
A Day With Miyawaki Family



Sakura leaned back, checking the camera and TV. Yujin ran to her excitedly.


Sakura grinned and patted Yujin's head.

"Yes, yes. Nako unnie had homework so we are going to help her. Can you do that?"

Yujin nodded excitedly and ran to the sofa.


Sakura laughed at Yujin, who was jumping on the sofa. Eunbi came in with Wonyoung in her arms. She set Wonyoung down and walked to Sakura, who was still standing in front of the TV and laptop.

"Thank god you're home early. I wouldn't know how to do this."

Sakura grinned and stole a kiss from her wife's cheek.

"Where's Nako and Hiichan?"

Right after Sakura asked the question, Nako and Hitomi appeared from the kitchen, each holding plastic bags.

"What was that for?"

Eunbi helps Nako and Hitomi. It was chicken and Sannakji. The appearance of Sannakji makes Sakura gulp her saliva.

"My teacher told me to make a vlog with my family so I thought about a video of us eating? Besides, it's dinner time anyway."

Yujin already sat down beside Eunbi, who organized all the food on the table. Hitomi helped Eunbi with her while Nako was with Sakura, trying to help with the angle.

"Is this good? Your mom will be in the center."

Nako stared back and forth from the laptop to her family near the sofa. 

"Yeah, I think this is good. So where are we supposed to sit, mama?"

Sakura stares at her family.

"Oh, right. We should raise the camera angle so- Nako, try to sit on the sofa."

Nako jogged to the sofa and sat there. As Sakura fixed the camera, Eunbi finally finished organizing with the food.

"Whoa.. Chicken smell.."

Hitomi and Yujin leaned closer to the box of chicken, trying to inhale the smells away. Eunbi laughed at the two as Wonyoung copied her sisters. Nako in the back tried to take a picture of her family, thinking she's going to use that for her report.

"Done! Can I start record- Yah, yah! Yuding! Don't start-"

Yujin glanced up at her mama, with a chicken leg in . Eunbi stares in disbelief as Wonyoung also does the same.

"It's okay mama. We can just start recording. I'll do the opening later."

Nako was already giving up as she saw her sisters stole the chicken when Eunbi got distracted. She thought it was bad of her if she kept her sisters from eating as this probably past their dinner. Sakura jogged and threw herself on the sofa.

"So, we just eat? Like that?"

Nako nodded. Eunbi passed the Sannakji to Sakura, who was sitting behind her. Sakura set aside Sannakji.

"Can I have those cheese balls? It's been awhile.."

Yujin happily brings that to her mama, and watches her eat the cheese balls.

"Yuding likes it when mama eat a lot."

Sakura stops shoving the cheese ball and stares at Yujin.

"Is that so?"

Yujin nodded her head excitedly.

"Your cheeks puffed like that fish with a big stomach that we saw in Aquarium, mama! You look funny!"

Sakura burst into laughter, and some of the crumbs went to Eunbi's head.


Hitomi laughed at her parents, but helped her mama to get rid of the crumbs from Eunbi's head.

"I'm sorry! And it's Blowfish, Ding. You still remember that fish?"

Yujin nodded and gnawed on the chicken bone.

"Because it's big!"

Nako stepped aside from the sofa and went to Hitomi's side.

"Hiichan, pass me the chicken please."

Hitomi took a chicken and gave it to Nako. Nako pouted.

"No more chicken legs?"

Hitomi took the box with her and searched through the piles of chicken in there.

"There's a wing. Do you want this instead unnie?"

Nako nodded her head happily. Hitomi replaced the chicken from Nako's plate and put it in her plate before she passed the chicken wing to Nako.

"Thanks Hiichan!"

Nako kissed the top of her sister's head before she went back to the sofa, enjoying her chicken and forgetting her homework. It is safe to say that the family forgot about the whole recording thing. Even Wonyoung who was focused on her chicken leg before has already finished and is now laying down on Eunbi's thigh. Sakura finished her cheese balls and chicken before she took the unopened Sannakji.

"Hun, I'm gonna eat Sannakji. Do you want to?"

Eunbi looked up to her wife.

"Ohh! I want it too!"

Eunbi takes a pillow from the sofa before she puts it under Wonyoung's head. The poor baby was too full to even move. Eunbi lifts herself up from the floor and sits beside Sakura. Eunbi watched Sakura focusing herself to open the Sannakji. Eunbi smiled at the sight and couldn't help but leaned closer to kiss her wife's cheek. Sakura startled with the sudden kiss, but smiled anyway.

"What was that about?"

Eunbi shrugged her shoulders and rested her head on Sakura's shoulder. Sakura fed her wife first after she opened the lid before she devoured the Sannakji for herself. As the parents enjoy their meal, Nako stares at Yujin who was staring straight at the TV.

"Ding? You okay?"

Yujin turns her head to Nako.

"Unnie. We're not on TV anymore."

Sakura and Eunbi turn their heads to the TV, only to find both the laptop and TV showing black screen.

"Nooo! The battery!!"




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1761 streak #1
Chapter 130: so... cute.. :)
reigngrey #2
Chapter 130: Nice chapter. Like the interactions between yujin and wonyoung
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 130: Cute! It’s good to see that the kids are growing up and learning more :)
xxdrakezz #4
Chapter 130: ahh ive members making a cameo
reigngrey #6
Chapter 129: Loving the new chapters. Its really bittersweet. Nako becomes more tsundere he he he
anonymebr #7
Chapter 129: they grow so fast
1761 streak #8
Chapter 129: so sweet! and time flies! the kiddos are growing up!
idkfaw #9
Chapter 129: The kids are growing up so well :')
akrr1997 #10
Chapter 129: Poor Saku! The kids are really growing up huh :(