Summer Sun.

Tall People Should Block The Sun

Summer in Seoul was one thing. Summer in Tokyo was another. Either way, Nako can't wait for winter to arrive. Slumped on the couch in their apartment, one arm dangling from the edge, the other shielding her eyes from the blinding sun filtering in through the window, she heaves a sigh. The fan circulating hot air around the room does nothing to make her feel better. She wonders briefly whether this is what it would be like to be reincarnated as a snowman. She feels herself slipping away, falling asleep to the monotonous drone of the fan...


And is startled awake when a large body collapses on top of hers. Judging by the way their legs are tangled and how she is currently suffocating in someone's chest, it can only be one person. "Ahn Yujin," Nako gasps, "are you actually trying to kill me?"


"No, I'm waking you up!" Nako opens one bleary eye to see Yujin grinning at her. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"


"No." Nako closes her eyes again, willing the gods to take this giant embodiment of a human pup away from her. Isn't she allowed to just sleep the whole summer away?


"You can't just sleep the whole summer away!" Yujin whines, squirming on top of Nako. Wrapping her long arms around the small girl, Yujin rolls them around the couch as she tries to get Nako's attention. As she shifts around, she slips off the side of the couch and falls back-first onto the floor, with Nako landing on top of her.


"!" Yujin exclaims, rubbing the back of her head.


Language," Eunbi reminds her as she walks past the living room. "Nako, take the giant puppy out for a walk, won't you?"


Nako sighs. That was her one fatal flaw: she just could never say no to Eunbi. Pursing her lips, she opens her eyes to glare at a beaming Yujin. "We better be getting ice cream." At Yujin's excited nod, she continues: "Mint chocolate ice cream."


"," Yujin repeats under her breath.


It quickly becomes clear to even Yujin that leaving the house on this kind of blistering hot day is a bad idea. Despite being dressed in a breathable cotton tee and the shortest shorts she could find, she is sweating buckets as they trudge the short distance from their apartment to the nearby ice cream shop. Next to her, Nako huffs and puffs as she jogs to catch up with Yujin's long strides. 


The taller girl spots their destination first. "Last one pays for the ice cream!" she shouts as she made a mad dash into the air-conditioned shop. Rolling her eyes, Nako slowly drags herself into the shop. Yujin is waiting for her expectantly, two cups of ice cream already in hand. She tilts her head, nodding at the cashier. Shaking her head, Nako pulls out her wallet to pay.


Once Nako has put away her wallet, Yujin offers one of the cups to Nako. "This is yours."


Nako peers into the cup and nods in approval -- a double scoop of mint chocolate. She smirks at Yujin. "I thought you didn't like mint chocolate."


"Yeah, but I know what you like, so," Yujin says, shrugging. She digs into her own cup, a mix of vanilla and green tea. An euphoric look comes over her face at the first bite. Is this what heaven felt like?


She glances down when Nako tugs at her sleeve. "I want to try yours," she demands. Offering a spoonful to Nako, Yujin fights back a grin when Nako opens like a baby bird waiting to be fed. She wants to squeal at the way her fellow member's eyes widen upon tasting the flavoursome ice cream. Honestly, Yujin thinks to herself, Nako is really too cute for words.


"Here." Nako scoops out a large spoonful of her mint chocolate ice cream and shoves it into Yujin's open mouth. The taller girl is forced to swallow it, shivering in distaste once she is sure it had completely gone down .


"Why did you do that?" Yujin complains, making a face. She quickly shovels more green tea ice cream into to get rid of the overpowering flavour of mint.


Nako bats her eyelashes flirtatiously, knowing well enough that her partner has rather strong opinions about her favourite ice cream flavour. "Equal exchange?" she teases, cackling and rushing out of the store at Yujin's annoyed frown.


According to Yujin's schedule that she spontaneously created while waiting at a traffic light, their next stop is the Han River. "Yujin, you can't swim there, you know," Nako reminds her, spotting a particularly keen glint in the taller girl's eyes.


"That wasn't my plan at all!" Yujin insists. So much for that idea, she grumbles internally.


"Sure, sure." Nako wisely takes Yujin by the arm and steers them a couple of steps away from the river. "Let's just take a quick walk around before going home, okay?"


Strolling along the riverbank is actually a really good idea on this summer day. Nako finds herself giggling at Yujin's ridiculous antics and the silly stories she tells while they walk. Occasionally they spot a couple of kids playing football, or a dad teaching his daughter how to ride a bike. Of course, this being the Han River, they also spot a few couples having picnics -- or attempting to hide behind trees as they make out. Nako jumps to attention at that, trying to cover Yujin's eyes before she notices.


The problem here is that Yujin is much taller than she is, and so it is basically impossible for Nako to cover her eyes. Besides, Yujin had spotted them first, and gives Nako a cheeky wink. "Do you want to-"


"No!" Nako screeches, just a bit too loudly.


Yujin sighs and shakes her head. "Get your head out of the gutter, girl. What I meant to say was, do you want to walk the other side of me?" She exchanges places with Nako before the older girl can answer.


"Why?" Nako furrows her eyebrows in confusion. The reason soon becomes apparent when she realises she is standing in Yujin's shadow, blocked from the harsh sunlight. She looks up at Yujin's flustered face, angled away so Nako cannot see her blush.


"Ah~" Nako leans against Yujin's frame. "Where did this charm come from?"


"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Yujin blusters, her face becoming redder and redder as she feels Nako cling onto her arm. She fans herself with her shirt, avoiding Nako's eyes. "Wow, summer's really hot, huh?"


Nako laughs; it is a childish kind of laugh that lightens Yujin's heart. "It sure is," she agrees, taking Yujin's hand and interlocking their fingers together. Yujin's breath hitches at the action, and she covers with her free hand to stop the heady, lovesick giggle that threatens to burst out.


After a while, their hands become pretty sweaty -- it is still summer, after all -- but they never let go.

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1763 streak #1
Chapter 1: softy Yujin for her Nako unnie! Yujin being smooth, I'm happy they're getting closer with one another!
Chapter 1: I love this couple. So cute. I think they’re getting closer irl too~ saw they’re doing vlive together recently
Chapter 1: Yujin's being soft just around Nako, thanks authornim for your hard work
This is really adorable love to see we getting more nakjin content.
gay_for_chaeyeon #5
Chapter 1: this is so cute