Dinner with Super Junior

You are my Superman? *englisch version*

After Angel has bathed it knocks already at our door of the suite. It is Angel who immediately runs to the door and opens it. Her jaw drops as she sees Heechul standing in front of the door. Heechul Oppa "You're picking us up" she asks him in surprise. Heechul takes her by the arm "Yes Shindong-ah is waiting for us down in the car. Are you two pretty ladies ready for an evening of fun? "Angel nods and then calls for me already. "Mama, come Heechul Oppa is here and waits for us to leave. "Coming out of the bedroom I look at both of you. "Which one of you is rather impatient?" Angel grins at me. Taking my keycard I put it in my pocket. I also love Angel's little bag with her Super Junior stuff. Heechul brings us to Shindong Oppa´s Auto. When he sees us he grins just like Angel.

The drive to them in the Dorm took about 20min. And when we arrived there it was Leeteuk who opened the door for us and Donghae screamed "They are there. Our two guests have arrived," so now 8 young men storm into the living room and nod to us one after the other they introduce themselves. Angel waves off and says only to them "I know you all already Oppa´s. I am a huge fan of you. Especially from "Heechul Oppa" when Angel introduces himself with the name Lee Angel Shindong looks at me, I just shake my head. He knows what I mean by that. Please don't ask him in front of everyone. When Angel stuppst me on she also looks up to me "Mommy it's your turn" now I face the rest of the not in the plane was. My look goes through the room and as my name comes over my lips, from the sofa comes only a questioning "Layla?" looking at the voice I get a shock first and then nod "Yes I am it Sungmin-ah" I will do a devil and call him Oppa again. Those times are over. Leeteuk is it who takes me and Angel into the kitchen followed by the others. Looking at Shindong Oppa I ask him "quietly" you couldn't have told me he was here. Had I known that I wouldn't have come" Oppa looks at me "That's exactly why I didn't tell you, stubborn. I knew you'd back down "gently he takes my hands in his "Layla, it's all okay. I haven't told him anything and he will never hear from me either. That's all your decision Baby Girl" that someone hears the conversation we both don't get along with and so it's Ryeowook who asks us all to the table. Heechul grabbed my daughter and put her between herself and Kangin. Kangin is also enthusiastic about her. Especially since she speaks Korean with the two of them. When Yesung asks me how she can do that, I tell him that I was born here and lived here in Korea until I was 16 years old. When he asks me why I left, I look at Shindong and he nods. "I had private reasons to go Yesung Oppa" he nods and smiles at me. Shindong Oppa wants to know during the meal what I have been doing all these years. I explain to him that after my return to my father, I finished school, then completely retired from life for a year so that I could take care of my daughter. After that I got the offer from a model agency and I am still doing this work today. When asked what I am doing here in Korea, Angel says "We are here to visit grandma and grandpa and also so that mum can do a job here for a fashion magazine. After that we have 3 months vacation" so that she grins broadly into the round.

The food is wonderful. Ryeowook took the trouble to spoil us. When we are all finished Kangin takes Angel on her arm and goes with her into the living room to play with her. I want to help Ryeowook Oppa with the dishes. He refuses and gently pushes me out to the others.

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Hello, dear,
I wrote this story in German here years ago. Now I took a heart and translated or wrote it into English. Since English is not my main language, my mistakes are forgiven. Nevertheless I hope that you will like it somehow.

Your KeiMisaki


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