Chapter 16 - If I killed someone for you

Welcome To My Dream World
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(Warning: This chapter is a little violent, Just a little. If you even consider that a good fighting scene :( but I tried) 

Siyeon POV

I Bowed my head down, as some officers made their way to mine.

"With all the evidence provide, I hereby declare Miss Lee Siyeon guilty of conviction of Murder and Kidnap," the judge said and hit the gravel. "With that said She will be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.

The officers Handcuffed me and pulled me away, I took a glance at my parents to see my mother balling in tears as my father held her, holding back his tears. My eyes lit up seeing Sua standing next to Jiu as she covered her face crying. I looked away a tear dropped from my eyes, why, why was this happening. Had I committed something bad for me to deserve this? all I wanted was for Sua to love me. The officers lead me to my prison cell where they held me until they could transport me to where I will be held until I turn 18. The handcuffs were taken off me

"Take it easy Kid," the officer said before locking the cell and left. I sat on the bed hugging my Knee. I cry silently to myself as the scene kept replaying in my head.


"UGH" I said holding my head as I got up. I could feel a shiver go up my spine as the cold breeze brushed on my exposed skin. I realized that I didn't have my jacket on, I turned to see that it was used as a headrest for me. I look around me familiarising myself with the surrounding, it looked like I was in a house. A warehouse. The place was neatly organized, furnished with a bed, a couch I'm sitting on right now. It had a kitchen, a small dining table, and a refrigerator. A small coffee table was in front of me while a massive 8K Resolution with what seems like 98" inch TV. Woah, that's some expensive stuff right there, wow damn this person really rich.

A screech at the door forced me to jump up and stand on guard, a person wearing all black walked in, she smiled at my shocked expression.

"S-Student council president Seungyeon?!?!" I scream

"You're awake Siyeon" She walked over to the kitchen counter and poured a glass of water and walked over to me. She placed it down on the coffee table then proceeded to place her hand on my forehead. 

"W-What are you doing here? Why am I here?" I asked frantically panicking in my seat. Seungyeon let out a little chuckle

"I don't know, maybe you fell asleep in the middle of the road"

"What?" I asked her confused

"I found you lying in the middle of the road, I don't know what you were doing but you were unconscious so I brought you here" She explained. I tried to recall my memories of what happened. I grabbed the glass of water and took a big gulp. I placed it down, weird water, it has this taste in it, what is it?

"Ah right" I grabbed out my phone

Unknown: Siyeon

Unknown: Sua, hate's your guts

Unknown: Did you know how much she suffered

Unknown: She keeps on getting looked down on because she's dating a delinquent

Unknown: I like her too but let's settle the score, My fist is stronger than yours

Unknown: Come to XXXX at 11:00pm

"Do you know who this is?" I showed Seungyeon, she looked at it with widen eyes but shook her head. 

"Who would say something like this? everyone knows you and Sua love each other" Seungyeon said comforting me. I just stared down blankly, that's right everyone knows that we love each other by why are people doubting my love for her, why did she break up with me. "Siyeon is something wrong?"

"No- No, anyway president,  What are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh, I ran away" she replied looking down, Seungyeon placed her hand's in front of her face and cried. I came close and hugged her, to try to calm her down.

"T-The pressure it's getting to me, I- I don't want to see them. They will force me to pursue something I'm not passionate about, I can't keep up with the stuff the student council is doing, I can't host events, I can't give advice, I don't even have time to listen to my friend's concerns let alone be someone students can count on to voice out their concerns, I can't do anything" She sobbed, I rubbed her back. That must be so stressful for her, I don't really stop to think of what the student council is doing, I just know that they are there. I didn't know it was this stressful. My face lit up when I remembered the times when Sua would talk about how she looked up to Seungyeon or when Jiu would mention how she wish she could have leadership skills like Seungyeon and the time when there was a fight between Yoohyeon and some boys and Seungyeon rushed in to stop Yoohyeon from totally demolishing someone who was bulling Handong

"Pres, Please don't dought yourself, I know people who look up to you" I comforted her, she looked at me


"Yep, remember the time you stop Yoohyeon from breaking those boy's noses? I remember her talking about how glad you stepped in cause she didn't know how to tell her parents if she got suspended again. You know Jiu wishes that she could have leadership skills like your and You know Sua looks at you as her role model" I e

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I'm back from the dead :D


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Chapter 24: I think it's better if u finish this one 1st , meanwhile i re-read it eheh :) so later you can concentrate more on the 2nd, just saying ^^ and welcome back !
Jiyoo71 #2
Chapter 24: I hope you can finish this book first because this story is so interesting :) thank you
DontmindmeUwU #3
Chapter 23: The story is really interesting, i wonder what will happen with minji and yoohyeon now that they met again. Hoping this gets updated! Thank you for the story!
Jiyoo71 #4
Hello author nim. I read this story and it was so great. Can't wait for you to update. I want to know what happen to yoohyeon. Please author nim update the next chapter. Hahahhaha
Chapter 23: :O dang! This chapter was really something, but i'm happy that you updated T~T thank you for the chapter, i can't wait for these 2 to fight or something else xD thank you! I really appreciate your hard work ♡
TheSmolNub #6
Chapter 23: Woo very intense chapter author :o
Thank you and have a great day! :D
Chapter 22: D: find those f*****s and stab them! Dang minji too :( ..but yooh, please take care of her :) . Thank you for the update!
Holymomo #8
Chapter 22: Don't die suaaaa, how could jiu's parent's believe that, what will happen to past handong is she going to be found?? Will yoohyeon find her,will minji find her--is she going to be dead so much questions so little answers
Chapter 22: Aaaa Suaaaa :((((
DC_susu91 #10
Chapter 22: Please don't Kill sua ??