chapter three

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Dinner ended with a good note when both parents thought their child have taken the news well. However, what the parents thought is way easier than what was going on through their child's head.


Sakura and Minjoo are both staring at their plates not moving an inch, they would only have milliseconds of movement but only to look at the girl beside them and then whip their heads back to their plate.


Marriage? What the hell. With her?!


Sakura blinked her eyes rapidly hoping to wake up from what she thought was a dream. 


She couldn't believe what was happening. Out of all the people she's going to be married with. It has to be Kim Minjoo. Kim Minjoo the frog. Kim Minjoo the llama. Kim Minjoo her arch enemy.


She gripped her spoon with force thinking hard of how to get away from this ridiculous predicament.


On the other hand, the lass beside her is fuming with rage, if she had the opportunity and lacked the decency, she would have yelled at the Japanese, she knew it wasn't the older's fault but she couldn't yell at her parents either. So Sakura is the best bet to vent out her frustrations.


Walking out of the restaurant, the now engaged couple or enemies rather, were forced to walk beside each other, the former in frustration and the other dazed.


When they were in front of their respective cars, Minjoo pulled the cherry blossom in front of a car and spoke.


"We'll both take this car together if you don't mind." Their parents were shocked with the sudden request making them silent for a while, including the grey haired girl who could only look at the brunette with a shocked face.


"We would like to discuss the matter in private." The younger added making their parents nod their heads in understanding. But the older lass still couldn't comprehend.


"Okay. We hope the discussion is for the better." Minjoo's dad winked at them which would have made his daughter roll her eyes but stopped herself from doing so.


"Thank you." The beauty bowed to their parents and forced the other to do the same by placing her palm behind her and pushing it down, practically forcing the older to imitate her actions. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the disbelief that the grey haired girl is spacing out at a crucial time like this.


After bidding their farewells, the brunette then pushed the former inside the car gently as she is well aware of the fact that their parents have their eyes on them, if they weren't, she would have probably shoved her in harshly.


Minjoo turned back to look at their parents and saw them smiling with hope that everything they have planned will go smoothly. Even if she wants her parents to be happy, this is one thing she can't agree to. As she enters the car, she frowns looking at them before closing the door.


"Snap out of it, Miyawaki." The goddess places her arm on top of the older's shoulders and shakes her petite frame furiously. Earning no response, she thought of slapping the latter and much to her delight, the older returns back from her trance and pulls away from her grip.


"I told you not to touch me." The cherry blossom interlocks their gazes intently, her eyes filled with nothing but rage, making Minjoo realized that they share a mutual feeling about their current case.


Seeing that the Japanese is out of her daze, the younger girl put up her hands, palm out, to let the other girl know she understood what she wanted.


"Look, we have to tell them that we can't do this." Minjoo spoke firmly, causing their eyes to meet the second time around.


"If it was that easy, we would have done that earlier before dinner ended." Sakura said, her eyes never leaving her companion's pair of brown pools. Weird enough, the brunette finds it quite alluring, but realizing her thoughts, she broke their moment and turned her head outside the window.


"Well, let's tell them that we talked about it and we don't want to be married to each other like this." The latter crosses her arms over her chest, her actions openly announcing her feelings that she didn't like the response that she received.


"Do pray tell how?" Sakura said as much as she hated her, she was intrigued and ready to listen for any ideas she has inside that thick skull of hers. She kept her eyes planted on her companion, anticipating her response but what she didn't know is that the beauty is flustered receiving those studious stares.


"Uhhh." Minjoo utters, pretending to be thinking but is actually trying to regain her own composure.


"See, even you have none. The reason why I was so dazed earlier is because I was thinking how to get out of this. But for the past few minutes, I came up with nothing." The cherry blossom is now massaging her temples, trying to squeeze out her brain into thinking of a strategy.


"I got it!" The latter yells out of nowhere, startling the lass right beside her.


"Let's just tell them that we talked about it and we don't want to be married to each other like this!" Sakura pointed a finger upwards while smiling like a proud idiot.


"What? That's what I just said earlier!" The beauty is now in disbelief with how the older girl stole her idea.


"Whatever." The grey haired girl dismissed the younger girl's protest and proceeded to talk.


"So since it's my idea, you should be the one to say it." Sakura deadpanned, shocking the brunette even more. She couldn't believe that the older girl is doing something so ridiculous and immature, claiming her own idea and passing the baton to her afterwards.


"I said that was my idea!" Minjoo raised her voice as she finally had enough of the Japanese's silly antics.


"Fine!" The short haired lass covers one of her ears, her once attracting gaze turning into a glare real quick.


"Since it's your idea, you should say it." She said, shaking her ears and checking to see if it hadn't bled from the earlier scream.


"What? I can't believe you!" The taller is now furiously shaking her head, even more amazed at the older girl's way of thinking.


"Let's play fair and square!" She suggests, now facing the latter with anger and rage visible in all forms of expression, her companion on the other hand raises a brow to show a hint of interest in her words.


"You want to play games now?" The grey haired girl utters, tilting her head out of a force of habit. The former then responded with a nod.


"Rock, Paper, Scissors. Whoever loses tells our parents." Minjoo puts out her hand, ready to play. Sakura gave a sudden jerk of her head but nevertheless, mimics the actions of the beauty, silently agreeing with the condition.










When the two finally sets their hands free, the beauty squealed in delight when she saw Sakura's fingers were balled in a fist while she had hers open like a book. The cherry blossom facepalms herself for losing the game and prepares herself for the speech of the night.



When their car pulled up in front of the grey haired girl's house, or their house rather, the younger couldn't help but leave her jaws hanging in a gape, in awe of how big and classy the house is. The duo then steps out of the car, walking side by side without uttering a word.


When they arrived at the doorstep, the Japanese prepares herself one last time before twisting the knob, she nervously stepped a foot inside their newly renovated house with Minjoo following a couple of steps behind, equally nervous.


Sakura then stops before they could even make an entrance in the living room, from there, she saw both their parents smiling and obviously excited, she gulped as she was once again stupefied with the sight in front of her. Seeing the older hesitating, the frog-like beauty nudge the girl forward, waiting for her to do what they had planned back in the car.


The cherry blossom braced herself and attempted to take a step forward towards the adults but before she could, their mothers saw them and approached them with excitement.


"Honey! You're here. So how do you like our new home?" Eiko spoke out, her eyes that are filled with nothing but joy switches from her daughter to her soon to be daughter-in-law.


The grey haired girl nodded her head and swallows the lump in as she reaches out to hold her mother's hands. She nervously shifted her eyes from her own mother to the other's as she prepares herself.


"Mom, I have something to say." The latter looks down on their joint hands, caressing it gently as if wanting to comfort her.


"Wait, honey. Before you say anything, we have something to tell you first." Both moms then interlocked their gazes with each other and smiled.


"Both of you will be sleeping together in one room, just like proper wedded couples." Their mothers clapped their hands to convey their happiness while the two daughters widen their eyes in great distress.


Great. First it was the wedding and now this.


Sakura felt guilt in her heart seeing her mother so happy at the thought, she hadn't seen her mom this happy for so long. So she swallowed the speech the she prepared all throughout the car ride and smiled at them.


"G-great." The light haired girl utters, her words contrary to how she felt and this caught the younger by a surprise. 


"Hey! That wasn't the plan!" Minjoo abruptly blurted out, startling everyone inside.


The former swiftly turns towards the long haired lass, making faces as if telling her to shut up but the brunette is very ardent about telling their parents that she didn't want to marry this dipstick of a girl.


"We d-do-Pf

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jendeuklisa here, so i encourage all of you readers to please speak up your minds for every chapter! and also please do feed me with more minkkura fics I'M STARVING!


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Chapter 17: Even until the end, Sakura was still dense as ever. Gotta love her.
kungfuboy #2
Chapter 17: Now now. Just see this update. And I can say I love it. Hahahaha
violentsushi #3
Chapter 17: I was surprised when I saw that we got an update, and it took me awhile to even find it cause you put it before your new fic update. I was like, why did they had to go and hurt me again with a false update but luckily I look in the comments section. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

And the epilogue was beautiful, it had everything I wanted. Of course Sakura goes full dumb dumb mode and start making assumptions, what else do I expect from her. But luckily Minjoo reach out to her so that Sakura doesn't do anything stupid again. We even got Chaewon here, but Sakura wdym you have your source when you don't even know that Minjoo hasn't marry yet. I'll just treat it that Sakura is dumb when it comes to the person she likes. (o≖◡≖)

I haven't started the new fic yet, but will start it very soon. Izone is coming back, so let all hope for more minkkura. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
KrissaLeanna #4
Chapter 17: You are forgiven for making me cry.. And thank you for starting my new year with smiles
Happy new year to you guys
thank you so much for both of you after playing so heartless with the flow of the story, this is the best ending we could get
Chapter 17: Now, the ending is so much satisfying ✓
Woodbox #7
Chapter 17: Yayyyyyy yayyyy yayyyy happy ending!!!!thank youuuuu!!
iidesuka #8
Chapter 17: BEST ENDING! Thank you for not leaving us with a heartbreak! Happy 2020!
1752 streak #9
Chapter 17: An epilogue!!!! You guys are the bomb!!! And yes a happy ending they’re finally together again at last!!!
yeonier #10