Mommy's Birthday

A Day With Miyawaki Family


Eunbi blinked her eyes repeatedly, trying to adjust her vision. It was already bright outside, but since today is Sunday, it was fine to wake up late. Besides, the kids will barge in when they’re hungry. Right now, Eunbi just wants to sleep more, and cuddle with her wife… who was no longer in bed. 

Eunbi groaned as she tried to find the warmth of her wife’s body, but found none. So she forced her eyes open, and stared at the empty bed beside her.

“Isn’t it Sunday today?”

Eunbi mumbled groggily. She wanted to embrace herself with Sakura’s body, but it seems the other woman was already up. But weirdly enough, she didn’t hear anything from the outside. Usually, Sakura only wakes up early if there’s a game release, or Yujin woke up earlier than any of them. And it won’t be this quiet as Yujin would probably run around, with Sakura nagging at her.


Eunbi hurriedly washed her face, brushed her teeth, and changed her clothes before she checked up on her wife.


Eunbi closed the door behind her as her eyes scanned the house. There is no sign of her wife, or even her kids. She checked the clock above the TV.

“It’s already 9. There is no way the kids are still sleeping, except Yujin.”

Eunbi hurriedly went to Nako and Hitomi's room. She found no one. The bed was clean, the desk was clean, everything was clean. Not even a single laundry could be found. Eunbi frowned before she closed the door and went to the youngest room, hoping to find her babies sleeping soundly. Usually, Sakura would take Nako and Hitomi outside to buy brunch for the family. But her heart dropped when she also found no one in the youngest bed. Even their room was also cleaned already.

Eunbi bit her lips, suddenly feeling incredibly anxious about her missing family. She was about to run back to their room to take her phone and call the police, until she noticed a plate of waffle pancakes, sprite, and fruits. All her favorites. There is also a standing note left in there.

“Enjoy your free day, mommy!

                         - Love, Family"

Eunbi sighed in relief, before she cooed over the letter, that might be written by Yujin, considering how messy it was. But Eunbi still loves it. She took a seat, taking pictures of the food and standing note, before enjoying her breakfast.

After she finished her breakfast and put it on the sink (Sakura put a warning note for Eunbi to NOT wash the dishes), Eunbi plopped herself down to the sofa, enjoying the morning coffee. It’s been awhile, yes, but Eunbi knows she will enjoy it again soon since Wonyoung are going to go to the daycare soon. But a heads up was also nice.

As she was enjoying her coffee, she heard a knock on the front door. She smiles behind her cup, thinking it was her wife and her kids. Turns out, it was Chaewon, who was grinning.

“Happy birthday, unnie!”

Chaewon squeezed her cousin as Eunbi laughed and squeezed her back. Before Eunbi could invite Chaewon inside, Chaewon already tugged her arm, about to take her outside.

“Wait, wait! Where are you going??”

Chaewon grinned.

“You mean we. Come on, unnie! It’s been awhile since the last time we’re shopping together! Hyewon unnie is waiting for us, come on!”

Eunbi pulled her arm away from Chaewon, reasoning that she needed to change her clothes. Chaewon agrees and waits for her in the car. While she changed her clothes, Eunbi smiled at herself, fully knowing that Sakura was behind all of this. After making sure she was ready, she went downstairs and let Chaewon drive wherever they were going.

When they arrived, Hyewon immediately hooked her arms with Eunbi, and dragged her everywhere. Even Chaewon lost them at one point. Hyewon made sure Eunbi bought clothes for herself, not for her kids.

“Well, the kids are with Kkura right? They’ll be fine. Kkura are whipped to them.”

And of course Eunbi couldn’t resist the temptation of buying clothes. And also jewelry. Hyewon made sure she paid all of them with the card Sakura gave to her yesterday. Sakura also mentioned for Hyewon and Chaewon to buy something for themselves, and of course the two of them didn’t say no.

After shopping, having lunch, taking pictures, watching movies, and buying dinner for the family, Chaewon dropped Eunbi back to her home. Eunbi frowned when she saw her house was still dark, despite it already 6 in the afternoon.

“Maybe they haven't come back yet?”

Eunbi hummed and got out of the car. She rested her hand on the window car.

“Thank you, both of you. I had fun.”

Hyewon grinned and patted her arms.

“Thank Kkura. She’s the one who planned all this. And happy birthday once again, unnie!”

Eunbi waved her hand to the car until it was nowhere to be seen before she came inside the house. She unlocked the door slowly as her hands were full with shopping bags. She put all the shopping bags down and locked the door before she proceeded to go inside. As she was about to put all the bags on the sofa, her heart melted at the sight of decorated family rooms with her wife and kids sleeping on the sofa. Sakura was in the middle, with Nako and Hitomi beside her. Wonyoung was on top of Sakura, and Yujin could be found sleeping with her head on Nako’s lap. Eunbi took a picture of them.

“Best birthday ever.”



Happy birthday for bunny leadr, Kwon Eunbi!

Go wish her a happy birthday if you haven't done that!

P.S Sorry for typos and grammars.

P.S.S sorry if it's short, I had to write this after I wrote Minkkubi one-shot

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1752 streak #1
Chapter 130: so... cute.. :)
reigngrey #2
Chapter 130: Nice chapter. Like the interactions between yujin and wonyoung
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 130: Cute! It’s good to see that the kids are growing up and learning more :)
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 130: ahh ive members making a cameo
reigngrey #6
Chapter 129: Loving the new chapters. Its really bittersweet. Nako becomes more tsundere he he he
anonymebr #7
Chapter 129: they grow so fast
1752 streak #8
Chapter 129: so sweet! and time flies! the kiddos are growing up!
idkfaw #9
Chapter 129: The kids are growing up so well :')
akrr1997 #10
Chapter 129: Poor Saku! The kids are really growing up huh :(