I Feel Wonderful Only With You

Wonderful Tonight

It's not thirty minutes later when Irene and Seulgi finds themselves by the party venue. The latter maneuvers the car towards the entrance where valets are waiting to assist all guests.

Just as they were about to step out the car, Seulgi grabs the black shawl by the backseat, intending to wrap it over Irene's exposed shoulders. "Wait, you put this on Hyun."

Irene laughs in amusement at her lover, taking the piece of fabric away and deposits it back to the backseat. "Seul dont be silly I'm perfectly fine, besides a shawl won't go with my dress. In case I get cold later you'd lend me your coat right?" 

She huffed at her answer but soon enough warmed up at the question. "Of course Hyun, it goes without asking." She tucks a few strands of hair back in place before smiling her warmest one only reserved for her.

Irene smiles in return, focusing her attention back at her caressing her face fondly. She took notice of her slightly chapped lips and frowns- its nothing lip gloss cannot fix.

"Hang on one moment." Irene digs her purse for the lip gloss. "Let me put this on you baby, your lips are dry again." She stares in concentration as she takes Seulgi by the chin and started applying the lip gloss on her. Seulgi can taste the mild strawberry flavor of the gloss, her eyes locked on the beautiful face just inches away from her own, particularly at those cherry red lips. Like a magnet being pulled in, she finds herself planting a kiss on the pair of lips. Irene was caught off guard by the sudden kiss but didn't take a second to reciprocate.

It's a brief meeting but like the countless kisses they shared, it still took Seulgi's breath away. When they parted, they shared the same satisfied smiles. Seulgi squeezes Irene's hand once more. "Now let's go attend the party."

They walked out the car and Irene automatically hooks her arms with Seulgi as they approach the main entrance. Seulgi gives the car keys to the valet waiting by the door and they proceed to enter the hall. Irene glances up at her only to meet Seulgi's genuine smiles directed at her before they both replaced their masks. In this gathering away from the comforts of their home they are Irene Bae the award-winning actress who is the face of multiple brands both locally and international, and the charismatic Seulgi Kang, the most successful number one idol who charmed the world with her singing and dancing unmatched.

They entered the party hall with steps in unison stealing the spotlight. They earned not just the attention but also admiration of crowd of many celebrities and other media people present. They made their way through the crowd to socialize, greeting the hosts and guests together, bowing in respect to veteran actors and singers who are their seniors in the industry, and having their juniors bow to them in honor and respect.

All eyes are on them, Seulgi notices, especially on her. And Seulgi beams in both pride and joy, so proud of her lover and best friend seeing how everyone is captivated by her, the off-shoulder dress accentuating her beauty. Now she no longer minds the attention poured on her date, never mind if she doesn't get any attention to herself despite being on the same level of success in her field. In this type of social gathering, she expects attention on them as celebrities.

She knew that despite Irene's aloof public image she does enjoy the limelight as much as she enjoys her unwavering support since their rookie days. And Irene makes sure to give her arm a squeeze from time to time, it's more than enough to compensate.

They stumbled upon Irene's small circle of actress friends while Seulgi is being called by her friends in the music industry, and so they part with a kiss on a cheek to socialize with their circles from their respective fields. Irene finds herself in a conversation with her long time friends Jennie and Solar when Seulgi asked to join Moonbyul and Lisa who are across the hall by the bar counter. Irene finds herself skimping through the crowded hall for her every once in a while and would smile fondly whenever they would lock eyes.

It's after only a glass of champagne that Seulgi excuses herself from her friends for the rest room. After relieving herself, she makes way towards the open door to the patio for a breath of fresh air away from the crowd. Irene finds herself once more looking through the countless of faces in the crowd but couldn't find the pair of warm monolids she's all too familiar with. It was like she suddenly vanished from the face of the earth altogether- or she's just exaggerating.

"Joohyun unnie." Jennie calls out, successfully gaining the older woman's attention. "So how are you and Seulgi unnie? You guys are so secretive, hardly any rumors or news about you two since your engagement."

"Right! Unlike other couples who are always out and about, you two barely have any pictures taken by paparazzi. Do you two even go out the house when you dont have work schedules?" Solar adds.

Irene huffs. "You two should know, its not like Lisa and Moonbyul doesn't receive souvenir gifts from Seul." Irene points out how her friends' lovers are basically Seulgi's best friends too. "She makes sure to buy a lot of stuffs to give her friends whenever we go out of the country- which we often do. Must be why you don't see us frolicking around here. We prefer out of the country trips during breaks in between our schedules." She tells to satisfy her curious friends.

"Oh so that's where the bunch of ref magnets came from, Byul adds one every few months. You two surely go out a lot and Korea couldn't even catch whenever you two goes missing." The three broke into fits of laughter recalling that one time when Irene and Seulgi's disappearance that no eyes saw them in Korea for close to two months made into a news and that their sudden appearance in a station building where Seulgi drove her for a tv show guesting after coming back from their vacation made it to the breaking news.

"Speaking of being gone missing, I'll have to excuse myself and find Seulgi. She's been missing for some time now." Irene excused, smiling warily at her friends.

"Oh you better find her unnie." Jennie says mischief in her voice. "God knows what she might be up to. Might be looking for a place to hide from her fangirls, both seniors and our juniors alike are eyeing here since you two got here."

Irene just shakes her head and chuckles. "Alright then, I'm gonna go find her now to stake my claim." Ending their conversation, she went her way to find Seulgi. It took her a while to locate her, knowing how the other woman wasn't really in a perfect condition to socialize in affairs like this when she's nursing a jet lag, she might be somewhere with little to no crowd. She might want to be alone for air and the only place that can offer such tranquillity she needs is the patio.

So Irene heads towards the patio and found her sitting on the lone steel bench eyes closed, with the bright full moon above making her glow in such a way that made her ethereal, beauty that is beyond of this world. She walks towards her, the clanking of her all too familiar heels made the other woman open her eyes. Seulgi scoots over to make space and Irene joins her to sit on the bench.

Irene carved a small concerned smile directed to Seulgi, putting a hand on her cheek feeling the chills. "Baby, let's go home?"

"Hmm? No I still want to see the moon, the view is wonderful." Seulgi says but her eyes are nothing near the moon but at Irene. "Besides you're enjoying your time here talking to your friends, and don't deny."

Irene pouts like a child, a sight only Seulgi can see and she chuckles. "You can go back there Hyun, maybe you can even book another movie or something. It's only ten, I don't mind another hour or so here."

"But your health is important, baby. My drama filming just ended I can use a break and you need your sleep." Irene urges, it's not like they're in dire need of money or something. The two of them both made it the list of Forbes top 50 power celebrities for three years in a row even.

But Seulgi is as persistent if not more. "Thirty minutes top, how's that? You can go say goodbye to your colleagues and friends, I'll be just here to wait for you the room is a bit too crowded."

Still with a worried frown that Seulgi tried so hard to erase with her thumbs caressing on her both cheeks, Irene sighs. "Are you truly fine?" She asks, concern evident in her voice.

Seulgi smiles at her worrywart of a girlfiend. "Yes babe, I'll be fine here. You go back there now, everyone must be looking for you wondering where the goddess of Korea went missing to. Don't be gone too long or we might make it to headlines again." And they both laughed at this, but her laugh dies when she hears Seulgi coughs.

Irene cups her face in such an endearing manner that Seulgi falls even more in love with her. "Seriously tell me, do you feel alright Seul?"

And Seulgi just grins, her widest that is only reserved for Joohyun. She's so in love with this woman in front of her she realize- not the woman that the rest of the world admires and idolize, whose face is all over Korea worth multimillion dollars in endorsement deals, not top actress Irene Bae, no. Kang Seulgi is in love with Bae Joohyun stripped off the titles that the rest of the world gave. She's so much deep in love with the woman who is looking back at her so lovingly.

"I feel wonderful Hyun... I'm with you and this couldn't be anything less wonderful."





One more chap to end the song. Thanks for sticking around, comment are very much appreciated, I need them :)

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Its nothing serious but I might add to finish the whole song. I didn't even get to write on the chorus part yet


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Kimchi43 0 points #1
Chapter 3: CUTE
Chapter 3: Ah, I always like reading Seulrene's ff taking care when one of them has a fever.
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 3: I like it. I loike it a lok a lok
2181 streak #4
Rereading this again!!!!!
Chapter 3: not bad
Chapter 3: This is so beautiful and fluffy i wanna cry
seulrene_daze #7
Chapter 3: uwu why are they so soft
this is weird but i kinda like it whenever i read one of them is sick or got a fever

it kinda creates a CUTE and FLUFFY moment!
Wow this updated ;(
Chapter 1: Aah why so soft
39kura #10
Chapter 2: i love it! i feel like crying from fluff and softness!