special updates from me from now on. Thank you! ❤️


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Chapter 11: I'm loving the character development!
Chapter 11: The difference between Chapter 2 Jennie and Chapter 11 Jennie is astounding omgggg
Chapter 10: This story has been amazing so far btw :-))
Chapter 10: Oh?? I wonder what happened with Jennie
Chapter 9: So they're slowly warming up to each other !!
Chapter 8: ahdfajksdhf i hope chaeyoung doesn't fall for jennie's scheme, but if she did... omg
Chapter 7: i wasn't expecting jisoo to recommend that idea and definitely not for jennie to go along with it!
Chapter 7: oh my god.... this is going to be so interesting!!
Chapter 6: LOL and I love Chaeyoung at the end 😂
Chapter 6: Ah glad to see Lisa in the story!!