what do i do?


2. what do i do?

doyeon had walked in on yoojung laying on the couch sleeping in micheals arms. 

doyeon was usually ok with this. but this time she felt... jealous? before micheal yoojung would sometimes sleep in doyeons arms. the sofa was small but yoojung would curl up in a ball and doyeon would just find it the cutest thing ever. i mean who wouldnt.

yoojung was curled up in a ball like she would with doyeon so doyeon couldnt help but stare.

”doyeon, are you ok?” micheal said with a puzzled look. he had obviously caught her staring at yoojung whilst she was asleep.

doyeon smiled at micheal. “yeah im good. she’s adorable isnt she?” she asked with thinking it through. thankfully, micheal smiled at doyeon before planting a kiss on yoojungs head.

”yeah, and im so happy shes mine.” 

‘shes mine’ 

doyeon reatrained herself from mentally punching him.

how dare her called yoojung his.

for as long as she knew it yoojung was single and belonged to doyeon and no one could ever get in between them.

”doyeon?” micheal became worried because doyeon just stood in the middle of the hall with an emotionless expression on her face.

”shes sleeping at mine tonight.” that sentence caught doyeon off guard. 

she knew she had to be happy for yoojung as yoojung was her best friend. but like everyone else she never really trusted micheal. he seemed too nice. and now yoojungs taking it to the next step and sleeping at his. 

doyeon knew that he didnt know yoojungs little bedtime habits. like how sometimes the lights had to stay on until yoojung was asleep because she saw something that had scared her. or how yoojung was unable to sleep until she had checked the house to make sure everything was switched off correctly.

yes yoojung acted like a  baby but doyeon never minded that. no one minded it it. of course doyeon would coddle her but she never minded because yoojung was her baby. well that was until micheal came.

it was later and yoojung had left with micheal. doyeon knew this little ‘crush’ had become more than a little crush. 

doyeon decided she would go to the people she trusted most. hoping they would find a way to help stop this.

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YoodaengStan #1
Chapter 6: wating for the next update ~
YoodaengStan #2
Chapter 5: yoojung T^T
YoodaengStan #3
Chapter 3: poor doyeon ~ stay strong