
Just One Smile
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It was normal fine sunny Sunday for Mina. She just dropped off her first ride of the day. She knew it was a good day. Her hair was on point. Her outfit was cute. Her bones weren't stiff. Her car was good to go. She just felt good all over. Then she got a new notification saying that there is someone 5 blocks away that needed to catch a ride. The phone screen displayed "ACCEPT" and "DECLINE". Mina without a doubt in her mind clicked "ACCEPT". 

After a few minutes Mina arrived at the designated pick up point. The place was calm. It was at the back of a church. She spotted people arranging and organizing the place. "Maybe there's going to be a wedding here today." Mina smiled at the thought and scanned for the potential passenger she is about to give a ride to. Then her eyes met with someone's and she immediately freaked out. "Why the hell is she in a wedding gown?". Mina didn't liked this. There was no one other than that girl who was there. 

Mina rolled down her window anxiously and said in her loudest voice, "Uber?" 

The girl in the gown quickly went to the car with her phone in hand and answered, "Yeah here."

"Oh my gosh, Oh my God! Is she running away? I don't want to have a runaway bride in my car. Oh dear. Oh she's coming in." Mina thought to herself. This wasn't happening. She wanted to apologize to the girl and say that she didn't like the idea of this but the girl was already in the car.

"Well hi there. Uhm can you take me to the park or I don't know? Maybe Mcdonalds? I just want a place where I can think and get this all in." The girl said in heavy breath. Mina thought she ran a marathon.

"Okay miss? Mrs.?" 

"Oh it's just miss. For now. I think. Maybe? I don't know I just want to think for a moment. Just call me Nayeon by the way. And you are?"

"I'm Mina." And with that Mina drove off not knowing where the hell to go.


With Where You At by LOONA was blasting from the radio. MIna couldn't stop looking at her passenger. She was pretty to say the least. She had this brown orbs that can easily hypnotize you if you stare for too long. Her pink wavy exquisite locks. Her voice that was singing along to the song. The only thing that was missing was her smile. The whole time they were in the car she wasn't smiling. Well I wouldn't be smiling too if I was trying to runaway from my own wedding. Mina thought to herself. MIna looked at her for quite sometime and wow was the only word that she can think and-


Did she caught me staring at her? Oh my.

"Ye-yeah?" The raven haired girl responded like she was caught stealing from a store.

"Look at the road not me. I know I'm beautiful but don't stare too long." The pink haired girl laughed and smiled for a bit. 

Mina saw her smile and thought that that was supposed to be in a museum and that she shouldn't be feeling this way for a girl. Myoi Mina get yourself together, she's going to be married. I think?

"What do

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1436 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was really cute! I enjoyed reading it.
Wivern #2
Chapter 1: I can't move on from googly eyes. ^-^
sSNiZzy0418 #3
Chapter 1: Cuteee ???
Chapter 1: of course she was playing LOONA hhhhhh this is cute!!! <3
Chapter 1: this is so cuuute
Chapter 1: continue this pleaaase
Chapter 1: Im lovin it
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee