Meeting Sungjong

Childhood Love

Little changes to the story! MIANHE! MIANHE! 

But Please Enjoy! :)

Also when I do this it mean actions

ex.    ~hugs~




One day, you and your oppa decided to go to the park!


~~~~~:Ne Oppa!
Joon:I'm going to go get ice-cream arraso?  
~~~~~:Ne oppa!
Joon: Okay then! I'll be back in a tinsy bit Arraso?

~~~~~:Ne! :)

 You stood there watching her oppa run away to get ice cream then dashes off to play some more.


30 Minutes has past and Joon Oppa hasn't come back yet


~~~~~:Wheres oppa? He isn't back yet and the other kids are going home now. :(

You sat on the bench waiting for you oppa. Its been to long now and you start getting scared and worried. You ended up crying and couldn't stop. Soon there was a boy who came and sat next to you.


Boy: What's wrong?
~~~~~~: Oppa Left me! ;(
Boy: Don't worry he'll come back! Promise! ^o^
~~~~~~: Promise?
Boy: Yeah!!! ~holds out pinky finger~
~~~~~: Huh? ~Looks at him with a confused expression~
Boy: See like this ~Grabs your hand and linked pinkys~

~~~~~ finally stops her crying and giggled

Boy: YAY! You stoped crying! ^o^

You just giggled

Boy: Oh i forgot! What's your name? :)
~~~~~: ~~~~~! How about yours? :)
Boy: I'm Sungjong! :D  How old are you?
~~~~~: I'm 4!
Sungjong: Ahhhh!~ I seee! Im your oppa! :3 keke
~~~~~: Oh! So your older than me? ~ points to self~
Sungjong: Mmhhmm! :D Im 6! Im old! XD
~~~~~: No! Not like my oppa! XD hes OLDer than you! > 3<


They both laughed together. They both sat there for who knows how long getting to know each other.
Soon Joon Oppa comes.


~~~~~: Can you wait here for a sec Sungjongiee? :)
Sungjong: mm! :)
~~~~~:I'll be back!! :) ~Runs to her oppa~ OPPA!! What took you soo long!
Joon : Mianhe ~~~~~! They had a really long line and i tried to fine another ice cream place but there wasn't any so I went to the ice cream store and bought some! And i only had enough for one! Mianhe!
~~~~~: Aniyo Oppa! We can share! :D Oh and oppa i want you to meet someone! ~Drags him over to Sungjong~
Joon : Ahh arraso arraso! Oh your friend? :)
~~~~~: NE!! ^o^
Sungjong: ~~~~~-ah!~ Oh! Whose that? ~Points at Joon Oppa~
~~~~~: Oh this my oppa! :)
Sungjong: Ohh!~ Yah! I thought i was your oppa! 
~~~~~: keke! ^.^ Did i say you were?
Sungjong: Yah im older than you! I am your oppa!

~~~~~ Sitcks her tounge out at him!

Sungjong: Dont stick your tounge out at your oppa! 


While Sungjong and ~~~~~ are joking aroung Joon oppa just stands there quietly laughing at you two silliness.


Sungjong and you: Why are you laughing?
Joon : Keke! ^o^ Nothing!~~

Sungjong and yours face! >3<



Boring? Cute? Funny? 
Tell me what you think? 
Am I doing well? :) Tell me how to make it better? :) 

Well hope you enjoyed it! :) If you didnt then.... MIANHE! I Am still learning.  > 3<

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Wait for updates!! ^^ Saranghae Readers! ^^♥ This week Update for sure!!♥♥ @ Childhood Love


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Chapter 15: Update pls!I link the story but there are not alot of chappies!
Inspirit93 #2
Chapter 15: Update soon ^^
Inspirit93 #3
Please keep updating when you can :D
wahahaha~~~~ you should be equally saengie :PPPPP
Inspirit93 #5
Update soon ^^
evil maknae~ hahaha

your story ish cute author~ssi ^_^
jasarana16 #7
Kekekeke. SO CUTE! Update sooon~ ^O^
aww Joon oppa what have you done?? xD
please update soon :)
jasarana16 #9
I miss your update! D: Finally you updated!! :)))) Sungjong! Hehehe. KYEOPTAAA!!
jasarana16 #10