We're Not Married - Epilogue

We're Not Dating

            “Hey, can you not leave your socks lying everywhere.”

            I gasped. “They’re not everywhere! I toss them perfectly near the door so I can put them on with ease and then slipping on my shoes.”

            “Then why is there one here?” He picked up a pair underneath my desk. “And here.” Another pair by the closet door. “And this one.” A lone sock sticking out from beneath the bed.

            I groaned at him and rolled my eyes. “You! Leave my room alone!” He put his hands on his hips. “I mean, look, I get home from school and all I want to do it relax and you must understand the refreshing feeling when you slip off your shoes and then peel away your sweaty socks. Baekhyun?”

            “You’re unbelievable,” he shook his head once more. Baekhyun settled himself on my bed and spread himself out comfortably.

            “Hey, hey!” My sister trudged over, pushing the door open, stood by the door frame. She put her hands on her hips and huffed out angrily. “Can’t you put marital problems aside and stay quiet for 3 hours. I’m trying to enjoy my movie marathon.”

            “We’re not married,” I snapped at her.

            “Whatever,” and with that she left, slamming the door behind her.

            I deeply exhaled and turned to look at Baekhyun who was still spread out on my bed but now interested with whatever was on his phone. “Baekhyun?” No answer.

            “Baekhyun?” I called out again. This is lame. Why is he being angry with me? He knows that I immediately take off my socks right when I get back from classes. If he can’t handle this small habit of mine, how he can handle all of me? I rolled my eyes and decided to put everything aside and started to act how Baekhyun wants me to or, at least, how he likes it. I don’t do it often but it seems like he has a kink for it.

            I smile and quickly scramble onto the bed next to him. “Baekhyun~” I whine and snuggle up close with him. Baekhyun absolutely loves it when I dote him and yet, he doesn’t move an inch besides his finger scrolling through his Twitter feed.

            I whine again. “Baekhyun~ my handsome, handsome boyfriend,” I slap a kiss to cheek. He leans his face a bit closer to my lips, in hopes to get more. I chuckled before splurging myself to pepper his entire face with kisses. As much as this is for Baekhyun, this was definitely for me as well because I love kissing him.

            Baekhyun lets me continue and yet, he still hasn’t said a word to me. I slow down my kisses when I figured he was going to continue like this. Why is he being so petty about my socks? Is it more than my socks? Did I do something wrong? Once again, so many unanswered questions and it’s his fault.

            If he’s going to play hard to get then I must break down that hard wall. I sat up with a huff and looked down at him. God, why does he look so good when he’s just laying down? Pursing my lips, I threw my leg over him and settled myself on top of him. He grunted a little at the sudden weight on top of him but he still did nothing to stop me. Is this what he wants? I silently scoffed. I snatched his phone out his hands when he finally gives me the attention I want as he stares right back at me as everything began to go in slow-motion.

            Gently, I slither my hands up his chest to cup his supple cheeks. He tilted his head to relish in the warmth of my hand. Leaning down, I pecked his cheek. “Did I,” moving toward kiss the corner of his lips. “Do,” His Chin. “Something,” that oh-so-dangerous jawline then dragging my lips along his skin to smooch his exposed neck, giving it a small in the process. “Wrong?”

            Baekhyun’s mouth remained shut but I was still able to hear the low moan he produced. I smirked knowing that his walls were slowly coming down so I continued my sensual kisses to his neck. Dating for 4 years now, I for sure now what places can make Baekhyun crack. Most of the time, it doesn’t involve been this intimate but he leaves me no choice if he is being petty. Like I mentioned before, I think he has a thing for the puppy eyes, acting cute and clingy.

            “Baby, tell me what’s wrong and I’ll fix it,” I whispered in his ear, lips grazing his shell. His hands suddenly found home on my hips gripping them tightly. I nearly feel him want to push up against me. “Come on, babe~”

            I lifted myself up from my hiding spot in his neck to stare into his eyes. I can see his pupils swirling and fully blown. I’m close. I gave him a very, very sweet smile as I rubbed his cheek with my thumb, slowly decreasing the space between us.

My lips hover about his. “Please,” I whispered once more before leaning back. He quickly puckered his lips in hopes that I would actually kiss him. I didn’t and I slipped off of him to lay back down at his side.

Baekhyun immediately sat up and glared at me. He suddenly let out a scream that made me jump. Taking both of my hands to place them above my head (can’t phrase this enough; ), it was his turn to hover above me. “I love that love you way too much.” He pushed his lips onto mine for the most frantic and passionate kiss. It was almost angry but so full of love.

After what seemed like forever, he finally pulled away. A string of saliva still connected us. He lapped it up like a puppy and I couldn’t help but be in awe. Baekhyun is an incredible lover; so sweet, so gentle, passionate, y, and everything you could want from such handsome man.

He let down my arms. “I’m not angry at you at all and I don’t care about your socks,” he chuckled. He slid an arm under my back and the other sliding down to grip my thigh to wrap around his waist. I was then lifted up as he shuffled on his knees to lean back against the headboard and me taking place on his lap, straddling his waist again. “I was just frustrated with myself.”

I raised an eyebrow trying to comprehend what he was trying to tell me and after our intense make out session, I feel like I had a small idea of why he was so frustrated. “So you have to get angry at me to break a ?”

He burst out laughing and his cheeks flared red. I was for sure not laughing because I’m genuinely confused of why he’s acting the way he is. “Honey, you gave me one earlier with those damn sensual lips of yours.”

“Baekhyun,” I wiggled around, gently though to not start anything up again from his below region. “Just tell what’s on your mind before I have to take matter into my own hands.”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” he winked. I gaped at him and slapped his shoulder. “Sorry, sorry.”

He let out a big sigh and laughed again, in air through gritted teeth as he smiled widely at me. “I want you to move in with me.”

“M-move in with you?”

“It’s been on my mind for a long time now. I know it’s a big step for the both of us but I just think that we’re both adults, we’ve also been officially dating for four years now that I think it’s time to further our relationship by moving into our own place or my place since I live by myself in it.

I figured you’re always at my place, I’m always at your place, we always sleep together in the same bed, and we’re together pretty much every day. It’d be easier if we’re all in one place together with a little more privacy,” his fingers trickled along the sides of my body.

“Naughty,” I slapped his hands away. “So you want me to move in even with me throwing my socks everywhere?”

“I told you I don’t care about your socks, love!” Threw his head back in exasperation and hitting his head against the head broad. “Ah…ah…”

“Oh no,” I took his head carefully in my hands and massaged the back of it to lessen the pain. “You really want me to move in with you?”

He lifted up his hand to lean his head on it. “Yes because I love you that much.”


“Okay?” He lifted his head up in surprised at my quick response.

“Yeah, why not? You already take care of me and it will be easier for you to come back from work and I’ll welcome you in open arms, kiss you and we can snuggle in the comfort of our home,” I, dreamily, spoke. It was like a dream to me to be honest. It may not seem like it since it’s what we already do. He’d come to my place after he finished work and we’d cuddle until we fall asleep and vice versa for his place. I’d go to his place after classes and study groups to shower him in kisses.

“But,” I started.

“But?” He inquired.

“I don’t know how my parents would react. We’re not married yet, Baekhyun,” I drew patterns onto his chest.

“Yet,” he emphasized. “I mean I’m definitely marrying you. No doubt about it.” I blushed at his blunt proposal. “I want you to finish school first. You have another year or two to go so we’re not too far away in you being my ex-girlfriend and becoming my wife instead.”

“You’re so-so cheesy, Baek,” I giggled and threw a small fit due to him just being so sweet.

“You can’t continue living with your parents either. You’re 25 and I’m 29, we’re very much close to when we’re supposed to be married and maybe even having had children. They have to be understanding. Don’t become your sister who is also nearing her 30s still living with her parents.

Plus I have a job and I make a stable income to support the both of us until you finish school and get a job to help support us both as well.”

“Should we go talk to them now? They’re just down the stairs.”



“That was quite easy…” Baekhyun made himself comfortable once more in my bed.

I gaped at him. The whole conversation only took 10 minutes, however, it actually only took them half the time for them to say yes to me moving out. “That was one big promise you made.”

“People say that money can’t buy you happiness, but honestly if I’m buying it for own happiness then I think it’s totally fine,” he waved his hand off. “They only say it because they’re trying to buy it for someone else.”

“So paying for my last tuition is your happiness?” A quick look into how the conversation went was me getting my parent’s attention, sitting down, and nervously asking them if they were okay with it. My mom was down for it because she knew my feelings for Baekhyun and his for me and she knows Baekhyun is a good man that takes care of me. My dad however was shocked. It suddenly turned into a speed quiz to my dad being,

“You two are not married yet.”

To Baekhyun, “Not yet. I want her to finish with her studies.”

“Will you take care of her? Protect her?”

“Of course! Like I’ve been doing for the past 6 years of knowing her.”

“I can’t let you take my daughter from me just yet. What will you do for her to ensure that I’m ensured that you will take care of her?”


“Anything? Your job? Income?”

“Steady as can be. Net worth is quite evident.”

“Promise to pay for her last year of school and some of the loans too and I will provide the van for her move.”



“Yeah because you get live with me and I couldn’t be anymore happier!” I cheekily smile and beckoned me to join him on the bed.

“Oh geez,” I cracked a smile and quickly snuggled up in his arms. “You’re not a man to really flaunt off your money like that.”

“Huh? Oh… he was the one to ask the questions and I just assured him that we will live a comfortable life. Your dad is a complete old-fashion kind of guy that wants everything for his daughter to be easy going because unlike him, he didn’t have the luxury to live like you.”

“Wow where did that come from?”

“Ah~ let’s just say your dad hangs out in the kitchen a lot when I’m here and is always seems to be right there to strike a conversation with me.”

“I guess he’s just watching out for me and making sure that I’m being taken care of when he can’t.”

“You can almost say that I’m your other daddy.

I immediately pushed him away. “Has anyone told you that you’re a little too ?”

“I act like it but you know that I’m not,” he stuck his tongue out. “And I know you like it.”

“I’m going to regret this aren’t I?”

“Baby, you’re 4 years in too deep already. It’s too late,” he kissed my lips. “You’re only going to regret not moving in sooner.”


I mean... is anyone really surprised that there's a epilogue to this?? I was on the debate of whether to write an epilogue or not when a lovely reader  gave me the enticing urge to actually write one, I couldn't help but to make it come to life! I was really excited to write this and the story line just suddenly came to me so sorry if there are any mistakes! 

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Chapter 1: This was so sweet!
Chapter 2: randomly found your story and then proceed to reading other stories, and i love it!!
Chapter 1: why your story is so cute :<<<<
Chapter 1: why do i keep getting notifs that this fic is updated-
1888 streak #6
Chapter 1: omggg sjsjsj this was so cute and fluffy T_T my heart couldn't handle all those cuteness my godd baek is killing every one. Loved the story ♡
Chapter 1: Awwww that's so cute
Chapter 1: My gaid worth to read your story , Baekhyun is so sweet gosh hue hue . I'm glad you enjoyef your concert at Seoul . i hope I will be able to watch the concert too
Chapter 1: So fluffyyyyyyyy!!! ❤