Family Day

A Day With Miyawaki Family


"I think the ribbon one is cute."

Nako look at the headbands on her hands. One with Ribbon, and one was the simple one. She look up to her mama.

"But this one,"

Nako raised the simple one.

"Is more cute, don't you think?"

Sakura rubbed her chin and look at the two headbands again.

"Hmm. For me, the Ribbon one is cute. It shows that you are wearing headband. Come here."

Sakura took the Ribbon one and put it in Nako's head and lead Nako in front of the mirror.

"See what I mean? You can see the ribbon on your head. While this,"

Sakura took off the ribbon one and put on the simple one.

"This doesn't looks like you are wearing headband."

Nako pouted. It's true that the ribbon one clearly shows her wearing headband but Nako really like the simple one.

"Beside, Hiichan are wearing the ribbon one too right? It's gonna looks cute."

Just then, Eunbi came in. She stare at the duo.

"What are you guys doing?"

Nako walk to her mommy.

"Which one should I wear mommy?"

Sakura walk behind Nako and went to Eunbi's side, sliding her arm around her wife's waist.

"I suggest her to wear the ribbon one, just for your info."

Eunbi stare at the one on Nako's head and the one at Nako's hand.

"I think the ribbon one is cute baby."

When Nako was about to defend her simple headband, Hitomi came.

"Ehh? Nako unnie you gonna wear that? Wear the one that matching with Hii~"

Hitomi whined at Nako. Nako sigh and took off her simple headband and wear the ribbon one. Sakura smile satisfiedly.

"Okay, now everyone ready right? Let's go."


"Hiichan look! Look! It's the Sakura tree is bloomed!"

Nako excitedly pointed at the Sakura tree at the park. Hitomi also jumped excitedly.

"Whoaaah it's so pretty! Look at there Nako unnie! Whoaa everything is bloomed!"

Nako and Hitomi walked hand in hand, looking at the Sakura tree around them. Not far from them was Yujin and Wonyoung, who also walking hand in hand.

"Look here Wonnie! It's Sakura petal!"

Yujin shows the Sakura petals in her hand. Wonyoung stare at the petals, and look at the back before staring back at Yujin.

"Mama petal?"

Yujin laugh and shake her head.

"No, no. Mama is Sakura human! This is Sakura flower! It's different, but both pretty!"

Wonyoung clapped her hand and took one of the petals from Yujin's hand.

"Mama and twee pwetty!!"

Yujin then took Wonyoung closer to the other tree. Behind them was Sakura and Eunbi, with Sakura's hand around Eunbi's waist. They were walking behind their kids, watching them playing happily with each other.

"Baby, take a picture of me in front of the tree."

Sakura nodded and took out her phone, waiting for Eunbi to stand and pose in front of the Sakura tree.

"Yaba- Good! Okay, one more time. Yabai! Whoa!"

Eunbi keep posing while Sakura keep taking a picture of her wife. Because of Sakura's reaction, Eunbi feels confidenin making a pose for her. She was satisfied with how Sakura keep yelling 'yabai' behind the camera while taking a picture of her. Nako and HItomi saw Sakura taking pictures of Eunbi so they ran to their parents.

"Mama! We want too!"

Nako and Hitomi went to Eunbi's side and pose with her. The three keep laughing and doing silly pose while Sakura trying to capture everything.

"Yuding! Come here with Wonnie!"

Eunbi yelled at Yujin who was still playing with Wonyoung. Hearing her mommy's voice, Yujin look up and saw Eunbi with Nako and Hitomi.

"Wait!! Yuding too!"

Yujin ran toward her family, only to stop halfway. She then turn back, realizing that she forgot her baby sister.

"Wonnie come on! Let's take a photo!!"

Wonyoung, who was busy with her petals, finally look up. She didn't even realized that Yujin almost left her here alone.


Yujin nodded and pulled Wonyoung softly. Wonyoung trails behind her sister while everyone was waiting for the duo.

"Okay, come here Wonnie."

Eunbi lift Wonyoung and hold her. Yujin was in front of Eunbi and Wonyoung with Nako and Hitomi beside her. Sakura took a photo of her family before she look around to find someone. She spotted a couple who was walking not far from their place.

"Excuse me!"

Sakura jogged to the couple and ask for herlp. She went back to her family with the couple walking behind her. She went to Eunbi's side and put her hand on Nako's shoulder. The couple give them an ok sign.

"Okay, say cheese~"


"Mama can we sleep in front of the TV tonight?"

The family just finished their dinner with fried chicken, toppokki, and cheese balls. The kids are having a blast over the cheese balls and Yujin couldn't stop eating her toppokki. Sakura stare down at Hitomi while holding the empty plate.

"Sure, why not. You gotta tell mommy too."

Hotomi squealed and hug Sakura before running to Eunbi, who was washing the dishes. Sakura shake her head and walk toward Eunbi and Nako who was walking the dishes before she put the plates on the sink.

"Mama said we can, mommy~"

Eunbi look up and stare at Sakura, who shrugged her shoulders.

"Why not? It's been awhile since the last time we sleep together with the kids right?"

Eunbi sighed and nodded.

"Okay, but don't forget to clean the bed tomorrow okay?"

Hitomi cheers and helped Nako to dry the plates before pulling her into their shared room. Sakura took over Nako's job and helped Eunbi to wash the dishes.

"It's been quite some time isn't it? Sleeping together with the kids?"

Eunbi nodded and sighed. She then turn her head to her wife and whined.

"But you know why we didn't do it anymore~! It's gonna be a huge mess and, and-"

Sakura laugh and bumped her shoulder to Eunbi's.

"Come on, hun. Nako is ten now, and Hiichanalso could help. Yujin probably gonna follow Nako and Wonnie is.. calmer than Yujin. I'll take responsibility!"

Eunbi hummed and rest her head to Sakura's shoulder.

"Well, I do missed sleeping with the kids."

Sakura grinned and kissed her head.

"I know you are."



Yujin start hittig her sisters with her pillow. Nako and Hitomi teamed up and hit Yujin back with their pillows. Yujin crawls under the pillow and reached out her hand to Wonyoung, who was laughing at the side.

"Wonnie! H-Help!"

Wonyoung took her pillow. Yujin smile widely as she was sure Wonyoung was about to help her, but she got hit instead by the youngest player.


Sakura and Eunbi were laughing at Yujin, who was now being attacked by her sisters. It was such a mess, but fun one. Eunbi look at the clock and went to the kitchen while Sakura watch the kids having their fun fight with each other. Nako finally ditched her sisters as she was feeling tired and plopped down beside Sakura resting her head in Sakura's arm.


Nako nodded. Sakura laughed and patted her head. Both are watching the fight and cheering for HiiWon duo against Yujin, who was now holding two pillows.

"Now! I will seek my revenge-"

"Okay, milk time babies~"

Hitomi and Wonyoung immediately dropped their pillows and ran toward Eunbi. Even Nako stood up quickly to get her warm milk.

"Hey! I was about to get my revenge!"

Sakura chuckled and patted Yujin's head.

"Next time, Ding. Nw go drink your milk."

While the kids are enjoying their warm milk, Sakura rearranged their messy bed so her kids could sleep comfortably after their drink. Wonyoung was the first one who finished her milk and rubbed her eyes.


Eunbi caressed her hair. Wonyoung yawned and nodded before she rest her head on Eunbi's lap and her thumb, waiting for her sisters to finished their drinks. Sakura also waited for her kids whle playing her Switch. Hitomi, who was now finished, went to Sakura's side and watch her play.

"Mama look! Strawberry chair! Ohh! Lots of strawberries!"

Sakura nodded and bought all the strawberries furniture for Hitomi to play later. While Eunbi went to the kitchen to wash the glass with Nako, Yujin joined her mama and sister and watch her mama play her Switch.

"Oh, look. Yena's here."

Yujin leaned forward excitedly.

"Let me play! Let me play!"

Sakura let Yujin sit on her lap and let her play. She was interacting with Yena and suddenly, Yujin put out her net and chase Yena with it. Sakura was laughing out loud because of that.

"Oh mama! Yena unnie is chasing me!"

Sakura took over from Yujin and decided to chase Yena away from her island. She then turned off her Switch when Eunbi and Nako are back from washing the glass.

"Okay, time to sleep."

Eunbi lift Wonyoung who was already asleep at the side and put her beside Hitomi, who immediately hold Wonyoung's tiny hand. Nako patted the pillow beside her before Yujin took over the place and snuggled closer to her big sister. Sakura kissed their forehead before turned the lights off, leaving the light at the kitchen on. She then crawls beside Eunbi, who was now snuggles in her embrace. Sakura watch her kids fall asleep before she turned her attention back to Eunbi. She caressed her wife's hair softly, making Eunbi lift her head and raised her brow.

"I love you."

Eunbi smile at the confession from her wife and kissed her neck softly.

"I love you too, big baby."



Hi! Long time no see! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates XC I got writer's block (not surprised) and got tons of works because of WFH. I swear to god I don't have working hours ever since we start WFH and I can't wait to go back to the office X[

Okay, enough rambling! For this story, I tried to put all the moments that I've missed to write and hopefully it doesn't look.. rushed? I hope you guys love this! And please do leave your opinion about this one!

I hope you guys like this! 


P.S Sorry for typos and grammars

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1761 streak #1
Chapter 130: so... cute.. :)
reigngrey #2
Chapter 130: Nice chapter. Like the interactions between yujin and wonyoung
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 130: Cute! It’s good to see that the kids are growing up and learning more :)
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 130: ahh ive members making a cameo
reigngrey #6
Chapter 129: Loving the new chapters. Its really bittersweet. Nako becomes more tsundere he he he
anonymebr #7
Chapter 129: they grow so fast
1761 streak #8
Chapter 129: so sweet! and time flies! the kiddos are growing up!
idkfaw #9
Chapter 129: The kids are growing up so well :')
akrr1997 #10
Chapter 129: Poor Saku! The kids are really growing up huh :(