What I Really Wanted

I'll Always Have You
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Sakura woke up but she wanted to just sleep again. It's the day of Chaeyeon's departure and they agreed not to accompany her at the airport. For quite some time, she conditioned herself on what to feel when this day comes. But everything changed when it's the real thing, when they are away from each other for real. For some reason, regret came to her mind.

"Maybe if I told her that I don't want her to go..."

Sakura finally got up from her bed and took her phone. She smiled as she saw her lockscreen, her beautiful wife. She immediately checked her messages. 

"Good morning, love! 
How was your sleep? 
Do you miss me? I miss you already. 
I'm about to check in. 
You should get up now and go to your PC Bang. Okay? 
Don't worry. We'll be together again before we know it. 
Time flies so fast now a days. 
I'll call you once I arrive. 
I love you!"

Sakura's smile was washed away by her tears. She stared at her tattooed ring then gently caressed it. After a few minutes of dwelling on her sadness, she gathered herself and sent Chaeyeon a reply. She'll keep her end of the deal, she'll live like she used to and move forward as the days go by.

When I woke up, I thought of just sleeping again. 
But I remebered my promise to go on with my everyday life.
You're still the first person I see the moment I open my eyes, even if it's just your picture as my phone lockscreen.
I miss you so much that I regret not stopping you from going.
Don't worry. I'll go to work.
I'll wait for your call. I'll wait for you to come back. I'll always be here.
I love you."



As soon as Sakura arrived at her PC Bang, there's Minju following her. They greeted each other as Minju tried to read Sakura's mood. She's planning to but she saw her friend's eyes. She waited for Sakura to open up first instead. A few hours have passed but Sakura hasn't mentioned anything about Chaeyeon's departure. She just focused on work. Actually, Minju didn't came to play but Chaeyeon personally asked her a favor to check on Sakura once she leaves. She ended up playing since Sakura looked like she'll drown herself with work all day. Minju kept glancing at her once in a while. When she checked the time, it's almost Chaeyeon's arrival. She saw Sakura entered her office.

With her phone on hand, Sakura patiently waited for Chaeyeon's call, it should be any minute now. She kept walking around her office anticipating to hear from her wife. Her eyes popped out when she saw the incoming video call. She smiled from ear to ear as she picked up.

"Hello love!"

"Hi, love!"

"I'm at the PC Bang."

"I'm here at the house where I'll be staying."

"Oh, how are you?"

"Fine. I felt better after seeing you."

"Me too. Even if it's like this, I'm happy to see you."

Silence followed after.

"I just got here, don't be like that. I might go back instantly. Let's endure it, just like what we promised."

"I'm sorry. I acted tough all this time while you're planning to leave but when you actually did, I felt like I'm at my weakest."

"You have me always, okay? Hold on to that. I'll do the same."

"I love you! Take care of yourself. Call me or message me any time. Okay?"

"I love you too! I'll keep in touch. You take care too. Bye."



Once their video call ended, Sakura sat on her chair then let out a deep sigh. After a few minutes, she stepped out to check on her gamers. Minju noticed her the moment she went out of her office. When Sakura passed by her, she quickly stood up and started a conversation.

"Did Chaeyeon call already?"


"Are you okay?"


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xenlicayan #1
Chapter 18: I I I I - 😭😭🤧🤧
Chapter 26: The sweet life
1767 streak #3
Chapter 26: love it!!! married life oh so sweet!!!!!
Chapter 26: kkuchaen in married life as they should
Chapter 26: Uwu. 😍🥰☺️ Thanks for the update authornim. ☺️
Chapter 26: Uwu. 😍🥰☺️ Thanks for the update authornim. ☺️
Chapter 25: Update authornim please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 25: Listening to Beware while reading this uwu
1767 streak #9
Chapter 25: uwu uwu uwu!!!!!!
Chapter 25: Woah. Sooooo sweet. 😍🥰 Thankyou for the update. 😊❤️