chapter 3

Lavender Dreams
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Kai sat in his chair, trying his best not to tap his feet in nervousness. The principal sat with his hands crossed together, resting on the desk. He sighed softly as he gazed upon Kai and his mother.

“Mr.Kim… I am aware it is your first day at the school and you are quite an attractive male in the terms of some of our students. So why is it that you choose to separate yourselves entirely from everyone.”

“I am sorry sir. But what do you mean when you say that to my son?”

“Mrs.Kim, are you aware that your son has joined a band at this school?” 

“He mentioned it briefly in a text message during after school and that it would be why he would not be coming home right away.”

“Ma’am the only band we have at this school is one that is not exactly liked that much at this school. They do make some interesting music to say, but they are a band of what people call misfits. Half of the members are gay to be frank.” Kai avoids eye contact with his mother as she glares at him. He knows he will be in trouble when they arrive home and be punished. After all, the reason why they had to move was because of him, because he is gay and a disgrace. He’s been hearing that since he came out to his parents, since they started moving every year because of the severe bullying he would suffer from; sometimes they would move even after a month. His parents were even against Mariage pour tous (same marriage in France)  and it undermined his confidence even more.  Everyday it started to feel like he just meant nothing to them, yet he can’t help hoping that one day things will change and they will support him because they love him. But this isn’t a fairy tale, he should stop hoping for so much. After

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