New Neighbourhood,New Neighbour.

Baekhyun’s POV:

That body of hers... that hair, those lips... as he continues to stare at her. She just bows and left, after entering the apartment. That image of her just couldn’t stop appearing on his mind. That nice curves of her body… that fits so nicely in those white off-shoulder top and denim jeans. With that messy bun and strays of hair flowing freely… and those round specs that looks so cute and fits her face shape perfectly. As he assumes that he is tired and just needs some rest to stop having all these random thoughts, he went to bathe and immediately head for the bed.




His mind just couldn’t stop thinking about the girl’s features and body… he decided to just head out of the room and get a cup of water to drink to refresh himself. “should I go out and properly introduce myself?” he thinks… suddenly, there was shuffling noise outside the apartment, he decided to head out to check, as he opens the door, he saw the same girl from earlier running into her apartment, even the way she runs is so cute, he smiles to himself.




Now that he is standing outside, he is hesitating whether to knock and know his new beautiful neighbour well, something just told him to lift his hand and knock the door. The girl comes out, with the same outfit from earlier, he couldn’t stop thinking about those curves and those facial features, how her eyes are single-eyelid but still has sparkle effect and those cute small pouty lips. He lifted his hoodie cap and asked “are you the new neighbour that had just moved in?” seeing how she just knocks her head with that pouty lips makes his heart flutter. Putting his hand out, “nice to meet you, I’m Baekhyun.”.



Back to your POV

“did he just introduce himself to me?” you thought to yourself, taking too long to have random thoughts you saw how his head just tilt one side and he pouted his lips at you with a questioning expression. You just took his hand and said “oh, sorry I am Subin, and I just moved here like 10 hours ago haha.” He immediately smiles and you could feel the atmosphere getting warmer with that bright smile he just flash at you. “I hope to know you better Subin-ssi” he smiles at you, “do you need anything? If you do, please find me alright?” he states. “I hope to know you better too! Thanks!” he smiles and turns back to return to his apartment, you felt butterflies in your tummy and you felt your heart beating fast. “nah, he wouldn’t like a girl like me.”. You were exhausted during the moving process and also meeting Baekhyun tired your heart out by beating too fast, you decided to just call it a day and head to bed.


The next day…

After making a note for the things you need, you decided to head out of the apartment and go to the nearby market to get the things needed and also ingredients for tonight’s dinner (for yourself). After getting out of the apartment and locking the door, you heard keys locking a door too, you turn back and saw Baekhyun locking his door. Heading towards him, you asked “heading out?” Baekhyun turns back and seeing it’s you he immediately smiles and reply “yeap, I wanted to have a breather, where are you heading to?”. “oh, I am just heading to the nearby market to grab a few things.” You replied back. “need some accompany?” he asked, hearing that, you suddenly froze and your heart started to beat, “sure, if you want to, of course.” “why not?” as he started to walk with you. Your heart starts to beat faster, you tried to calm yourself down by breathing deep but that does not work quite well and you start to sound like you are having an asthma attack, hearing that, he asked “are you okay? Do you need help?”, starting to feel stupid, you replied, “yea, I am totally fine, I am just trying to breathe normal haha.” You suddenly feel a hand on your back soothing and moving up and down “relax babe, its just the two of us.” Hearing the word “babe”, your heart beats even faster and you start to mentally scold your heart.

At the market, after grabbing the things needed, you head to the food aisle and started to think of what to eat and what ingredients to buy for dinner. After seeing how focus you are, Baekhyun asked “what are you thinking of, you seem to be thinking too much” “oh, I am just thinking about dinner for tonight.” Seeing how his lips form a “o” shape and nodding, you find it so cute and he kind of reminds you of a puppy.” Do you have any plans tonight?” he suddenly asked which made you snap out of your thoughts about his resemblance to a puppy. “mmm nope, just dinner and Netflix by myself.” You shouldn’t have added that “myself” as you realised it made you sound pathetic. “mind if I come over and have dinner together? We can stay up and watch Netflix together afterwards.” He smiles waiting for you response, wait, did Baekhyun just requested to stay up at your apartment and not just stay for dinner but also to stay up for Netflix? You were so shocked by that question that you just stood there looking at him wide-eyed. Seeing how you didn’t give him any response, “I guess its fine, I wouldn’t want to disturb you.” He looks sad with those pouty lips. Your heart immediately melts seeing how cute he looks with the pouty lips, you felt like you just committed a sin and you definitely deserved to be punished for making Baekhyun sad. You immediately replied, “no! I don’t mean that, I was just shock that you would want to have dinner with me, its such an honour!” you realised what you said that makes absolutely no sense, you start to blush and immediately look down Baekhyun saw how your face turns red after saying that and burst out into laughter and replied “okay! Its decided then! We are gonna have dinner together and watch Netflix together!” after seeing how he became so happy, you immediately smile at him too.


After reaching your apartment together with the items needed and ingredients for tonight’s dinner, Baekhyun look around your apartment and realized how empty it looks. “so, I assume you live alone?”, putting the items away, you replied “yes, I just turned 21 and I decided to move out of my parent’s”. “oh! Me too!” he replied smiling brightly at you. You smile back and thought yourself when are you going to get tired of seeing Baekhyun smile. While washing the ingredients, Baekhyun walked beside you and watched, “are you gonna help me or just watch me?” you asked, “I will help you when you need!” he smiles again at you and you realised how he behaves like a kid too, playful and cute. He was helpful during the process of cooking and you start to think where did he get all these cooking skills from as he doesn’t seem like someone that will take the time to learn how to cook. You and Baekhyun prepared spaghetti with meatballs and it was delicious and both of you were proud of yourself.

Now that it’s time for Netflix, you went to your room to get your fluffy blanket which you would always take with you when you Netflix, after getting out of your room you saw how Baekhyun was already sitting on the sofa using the remote to choose for a movie to watch, noticing you, his expressions brightens up, “here!” he patted the seat beside him signalling you to sit together with him. You just took your blanket and settled down beside him, you spread the blanket to cover yourself, “do you want to share it with me?” you asked while lifting the blanket to open up a space for him to join, he immediately joins you and you two were covered with a fluffy blanket and almost seems like cuddling. As the show goes on, you realise your eyes starts to feel heavy and they start to close by themselves, you needed to stay awake so that you would be able to watch finish the movie(but also a part of you wanted to spent more time with Baekhyun) however, you were too tired and your eyes just shut and the world became black. Noticing how you are breathing so slowly, Baekhyun looks at you and realized you have already fallen asleep, he smiles to himself and he off the tv and wraps you up in the blanket and proceeds to lift you up from the sofa and carrying you bridal-style to your room. He lays you down carefully on bed and tucks you in. he took one last look at how cute you look when you are sleeping before leaving and heading back.

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