May 3rd

Dear Diary


Wassup y?

Oh yeah. About the last entry. Well, there’s not much to say apart from my mom going ape on me for leaving the door unlocked.

Yeah. Alice called me ‘cause there was this guy, well hobo would be better, that came in to ask for a fork, and when he left, my mom went mad and started screaming at me about locking the door when it’s late because it’s dangerous and all that.

Anyway. On to the interesting part.

So, today at around 9PM, I got a text from my Baby.

First, let me say that I knew it was her because I put a special ringtone for her.

Now, as I was saying, I got a text from Alice, and I was shaking so bad, it took me like five minutes to get my stupid phone out.

Yes, I can text and call at work. So long as there’s not too many customers. And well, the restaurant’s been pretty empty lately.

All thanks to the police, government and strikes.

Last week, a video with a bunch of police officers arresting someone overly violently was leaked. And now, there’s all these thousands of people rebelling against the authority and blocking the streets at night.

Don’t get me wrong. The idea’s really good. And I totally approve. Dude, if I didn’t have to work, I’d probably go walk and block the streets with them.

The problem is that they block the streets downtown. And the restaurant’s there. So, we basically haven’t had any customer in two weeks.

And this is bad. Restaurants make money with their customers. If you have no customer, you make no money.

But who cares. What matters is that Alice texted me.

You know, I thought she’d ask if she could come eat here or something like that, but no. Nope. She said Thiteya and her were bored and she asked if they could come see Peatry.


Not “Jay~ I’m bored… Are you busy? Can I come?”.

No. It was “Hi Jay :) Thiteya and I are bored. Is there a lot of people at the restaurant? We miss Peatry haha. Can we go see him? :D”

Up ‘til today, I had no idea you could be jealous of a dog.

But guess what. You can.

And I am.

I’m jealous of my own dog.

But who am I to judge the reason she comes? Dude, she could tell me she’s coming to beat the out of me, I’d still be happy.

So I tell her they can come and she answers right after.


“Okay! We’ll be there in around half an hour :) See you soon~”


At this point, I’m just smiling and dancing around, reading the “See you soon~” part over and over again and telling the whole world, also known as my mom and ChaCha, that Alice is coming in around half an hour, they ignore me after I tell them for the fourth time, and I’m left to waiting patiently for Alice.

While I wait, I figure I should try to not look overly desperate to see my Baby, so I sit near the kitchen, back facing the door and I get some snacks and pretend I’m playing on my phone.

And after an eternity, the door opens. And there’s no point trying to not look desperate. Alice was just walking in, and I was already turned around, all smiling and waving at her.

And well. Do you know the song “There goes my baby”? It’s by Usher.

You probably don’t, seeing as you don’t have ears, but well. She walks in and the song starts playing in my head.


“There goes my baby

 Ooh girl look at you”


I mean, she’s just walking towards me, in all her perfection and prettiness and all I can think is “Oh my ing god, please marry me”.

And then she smiles and I can practically feel myself blush.

She walks closer, still smiling, but she also says hi and I try really hard to calm the down and answer. Somehow, I succeed and tell her “Hey, it’s been a while” without overly stuttering.

But well. It’s still a fail. Because it’s only been a bit over a week. But then, a miracle happens and she smiles even more and agrees with me.

Thiteya suddenly appears beside Alice and I get up to bring them to the back of the restaurant, where we put Peatry.

Now, try to guess what makes this magical and wonderful.

Alice attracts dogs too. Not only me and men in general. No. She attracts Peatry.

Like, I come in and Peatry barks happily and wiggles his tail a little, but when he notices Alice, he jumps in her arms and her face and barks like he’s never barked before and wiggles his tail like he’s never been this happy in his entire life.

He even brings her the ball and they start playing together.

And then, I thought of something.

You know, if Peatry likes her so much, it means he kind of accepts her, no? Like, when I start living with Alice, he won’t mind, right?

So I start thinking. Next time, I should ask her if she wants to come and walk Peatry with me. And we can walk hand in hand… And we can play with Peatry like a couple with their dog. And I could ask her out. And then she’d say yes. And we’d kiss.

And then Thiteya interrupts my thought and goes all “So, what’s up?” on me.

I tell her I’m doing okay and out of nowhere, we’re all headed back inside to talk.

Yes, you heard, or read I guess, that well. We talked. For two hours to be exact.

We talked about the restaurant and how we barely got any customers, which made me sleep late ‘cause we stayed open later in hopes of someone coming in, Alice got really worried for me, which made me overly happy, and said I shouldn’t sleep so late, especially since the school semester was already started and I would die of tiredness if I kept going like that.

So I had to tell her I was a dropout. I finished high school, but I’m not really into studying, so I just work at the restaurant to help my parents and I chill and go out with friends.

Thiteya was all jealous of me doing what I wanna do, and Alice was smiling and saying that so long as I did what I want, it was all good.

Then, I asked about them and Thiteya told me she was studying in accounting to help her family out.

My Baby is studying in social sciences, to understand mankind’s way of thinking, and to go in psychology and help people with their problems.

Doesn’t that make her even more amazing?

And then, I can’t even remember how, we were talking about health. I think Thiteya and I were both complaining about how expensive it was to be healthy here, and Alice just smiled really sadly, so I asked if she was fine and then I learned the worst thing ever.

She’s sick.

She said she didn’t even have to pay to go to the hospital because doctors wanted her to go, just to try different tests on her and stuff since she had something they’d never seen before.

She has a brain dysfunction in I can’t remember which part of her brain. For now, doctors said it would affect her memory and language. Like, her ability to talk without stuttering or hesitating. They also said it could affect her longevity and that there was a possibility she’d die young.

And I was this close to crying.

What the is wrong with mothering doctors? Alice’s brain, what the is your ing problem? Why can’t you be normal, for ’s sake?

I met Alice a couple of months ago, and you tell me she could die young and my time with her is limited? Seriously?

the hell off.

So I told her that doctors could be wrong and Thiteya nodded and for once, I was able to appreciate Thiteya.

She said that those doctors were probably wrong because the reason they wanna do the tests is that they’ve never seen a case like that. Which means they don’t know what they’re talking about.

And Alice smiled a little and nodded.

Somehow, the subject drifted again to languages, I taught them Korean basics and Alice taught me some more French, but I didn’t have the guts to ask how to say “I love you” this time.

I know. I’m pathetic.

And then, way too quickly if you want my opinion, it was almost midnight and they had to go.

So my mom and ChaCha appeared from the kitchen, they went to get Peatry and then we were all headed for the door to leave, and bam.

A miracle.

I would like to thank whoever is responsible for what happened.

But for now, let me just say that for once, I’m glad happened.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s five in the morning and I really have to sleep.

I’ll tell you what happened later~

Good night~

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Sorry it took so long. A lot of drama has been going on in our lives. But yeah. Update tomorrow ;)


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MaeMaeLanese #1
Chapter 23: Why no update?
KwonHyemi #2
hi girls! since I've been reading your fics, I started reading this... lol is so funny how Jay interacts with a diary!
update soon! thanks! =)
shinheehyogaya #3
Chapter 23: I just discovered this story and i find it funny and i always want more!I hope you do not abandon this story it's really hard to find a good story about jay so i hope you are going to update soon
Chapter 23: Lmaoooo. So adorable. Just grow some balls already dude. Ask her to the movies. Walk the dog with her. ____ that restaurant meeting Lol. Go out and have fun fun fun with your sunshine.
Chapter 23: Hahah Jay is cute af, man.
Hope to see the next chap soon, homie!
OptimusFanGirl #6
Chapter 23: jaaaaaaaaaayyyy you adorable mother er <3
Chapter 23: Alice and Thiteya are more badass than his...hahahahaha..omg Jay!!! ya should know that not all 'innocent look' girls is good and innocent..xDD hahahaha..he's just..omg...over a simple sweet dreams and goodnight text he could get that excited??!! haha..looks how love had make Jay become a cute little 'crazy' boy..hahaha..xDD
Chapter 22: it's 5 o clock in the morning,,,, the conversation got boring ~~~~