Chapter 4

Nico di Angelo visits Hogwarts

Nico 's thoughts ran at a thousand miles per hour. Why did harry have two freaking souls in him? Who did the other split soul belong to? With a determined look set on his face, he strode up to harry and pulled him aside. Hermione and ron frowned but harry assured them that it was probably nothing. Sure, it was totally nothing.

"Harry, whose souls are you hosting?" harry was taken aback. How did nico know about that? He hadnt even been at hogwarts for a long time and he most certainly did NOT go around telling people he had two souls in him. So how was nico so sure about the two souls in him?

"My own…" harry developed a sudden interest in his shoes. "The other one, the split one harry. You know what im talking about." nico persisted. Harry was surprised. Nico had never been so upfront about anything and to persist was just not nico's style.

"...and lord voldemort's?" nico raised his eyebrows. "'Flight of death'? Seriously? No, i mean his birth name."

"Tom riddle, tom marvolo riddle. How do you know all this?" harry demanded. This split soul thing was personal to him and he did not appreciate someone he didnt know well suddenly ask him about it. Nico had a forlorn look in his eyes and if harry looked closely enough, he could see a glint of pain in them too.

"Ignorance is bliss harry...what you dont know cant hurt you. I wish i knew that before." nico said the last part barely audibly. Harry didnt care though. "What do you mean ignorance is bliss? How can i be at peace not knowing something?" nico shook his head resignedly. "I speak from experience, something you will never have to go through. Meet me at the astrology tower at midnight sharp. Dont be late."

With that, nico shadow-travelled to the next class.

Harry mulled over nico's words. He knew from the argument between draco and him that his sister and mother were not alive anymore. So apparently his father was alive but that didnt clear things up at all. Perhaps 'experience' was his mother and sister dying? So...ignorance as in he didnt know they died? That didnt make sense. And why meet him at the astrology tower? That was all just messed up. He decided to think about it later and made his way to the next lesson before he got scolded. Again.

Severus snape narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean you cant read? Its something basic." nico shrugged and put his finger to his head.

"My brain…" he jabbed at his head for the millionth time. "Does not like to work like yours does." professor snape raised an unimpressed eyebrow at nico's explanation. Nico was exasperated. "I have dyslexia and adhd, okay?" professor snape nodded, satisfied with the answer he got at last. He eyed nico cynically and sniffed arrogantly.

"Well i suppose i have to help some filthy gryffindor cure his dyslexia." nico rolled his eyes and smirked. "Appreciate the generosity sir but im sure i can do it myself." professor snape snorted but nico was undeterred. With a sweeping movement of his wand, the words on the text immediately changed to ancient greek. Professor snape's jaw dropped and his eyes widened in surprise. He, however, quickly masked his surprise with a controlled frown and asked nico,

'Did your friends at your old magic school teach you this?" behind that statement, the professor was focusing on entering the boy's mind using legilimency. Nico shrugged and shook his head. He felt a light swish in his mind and immediately set his mental barriers in place.

"No…" he began slowly. "Im...self-taught." he felt a more forceful tug at his mind and he gritted his teeth. This professor was really testing his patience, one of the few things he did not have much to begin with. "And i can assure you i am speaking the truth." it was true. During the last two nights he had spent in hogwarts, he stayed up to go through the few books his father had gotten him. Then, he hid in the washroom to practice any practical work. However, the particular spell he had just cast on his textbook was only just learnt after seeing professor mcgonagall perform it. Professor snape, having been caught in the act of using legilimency red-handed, turned purple and scowled.

"Yes indeed…" then, professor snape felt a swishing sound in his mind and before he understood what was happening, an image of lily petunia evans flashed in his mind. He stumbled back in horror and pointed an accusing finger at nico. He drew his wand with the other hand and cast on him a stunning spell. Nico, with his quick reflexes, formed a wall of solid shadows, easily deflecting the spell.

"Why did you do that?" professor snape asked in a low and dangerous voice, the wand still directed at him.

"Same reason you did, i guess." nico shrugged and smirked. "Unfortunately for you, you didnt get what you want." he grinned when he saw professor go red in the face. His blood boiled with anger but yet he was amazed at the boy's level of skill. Giving nico one long last glare, he turned back to the class and began his lesson.

"Today, we will be learning about this potion. Can anybody tell me what this potion is made of without touching, feeling or smelling it?" he snorted when he saw nobody raise their hands. He was just about to explain the contents when he heard someone mutter,

"Meteoric iron, mithril, vibranium, 5-carat pure diamond and tinted silver." severus snape whipped around. He scowled when he saw who the voice came from; the thick-skinned nico di angelo. He already loathed the boy, despite him meeting him for the first time. He already disliked all gryffindors but the fact that he dared to talk back to him was simply overbearing. But yet, he was curious. Could the boy really be right? Had he heard correctly? Nobody in his years at hogwarts had ever been able to answer him correctly without doing any of the above conditions he had stated.

"Say that again." nico was expressionless, but if one looked closely enough, they could see a wry smile tugging at his lips. "With pleasure professor. Meteoric iron, mithril, vibranium, 5-carat pure diamond and tinted silver." this time, he spoke more clearly with a louder tone. The confidence in his tone was one that had never been seen before. This assurance was not something nico usually exhibited. Professor snape, meanwhile, was awestruck.

"Thats...correct." he said with disbelief. The class gasped audibly and he heard a few...

"I knew he was perfect!"

"Oh my god, he's so my type!"

"Such a cute guy…"

Nico turned green and buried his head in his book. All this fangirling was driving him crazy. He was sure that even though tartarus kept him sane, this would not. However, he was not ready to come out to hogwarts and screw up his current home. He took a deep breath and asked the professor to carry on. The professor rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his greasy shoulder-length hair. Nico gagged. The sight was truly nauseating. The potions master then went on to explain about the potion's formula while nico zoned out. The professor kept an eye on the boy. He was...interesting to say the least. Something between an interesting artefact and a dangerous beast. This boy had somehow wormed his way through professor snape's mental maze barriers and uncovered his darkest memories, all the while keeping his barriers up too. And as he, too, was well-versed in the dark arts, he was greatly amazed by the young man's control with umbrakinesis. This worried him much too. What if he became the next voldemort? What if he grew up to be a dark wizard? It was definitely undesirable.

Professor snape was still deeply troubled when the bell rang for the next class. Making a decision he was sure to regret later, he pulled nico aside for a private talk. However, he quickly let go of the boy's arm. The ice cold arm had given him a sudden shock. Nico flinched and gave severus snape a death glare. The professor shuddered and turned away immediately.

"What do you want professor?" nico's voice was steely and hard. The professor gulped. Despite his advantage with height, nico had a way to intimidate him-his death glare, his tone, his was creeping the professor out.

"I just wanted to tell you not to become a dark wizard in the future and…" nico raised his eyebrow at that. Like how long could he actually survive being both a demigod and a son of hades? It was likely impossible. He snorted.


"And...that you are really skilled. I never thought i would say this to a gryffindor but most people who are as skilled as you are older than you and for you to exhibit such high level of umbrakinesis at such a young age is...worrisome." nico nodded to show his understanding.

"Thank you for your concern but im pretty sure i wont live long enough to see whether or not i become a dark wizard." nico paused and continued just as professor snape was about to use legilimency. "And dont even try using legilimency on me sir, because you will never get through to what you want. Never." professor snape was aghast. He had been exposed two times in a day and it was humiliating. He nodded and walked away, his thoughts never leaving him.

Professor umbridge had already started her lesson when nico arrived. He knocked on the front of the door and peered into the classroom. It was extremely quiet and many pairs of eyes bore into his. He didnt back down; he was one for stares. Sending a tremor of darkness through the whole classroom, he glared at each and every of the students, causing them to flinch and recoil in fright. Professor umbridge raised an eyebrow and frowned at nico.

"May i ask, young boy, why you are late for class?" nico was about to open his mouth to explain when the professor cut him off.

"Detention for you." she announced with a pleased smile on her face. Expecting him to silently accept the unfounded punishment, she turned back to the class.

"No." she spun around.

"What did you say, wizard?" she snarled at the last word and spat it out distastefully.

"I said no." nico said. "I have a valid reason to be late."

"And what would that be, half-blood?" nico froze at the last word. Had professor umbridge realised his true demigod identity? No, it couldnt be...wait! Half-blood in the wizarding realm meant that he was the son of a wizard and a muggle. He sighed with relief.

"Professor snape wanted to warn me against something after class." those who knew how hard-hearted professor snape was (obviously everyone), gasped loudly. The snape warning a new boy against something? That was new.

Professor umbridge snorted. "Sure but everyone knows you can apparate within hogwarts. Had you really been intending to come to class on time, you would have apparated here immediately after your 'talk'."

"But im not supposed to be apparating. In fact, im not supposed to be even capable of apparating within hogwarts. Shouldnt fixing that be your priority instead of punishing me over something completely stupid? If you have the time to detain me rather than look into this matter, it just goes to show your priorities, high inquisitor."

The high inquisitor went purple in the face. "You know nothing! You have no right to interfere with my decisions and like you said. I am the high inquisitor and i have the rights to do what i want. So i have the right to detain you, whether you like it or not."

Nico was enjoying the sight of the pink lady finally having a slight wardrobe change-a purple face. It amused him much, but was determined not to show it. "I'm sorry, professor, if i have in any way offended you, but im afraid one is allowed to voice the ir opinions and i did just that." he paused, knowing that he was treading on dangerous ground, but pushed on when no one objected. "Unless you find some truth in my words, your reaction would not have been so great. And, as a side note, i know more than you think, seen more than you've seen, and i am more than you are. You look into my eyes and i will take you on an unforgettable experience. Perhaps then you would have an idea who you are dealing with. It's like they say: 'despise the enemy strategically, but take him seriously tactically.' Quoted by mao zedong." he put a finger to his chin, deep in thought.

"Why should i do as you say? You have no authority over me."

Nico looked at the professor cheekily. "So you're a coward? You dare not even look into a child's eyes…"

The high inquisitor had on a haughty look. "Say that again!? It's jut looking into a child's eyes, not something i cant do!"

Nico shook his head. "'s not just looking into my eyes...many people who go through what you're about to go through alive and those who survive become insane...with the exception of me and...someone else."

Professor umbridge got the jitters and trembled slightly. Nobody had spoken to her with such confidence that the son of hades possessed. Masking the nervousness, she stated, "Bring it on half-blood."

"Stare into my eyes and tell me what you see." she peered into his eyes. "That's noth-AHHH!" she gasped. The class was silent by this point of time. They were all now staring intently at the hysterical high inquisitor whose tears streamed down her pallid face. She shrieked repeatedly and all of a sudden, she stopped in mid-scream. She was motionless as she collapsed onto the floor.

Nico shut his eyes so that the professor could have a break from the roller-coaster experience. He whispered in a steely voice,

"You were wrong, high inquisitor. Looking into my eyes is no easy feat without becoming insane. My eyes are tainted with the souls of the innocent, those who shed blood for nothing but the pleasure of the killers. You are deemed guilty, professor, by the son of the lord. I am not the son of lord voldemort, i can assure you that though. I will not give you the sweet release to hell, no matter how much the souls yearn for it. They didnt deserve death, but deserve it. Mark my words, umbridge, i will make you suffer as you made your students suffer, you will carry their burden and you will be at the mercy of those you have wronged. You will wish that i had sent you to the underworld at this point of time, and trust me, i want to too. But my father wont be pleased to meet you. Otherwise, you'd be down there already."

Nico chuckled mirthlessly as he shadow-travelled away. While he was fading, he muttered:

"I await your suffering."

Harry stared at the blank space where nico was just at and frowned. Scaring the carp out of the tiest professor on the first day of school? Harry had to give it to him. He wondered what to think of the new boy. Sure, he was creepy and all, but he was strong too. He had been through so much; the loss of TWO loved ones and something much more that harry just couldnt put a finger on. He could tell from the way he spoke that experience was something he had much of. But he was quite pitiful too. Even the strong needed someone to care about him. He then looked at the high inquisitor who was sprawled on the floor in an unsightly way. He sighed and ran for the nearest professor in the vicinity. Perhaps they could help her.

Nico shadow-travelled to his dorm. He was in a state of panic. He checked the time. It was only three in the afternoon. His thoughts raced through his mind. How could he do this to the professor? Hadnt he learnt from bryce lawrence? At least he knew him to some extent...but umbridge? He barely knew her for a few minutes? What had he done? He reached for the knife in his pocket and stumbled over to his bed. He brought his knife to his forearm and sliced monotonously. He knew that this was only a temporary remedy for his stress-output but he could not bear to see umbridge scarred for life and himself getting away for it. No. he had to pay for it. He sliced...and sliced...1 to 100, 100 to 200…

There was a knock on the door and nico fumbled for his quilt. Pressing it against his bloody arm, he asked the person to come in. it was dean and seamus, his dormmates. Watching them make their way to their beds, nico sighed and trudged back to his own. Soon, the soft sounds of snores were heard and nico returned to his ritual. Slice, slice, slice. The sweet feeling of pain momentarily distracted him from his guilt and for that, he was glad.

At last, satisfied with his bloody and sliced hand that looked as though it had gone through a grinder, nico let go of the knife, glancing at it only when it hit the ground. He inspected the area around him.

The floor was traced with droplets of blood and his knife was coated with dried red crusts. The bed was stained with a pool of blood and nico's jacket's sleeves were soaked. He stood up, and immediately regretted his decision. Due to too much blood loss, he felt faint and dizzy. The room spun in circles and he reached for something as support. He fell forward head first onto the ground, with nobody noticing him.

Nobody at all.

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